Infinite Two-dimensional Smash Bros.

Chapter 570 The Night Comes

Chapter 570 The Night Comes
Watching the alien climb up, several plans appeared in Li Tianyu's mind for a moment, but none of them worked.At least he can't do it on his own. The first plan is to grab the alien and then flash away with the alien, but the alien moves too quickly on this signal tower, like a cockroach. If he can't catch it at the first time Living there is basically finished.

The second option is to shoot down the alien with a long-range attack, but also because the alien moves too fast, he is not sure that he can hit it, and he does not know whether he can kill the alien with one blow...

But now Li Tianyu can only try option two, which is better than doing nothing.

Just as Li Tianyu raised his hand, a turret rose from Liu Zihao's shoulder, "piu! piu!" After two shots, the alien fell down in mid-air, but these two shots also caused the alien's blood to splatter On the signal tower, the place where the blood spattered was quickly corroded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there was a sharp roar, and it was about to collapse.

At this time, Liu Zihao flew into the air, raised his hand and sprayed a spray on the corroded area, the nano-robot glued the corroded area of ​​the signal tower, and the signal tower stabilized again.

"Ah, beautiful..." Li Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief, and Liu Zihao also wiped off his sweat, "It's so dangerous."

"Scared me, I thought it was over." Shen Yan patted her chest and said.

"I also wanted to act just now, but I was worried that I would cause trouble..." Zheng Nanxing said nervously, Li Tianyu looked up at the maintenance workers above and replied, "In short, the signal tower should be safe in this way. "

Because there are not many aliens now, only one alien is chosen to complete the "suicide attack".If nothing else, most of the aliens should be destroying the power system at the hydropower station, making preparations for their attack tonight.But although the aliens are preparing, humans are not idle and are already setting traps.

Just as they expected, after the "suicide" attack by the alien, the signal tower here was no longer harassed, and the four maintenance workers spent two hours successfully repairing the signal tower up.At this point, the tasks of the four maintenance workers were actually over, and Li Tianyu sent them back alone.

"How is it?" After Li Tianyu returned to the small town with four maintenance workers, he confirmed the situation to Karina.

"The radio is working, and I will try to contact the military right away, but I'm not sure how long it will take to get in touch. It may take two or three days before there is a reply." Karina said worriedly, "But we will continue to If the signal is sent, even if the military does not hear it, other people who hear the signal will help us convey it, and sooner or later it will reach the military.”

"Then act quickly, time is short." Li Tianyu reminded, "Allocate some weapons to everyone in the village who can fight. It is very likely that aliens will attack tonight. If the people captured tonight are too More, it's almost over."

Karina nodded: "We need more gasoline and diesel to generate electricity so that we can have enough lighting at night."

"I know, I'll do it now." Li Tianyu replied, and then he flashed back to the scene.

The next task was to go to the gas station to get oil, and the gas station was about three or four kilometers away from them, which was not too far away. Li Tianyu did not show up with Shen Yan and the others, but flew over together.

"Tianyu, why do you think those alien players didn't act?" Shen Yan asked worriedly, "I always feel a little scared. Could it be that they are using some other method to increase the number of aliens? Isn't it possible that aliens can parasitize animals? ?”

"No, don't worry." Li Tianyu replied, "Otherwise they wouldn't just send an alien to carry out a suicide attack."

"Then what do you think they are doing now?" Shen Yanxiu frowned slightly, "Aliens can't move, but they can."

"Just like us." Li Tianyu replied, "I'm doing tasks that only players can do."

The player style of each server is different, Li Tianyu knew this from the beginning.

As the dominant force on the alien side, they naturally don't need to rush to attack, as long as they hinder the human players and find a way to develop.While increasing the number of aliens, the strength of aliens is enhanced. Before the beginning, it was said that alien forces can obtain enhanced buffs by parasitizing "specific species". Presumably, players of alien forces are doing this.

After understanding the general situation in the town at the very beginning, the players on the alien side decided to develop first, take a few buffs to enhance their strength, wait for the number of aliens to increase, and the aliens have also obtained special abilities before launching a general attack Take it down.

This is like LOL, different competition areas have different styles, the domestic competition area prefers to fight, while the Korean server competition area prefers to develop and wait for everyone to pretend to be good before playing a game, which is also a normal phenomenon.Of course, this is not good news for the human forces, because after all, the other party is taking the initiative. If they want to take the initiative, they can only rely on Lin Muxue.

In short, the alien attack should start at night, so the day is when humans prepare.Li Tianyu knew that today has not officially started, and whether he can survive the night depends on the preparations during the day.

At present, the signal tower has been repaired, but there is only one signal tower, and the other signal tower has been completely destroyed and collapsed. This has caused the military to receive their distress signal at a speed of 50.00%. It will take up to three days to receive the distress signal, and then send troops to rush It will take about a week to get here, and the worst news is that they need to persist for ten days under the attack of aliens.

And their existing food is only enough to sustain the people in the whole town for five days, but it doesn't matter, because there will be fewer surviving humans in the future, and the food consumption will naturally decrease.The key is the town's electricity consumption. Once the power supply is cut off, the town's lighting will have to be reduced by half.

When they arrived at the gas station, as they expected, it was already empty. There were several bloody corpses lying in the gas station, but they were not parasitized, they were all killed.

"There are a lot of things in this gas station." Liu Zihao looked around the convenience store of the gas station and said to himself, "Snacks, instant food packs, water... maybe we can take these things home for our own use?"

"It's up to you, but we have to get the most gasoline first." Li Tianyu replied, "Find a few oil barrels, fill them all up, and then I will take the things back with a flash. The snacks you want are also packed ,hurry up."

It will be noon soon. Although the aliens will definitely not attack during this time period, we need to beware of Karl.

After all, during this period of time, Karl is in a state of "I am the only one in the sky and the world". If he comes to attack, it may be troublesome to rely on the strength of players like them to deal with it. It is necessary to gather the residents of the town to fight together.

However, it was clear that his worries were unnecessary. Karl did not come to attack, and they successfully completed the collection work.

Throughout the day, the human camp was not disturbed in any way, neither players nor aliens came over. Li Tianyu and Shen Yan went back and forth several times and collected more than a dozen barrels of gasoline, enough for the residents of the town to use for two days.

But where to find these sources of power two days later... Karina didn't say.

"Phew, that's the end of today's work." Li Tianyu flashed for the last time, and after bringing two barrels of gasoline back to town, he looked at the time and said that it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon, and it would be around six o'clock. It will start to get dark, and that's when the aliens will be active. Before that, they need to rest and recover their strength to prepare for the evening activities.

But after working on the first day, Li Tianyu also realized something bad: human beings have no rest time, they have to prepare for the sneak attack at night during the day, and they will be attacked by aliens at night.

"Hey, everyone hurry up and get some sleep." Li Tianyu urged everyone, "It's three o'clock, everyone promises to sleep for two hours when there are patrols, and then get up and have dinner to prepare for the night's battle."

Everyone responded, and Karina went to inform the restaurant in the town to prepare food for everyone.

Everyone in the town, even the homeless and the elderly, is brought together to prevent the alien from taking advantage of them.

Everyone didn't have a good rest last night, so they took turns to rest for a while during the day to refresh themselves.Li Tianyu went back to his room and took a nap for a while, but was woken up by a strange sound just after he fell asleep.

The sound was like some kind of large engine shut down, and then there was a roar in the distance, and the whole town suddenly went dark.At that time, Li Tianyu knew that it was the alien that destroyed the hydroelectric power station in the town.

However, Li Tianyu has nothing to do about it. The maintenance of the hydroelectric power station is too dangerous, and it is impossible to solve it in a short time.

So Li Tianyu didn't get up, just continued to sleep with Shen Yan in his arms, the most urgent thing is to keep his spirits up.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the sun gradually set, and the town began to be slowly shrouded in darkness. After the power outage, the residents of the town immediately brought generators to generate electricity, supplying lighting around the room.

But in order to save electricity, all the lighting in the house is replaced by oil lamps and candles.

But even so, they only had enough petrol for five days of living and lighting, after which they had to find another way.Either collect more gasoline, or repair the damaged part of the hydroelectric power station within five days.

Everyone ate dinner by candlelight. Although the food was pretty good, with the flavor of the American South, it was felt that everyone at the scene was very disturbed.It's like being attacked by aliens at any time when eating halfway.

Li Tianyu and the others couldn't perceive the location of the alien, so they dined with other people in the town to be safe.

"How about mashed potatoes?" Karina suddenly cleared her throat and laughed, trying to liven up the atmosphere.Li Tianyu didn't answer, but just asked: "Is there someone patrolling around the three settlements?"

Karina's expression became serious, and she replied with a sigh: "Two teams of ten people are arranged to patrol around each settlement to ensure that there are no dead ends at each entrance. Electricity is prioritized for ambient lighting to make sure there's no way for the alien to sneak into the house without us noticing..."

Li Tianyu nodded, and began to eat: "In this case, eat quickly. Tonight is very important."

"Huh?" At this time, Shen Yan raised her brows on the side: "This stew tastes really good, how do you make it? The taste is very sticky, and I can't make it feel so sticky when I make it myself .”

"A secret recipe from my grandma." Karina laughed. "The ketchup and cheese are the key."

The topic of everyone shifted away from the alien, and they could easily eat and enjoy the local delicacies.

It is said that the most famous local dishes are stewed venison and a pie made from deer liver. Li Tianyu is also very interested in this, so he temporarily turns his attention to the food and savors the food on the table. .

Until, the last ray of sunlight disappeared into the sky, and night finally enveloped the town.But the electricity provided by the generator still ensures the lighting near the settlement.

But at this time, the whole town seemed to be quiet, as if everyone understood the meaning of nightfall.

"Mu Xue, it's up to you tonight." Li Tianyu turned to Lin Muxue across the table and said with a solemn expression.

"I hate it, don't put pressure on me..." Lin Muxue gave Li Tianyu a coquettish look and said, "I'll do my best."

Li Tianyu still trusts Lin Muxue's ability, she has never let him down.

Before the aliens officially attacked, Li Tianyu had already started to sleep, because the night would last from 06:30 pm to [-]:[-] am, almost eleven hours. During this time, they had to be on duty in shifts, so Take more time to rest.As for tomorrow's action depends on the results of tonight's battle.

The first shot to start the war came from a man's scream.

The players in charge of shift duty at the moment are Zhang Wenxin, Fujikawa Shuichi and Liu Zihao, so Li Tianyu immediately got up from the bed and asked Liu Zihao's situation: "How is it? Which side?"

"Motel, I'm on my way there." Liu Zihao simply replied. Li Tianyu responded, then stretched out his hand to Shen Yan beside him, and came to the motel in a flash, and a creepy scene appeared.

The searchlight on the south side of the motel has been destroyed at the moment, and six or seven aliens are crawling on the wall of the motel, just like the cockroaches running around in the kitchen after turning on the lights in summer when I was a child, and one of them The window has been shattered, and it is obvious that aliens have broken in and slaughtered the humans inside.

The attacking players were Kelly, Dorian and Abraham, and the other players did not appear on the scene.

Li Tianyu first turned on the heart network to perceive, and the other nine players were scattered all over the map in twos and threes, not knowing what they were doing, but these three were the only ones who came to attack on the spot.If you seize the opportunity, you may be able to kill them.

(End of this chapter)

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