Infinite Two-dimensional Smash Bros.

Chapter 583 The Final Game

Chapter 583 The Final Game
Although Li Tianyu temporarily blocked the entrance with the Queen's guard, he couldn't last long.After all, to the alien, he is just a mortal body, and the opponent can kill him with one blow.But as long as they can block these aliens even for a while, it is enough to create opportunities for Ye Tiancheng.However, it is up to fate whether the final plan will go well.

Li Tianyu originally planned to deal with the new queen by himself, but now that his arm is injured, it is inconvenient for him to move, so he is naturally not as smooth as Ye Tiancheng when attacking.

On the other hand, Ye Tiancheng's character attributes are extremely low, so he basically can't compete with the alien head-on, so it is impossible for him to stop the queen's guards from delaying time, and Li Tianyu can barely do this.

Therefore, in the end, he had no choice but to hand over this task to Ye Tiancheng, while he chose to block the intersection to delay time.Of course, he also knew that his fate would be to be killed, but it didn't matter.

As long as the mission is successful, the game is over.If they can't's just a loss of population, and they won't lose all their current advantages.But Li Tianyu didn't know the result, because he could only hear a "hiss..." from above his head, and then there was a roar at the back of his head, and he returned to the preparation room the next moment.

When he returned to this room, Li Tianyu knew that they had won this mission.

" looks like you took care of the queen?" Li Tianyu turned to Ye Tiancheng and asked, Ye Tiancheng averted his gaze, "You can't live up to other people's trust, right? However, my ability is more advantageous in this scene, which is also very important .It's easier for me to play against enemies like aliens."

"It's a good thing you've settled it." Lin Muxue breathed a sigh of relief at the side at the moment, "Our side has already revealed their secrets. They have already found out that Brother Tianyu is pretending to be fighting. And our side There are only four people, if we delay for another 2 minutes, we should not be able to hold on? It is finally safe and sound."

"Hmph, I feel like I'm winning." Fujikawa Hideichi said, crossing his arms. "However, it was a beautiful victory. I don't think those European and American guys expected that this game would be played in this way." Let's end."

Li Tianyu knew in his heart that in fact, the game dragged on, and it was really uncertain who would win.Because the alien force has obtained a brand new alien queen, if all the aliens born after that are of the same type as the new queen, it means that all their previous traps and props are useless, including confusion agents and sprays Potion, the two most important props.

Moreover, new aliens can be produced without being parasitic on humans, and the number can increase steadily every day.

Although the military will arrive in five days, once this new alien shape reaches a certain scale, it may not need much. A dozen or so is enough to destroy the entire town at present.Because all the current props of human beings are ineffective against these new aliens, the only thing that can be used is the gun in hand.

Therefore, Li Tianyu believed that after five days, ten or so new aliens would cooperate with the previous twenty or so old aliens to jointly attack the town, and they might not be able to withstand it with their strength.But this also explains why when they collected those materials, the alien forces did not come to stop them. To put it bluntly, the aliens are also accumulating "a large wave of development".

This new species of alien is much more powerful than the old species, and its abilities have been improved in all aspects. It has stronger attack power and perception ability. In addition to being able to identify friends and foes by pheromone, it can also be judged by vision.In addition, the next generation can be reproduced without parasitism. This kind of alien is definitely a very high-level trait and requires a very troublesome process.

Alien players didn't come to stop them from obtaining items, it should be to obtain this trait.

In fact, the alien players' calculations are quite good. They just didn't expect that the human players would take the initiative to attack, let alone Lin Muxue, a "functional player" who can transform and make players invisible.

So to put it bluntly, it was Lin Muxue's ability that helped them win the game.It was also because they hid her ability well in the first two rounds, but in the next round, it will not be so easy to give full play to Lin Muxue's characteristic.

This round of the game is officially over, and then it enters the scoring stage.Because both sides won and lost in the first two rounds, everyone's score is the same, so the first two rounds can basically be ignored, and the score will be counted from this round.

Their respective ratings emerged in front of them. First, the winning side had [-] more basic points than the losing side, and then the players were scored and given extra points based on their performance in the game.

The first player to emerge is Lin Muxue: skill score, SSS; battle score, C; team score, SSS; item score, SS; final score SS.

The skill score depends on the skill and tactical arrangement of using abilities in this field; the combat score is a purely combat score, and Lin Muxue's score in this aspect is naturally relatively low; the team score is the interaction with teammates, Lin Muxue The ability is also very suitable for interacting with teammates; the final item score depends on the items found and used.

Although Lin Muxue seldom participated in collection tasks, she was responsible for collecting the pheromones of the Alien Queen, so she also scored quite high in this aspect, which is quite good for her.

Then there is Li Tianyu, the skill score of this game, SS; the battle score, A; the team score, S; the item score, SSS; the final score is S.Because he didn't participate in many battles in this game, the enemy always attacked when they avoided him. In addition, this game mainly relies on NPCs to fight, so there are not many opportunities for players to fight.

When Li Tianyu fought, he rarely fought with the premise of killing the enemy, but with the purpose of delaying time, which resulted in his low combat score.The same goes for other players. Everyone's combat scores are basically between C and S.

The final scores from high to low are Shen Yan's S score, Ye Tiancheng's S score, Liu Zihao's A score, Xia Ning's A score, Mira's A score, Fujikawa Shuichi's B score, Zheng Nanxing's B score, Zhang Wenxin's B score, Kai B's score, Nana C grade.

Therefore, there is no doubt that the MVP of this game is Lin Muxue. In addition to the 250 victory points, she also received an additional 450 MVP points, and 150 points for the SS score bonus. In the end, Lin Muxue scored a total of [-] points, including With [-] points in the first and second rounds, she ranked first with [-] points.

As for Li Tianyu's S score, he got 150 points, including 450 victory points, 450 points in the first and second rounds, and now a total of [-] points; Shen Yan had the same [-] points as him, and they tied for second place.

Liu Zihao, Xia Ning and Mira tied for third with 350 points; Fujikawa Shuichi, Zheng Nanxing, Zhang Wenxin and Kai tied for fourth with 150 points; only Nana, because she participated in too few battles in this mission, usually She was mostly responsible for defense and morale boosting, so her scores were very low, and she only got [-] points, a total of [-] points.

Next is the enemy side, and Karl got the highest score, because he was responsible for most of the tasks on the alien side, so his final score was as high as SSS, although he didn't have the 150 points for victory, but The total points still reached 450 points, plus the [-] points from the first and second rounds, his points actually reached [-] points.

After that, Angel, Edward, Adela, Kelly, Dorian, Dean, Spike, Abraham, and Chen Shuang were all rated SS. After all, they usually took turns to attack the residents of the town. , so their points are all 250 points. Counting the points from the first round, the current score is [-] points.

There are only Azera and John. John has been playing very cowardly because of the lack of the resurrection stone. In normal games, he hides in the alien lair and does not dispatch. He is only responsible for helping his teammates to teleport; and Azera is a healing player and does not participate in the battle. , so these two people only got a B score in this game, with only 250 points, and a total of [-] points including the previous points.

In fact, the points in this game did not widen the gap as they expected.

Because the enemies are aliens after all, their combat scores are obviously higher than those of humans.What's more, Nana's ability at this stage is of a weaker type. It is neither suitable for combat nor can play a key tactical role like Lin Muxue, so that her points in this round are even lower than most of the hostile players.

In terms of strength, he should have been eliminated in the last knockout match, but he was drawn to this round due to good luck.Facts have proved that without that strength, sooner or later he will be eliminated in the next round of the game.

After the scoring was over, the players also left from the dark preparation room.

The place they came out was in a villa. As before, there was plenty of food and a place for them to rest in the villa, but they could not leave from here.They have to stay here until the next round of play begins.

"Ah..." Nana sighed in distress and sat down on the sofa. "In the end, we still didn't do anything. We are far behind in points. It looks like we are going to be eliminated in this round."

"Don't draw conclusions too early." Fujikawa Hideichi sat down beside her with his arms folded, "I don't know the content of the next round yet."

"Yes, but I have to say that everyone's points are not optimistic." Xia Ning sighed with a frown, sat down at the table, and began to eat, "As the winner, our points are not as far ahead as expected .”

Li Tianyu was actually thinking about this too. Although as the winner they got [-] more victory points than the alien forces, the opponents were generally one level higher than them in terms of combat ratings, which also raised the enemy's evaluation. In the first level, they didn't have a big advantage in points in the end. On the contrary, most of the opponents had more than [-] points.

On their side... there are only six people with ratings above [-]: Lin Muxue, Li Tianyu, Shen Yan, Liu Zihao, Xia Ning and Mira. Their average points are lagging behind.

But fortunately, the difference in points is not particularly obvious, and there is still hope to pull it back, it depends on the content of the next round of the game.Li Tianyu estimated that there should be two games left, after all, the difference in points is not particularly obvious.

Thinking of this, he didn't feel any pressure, and sat down at the table with Xia Ning, grabbed a piece of pizza and took a bite: "Don't be too stressed, the game is not over yet, we still have a chance to get the points back. Now My task is to replenish my physical strength, get back to my best condition as soon as possible, and prepare for the next game. So everyone, come and eat too.”

Everyone nodded, and then sat down and ate together.As before they have a 24 hour break, so no need to rush.While eating, everyone chatted about some problems in this round.However, while everyone was discussing, a line of subtitles appeared in front of them, informing them of the content of the next game.

In the fourth round, the deciding game, the game mode is randomly selected as... Treasure Hunting Mode: Players search for various treasures in this mode, and after the game is over, points will be counted according to the number of treasures.

The game map is randomly selected as... "Resident Evil 2", and the game will start after 23:42:36.

Li Tianyu didn't expect that the next round would be a decisive one. Thinking of this, his heart seemed to be grabbed by a hand, so he immediately clicked on the rules of the next round to check in detail.

The rules of the game are very simple. There are various "treasures" hidden in the map. These treasures are divided into the following four types, namely "T virus", "G virus", "infection data" and "virus vaccine".Among them, "T virus" points are worth 80 points, "G virus" points are worth 50 points, "infection data" points are worth 30 points, and "virus vaccine" points are worth 10 points.

After leaving the game scene, the score will be evaluated according to the number of treasures in the player's hand, and the players with the top sixteen points in the final score will survive to the next round, the "final round" of the game.

However, there is an additional rule of this Council, which is "virus vaccine".There are 36 vaccines in the entire map. At the end of the game, players with less than "2" vaccines will be forced to eliminate.

In other words, the vaccine can provide a total of eighteen players with a chance of survival, but only the first sixteen players can survive.This factor is a key point in determining the outcome of the next game, and it is precisely because of this that the points are actually not important, and the only important item is the "vaccine".

They don't need to calculate who has more points, they just need to pinch the vaccine in their hands.

Even though the Vaccine's points are the lowest in the scenario, it is the most important one, determining who will survive the next round.

(End of this chapter)

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