Chapter 562 Haze
Although Li Tianyu and Karl are now separated from the battlefield, the previous battlefield is already a mess, and several enemies have been injured. I believe Liu Zihao, Shen Yan and Zheng Nanxing should be able to solve it. After all, Liu Zihao is now wearing the hell armor , is capable of ending the battle.

So, now his task is to procrastinate here and wait for the support of his companions.

"Then let me see the strength of Superman..." Li Tianyu thought to himself, then raised his hand, and four or five Thunderbirds flew towards Karl.His attacks ignore defense, and he can deal damage no matter how high Karl's constitution is.

When Carl was at 150 agility, Li Tianyu had already seen it once, so he was mentally prepared for the opponent's speed. The difference between 150 agility and 25 agility does not lie in the speed of movement, but in the attacking movement. For example, Xia Ning's fist swing takes about one second, and Carl's fist swing may only take [-] seconds.

But Li Tianyu has a sense of dominance, as long as he keeps a good distance, he will not be easily hit by the opponent's attack.

"Hmph, arrogant guy." Carl looked down at Li Tianyu and snorted coldly, then flew towards him.

Li Tianyu had to try to see if he could hit the opponent's straight shot first. Although Carl's physique was very high, he didn't have damage reduction skills. The damage needed to hit the hard straight shot should be the same, after all, it was real damage.

Therefore, after Karl avoided his Thunderbird in mid-air and charged up, Li Tianyu first raised his finger to guide a shot of divine punishment to the sky, then flashed again to distance himself, and a thunder dragon blasted on Karl's back.

Karl's magic value is very small, and in order to obtain the passive of the crime of pride, he chose the magic power as "mana value/seven original sins", which caused his mana value to be consumed instead of "Qi", which caused Karl's mana value The number is extremely small, and it is impossible to use any powerful long-range attack, that is, Superman's own Cyclops and freezing gas.

These two abilities are not a big threat to Li Tianyu, even if he is hit, it will not affect his actions.

Being hit by the thunder dragon caused Carlton to pause, and temporarily lost his mobility due to paralysis. At this time, he was hit again by the divine punishment falling from the sky, and then Li Tianyu shot another enhanced thunder dragon, which detonated the two passive layers on Carl's body. .

The damage of these three attacks is still relatively high, coupled with the detonation of the passive, it is equivalent to bursting out the four damage in an instant, hitting Karl's stiffness.Taking advantage of Karl's stiff state, Li Tianyu threw a reinforced thunder dragon at Karl, then put his hands together and blasted at Karl with a lightning flash. The black lightning hit Karl and fell to the ground.

However, only the damage of Thunder Flash's first impact was high enough to keep Karl in a rigid state, so soon Karl forcibly flew towards Li Tianyu from under the impact of Thunder Flash.But Li Tianyu didn't care, he simply gave up using Thunder Flash, and opened the distance with a flash: his goal has been achieved.

At this moment, Karl already has two layers of high-value passive effects, and the conditions for infinite connections have been met.

Therefore, Li Tianyu directly activated the Enhanced Thunder Armor and began to guide Lei Ying in front of Carl.However, Karl's reaction was also extremely fast. The moment Li Tianyu raised his hand to guide Lei Ying, he rushed up like lightning and punched Li Tianyu in the face.

Li Tianyu might not be able to react without the knowledgeable domineering, but with the help of the knowledgeable domineering, Li Tianyu is also in a state of high concentration at the moment. The moment the knowledgeable domineering reminds him, he raises his hand and snaps his fingers, Detonated the passive on Carl.The black lightning exploded, and Karl also hovered in midair.

However, in just such a short while, Karl has come to a place one meter away from Li Tianyu.

At that time, Li Tianyu was a little surprised, the distance was too short, he couldn't start his combo, but this didn't affect him, he only needed to adjust the order of skills a little.

Therefore, Li Tianyu blasted the thunder dragon on Karl's chest, knocked him into the air, and then detonated the condensed Lei Ying on Karl.The high amount of lightning damage kept Karl in a stiff state, and at this time Karl already had two layers of charge detonated passively.Li Tianyu raised his hand to guide a shot of divine punishment, and then threw out another thunder gun.

The Thunder Gun and God's Punishment hit Karl at the same time, and the two damages instantly detonated the two passive layers on Karl's body and added another passive layer, which continued to make Karl stiff.Then, at the moment when Lei Ying's second damage erupted, Li Tianyu raised his hand again to guide a lightning flash, and threw a thunder dragon. The two attacks hit Karl at the same time as Lei Ying's second damage.

At the same time, these three consecutive attacks also detonated Karl's passive, and Li Tianyu continued to guide God's Punishment, and blasted a thunder gun at the moment Lei Ying's third damage erupted, together with the damage of God's Punishment, Carl has two layers of passive superimposed on him again.Then continue to guide God's Punishment, and throw a thunder dragon, and hit Karl together when the fourth thunder welcomes the damage.

So far, the damage from Lei Ying's four attacks has all exploded, and Karl still has two passive layers.Li Tianyu opened the distance with a flash, continued to raise his hands, and began to gather Lei Ying, preparing for the next set of combos.

"Good guy..." Carl gritted his teeth and laughed, with a ferocious face, and flew towards Li Tianyu at full speed.

However, after the first experience, now Li Tianyu knew that Karl could rush in front of him, so this time he kept a longer distance than the first time.As soon as Karl moved, he immediately made a sound to explode Karl's passivity.

Then Li Tianyu blasted Lei Ying out, and added a layer of passive to Karl, and then guided God's Punishment and Thunder Gun to detonate Karl's passive when Lei Ying exploded for the second time, and then God's Punishment, Thunder Dragon When the thunder greets the explosion three times, two layers of passive are added, and finally God's punishment, the thunder gun detonates the passive and adds a layer of passive when the fourth thunder greets.

Then, the moment Lei Ying's damage ended, Karl was still stiff, and taking advantage of the last second of stiffening, Li Tianyu shot a thunderbolt on Karl, refreshing his passive layers to two.

At this time, Karl stood up, and Li Tianyu opened the distance to guide Lei Ying for the third time.

"Fuck..." Karl stood up slowly, his body trembling constantly, and the black lightning on his body was still swimming.

Li Tianyu's combo seems to have seriously injured him, but this combo is not over yet.Theoretically speaking, Li Tianyu can release it until the magic value is exhausted, but the reality does not allow this.Because Li Tianyu needs to release skills quickly during this set of infinite connections, and he can't stop releasing his skills almost continuously, his mental state is going to be overwhelmed.

For him, this kind of quick release skill is like doing intense anaerobic exercise. Not only does the body need to be kept in a state of exercise, but the mind is also tense. He needs to adjust the next time according to the passivity of Karl at that time. The combination of moves ensures that the subsequent attacks can not only play Karl's straight, but also retain two layers of passive after a set of combos.

Because of this, this third combo is the last one.Li Tianyu detonated Karl's passive, and then started the third combo.Because he can't play the fourth set anymore, he doesn't need to consider the number of passive layers. He can deal as much damage as he can. Finally, after finishing the combo, a spark will detonate Karl's passive.

"Hoo, hoo..." Li Tianyu panted violently, and also lifted the enhanced thunder armor.

This is already the limit damage he can do now. With his current set of combos, even Bassong of Saiyan blood can instantly kill with one set, and Fujikawa Shuichi can't hold it.

However, the black lightning dissipated slowly, and a hoarse voice came from behind: "Good guy, is this your trump card? It's no wonder that you are eligible to be elected as the captain. He really is a man with some skills..."

Sure enough... Li Tianyu sighed helplessly, turned his head to look at the area where Lei Ying had dissipated, and Carl's figure slowly appeared from behind the black thunder.Although he looked extremely embarrassed with injuries all over his body, it did not affect his actions.

Judging from his appearance, Li Tianyu reckoned that it would take three more combos to kill him.

But the problem is, Li Tianyu no longer has so much magic power to do three more combos.

Therefore, judging from the results, it was indeed impossible for him to defeat Karl by relying on his existing combos and attacks alone.Even if Karl stood still and let him hit him, hitting all the damage until he ran out of mana, he couldn't kill Karl.The defense provided by physique is indeed ineffective in the face of real damage, but the high health provided by high physique is still Karl's most powerful defense ability.

If the current Unlimited Company can't defeat Karl, then he has two options left.The first is that with the help of Zheng Nanxing, with the effect of maintaining the boost of thunder all the way, he can probably kill Carl in four to five sets of combos, or five sets to be conservative.

And the only way to defeat Karl by one person is to rely on "Liu Ying".

The damage of Liuying is calculated according to the percentage of the enemy's health. In other words, regardless of the enemy's health or physique, Liuying will die after being hit a certain number of times.Therefore, when Li Tianyu is alone, the only way to kill Carl is to go forward and shoot a shot of Liuying during the straight period, then open the distance and hit the straight shot, and then use Liuying until the opponent is killed.

However, this method is too risky, because Li Tianyu is long-range and Karl is close-combat. He takes the initiative to approach the enemy, and as long as he is caught by the opponent and makes a mistake, he will be finished.But Karl is different, he can withstand Li Tianyu's seven or eight attacks.

"Is the fight over?" Karl stood up, stared at Li Tianyu and said with a ferocious smile: "Is it my turn?"

Li Tianyu didn't reply, but stared at Karl with a tense face, waiting for the opponent's attack.

He tried to defeat the opponent, but he couldn't do it, so he could only continue to delay the time.

"Ah!? Talk! Is it my turn?" Carl roared angrily, flew towards Li Tianyu, and punched Li Tianyu directly in the face.Li Tianyu flashed to distance himself, he didn't fight Karl, but he fired a normal Thunder Dragon symbolically.It's just that attacking Carl without real damage is tantamount to scratching an itch...

"What kind of attack is this, huh? Are you kidding me? It's not enough to tickle me!" Carl gritted his teeth and grinned.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you have the ability, you can kill me." Li Tianyu said unhappily, and another thunder flashed on Carl's face.

"Hey..." Carl sneered, then suddenly took a deep breath, and forcefully exhaled a piece of frozen air.

Li Tianyu had just retreated when two laser beams erupted from the white mist. This kind of freezing air and laser light are both energy attacks, so knowledge and domineering aura is unpredictable, which made him a little confused, and quickly turned sideways dodge.

But just such a sideways movement, Karl rushed in front of him, his right hand turned into a palm knife and fell.

"It's so fast! Worse..." Li Tianyu secretly screamed that it was not good, and he saw that Carl's hands were covered with armed domineering, so the opponent's attributes might have crushed him by a hundred points in terms of strength. He should be disabled right away.

Li Tianyu's last struggle was to stretch out his hand to defend, and then use flash to remove the opponent's attack power before completely taking the blow.However, just as he was about to be hit, a kryptonite spear flew from afar and hit Karl in the face.Carl groaned, rolled from mid-air and fell to the ground, covering his face and screaming.

"Oh?" Li Tianyu was stunned by this situation: Kryptonite weapons are more effective than expected.

This attack should have come from the support of Ye Tiancheng in the distance, probably he is finally free.

The superman's bloodline will not be lowered by kryptonite after it is fully upgraded, but it is unexpected that kryptonite can still cause damage to players of superman bloodline, which makes Li Tianyu a little surprised.

In fact, although the hardness of kryptonite is high, it is not high enough to cause such strong damage to Karl of Superman blood. It can only be said that although kryptonite weapons cannot weaken the full-level Kryptonian blood, they still have real damage. hidden attributes.

"In this way..." Li Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief, "We can continue to delay the time."

"Fuck, who is it!? The guy who is hiding in the corner and throwing arrows in the back, he will definitely kill you if he catches you!" Karl looked around and asked, which made Li Tianyu discover another weakness of Karl: no perception, or no any other ability.

All of Karl's abilities exist to allow him to have the highest attribute, but his other abilities are in a mess. He has no extraordinary fighting skills, no movement skills, no perception ability, no self-healing ability, everything is in vain. Focus on strengthening attributes, so he can have the highest attributes in this game.

So, to target Karl, if the map is big enough, Li Tianyu can take him away from the battlefield, and then fight him in guerrilla warfare to avoid him.Although you need to contact the other party when you want to transfer Carl away, this is a bit risky...

"Let's try..." Li Tianyu took a deep breath and thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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