Chapter 514 Set sail
Such things as treasure maps will definitely not be taken out at the beginning of the auction, so the first auctions are all useless things.Although there are a lot of contraband and magical props that seem interesting, Li Tianyu has no intention of spending money on these things.

What they have to do now is to be empty-handed wolves, buy the map if they can, and snatch it from the person who bought it if they can't, and then buy a ship and hire a group of people to go to sea to search for treasure.

"It's so boring, can't we get straight to the point?" Shen Yan whispered next to him, "The smell here is so bad."

After all, fish and dragons are mixed together, and the body odor of various men is mixed in this place, which makes people feel as if they are among dozens of gorillas.Li Tianyu also felt a little uncomfortable, but now he could only endure it. After all, this is not an ordinary game, and the useless plots are not allowed to be skipped, so he can only wait silently for the plot to pass.

Finally, the auction house came to an end, and the host no longer kept secrets.

"Okay, I believe everyone is not here today for these gadgets, and it's time for today's protagonist to appear." The host smiled mysteriously, and then suddenly opened the curtain on the back seat behind him, on which was placed an exquisite compass.

"The Sirens' treasure map..." the host whispered in a distant voice, "It is said that the Sirens would gather the treasures on the ships they attacked, and slowly accumulate them, eventually becoming a small island. This compass will Will guide you to that island. Some people say it is a trap to lead people into the arms of the sirens, while others think it is a good opportunity to get rich, hum..."

Speaking of this, the host shrugged: "Who knows? But the greater the risk, the greater the reward. So, do you want to avoid these terrible sea monsters like other crew members, or take the initiative to throw yourself into the arms , take away the treasures they collected? I believe everyone who came today knows it in their hearts? Then, its starting price is five hundred gold coins, one hundred and one plus."

"Fuck your mother, the starting bid is five hundred gold coins, why don't you grab it..." Li Tianyu frowned and spat.

However, despite this, he still raised the sign in his hand, and the host smiled: "The bid on the 13th is five hundred, is there any higher? Five hundred gold coins once, five hundred gold coins..."

Someone immediately raised the sign, and the host laughed: "Ah, the bid is 15 on the [-]th!"

At this time, Liu Zihao suddenly raised his watch, and more than a dozen bee drones flew out of his watch, and then the people on the scene began to faint for no reason.Li Tianyu raised the sign before anyone thought it was strange, and the host continued: "13 gold coins on the [-]th! Is there anything higher than [-] gold coins? [-] gold coins once..."

Several people fainted one after another. Some people felt strange about this, but before they could speak, they were hit by the anesthesia needle of the bee drone and fainted.Although the host thought it was strange, there was a sudden explosion outside the venue, and then there was a sudden chaos outside.Li Tianyu opened his heart network and sensed that the crowd outside were fleeing in all directions.It seems that there are not only the four of them who want to prostitute this compass for nothing today, but also others.

However, this scene is a local area network, which means that there are no other players in the scene, so it must be another NPC.Li Tianyu thought for a while and warned Shen Yan and the other three: "Don't stop us later and let the compass be snatched away."

"Black and black? I like it..." Liu Zihao rubbed his hands excitedly and smiled, then Li Tianyu led the three of them back, and there was a loud noise from the door behind him, and a cannon blasted a gap, a group of Mongolians The crew on the front rushed in from the outside and fought with the guards in the venue, while Li Tianyu took advantage of the chaos and left the venue with his teammates flashing.

After coming to the roof of a certain building outside, the four of them started watching a play.

"Why don't we just snatch the treasure map?" Shen Yan muttered, "It's still such a hassle."

"Because I think this is more perfect..." Li Tianyu thought for a while and replied, "We are not the ones who stole the treasure from the meeting place. The officers and soldiers will catch them if they want to catch them, and other pirates will follow them. And we snatched the compass Wouldn’t it be nice to not have to bear any consequences? Of course, it might be more time-saving to grab it directly..."

"Time doesn't mean much here." Zheng Nanxing pouted and said, "It's ten hours anyway."

"Forget it, just listen to Brother Tianyu, just to be on the safe side." Liu Zihao sighed and said, "We have come to this point."

They waited outside for about 10 minutes. During this period, there were constant disturbances in the venue. The streets outside were full of pirates scurrying around, and more and more people were coming over from the port. It seemed that the pirates coming were not from the same group. , but multiple groups of pirates teamed up to snatch the compass.

At this moment, the entire port is in chaos, pirates and soldiers are fighting together, and the pirates in the auction hall have successfully broken through at this moment, a group of people broke out from the back door of the auction house, skillfully heading towards the alley behind the auction hall ran, and a group of people with horses were waiting to meet them at the exit of the alley.

"Here we come..." Li Tianyu murmured to himself, then opened his heart net, and focused his attention on this group of people. After they gradually moved away from the auction site, Li Tianyu flashed directly in front of this group of people.

"How did this guy appear!?" These pirates looked at Li Tianyu and said to themselves in surprise.

Li Tianyu didn't tell them more. There was a group of soldiers chasing them now. He wanted to get the matter done before that group of soldiers caught up, and he also wanted to make the soldiers think that the compass was stolen by these pirates.So he waved and threw a dozen thunderbirds to hit these pirates. After all, the pirates in this plane were just ordinary people. They fell off their horses after being hit by lightning.

Then, Li Tianyu gathered everyone together with the Grip of Thunder, and then led them to move more than ten kilometers away in an instant with a flash. Only the dozen or so horses were left on the scene.

"Yes..." Li Tianyu found an exquisite treasure box on these pirates. When he opened it, the compass was inside.

The soldiers could never figure out how the pirates were able to shake them off without riding horses.But those pirates will never show up again. Although the voltage of Thunderbird is not high, it is easy to kill these ordinary people.Li Tianyu returned to Liu Zihao and others with the compass and nodded: "It's done."

"It's done? Let me have a look." Shen Yan happily leaned over to take a look. Li Tianyu opened his palm and let them look at the compass. The compass didn't point to north and south, but to a strange direction, presumably This is the direction where Siren's treasure is buried.

"Find a place to rest tonight, and rent a boat at the port tomorrow." Li Tianyu replied.

"Where's the crew?" Zheng Nanxing asked full of fighting spirit, "Are you going to recruit crew?"

"I'm not should we tell the crew? Tell them we're going to find the Siren's treasure? Doesn't that expose the compass in our hands? Those pirates will chase us to death .” Li Tianyu frowned.

"Then let's go with the four of us." Liu Zihao smiled proudly at this moment, "I can use my battle suit to drive the sailboat, four of us are enough. But, does anyone of us know how to go to sea? What should we prepare? "

There was silence for a while, so they returned to the hotel. After some discussion, they finally decided to spend money to rent a boat, and then they were responsible for pointing the direction.

Of course, they will not tell the crew that they are going to search for the Siren's treasure. First of all, most people don't have the courage. However, all crew members try to avoid the Siren. Taking the initiative to find the Siren is undoubtedly the equivalent of a sheep to a wolf. Looking for food in the den; secondly, if the crew knew that they were going to find the siren's treasure, it would not be solved by a reward of a few hundred gold coins.

So, the next day they found the captain of a two-track sailing boat, and then said that they were going to search for a missing boat at sea, and promised to pay him five hundred gold coins.This considerable reward made the old captain readily agree at that time.

So, Li Tianyu and the four of them finally set foot on the road to sea.

"Tianyu, is it right for us to do this?" After boarding the ship, watching the crew behind him loading the ship, Shen Yan asked worriedly.Li Tianyu thought for a while and said: "It should be correct. The four of us are ordinary people, and we can only rent other people's boats. Driving a double-track sailboat is very difficult. You can't just stand in front and turn the steering wheel."

Zheng Nanxing was very interested in these things, and kept asking the old captain George all the time.

"What are these?" Zheng Nanxing asked curiously, pointing to the barrels in the hands of the crew, which sounded like liquid.

"Lemon juice." The old captain George simply replied, Zheng Nanxing suddenly said: "Oh, to prevent sepsis."

"Yo? Little girl, do you know?" George asked with a curious smile. Zheng Nanxing nodded: "You still know this basic common sense. Not taking vitamin C for a long time will cause sepsis, so you should bring some lemon juice with you. Replenished on board.”

"I don't know what vitamin C you are talking about, but it is indeed used to treat sepsis." George grinned, checked the cargo on the ship, and then waved to everyone: "Heighten anchor, set sail, and set sail!"

Li Tianyu was quite excited as the boat left his post slowly. This was his first time going out to sea by boat. Although he knew that he would be finished if he fell into the sea, the freshness of this first experience still made him look forward to it. .

However, this sense of anticipation was quickly shattered. Not half an hour after sailing, Liu Zihao lay on the side of the boat and said "vomit!", accompanied by a burst of colorful light, floating on the sea surface, Also attracted a group of fish.

"You B are such a disappointment..." Li Tianyu rolled his eyes at him angrily, "In the end, although you are not a capable person, do you have the attribute of 'Dragon Slayer'?"

"I can't help it, the boat is shaking too much..." Liu Zihao wiped his mouth and said, "Don't you think so?"

"It's shaking very badly, but it's not like this?" Shen Yan looked at him suspiciously and asked.

"Everyone's ability to adapt is different..." Li Tianyu sighed and said, "It will be better when he adapts, right?"

As for Zheng Nanxing, this girl has been chatting with the captain about driving a double-track sailboat.

Facts have proved that the driving of a double-track sailboat is really not that simple, because the view on the sea is limited, so there is a lookout, and a crew member observes the distant sea from the lookout, so as not to be in the blind spot behind the waves. There are obstacles in the water, but the ship has no time to turn. After all, the ship needs a long buffer distance to turn on the sea.

Sometimes, it is too late to turn when you see it, which will lead to hitting a rock or being stranded. Moreover, it is also necessary to adjust whether the sail is full sail, half sail, or reefed according to the wind strength, which is a lot of knowledge.

The captain patiently explained the matter of the sailing boat to Zheng Nanxing, while the crew members were busy on board, cleaning the deck, furling the sails, fishing, and preparing lunch. Only Li Tianyu and the others were idle, so the crew would occasionally come Talk to them and ask them why they are out at sea.Of course, they were still just saying they were looking for the lost ship.

"I feel a little guilty, these people look very nice..." Shen Yan whispered.

"They are just NPCs." Li Tianyu replied, "Not real living people."

"Then you said that, why didn't you just grab the treasure map and then grab a ship to go to sea? Anyway, they are all NPCs, and they can't beat you." Shen Yan gave him an angry look and asked back.

"...You're asking me." Li Tianyu shrugged and said, "Anyway, I don't feel guilty, and we paid them far more than they usually get. Besides, I won't let them go to the island. Come on, when we get near the siren's treasure place, I'll take you to flash up and let them stay in a safe place until we go back."

"Hmm..." Shen Yan muttered something, but at this moment, the crew on the observation deck above her head suddenly shouted: "Pirates, it's pirates! Two pirate ships are approaching from the right!"

"What?!" George asked in surprise, then grabbed the binoculars and looked.

After the wave in front subsided, two pirate ships appeared behind the wave, approaching them, and a puff of blue smoke came out from one of the ships with a "bang!", and then the sea surface beside their ship There was a large splash of water on board, and the shock caused by the explosion caused the ship to shake violently, and it slowly passed to the left.

" way!" Liu Zihao covered his mouth and his face turned pale, then he vomited to the side.

"Really, you came here at a critical time. I even suspect that you paddled on purpose." Li Tianyu frowned, raised his finger to the sky, and suddenly thunder broke out.

Then, a thunderbolt fell from the sky, struck the left one of the two pirate ships, and immediately split the mast of that ship, and the ship lost control and crashed into another pirate ship.

(End of this chapter)

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