Infinite Two-dimensional Smash Bros.

Chapter 524 Make persistent efforts

Chapter 524 Make persistent efforts
This time, Li Tianyu and Liu Zihao chose the "Flash" scene and entered the game.

As before, the task this time is to let them perform a "speed force connection" to the Hell Armor, but this time because it is the scene of the Flash, the task is more clear.

The Speed ​​Force is slightly different from the superpowers of mutants. It is originally a kind of energy that can be extracted. Whoever can connect to the Speed ​​Force can become the Flash.

As soon as Li Tianyu entered the scene of Central City, he knew what to do.

This place uses the Central City from the TV series "The Flash", and it is very easy to get the speed force in this plot, because there is a villain named "Reverse Flash" in this scene.

The villain, formerly known as Albert Swan, was originally a scientist who admired the Flash Barry Allen. He discovered the speed force from a Flash suit, copied it and strengthened it to gain super speed.

From this point of view, as long as they ask Swann for help, they should be able to connect the Hell Armor with the Speed ​​Force.

The Speed ​​Force is equivalent to a kind of energy source in the DC world. After connecting with certain people and things, it can make that person or thing use super speed, so as long as the Hell Armor is connected to the Speed ​​Force, Liu Zihao can get The power of the Flash.

Of course, how to get Swan to help them do this is the most critical point.

"How about collecting information first?" Liu Zihao frowned and asked, Li Tianyu shook his head: "Let's go directly to Swan, I know how to deal with him. This guy is now disguised as Harrison, and founded the Star Lab . Judging from the plot, it is estimated that The Flash has not discovered his true identity yet, and we can use this as a blackmail to get him to help."

"Instead of looking for the Flash, are you looking for the Reverse Lightning instead?" Liu Zihao seemed a little hesitant.

"Of course not. The Flash doesn't know what the Speed ​​Force is now. Even if he goes to find Barry, he still has to rely on Swan's help. After all, he is an expert in the Speed ​​Force, so..." Li Tianyu said, waving He waved his hand, "Quick battle."

The task this time was quite clear, so Li Tianyu directly brought Liu Zihao to the Xingchen Laboratory for a flash.Due to the failure of the "particle accelerator" experiment in the Star Laboratory, a large number of humans with super powers appeared in the central city. The current task of the laboratory is to deal with these super humans.

Therefore, after seeing Li Tianyu and Liu Zihao's sudden appearance, everyone at the scene was a little surprised, but they quickly calmed down.Li Tianyu glanced at the three people on the scene. Shockwave, Frost Killer and Harrison Wells were all present, but the Flash Barry Allen was not there.Li Tianyu knew that Harrison in the wheelchair was disguised by Swan.

"I, what can we do for you?" Sisko looked at them nervously, swallowed and asked.At this moment, Sisko has not discovered his shock wave ability, and is just an ordinary person for the time being, and the same is true for Frost Killer Caitlin.

"Actually, you can." Li Tianyu asked calmly, raised his hand, and the lightning jumped on his hand, "If you don't mind, I hope to have a private chat with Dr. Harrison. Don't worry, I won't Hurt him. To be precise..." Speaking of this, Li Tianyu looked at Swan who was disguised as Harrison, "I don't have the ability to hurt him."

Li Tianyu was talking, when he suddenly sensed a target approaching him within the scope of the heart network.

He knew it was the Flash, but he wasn't panicking at the moment.With the experience of fighting Quicksilver before, he now knows exactly how to deal with it.Especially now that Barry Allen is not as proficient in his abilities as Quicksilver in the previous X-Men, so he knows how to deal with it.

It must be in this blow that these people understand that he has the ability to kill everyone, but he didn't do it, so that they will believe him.Therefore, Li Tianyu covered himself with armed domineering, and then stuck himself to the ground with the electromagnetic force of the bloodline "Thunder Emperor".The next moment, he collided head-on with a flash of yellow lightning.

Li Tianyu flew out of the ground, and his feet were still stuck to the floor of Xingchen Laboratory, but he withstood most of the force.On the contrary, the yellow lightning that hit it flew backwards, slammed into the wall hard, made a huge hole in the wall, and then slipped and fell to the ground and passed out.Li Tianyu landed lightly and looked at Barry Allen in front of him.

"So, this is our young Flash?" Li Tianyu said, raising his hand to point at Flash, and black lightning danced on his hand.Everyone at the scene became nervous, Caitlin quickly stood up and said, "Wait!"

"Don't worry." Li Tianyu put down his hand and smiled, "I didn't intend to hurt him. I told him that I came to Dr. Harrison for help, not to cause trouble. However, I hope to talk to Dr. Harrison alone... ..." Li Tianyu looked at Caitlin and Cisco: "Why don't you two send Flash for treatment? He should have just suffered some shock and will wake up soon."

"It's okay, Caitlin, Sisko." Dr. Harrison smiled, looking very calm, "Let me chat with our two friends and see what they need. Take Flash down first .”

Soon, Sisko and Caitlin took Barry Allen and left the scene, leaving Li Tianyu, Liu Zihao and Swan behind.

"So, how can I help you?" Swann continued to perform from his wheelchair.

"I'm here to ask you for help, Dr. Swan." Li Tianyu said lightly, but the next moment a red lightning flashed, and Harrison's hand penetrated his chest.However, no blood spilled out, and Li Tianyu's body turned into lightning.

"I said," Li Tianyu took this opportunity to grab Swan's arm, and the black lightning jumped on his hand, "I'm here to ask you for help, so I shouldn't have such a big reaction? If I want to expose you, just now That's what I did."

"You..." Swan struggled, but Li Tianyu didn't let him go, because this was his only chance to catch the opponent.

Although Lin Muxue's ability is very suitable for PVE, but his ability is also suitable for PVE, that is, elementalization.Ordinary people can't break his elementalization, and they don't know this ability, so he can take advantage of the enemy's ignorance of him, and he can take advantage of the loopholes to catch the opponent, but this is his only chance. If he lets go now, Swan will never again Will not be fooled.

So, how to convince Swan to help them now?Li Tianyu thought for a while, and continued: "I agree with your idea, Dr. Swan. A hero needs a comparable opponent in order to continue to become stronger. Otherwise, how can he become the hero ten years later if he just deals with those punks all day long? What about the great hero?"

Speaking of this, Li Tianyu took a risk and let go of Swann's hand.

In fact, although Swann's current purpose is to make The Flash stronger and then connect himself to the Speed ​​Force to return to the future, the reason why Swann became the "Reverse Flash" in the first place was to make The Flash a greater hero. .

This kind of thinking is understandable for Li Tianyu. It's like a king-level player who abuses the low-scoring silver division all day long. When he finally returns to the high-end game, he finds that his strength has been greatly reduced and he can't get along at all.

"So, what is your purpose?" Swan held his hand, staring at the two of them and asked vigilantly.

"Create an enemy for Flash." Li Tianyu replied bluntly, "Although you are very powerful, but one day Flash will surpass you. At that time, he will need a new enemy, an enemy stronger than you, what will you do? What to do?"

"You mean, you can become a stronger enemy?" Swan said with a sneer, and went back to the wheelchair and sat down.

"I'm not sure about this, but if you can help me with this, I will definitely become a stronger enemy of The Flash." Li Tianyu replied confidently, "How is it? This deal, I think, is in line with your thinking, right? "

"I don't care." Swan sneered, turned and walked forward, "I just want to go back to my world in the future."

"Then you should help me even more." Li Tianyu replied, "If one day, your ability is not enough to stimulate Barry's strength so that he has enough power to bring you back to the future, you will need my help to let him Keep growing, right?"

"I think, then you have to prove that you are indeed stronger than me." Swan turned his back to him and said.

Tsk, for NM, we still have to fight in the end.Li Tianyu spat in his heart and thought to himself, originally he thought that he could convince the other party by talking about it.Now it seems that I am thinking too much, and it is impossible not to fight.

"Then let's go." Li Tianyu said, reaching out his hand to Swan.

Swan did not choose to shake hands with him, but turned into a red lightning and rushed out of the laboratory, as if implying Li Tianyu to follow.Li Tianyu took his time, sensed the other party's position in his mind network, and then overtook him in a flash.The red lightning stopped suddenly, and the two of them had reached a roof at this moment.

"Don't make excuses to run away." Li Tianyu looked at him and said lightly, Swan stared at him closely, then looked behind him and asked: "How did you do it? The way you move is not to accelerate, yes wrong?"

"That's right, mine is space jump." Li Tianyu replied, "So do you understand? My speed is definitely faster than yours, and all I need is the reaction force provided by the speed force. As long as I have that kind of reaction force , I can keep up with The Flash's movements. No matter how fast he is, he can't be faster than me, and I can always move in front of him."

"..." Swann was silent for a while, then stopped, "Okay, I agree to help you."

Although Li Tianyu was a little surprised, he was also secretly happy. Of course it would be best not to fight to the death.It just needs to be proven that he can be faster than The Flash, and that's enough for Swann.But he also knew that the task was definitely not over yet.

"However, there is still one problem." Swan continued, "The current Speed ​​Force in Barry Allen is not enough to open the passage to the Speed ​​Force. You need to open this way yourself."

Li Tianyu frowned suddenly: "So, what is the method?"

"You have to be fast enough." Swan explained, "I'll let you try Barry's method, but I'm not sure if it will work. Your way of moving is space jumping, not acceleration, so ..."

Li Tianyu pondered for a while, and then had an idea: "I have a way to move quickly."

In addition to flashing, Li Tianyu also has two ways of moving. The first is the ordinary elementalization to reach the speed of lightning. The speed of this way is actually not fast, because his reaction can't keep up. Naturally, he can't get up fast, but he still has another kind of movement, that is, the unenhanced flash, "Thunder Move", the original movement method of the thunder fruit.

The ability of Thunder Shift is similar to flash, and it will move within the range of the heart network regardless of distance. In other words, no matter how far away it is, he can rush to the scene within one second through Thunder Shift.The reason why it is not used very much now is because Lei Yi has a movement trajectory, and the enemy will catch the gap. If he hits the enemy halfway, he will hurt himself, so it is better to use flash.

However, in the case of the current experiment, this characteristic of Lei Ji can be used.Because his Thunder Shift can move to any range of the heart network within one second, and the distance of his heart network is already [-] kilometers away. In other words, he can achieve a speed of at least [-] meters per second. It's already far faster than Barry Allen's speed in The Flash.

Moreover, Lei Move does not move in a straight line, it will automatically choose a suitable path on the road to move, in other words, there will be a turn in the middle, which means that the actual moving distance exceeds [-] kilometers.

Although the theoretical speed of Barry Allen in the comics has exceeded the speed of light, here he is actually a little faster than the supersonic speed. As long as the speed is enough, he can open the channel to the speed force.Therefore, Li Tianyu put that peculiar watch on his hand as Swan said, and was about to start connecting to the Speed ​​Force channel.

"When you move at high speed, if you are fast enough, you can connect to the gate of the speed force, so that this bracelet can collect the speed force overflowing from the gate." Swan explained with a serious expression.

"Then why don't you use these speed forces to go back to the future?" Liu Zihao asked curiously.

"Don't underestimate the speed force needed to travel through time and space." Swan said with a smile, "Being able to connect to the speed force is at most equivalent to the acceleration that you can use the speed force, and it does not mean that you can travel through time. Even Barry is still It takes a long time to grow to get to that level."

Speaking, Swan replied: "Now, let's start."

Li Tianyu nodded, then opened his heart network, chose a target point on the edge of his mind network perception, and then turned into a thunderbolt and rushed towards the target point.This process was very short, Li Tianyu stopped at the target point after a second.

At this time, he had already come to a place far away from the central city.

"How is it?" Li Tianyu pressed the earphone and asked. After a moment of silence, Swan replied lightly: "No problem, come back. I will start the experiment immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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