Chapter 585 Common Route
Although it seems that Karl is "hardening" the situation, Li Tianyu did not take it lightly.Karl is not the kind of brainless and reckless guy, on the contrary, he is a shrewd person. I am afraid that Karl is also testing the "bottom line" of the rules of this scene in this way to determine how hard he can be.

Li Tianyu didn't continue to waste time managing others. His first task now was to follow the main line and find a way to reunite with his teammates as soon as possible.And the champion of the main line is the "Academy Access Card" in his hand.

After passing through these rooms, Li Tianyu has arrived at the ward near the emergency escape route.

If you go out from this ward, you can go downstairs through the emergency escape route without attracting the attention of most of the zombies outside.Li Tianyu opened his heart network again and sensed that there were three zombies outside the door, how not to alarm the other party is the key.Zombies are slow and mentally retarded, so it should be possible to try to deal with them by assassination.

Therefore, Li Tianyu quietly opened the door without making much noise.Zombies are not human after all, only the zombie closest to him turned to look at him, and then Li Tianyu bombarded the zombie with a Thunderbird.

The zombie fell to the ground in response, but the nearby zombies didn't notice his side, so Li Tianyu simply ignored them and walked downstairs.At this time, he was thinking about a question: this scene should be Resident Evil 2.

The situation in Resident Evil 2 is that a deadly change occurred in the city, which affected the whole situation, and the producer of the T virus entrusted the protagonists to find their daughters in the scene.

Judging from the city style, they should be in the same city as in the movie, but the timeline is different.Because they are now in the daytime, and the plot of Resident Evil 2 is basically at night.

But in fact, the plot of Resident Evil 2 was the moment when Alice woke up from the laboratory at the beginning. It was also daytime at that time, and the city was already occupied by zombies.But soon the scene changed to night.

Li Tianyu speculated that they should be in this period.At this moment, most of the people in the city have turned into zombies, and the rest of the normal people are going to the city's blocked border to try to leave the city. Those who are still here are basically abandoned children.

STAR's rescue will arrive at night, and if you want to escape from here, you can basically rely on yourself.

However, after knowing the background of the scene, Li Tianyu had an idea and knew their general mission.

Descending the stairs, the entrance to the lower floor was blocked by collapsing rubble.Li Tianyu knew that it should be the limitation of the map scene, and told him that there was no material to search on this floor.

But after going down one floor, Li Tianyu suddenly heard a cry for help and a muffled sound of "duangduang", as if someone was beating on the door.Li Tianyu estimated that it should be the NPC in the scene. In fact, he didn't want to save the other party, but he still wanted to see how the NPC would affect the scene. However, he realized something was wrong after getting close.

This voice sounded very familiar, it was someone he knew!Li Tianyu realized this, so he hurried downstairs. At the moment, a few zombies were attracted by the noise, and they had already gathered around and beat on the door trying to break in.

There are not many zombies on this floor, but more and more zombies are being attracted by the noise.

Li Tianyu knew that if this problem was not solved as soon as possible, more and more zombies would approach, so he threw five thunderbirds and hit the heads of these zombies accurately.Thunderbird can automatically track, and can release multiple at a time, which is perfect for dealing with these small zombies.Soon he got rid of the zombies surrounding the door, and then opened the door of the room.

Sure enough, Zhang Wenxin who appeared behind the door was looking at him in surprise.

"Tianyu?" After discovering that it was Li Tianyu, Zhang Wenxin was quite surprised, "It's you?"

"Who do you think it could be?" Li Tianyu asked angrily and amusedly, "Why are you trapped here?"

"I've been here since I came in." Zhang Wenxin frowned. "No matter what I try, I can't get out. It's as if this room is locked and can only be opened from the outside. I have no choice but to look at it. Is there anyone out there?"

"How long have you been in?" Li Tianyu asked again, Zhang Wenxin thought for a while and said, "It's only about 5 minutes."

Li Tianyu did the math, and it has been more than half an hour since he entered the game, and he suddenly realized: "Is this the mechanism? Players don't enter the scene at the same time, but enter in turn... I don't know if the people behind are also like this. "

Li Tianyu estimated that there should be only one player in an area at the beginning, and then as the game continues, the second player joins the game, but a special setting will allow the two players to meet.Of course, it doesn't matter if Li Tianyu didn't rescue Zhang Wenxin just now, the door of the room will eventually be opened by the zombies outside.

And the number of zombies is not too much. Zhang Wenxin may face these zombies in a little trouble, but she will not be killed, so it doesn't matter if she misses this "meeting point".It's just that there are more people, and it is convenient to move.

However, if he had a choice, Li Tianyu hoped that the teammate he found would be Shen Yan or Zheng Nanxing. These two people had a high degree of compatibility with his abilities, but Zhang Wenxin had nothing to match him in terms of abilities.

Nuo Nuo fruit and rubber fruit are similar materials that cannot conduct electricity, so there is no way for them to cooperate.

"Did you find anything in the room?" Li Tianyu came to the room behind Zhang Wenxin and asked.

"There is a travel booklet with a map of the city." Zhang Wenxin said, and passed the props in her hand to Li Tianyu for a look.Li Tianyu opened the travel book and checked the map. Coincidentally, the map marked the area where they were located. The research institute was only a few blocks away from them, not very far.but……

Li Tianyu looked out the window, the streets were full of zombies, it might not be easy to get there.

They should be in the very center of the city, and the zombification of the areas on the edge of the city is not so serious.

"Do you have any information?" Zhang Wenxin straightened her messy hair and asked.

"I got an access card for the research institute, which should let us go there." Li Tianyu roughly explained the situation after he joined the game, "Actually, I just started not too long ago, not much earlier than you."

"That's it." Zhang Wenxin pondered for a while, nodded and said, "Then, let's move on first? Maybe we will meet other companions with clues to the stripping tower later."

Li Tianyu nodded, and then looked downstairs with Zhang Wenxin.

However, although it can be perceived through the heart network that there are a large number of zombies on every floor of this hospital, not every floor can be entered.The entrances to some places were blocked and they couldn't get in. It was clearly telling them that there were no resources on this floor.So soon they came to the first floor of the hospital, but when they got outside, they had to face the problem of zombies.

"Tianyu, what should we do?" Zhang Wenxin glanced out at the emergency escape intersection, "This way is full of zombies."

"Find another route." Li Tianyu looked around, and then came to the security control room of the hospital, ready to see which road is the safest in the hospital so far, but the door of the security room has just opened, and a The zombies rushed up from behind.Before Li Tianyu could react, Zhang Wenxin slapped the rice cake, hitting the zombie in the face.

"Good job..." Li Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief secretly, and Zhang Wenxin smiled slightly: "It's okay. But do you know what the consequences of being bitten by zombies are? We will be infected and immediately become zombies? Or have a process?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to try." Li Tianyu said and came to the security room.

The unexpected harvest is that there are not only surveillance images in the security room, but also a car key and a small amount of food.

"By the way, did you find the vending machine when you came down?" Li Tianyu looked at the bag of potato chips and chocolate beans on the table and asked, Zhang Wenxin shook her head: "We only have three floors that can be searched when we come down. Vending machines."

"I noticed it too, and there is no obvious food supply on the road." Li Tianyu said, and handed the chocolate beans to Zhang Wenxin.Zhang Wenxin poured some into her hand: "It's okay, right? Anyway, this game scene is not very long."

Li Tianyu thought about it and thought it made sense. From now on, it would take less than 24 hours for the military to wipe out the city with incendiary bombs. Even if you don't eat and drink, you won't die, but energy supply is still very important.

"Look, this road." Li Tianyu pointed to the surveillance screen, "Go out from the back door of the hospital, and there are not many zombies on the side of the trash can. And there is a garbage truck parked in the alley after you go out. Use it as a bridge for us to go to the opposite side."

"It would be great if I could use flash directly." Zhang Wenxin frowned slightly, and then looked at the car key next to her: "Do you think you should use this car to go directly to the research institute?"

Li Tianyu was silent for a while, and explained: "For the time being, I plan to go to the building next door to check. If the building next door is sealed, I will come back and drive away. But this garbage truck is clearly for us to go to the building next door, I suspect There should be something strange over there. Maybe there are other teammates here, so I want to check it out. What do you think?"

Zhang Wenxin tilted her head and thought for a while, then nodded and said, "That's fine, but Tianyu, you can really think about this."

"Because the thinking is different." Li Tianyu replied, "When I entered this scene, I thought about the game mechanism. For example, the operation rules of this game, and the attack mode of monsters and so on."

"I think this is the most special thing about you." Zhang Wenxin smiled, she is a girl with a very sweet smile, different from Shen Yan.Shen Yan also acted the same as Zhang Wenxin at the beginning, but in fact Shen Yan is a stronger type of female man.And Zhang Wenxin belongs to the type who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. She is usually gentle and tame, but her personality is much more resolute than ordinary people.

"If I could choose, I'd rather be like those anime protagonists, with awesome reflexes and operations." Li Tianyu smiled helplessly, then poured out some chocolate beans and ate them, quickly replenishing his energy.

"That type is no longer popular." Zhang Wenxin smiled brightly, her cute little nose wrinkled, "Most of the main characters in anime nowadays are useless types, such as Uzumaki Naruto. The representative of the new generation is Hero Academy Izuku, the protagonist of Green Valley, and Asta, the protagonist of Black Clover, these are useless."

"Then I should be glad that at least I'm not that type." Li Tianyu said with a dry smile.

The two of them worked out an escape route based on the monitoring images in the monitoring room, and ate potato chips and chocolate to replenish their energy.Then the action started, and there were some "dead people" lying on the ground along the way, and it was unknown whether they were zombies or really dead.

Just in case, every time Li Tianyu passed a corpse, he shot him a thunderbolt to confirm.

As far as the background of the scene is concerned, if you are bitten by a zombie, you may be infected. It is hard to say whether you will die, but if you want to consume the "vaccine" in the scene, it will be very dangerous.The number of vaccines determines the number of people who can get out. Each less vaccine means one less person can survive the game.And judging from the fact that they haven't obtained any treasures yet, the game process is still very long.

The two of them walked through the staff passage at the back, and then came out from the back door of the hospital, dealt with a few zombies behind the door, and then climbed along the roof of the garbage truck to the building next door.Next door to the hospital is an apartment building with a total of 20 floors.

After arriving here, Li Tianyu and Zhang Wenxin continued to search layer by layer.They searched three floors in the hospital before and only got a red herb, but when they got here, the two found a new "prop", which is "ammunition".The effect of the ammunition is to restore a certain amount of mana to the player. Only after seeing this did Li Tianyu notice that his mana had not recovered.

Because they have chosen to avoid battles as much as possible so far, the mana points consumed are naturally very small. In addition, the recovery speed of mana points has always been inconspicuous, so Li Tianyu has only now discovered that the mana points have been depleted and have not moved. up.

"Damn, this setting is troublesome..." Li Tianyu frowned and thought to himself.

"But our devil fruit ability doesn't affect it." Zhang Wenxin explained, "After all, devil fruit doesn't consume mana."

"I'm afraid that in the later stage, the devil fruit alone won't be able to defeat the enemy." Li Tianyu said worriedly. At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door upstairs, which was exactly the same as when Zhang Wenxin was trapped before.

Li Tianyu immediately looked at Zhang Wenxin, made eye contact with her, and then the two quickly ran upstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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