Chapter 503 Tyrant
"Ah, it's been a long time since I went shopping so happily." Shen Yan looked at the pile of clothes piled up beside her, and smiled contentedly. After looking at her, she was a little embarrassed: "Sorry, I made you spend so much money."

"Actually, this is also your money." Li Tianyu explained, "Look, these are exchanged for GP, and your GP is used to strengthen my strength to protect me, so my GP can be exchanged for cash and bought for you." stuff, right?"

"Hey..." Shen Yan smiled brilliantly, and gently rubbed her toes against him under the table, her provocation was beyond words.

"Don't be too happy, there are other things to buy after you go back." Li Tianyu said with a sneer, and stretched out his hand to pinch Shen Yan's nose.But it cannot be denied that Shen Yan really has a clothes hanger, no matter what clothes she wears, she looks so good-looking, especially like a goddess, making him stand out like a vulgar...

However, fortunately, everyone didn't think that the flowers were planted on the cow dung, but that Shen Yan was a lover who was taken care of by a rich man like him, which made him a little dumbfounded.

While waiting for the food to be served, Li Tianyu saw Cai Jia sitting outside them eating a packaged sushi alone. I ate so much.

Therefore, Li Tianyu sent her a message: "Come in and eat together in the restaurant. Sit at the table next to ours, and it will be convenient for us to exchange information. I will pay for you later. I still have a lot of questions to ask."

Cai Jia looked down at the news, and after hesitating for a while, she came in and sat down at the table next to them.Because they were sitting at a single table, the people at the two tables were actually less than half a meter apart, so they could hear everyone talking.

"This is much more convenient." Li Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief, "Then, did something happen abroad?"

"It's not like something happened, it's just that foreign players have always been dishonest." Cai Jia said, grabbed the menu and looked at it, then raised his hand and shouted to the waiter: "Waiter, give me a copy of this set meal A." Then she continued: "Probably because of cultural reasons, domestic players are generally shy, but foreign players are very arrogant."

"Hmm..." Li Tianyu thought for a while, and felt that foreigners really feel this way. There are relatively few introverted people like him. It can be seen from foreign Two-dimensional works that superheroes and villains are basically foreign The choices players will make after gaining superpowers are either to become a hero to protect the world, or to become a villain to destroy the world. There is no middle ground.

Whether the players who join this game are influenced by Two-dimensional works, or whether Two-dimensional works are an extension of human inner thoughts is still unknown.But Li Tianyu feels that it is not so easy for ordinary people to be a hero, because it is not easy to be a hero. It is not enough to have superpowers, and you have to learn to restrain your desires and control your behavior.

For example, before Spiderman joined Iron Man, he was poor. If he was an ordinary person, would he be able to endure such a poor life with superpowers?Anyway, Li Tianyu can't bear it. If he were Spiderman, he would rely on his own ability and knowledge to improve his life first, instead of living in such embarrassment.

It is precisely because of this situation that it is usually difficult for people to become superheroes, but they are led step by step into the abyss by their own desires, and eventually become villains.The facts are indeed as Li Tianyu guessed. At the beginning, the US government chose to cooperate with the players just like their country, and the cooperation between the two parties was not bad. The government successfully portrayed them as heroes.

However, it is impossible for people to make everyone like themselves. Even the most perfect person will be hated by some people, especially in the United States, where freedom of speech is a situation. Although some people are envious of these "superheroes" on the Internet, they also Some people also questioned these superheroes and made some insulting remarks.

So some of these players began to be dissatisfied, but the government must not listen to their punishment to those who made these remarks, and these players acted with their own abilities.Because the game requires players to deal with, the U.S. government did not impose restrictions on these players, although they could have done this at the time, because the original players were not very capable.

Leaving aside Li Tianyu who has devil fruit abilities, most of the other players in the early stages of the game, their character attributes are actually not high enough to fight against a country's military force.But at this stage, the player's abilities have been formed, and the technology of the human world can't stop the player. At this time, the player can naturally be lawless.

It is also under the continuous expansion of this desire that those players who were once praised as heroes eventually became villains.Now these players are starting to constrain the US government in turn, making various demands on the US government.In order to deal with the Two-dimensional invasion, the U.S. government can only continue to compromise. Up to now, the U.S. government has basically become a decoration.

Of course, American imperialism does not really care about the happiness of ordinary people, but they will never allow their rights to be challenged, so some time ago they sent troops to fight against the local players in the United States, and they fled in defeat.

So, after this, the US emperor thought of another method: Since the technology on the earth cannot fight against the players, why not rely on the players?Players from our own country can’t do it, we can borrow from other countries!

However, it is clear that China did not agree to lend the player to the United States, otherwise Li Tianyu would have known about it long ago.After all, the diplomatic relations between China and the United States have always been delicate, and it is not particularly friendly.

However, in order to please the US emperor, other countries lent out a few players. Although they did not completely get rid of those players, they temporarily suppressed the limelight of those people and made them restrain themselves a little.However……

Before the start of the last round of knockout rounds, the abilities of some players in the US empire seemed to have reached the peak of their own curves. Among them, one player was extremely powerful. He single-handedly killed four players borrowed by the United States from abroad. It completely shocked the "player world" at home and abroad, and made other countries dare not lend their players to them.

And this player is still lawless in the United States and is not bound by anyone or any force.

"Actually, you don't even understand why the US emperors and those people can become the world's most powerful country. They are obviously a bunch of idiots." Li Tianyu said helplessly, "In comparison, I think the Chinese people's approach is much smarter. Different people and players of different teams maintain relationships, so that players can restrict each other."

"What is that person's ability? So powerful?" Shen Yan asked curiously.

"I heard it's a superhuman ability." Cai Jia explained, "The American emperor helped players do a lot of things in the early stage, such as controlling the player's mission score, minimizing internal conflicts among players, and helping players distribute mission rewards as evenly as possible. .”

"But there will always be someone who will be eliminated?" Li Tianyu frowned, Cai Jia nodded: "They use a scientific algorithm to evaluate a player's ability coefficient, the coefficient is relatively low and there is no outstanding performance The players will be arranged to be 'eliminated' in the end, and those strong players or players with special potential will be arranged to stay."

"This is really scary..." Li Tianyu frowned and thought to himself, "Artificially intervened in the ecology of this game and destroyed the balance of the game... They will breed a monster in this way."

The game itself is very balanced. A strong ability in the early stage, such as Liu Zihao's ability combination, is relatively weak in the later stage, and a particularly strong ability in the later stage is usually weak in the early stage, and the most typical representative is Superman.Only when the bloodline is full, can the superman bloodline completely overcome his "kryptonite" weakness.

Therefore, this game has its own ecology, and those who are strong in the late stage and early stage can easily be eliminated.The US government's approach is equivalent to breaking this law, forcing those players who are strong in the later stage to pass the early stage safely.

Wang Yang's ability combination is actually a typical one. His set of ability combination is quite powerful even if all three abilities are at the full level in the later stage. Few people can confront him head-on.

But being too weak in the early stage and being easily restrained is the key to this ability, so Wang Yang did not survive to the end and was eliminated before the second week.

With the meddling of the U.S. government, the players who should have been eliminated in the early stage have easily passed their dangerous period, and now no one can control it.What is even more exaggerated is that this behavior has completely changed the player's ability combination.

For example, the Saiyan bloodline, this bloodline needs to be recovered after a serious injury to trigger the passive attribute increase effect, so the average player must arrange for himself a self-healing ability in order to survive.

After the intervention of the U.S. government, these players don’t need to do this anymore. They can replace their special ability with another to enhance their ability. Anyway, the passive attribute increase of Saiyan blood can only be triggered five times. After five times There is no need for this insurance.Superman's ability is also basically a truth.

So when Cai Jia said that this player's ability is of superhuman blood, Li Tianyu roughly knew the cause and effect of the matter.

"This is very troublesome." Li Tianyu mused. Such an intervention by the US government completely broke the ecological environment of the game, not to mention disrupting the ability of the players.For the previous players, he could also infer other ability combinations based on one of the opponent's abilities, but this is not necessarily the case now, after all, someone helped them survive the early stage.

For players, ability matching must be based on the later stage, and it can be matched as strong as possible in the later stage.

Among other things, the Kryptonian blood of this superman player has definitely risen to level eight or even level nine, and it will be a matter of time before he reaches level ten.Thinking of this Li Tianyu gave me a headache, one hundred points of physique, strength and agility, how fucking long would it take to kill him?These American politicians really don't mind too many things, and they deserve to be overthrown.

This is also the reason why he doesn't like the role of Superman in DC. It is because of the existence of Superman that it is impossible to have a "balance" in the entire DC universe.If the villain is too strong, other superheroes will become the head-giving soldiers, but if the villain is too weak and not enough for Superman to fight, it is simply a failure of the DC world.

And the actions of these American politicians once again proved this point. They did not cultivate a superman, but a tyrant.Superman is limited only by his own morality, and the player is not Clark Kent.

"So the current international situation is very tense. At present, other countries are unwilling to take care of the mess in the United States. Everyone's request is to hope that the United States can take good care of its players, so that they don't go to other places to make trouble, and borrow their players. It’s even more impossible to give them.” Cai Jia explained.

"But?" Li Tianyu asked tentatively, and Cai Jia shook his head and sighed: "But... you know how shameless those politicians in the United States are. They see that other countries don't want to care about them, so they just act like dead pigs. The appearance of boiling water means that they can't control these players, and these players are free to go wherever they like."

"As expected." Shen Yan rolled her eyes and muttered while drinking her drink.

"It means to leave the mess to other countries." Li Tianyu said with a smile, "it fits their style very well."

"However, at present, these players have no plans to go to other countries. Although the United States says on the surface that they can't control them, they will certainly not easily let these people go abroad to make trouble. Otherwise, they will not be able to face the face of the largest country. Other countries will also put pressure on them, diplomatic means, you also know." Cai Jia said in a low voice, "But... now the game has developed to the point of confrontation with foreign players, so we need to pay more attention to this matter , let us pay more attention."

"It's quite troublesome." Li Tianyu said a little annoyed, and the various dishes in front of him were no longer attractive.

"That's all I can tell you." Cai Jia said as she ate the risotto in front of her. "In short, you don't need to worry about it now. Things shouldn't get to that point. still have to be prepared .”

"I know." Li Tianyu nodded. Although he found it troublesome, he had to experience it with his own eyes to know how strong this player is.No matter what ability is matched, it will not be invincible, and a way can always be found.

After Li Tianyu's infinite company is perfected, there should be a way to deal with this guy. As long as his magic value is sufficient, no matter how high his physique is, he will be taken away by the same set, until he is beaten to death.

However, Superman's [-] points of physical strength... I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with.

But Li Tianyu wasn't particularly worried. After all, there were eight people in their team. It was really impossible. Let Xia Ning and the others create opportunities, and then the four of them should be able to instantly kill this superman player with a single shot of Disintegration Ray.The disintegrating ray ignores defense, as long as there is no special self-healing ability like King Kong and Deadpool, one shot will kill.

"So, for the time being, everything is business as usual. If there are any special circumstances in the future, I will notify you separately. During this time, you just need to prepare for the Two-dimensional invasion." Cai Jia said, wiping her mouth with a tissue: "Thank you Your supper."

(End of this chapter)

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