Chapter 578

After searching carefully in the warehouse, Li Tianyu found that this place is really a treasure, with all the necessities for arming the whole town.It's just that the environment of this place is too risky, there are ambush points of aliens everywhere, if you are not careful, you will be assassinated by aliens just like Mira just now.

Fortunately, it was Mira who was ambushed just now, so he was not replaced by the alien. Otherwise, Li Tianyu or Shen Yan would have been instantly killed and died directly. Although this alien can also be killed, but ten The population is exchanged for an alien... This business is not profitable.But at least the three of them are safe now.

While searching for supplies in the warehouse, Li Tianyu suddenly remembered a certain detail.

"You said that the pheromone of this alien is different from the previous one." Li Tianyu turned to Mira and asked, "But these things can be invisible last night, right? That means this alien is different from last night? "

"Well, it's different." Mira nodded, "The pheromone is a bit more complicated, it should have an extra characteristic."

Li Tianyu thought about the alien carefully, but he didn't recall any big difference, probably because he was swallowed by the parasite on Mira's body before he could see it clearly.

"Its minions have become sharper." At this moment, Shen Yan suddenly replied, "Didn't you notice?"

Li Tianyu shook his head, and Shen Yan continued: "The front teeth of the alien before are flat, do you remember? It's a bit like human teeth. From the tiger teeth to the sharp canine teeth, I said it was because The alien needs to keep its body closed to eject the inner teeth with pressure. But the teeth just now are all pointed."

"That's it..." Li Tianyu was stunned, "So, it should be that the alien's attack has been improved. And this strengthening of the alien will affect the alien players. When you fight these guys again tonight, you must be careful. .”

"But those people, did they only send one alien over here?" Mira asked curiously at this time, "No matter how you look at this warehouse, it is an important tactical item point for human beings. If I were an alien player, I would definitely arrange it here. A large number of aliens, to prevent players from taking all these items back. Unless..."

"Unless they have more important tasks." Li Tianyu added.

"What do you think they are doing?" Shen Yan asked curiously.

"It should be the enhancement of the alien." Li Tianyu replied, "Aren't they busy with this these days? It is really useful in terms of mission benefits. Not only can they strengthen the alien, but they can also strengthen themselves."

Speaking of this, Li Tianyu smiled instead: "However, they may not have understood the key point of this mission. No... It is not so much that they did not understand, it is better to say that their style is like this. I am afraid that the players on the European and American servers do not want to win The bet is on the NPC, but you have to rely on your own strength to hold the victory in your hands. But in fact, the influence of the NPC in this scene is greater than that of the player."

The reason for this gap in mentality is also very simple. Players on the American server are more individualistic, which can be seen from their gameplay.The ability of the government to intervene in the player keeps those stronger abilities and eliminates the weaker abilities, so the style over there naturally advocates individual heroism more and does not like to rely on others.

Li Tianyu also tried individualism during the trip to Busan last time, but the result was not good, and the scores they got in the end were not high.And this is also a detail he paid attention to: in this task scene, their final reward score is based on the player's performance.

And from the perspective of the game style... the two sides are currently playing in a relatively straightforward way, developing each other, waiting for a decisive battle in the later stage, and everyone is too lazy to harass each other in the middle.

Anyway, since the American server players didn't intend to stop them from obtaining these items, Li Tianyu naturally developed with each other.He, Mira, and Shen Yan searched the warehouse carefully and collected all the available props, including food, medicine, weapons and various chemicals, because there were too many of them at one time. Can't finish.

"You two are waiting for me here. After I bring the things back, I will come here and recover with you." Li Tianyu reminded, and then returned to the town with these supplies in a flash. His priority was medical treatment. supplies and fuel.

These fuels should be enough for the residents of the town to last for another three days. After bringing back these supplies, Li Tianyu and Karina briefly explained the storage and use of the supplies, and then flashed back to the warehouse again.

"Okay, my domineering energy is used up." Li Tianyu sat down cross-legged on the ground, "Rest for a while, and after my domineering energy recovers, I will bring back another part of the supplies. I guess..."

Li Tianyu glanced at the materials piled up into a hill and frowned, "It will take about three to four round trips to transport all the things back, and each time I need half an hour to restore my domineering, that is to say, two hours."

"Don't worry, if there are any aliens coming, I will sense it." Mira smiled lightly.

"It's so boring, I feel like I haven't done much in this game." Shen Yan bit her lower lip and muttered, then grabbed a can from the side and checked it for a while, "Tomato spaghetti... I hate spaghetti and Tomato pairing."

"Are you hungry?" Liu Huaxing asked curiously, "Here is canned beef stew."

"I'm not hungry, I just want something to eat when I'm bored." Shen Yan curled her lips and said, "How was the situation in the town when you went back just now? Were you attacked by aliens?"

Li Tianyu shook his head: "Everything is very peaceful, of course it is because the residents of the town did not go out. The search for supplies is all in the player's responsibility, and the daily maintenance of the town is also carried out in groups of multiple people, so as to avoid leaving alone .”

In his heart, Li Tianyu knew that these supplies might be the key to their victory in this battle.

Because, if this game is described as a game, this warehouse is a big wave of development for human beings.

Under normal circumstances, human forces may need to transport these materials back little by little under the attack and harassment of aliens, and it is possible to obtain all the materials through multiple adventures.

As for the aliens, their development depends on one task at a time, parasitizing those special monsters to obtain corresponding characteristics, and their development is smoother with each other, unlike humans who can develop a large wave through this warehouse. .With the materials in this warehouse, the human forces can catch up with the progress of the aliens in an instant.

The alien was indeed as he expected, and did not come to harass them again, allowing Li Tianyu to take all the supplies back smoothly.

So they just kept going and searched another warehouse, and then found some medical supplies and weapons in it, and brought them all back. This is a great benefit to them. information.

When we returned to town, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon, but after counting the harvest, it was really a bumper harvest.

At present, the food in the town is enough to support them for another two weeks, the fuel is enough for their daily expenses for a week, and the medical supplies are very sufficient, and none of the wounded will die due to insufficient treatment.

The most important thing is weapons, a large number of grenades, guns and ammunition, as well as various chemicals, can make a lot of homemade bombs, and arm all those who can fight to their toes.Of course, it is still unknown whether these weapons will be useful to aliens, but Li Tianyu believes that these materials will come in handy when they arrive, but Mr. Arnold has not discovered them yet.

But Li Tianyu also knew in his heart that they had to use this wave of development to gain an advantage and curb the development of aliens.

Because this kind of development is actually a kind of overdraft behavior. After getting all these props, human beings have almost no chance to develop in the future, but the alien will continue to grow stronger.So if this wave of materials doesn't get a big enough advantage in the confrontation with the aliens tonight, the aliens will become stronger and stronger and humans will just continue to stand still.

Therefore, after returning, Li Tianyu found Mr. Arnold to inquire about the progress.Sure enough, Mr. Arnold found some drugs and new traps that can have effects on the aliens. Of course, the process was cruel. It was discovered after using the two living aliens to conduct in vivo experiments, and now the two aliens are dead. Li Tianyu didn't want to ask how he died.

"Bleach." Arnold explained, "This kind of thing has a strong deterrent effect on aliens. It's roughly a bit like the feeling of humans smelling the liquid sprayed by skunks. They will hardly tolerate that liquid on themselves body."

"Oh! This is amazing..." Li Tianyu exclaimed, "Any other discoveries?"

Mr. Arnold nodded: "I discovered a strange phenomenon after mixing several drugs. When I poured the mixture on the injured alien, it seemed to destroy the 'pheromone' on it. Make it impossible for other xenomorphs to tell if it's friend or foe, and be able to confuse other xenomorphs...for a short period of time, during this time."

Speaking of this, Mr. Arnold smiled maliciously: "The alien that is sprayed will become the target of other aliens."

"Is it so powerful!?" Li Tianyu asked in astonishment, and Mr. Arnold then said seriously: "Of course, in theory, it is so, and it is not absolute. You can understand that when the alien is sprayed with this spray, it will The pheromones will be destroyed, so other xenomorphs will see it as a human, but if there are other humans that can be targeted..."

"It means that the target will be randomly selected." Li Tianyu pondered, "If there are other targets on the scene, the alien may not necessarily attack the sprayed alien, but may choose to attack other people. But even Even so, it’s amazing. With these two things, I should be able to spend tonight safely.”

In addition, Arnold also invented several new deadly traps, using a combination of fragmentation grenades and flash bombs. Once the alien triggers the trap, it will be blown into flesh by the fragmentation grenade.

With these means of dealing with aliens, the top priority is to prepare these props before the aliens come over at night.

Although there were only two hours left before dark, the aliens did not launch an attack immediately after dark. They still had a buffer period of several hours. If they worked all night, they should be able to prepare the corresponding props before the aliens came.So after dinner, a part of the guards were arranged, and they started to make it.

The materials are very abundant, so a large number of props can be made. Simply put, they are the two potions of "spray" and "confusion agent" and a large number of new traps.

The spray is used to drive away the aliens, and the confusion agent can confuse the mutual recognition between the aliens.

Li Tianyu tried his best to equip everyone with sprays, so that when encountering aliens, he could temporarily repel the aliens, so that those townspeople who were unable to fight would not be captured immediately.But the confusion agent Li Tianyu was only allocated to those who had the ability to fight, and only these people would take the initiative to face the alien, and this confusion agent could also come in handy.

The dosage of medicine is very sufficient, there is no need to save it for the time being.

In addition, the trap is also very full, I believe this evening should be able to win big.Everyone has been busy until after ten o'clock in the evening, and there are still a lot of materials, but there are hundreds of bottles of sprays and confusion agents produced, and there are plenty of traps.A bottle of spray can protect the safety of several people, and I believe it can protect many civilians who are helpless.

Li Tianyu estimated that the extra materials can probably make three times the amount of aerosols, and these aerosols alone can protect the lives of many people.In this wave of actions by both sides to strive for development, Li Tianyu felt that they were not at a loss.

But he didn't take it lightly. Alien players are also doing tasks to develop. They may have acquired new characteristics tonight and are stronger than before, so they must be careful again.

At ten o'clock, Li Tianyu informed Karina to store the materials in the designated shelter in the settlement to avoid being destroyed by the alien.Because now there are alien guards, which are distinguished from civilians, so shelters are also arranged.

For example, the basement of the motel and the air-raid shelter of the chapel. These places are easy to defend and difficult to attack. With the spray in hand, it can basically guarantee that the aliens cannot invade, but to repel the aliens still depends on the battle of the guards.

After that, Li Tianyu arranged for the staff on duty and announced that the others should rest first.But now he asked Kai and Ye Tiancheng to stay close to Mr. Arnold, regardless of the situation in the town.

The four aliens had injured the old man last time, and now the aliens are stronger and there are more of them. If no one protects the old man, it is very likely that he will be killed by the aliens.

"Huh..." After lying down on the bed, Li Tianyu took a deep breath, and said to himself full of fighting spirit: "Come on, you ugly bastards, we are ready."

(End of this chapter)

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