Infinite Two-dimensional Smash Bros.

Chapter 526 World Class Missions

Chapter 526 World Class Missions

Although 24 hours had passed in the outside world, for Li Tianyu and Liu Zihao it was only a dozen hours, so a short rest of a few hours was enough for them to recover.Next, everyone is ready to participate in the extranet game together, and this time Li Tianyu not only plans to bring his own teammates, but also plans to bring Fujikawa Shuuichi.

However, because the total number of people in the mission is limited, there are only six positions left for the mission of sixteen people, so they have to be screened.In the end, Li Tianyu decided that he, Xia Ning, Zhang Wenxin, and Shen Yan would participate in the game, while Hideichi Fujikawa would bring Kai, and the six of them would join this mission to "compete" with players from the external network.

The scene of the mission is "Batman Vs Superman". Although the requirements of the mission have not been announced, the scene is already very clear. It is nothing more than joining the forces of Batman or Superman and then fighting against the other side. It is a PVP mission.Of course, in the end, players from both sides may join forces to deal with "Doomsday".

Before the mission started, Li Tianyu contacted Fujikawa Shuichi, and both sides joined the mission together.

"Why can't I go?" Liu Zihao pointed at himself and asked a little unconvinced.

"It's not easy? There are only a few positions, of course you have to take advantage of this time to complete your professional tasks." Li Tianyu gave him an angry look, "Let them help you with the next task." Alright."

"We still need Olympus enchantment, forged shell on the stars, deep sea condensation, electronic engineering enhancement, and casting cloaks. The Olympus enchantment needs Sister Swallow, and the stellar forged shell needs Xia Ning..." Speaking of this, Liu Zihao turned How many people are left.

"Brother Zihao, I can help you deal with the strengthening of electronic engineering." Zheng Nanxing replied at this time, "What are the scenarios?"

"Hey, don't tell me, there are really scenes in the city of students." Liu Zihao said, checking the scenes on his phone.

"I should be able to help with the production of the cloak." Ye Tiancheng also put forward his own opinion at this time.

"Ah, that would be the best. I can complete the task of deep sea condensation by myself, but just in case I still want to call Mu Xuemei, then you can help me pave the way for the task scene, and the rest I can." Liu Zihao turned to Lin Muxue and said, Lin Muxue smiled and blinked: "No problem."

After the decision was made, the two parties began to prepare to enter the mission scene.

"Tianyu, why are you so nervous?" At this moment, Shen Yan poked his face and asked.

"Is it obvious?" Li Tianyu took a deep breath and asked, Zhang Wenxin smiled: "It's completely different from usual."

"There's nothing wrong with being cautious." Xia Ning replied flatly, "There's still half an hour left, eat something and go to the bathroom."

Liu Zihao's mission has no time limit, so he immediately brought Zheng Nanxing into the mission scene.After waiting for a while, Li Tianyu, Shen Yan, Xia Ning and Zhang Wenxin also entered their game scene.

In the preparation room, it was their turn to choose a side.They had already discussed before that they would all choose the Batman side, so when they came to the preparation room, the six of them immediately locked the Batman lineup in seconds.

Soon, the lineups of both sides were full, and a countdown appeared in front of them, and then everyone entered the game scene.

Players from Batman's forces appear in Gotham City, while players from Superman's forces appear in Metropolis.

Players of the two factions are currently appearing in different cities. Their only task is to defeat the players of the opposing faction and the superheroes they represent, but how to do it depends on the next task.

The reason for choosing Batman is also reasonable. If the player in the United States chooses the ability of Superman, it probably means that he likes the role of Superman, and he will naturally choose the power of Superman.Their purpose was originally to see the abilities of this superhuman player and analyze his ability combination, not for the hundreds of GP points.

"Tsk..." After seeing the four of Li Tianyu, Kai spit out in displeasure, "Joining forces with you makes me sick."

"I'm glad you think so, so that I won't feel guilty when I beat you next time." Li Tianyu replied unceremoniously, and Kai grinned back and asked, "What did you say!?"

Li Tianyu ignored him, because besides the six of them, there were two other players at the scene.

So far, at this stage of the game, only 24 players from Europe, America and Asia are left, and 16 of them are here.In other words, ten of the twelve people on the European and American servers are here.

Li Tianyu felt that everyone seemed to have a tacit understanding and wanted to see the outside world and the players outside.

Besides the six of them, there were two other foreign players on the scene, both of Caucasian race.

One is a blond-haired man, and the other is a brown-haired woman. As for the age... Li Tianyu couldn't tell.

Foreigners are usually more precocious, and many children at the age of thirteen or fourteen look like they are in their twenties, but Li Tianyu reckons that these two people should be quite young, at least much younger than he looks, because there are This kind of...impetuous feeling is the taste of "I am the center of the world", which is also the taste of young people of seventeen or eighteen years old.

The boy has short, soft blond hair, about 1.8 meters tall. He is slightly thin and has some freckles on his face. He has a sunny and handsome look.The girl has long straight brown hair and is about 1.7 meters tall. She has average facial features but a plump figure. Maybe in the eyes of foreigners, this figure looks very hot, but from the perspective of Chinese people, she may be a little bloated.

"Wow, it's an Asian player!" The two people looked at Li Tianyu and sighed. Foreign players usually have more lively personalities, and the two people seemed to know each other.

"My name is Edward. Nice to meet you." The boy smiled and stretched out his hand, but the other hand was still in his pocket, looking foolish. Then he asked directly, "What are your abilities?"

"What about you?" Li Tianyu asked immediately, without shaking his hand.The other party just looked at him with a smile, and after a moment of silence, he raised his index finger and pointed at Li Tianyu, as if to say, "Good boy, remember it for me."

"He's just such a bug, don't worry about it." The girl said with a smile, and stretched out her hand: "My name is Angela, a player from France. We've heard that Asian players are quite good, and we've always wanted to see them. I didn’t expect to have the opportunity to cooperate this time.”

Li Tianyu actually didn't intend to win in this scene this time, but mainly focused on observing the enemy's ability. Of course, they will also be observed by the enemy to see their own ability combination, but as long as the killer is not exposed.

"Hello." Shen Yan stepped forward to replace Li Tianyu and held her hand and smiled, and then everyone introduced themselves.

Taking advantage of the moment of self-introduction, Li Tianyu observed the scene. They were born in a very strange place, the roof of a certain building, but then he found a searchlight on the roof.At that time, Edward became excited and walked over tremblingly: "This is the legendary..."

"Hey, don't..." Angela scolded, frowning, but Edward had already rushed forward and turned on the searchlight.

A ray of light shone into the sky, forming a bat symbol in the air.

After a while, the sound of "Hurrah!" came, and Li Tianyu could tell that it was Batman's cloak.

As soon as they turned their heads, the shadow of the bat stayed on top of their heads, and the cloak fell from the roof.

"It's Batman, did you see him land!? He's so handsome!" Edward pulled Angela's arm excitedly and said, "I'm going to appear this way next time! No, I have to do it for myself too. A cloak..."

"Don't waste time." Batman replied lightly at this time, "Today we will start to drive this alien from the earth. I will not let him hurt my family again. What to do specifically , Alfred will inform you."

With that, Batman leaped back and disappeared into the night.Li Tianyu's heart network can perceive that Batman has really disappeared, instead of hiding in the crowd.

"Hey!? Is this just the opening remarks?" Edward said unwillingly, frowning, "We are here to help anyway. As the soul of the Justice League, why don't we leave without giving us an inspiring speech?"

"Noisy guy..." Kai spat dissatisfiedly, "I won't cooperate with this kind of guy."

"Indeed." Fujikawa Hideichi said, crossing his arms, "A man who uses his mouth more than his hands is usually unreliable."

"Oh?" Edward raised his hand at this time, and a flame jumped from his hand, "Would you like to try it?"

Flame ability... Li Tianyu squinted his eyes and thought to himself, this ability is also a kind of ability that is relatively common in major animations. There are too many animations that show flames, so just looking at this point, I can't be sure what it is. You still have to see the opponent fight with your own eyes to understand.Still, it would be nice to know a few more details.

"Ah?!" Kai was dissatisfied at the time, and said through gritted teeth, "Come on, come on, will I be afraid of you?!"

"Huh..." Edward laughed suddenly, his whole body was surrounded by flames, and then turned into a flash of fire and rushed past Kai in an instant. There was an explosion sound, and Kai's body was surrounded by flames, spinning and flying out. fall to the ground.

"It's a pity that I lost a teammate at the beginning." Edward shrugged and smiled, then turned to Fujikawa Shuichi, and asked with a smile: "How is it? Do you want to come and try? Am I reliable?"

"It's Human Torch..." Li Tianyu frowned and thought to himself, this way of accelerating and flying, at first glance, is the way Human Torch moves in Fantastic Four, because there is no way to move like this, but it is possible to move in the second week. It is strengthened by burning fruit or other flame abilities, so his body can become a pure flame state.

Li Tianyu thinks it is very possible to burn the fruit, and if the opponent chooses to burn the fruit, then the magic value is likely to be domineering, because only domineering is more suitable for this ability; as for the blood, considering the combination of flames, choose to kill the dragon Sorcerer or Pyro from the X-Men are both viable.

Judging from the fact that the opponent is a European or American player, Burning Man is more likely, and the details need to be observed.

"It's just that the weather is a bit cold..." At this moment, a low growl came, and then Kai slowly stood up from the ground, staring at Edward in front of him with grinning teeth, his body began to swell a little, and transformed into a human figure Lion, "You just helped me warm up, and I owe you a big thank you. How does it sound to wring your head off?"

"Huh? A person with animal fruit ability? He is as stupid as he looks." Edward looked at Kai in surprise and replied.

At this time, Kai looked up to the sky and roared, and everyone present was stunned. The next moment, Kai rushed towards Edward, with a fierce red light in his eyes, and the claws on his hand swiped towards Edward's chest.

Edward barely recovered from the shock of the lion's roar, and immediately raised his hand and threw a circle of flames on the ground, and then a circle of flames shot out from under Kai and hit his chest.But although Kai let out a muffled grunt and bowed his body under the impact of the flames, he was not knocked into the air, but was carried down by his body's powerful ability.

Moreover, although his claws didn't strike out, his lion's mane turned into several arms, hitting Edward one after another, sending him flying.After landing, Edward slid a certain distance, wiped his mouth and frowned and said, "There are two things..."

As soon as the words fell, Kai appeared in front of him, his eyes flickering fiercely. It is impossible for Edward to avoid it at this distance. After all, this is Kai's fighting style. If he can bear this point by himself and forcibly suppress the enemy, once the enemy backs down, What followed was a suffocating and crazy attack suppression. Li Tianyu usually attacked each other to avoid being suppressed.

However, at this moment, a whirlwind burst from in front of the two of them, pushing them away.

"Okay, stop the infighting. Our mission this time is to fight against the players of the Superman forces? At this time, we have lost both sides. Can we do the next mission?" Angela frowned and asked.

The ability of the wind also appeared... Li Tianyu thought to himself.

"Hmph, do you want to get involved too?" Kai turned to Angela and asked, while Edward seemed to be in a false alarm, stepped back and complained, "This guy... is obviously a teammate, but he actually killed him."

But at this moment, a burst of laughter suddenly came from behind, and everyone turned their heads to look. A man with blond long hair who looked cynical was floating in mid-air with his legs up, as if sitting on an invisible chair. up like that.

"You clowns can always make me laugh out loud." The blond man clapped his hands and laughed loudly, "Come on, don't stop, let me continue watching."

come yet! ?Li Tianyu's intuition told him that this man was the superhuman player from the United States, but he didn't expect this guy to be so direct, he came to find them at the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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