Chapter 518 Siren
Seeing those crew members cheering for this box of gold and silver treasures and completely forgetting the haze of Kraken, Li Tianyu also felt that these people were quite simple.A few hours ago, I was desperate for this trip, but now it seems like a big luck.Thinking of this, Li Tianyu also had an idea.

"Divide these treasures among yourself." Li Tianyu kicked the box forward very freely.

"Can you? Give us all? There are hundreds of gold coins in this box!" George asked in surprise.

"That's right, because compared to what we are about to find, this treasure is nothing more than a child's play." Li Tianyu smiled, "The ship we are going to find this time carries a country's treasure."

The people at the scene were in an uproar, and Li Tianyu continued: "So, this little treasure is your tip. If you can find that batch of treasures, I will promise you more treasures. Please cheer up and help us find those treasures. Treasure."

"Oh!" The crew on the scene roared for a while, and then rushed forward to grab these treasures.

Of course, Li Tianyu also knew that what he said might lead to internal strife among the crew members on the ship after the treasure was found, and even conspired against them to steal the treasure. However, their mission was only to find the treasure, and it didn't matter what happened after they found it.

What's more, they are players, and these ordinary people pose no threat to them.

With this little episode, the mood of the crew rose a lot, and everyone set sail again.Soon, the boat came to the endless sea again, and calm was restored, as if a year had passed since the previous incident.

"It's really strange how time passes here." Li Tianyu looked at the sea and sighed, "It's only a few days, but it seems like a year has passed, which is very long."

"Yeah, and I don't know why, seeing the water around me, which won't change for a few hours, I feel so bored." Shen Yan took his arm and said, "I feel very...depressed, the whole People can't breathe."

"Sailor's syndrome, it's like this when people stay at sea for a long time. Not only the sense of time, but also the sense of balance will be affected, and there will also be psychological problems." Zheng Nanxing sat on the railing of the boat, dangling his beautiful legs explain.

"Well, when I stepped on the land just now, I felt a little shaken, as if my feet were a little soft." Liu Zihao echoed, "I must have developed seaman's syndrome."

"Fart, you're still sick from seasickness." Li Tianyu said angrily, "How could someone's sailor's syndrome appear within a few days on the ship? Don't talk nonsense, just go to the wallpaper room and stay in the wallpaper room if you have nothing to do." Won't shake."

"Then what if something happens again today?" Liu Zihao said with some uncertainty, Li Tianyu rolled his eyes impatiently: "Probably not, there are already two incidents of Kraken and Treasure Treasure today."

"Well, in fact, I just felt uncomfortable in my stomach..." Liu Zihao muttered, and went back to the room below to rest.Li Tianyu, on the other hand, stayed on the deck with Shen Yan and Zheng Nanxing, waiting for the ship to move forward.Although it is very boring to advance in the sea like this, most of the time the surrounding scenery is unchanged, but if you can calm down, it is quite leisurely.

After finding the treasure, the next day passed quickly.According to this model, Li Tianyu estimated that there should be at least one wave of events every day before they find the treasure.This also means that they don't want to spend this journey easily, there will be so many events waiting for them every day, it is better to find the treasure as soon as possible.

However, on the third day, there was no incident. They drove a lot of roads smoothly, but there was still no certainty when they would arrive at the location of the Siren's treasure. This was what bothered Li Tianyu the most.During the daytime journey, they also encountered many deserted islands. The crew went to the islands with the hope of finding treasures to check them out, but they were just happy in vain.

At night, Li Tianyu was sleeping in a daze on the bed, when he suddenly felt the ship shake violently, and then the crew shouted in panic.He hurriedly got up from the bed and came to the deck to check the situation. George grabbed his arm and said, "It's a group of megalodon sharks! Tell your friends to repair the hull at any time!"

"It's just a few sharks, what about it?" Li Tianyu frowned and asked puzzledly, "I'll take care of them."

George stopped what he was doing, grabbed him and said word by word: "Listen, that's the 'Megalodon'. The appearance of the Megalodon means that the ghost ship is nearby, and we have to run away quickly." !Being targeted by a ghost ship, we are finished!"

coming!Today's event is Ghost Ship!Li Tianyu complained in his heart a little bit angrily, then leaned on the railing of the boat and looked down, he could see some huge shadows swimming by in the dark sea water, the length of which was roughly estimated to be more than ten meters, and not Just that, the shark's dorsal fin looks rotted away.

This reminded him of the zombie sharks in Pirates of the Caribbean. These sharks were so ferocious that they hit the ship in turn, causing the entire ship to wobble and slow down significantly.And while the speed of the ship was slowing down, the shadow of a ship slowly appeared from behind a reef in front, looking tattered but not silent.

"Ghost ship!" the crew howled miserably, "It's over, we are really going to die this time!"

Li Tianyu didn't pay attention to these crew members. In short, he had to deal with these megalodon sharks first.These sharks are extremely ferocious. Generally speaking, sharks rarely attack ships on their own initiative, but these sharks are rushing around the ship crazily.

"Thunder Dragon!" Li Tianyu raised his hand and threw a thunder dragon into the water. However, when the thunder and lightning touched the water surface, it turned into an electric screen and dispersed. Obviously, ordinary lightning could not condense in such a large amount of water.But then Shen Yan suddenly jumped from his side and jumped into the sea.This situation surprised Li Tianyu.

"Hey, what are you doing, crazy woman!" Li Tianyu shouted angrily, "This is too risky!"

"You dare to call me a crazy woman!? I'm your wife!" Shen Yan stared at him angrily in the water and threatened.

However, as soon as the words fell, a megalodon jumped out from the water, biting her and entering the water.

Li Tianyu quickly opened his heart network to sense it. After Shen Yan was brought under the sea by the megalodon shark, several megalodon sharks immediately rushed up and bit her. At that time, Li Tianyu was anxious and helpless. His attack did not He couldn't reach the underwater position, and he couldn't go into the water, so he quickly contacted Liu Zihao: "Zihao, Yan'er fell into the water, find a way to help her!"

"Wait a minute, there's a huge gap bitten by a giant tooth shark here, and I'm fixing it." Liu Zihao replied, "See if Nan Xing can help you."

"I'm draining the water! There are so many gaps, the boat will sink if the water is not drained!" Zheng Nanxing complained through the earphones.

Only Li Tianyu, who has nothing to do now and can't do anything, can only wait for the result.But then a large cloud of water mist suddenly erupted on the surface of the water, and Shen Yan flew up from under the water with two megalodon sharks in each hand.

Only then did Li Tianyu see clearly that these two sharks were indeed zombie sharks, struggling violently in Shen Yan's hands.

Shen Yan bumped the two sharks together, and then threw them towards the floating island in the distance. The two sharks drew a long parabola in mid-air, and were still twitching and gnawing fiercely when they landed on the floating island.

But another giant tooth shark rushed out from the water and bit Shen Yan's arm with its mouth open.

Although it seems that the small arms and legs can't stand the toss, Shen Yan is actually quite strong. No matter how the shark shakes its head, Shen Yan is not moved. Instead, it punches on the head, hitting it instantly. Quiet.

"Come over!" Shen Yan yelled, then threw the megalodon onto the shore and dived into the water again.

"My Yan'er is too handsome, right? You are the legendary One Piece, and am I the man of the One Piece?" Li Tianyu couldn't help but complain to himself, there was no room for him to intervene at the scene.

But to be honest, even if he could swim, he didn't have the guts to jump into the deep, dark water and fight with a group of hideous and rotting sharks. Just thinking about the scene was like a nightmare.Sometimes he really didn't know where Shen Yan's courage came from, and under such circumstances, he dared to jump into the water alone.

Thanks to Shen Yan, the ship quickly got rid of the siege of the megalodon shark, and Liu Zihao was able to block the gaps bitten by the megalodon shark. Zheng Nanxing drained the water that leaked into the ship, and they They fled the scene before the ghost ship approached. Fortunately, the ghost ship chased them for a while before giving up and disappearing into the night.

If the ghost ship is the same as in Pirates of the Caribbean, then fighting the ghost ship is futile, because the crew and captain are undead souls who can't kill, and their consumption will only cause unnecessary damage to the hull.So far, there have been many gaps on the ship. If Liu Zihao's nanorobots hadn't repaired the gaps, the ship would have sunk long ago.

However, this experience also made Li Tianyu very anxious: When will he be tall?
The third day was also spent in the attack of the ghost ship, and came the fourth day of this journey.

This day gave people an ominous premonition. They entered a very strange sea area. The water showed a terrible dark green color, and there was heavy fog. The visibility did not exceed 20 meters, which made them only move very slowly. Speed ​​forward.

"Be careful, there are too many hidden reefs in this sea area." George frowned. "For some reason, this place gives me a very ominous feeling, which makes my hair stand on end..."

"Really? Even the ghost ship didn't scare you, but this place scares you?" Li Tianyu said absently, and took out the compass in his arms to glance at it. But at this moment, the compass on the compass The pointer moves!

"It's close!" Li Tianyu was excited and reminded George, "It's close here!"

The reason why the pointer of the compass moves is because they are very close to the location of the treasure, and the pointer will naturally adjust to a more accurate direction.So Li Tianyu pointed to his left front and said: "Over there! Go over there! The treasure is right in front of you, but no one knows what you will encounter, everyone must concentrate!"

In fact, Li Tianyu knew that since it was the treasure of the Siren, the monster he encountered must be the Siren.Sirens are legendary sea monsters who will turn into mermaids, lure the crew to jump into the sea with their moving songs, and then feed on the crew of Luohai.The way to guard against these monsters is to block your ears, and you won't be affected if you can't hear their singing.

To this end, they have prepared in advance. When the Siren's song sounds, Jarvis will play a loud background music in their headphones to prevent them from being affected by the song.And as long as they are not affected by the singing, it can be guaranteed that the crew will not all be confused by the singing and jump into the sea.

Hearing that the treasure was approaching, the crew became excited.However, the heavy fog still prevented them from advancing too fast, and the wind in this area was too small, so they had to use oars to move the boat forward.

"It's not good..." George complained after looking around with a telescope, "This is a weak wind belt, the wind is too weak to push the ship forward, and the most important thing is that there are many foggy and hidden reefs here. We must find a way to get out of here as soon as possible, otherwise the possibility of hitting the rocks is very high. However, we are now trapped here."

With that said, George took out his own compass, opened it for Li Tianyu to have a look.

The pointer of the compass was spinning crazily, not knowing which direction it was going to point. Obviously there was a strong magnetic field here, which interfered with the compass.But Li Tianyu turned on his compass, but the compass pointing to the treasure was not affected, and it still steadily pointed to their left front direction.

"Well, it seems that we can only go in that direction now." George frowned and said, "We lost our way in this environment. Opportunities go from here."

This is good news for Li Tianyu, because they have no way out and can only move forward in this established direction.That being the case, they will eventually reach the Siren's treasure.And just when he was thinking this way, a soft singing sound approached from a distance, although it was faintly visible, he could still hear it vaguely.

"Oops, the siren's singing!" Li Tianyu secretly screamed something bad, and quickly pressed the earphones to warn Liu Zihao and the others. However, the next moment a black shadow came from behind him. Li Tianyu quickly got out of the way and took a closer look. It was a... The monster with the head of a human and the body of a bird is the legendary siren.

But at this moment, Li Tianyu was suddenly a little puzzled: Why did he attack melee after singing?Moreover, the blow just now did not trigger his knowledgeable arrogance...

(End of this chapter)

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