Infinite Two-dimensional Smash Bros.

Chapter 59 The only miscalculation

Chapter 59 The Only Miscalculation

Li Tianyu brought the Saiyan player into the ground, with a muffled sound of "boom!", the two of them rolled on the ground a few times and stood up, and they all landed beside a group of NPCs including Gandalf and Aragorn. At this moment, the NPC continued to fight the half-orcs in the area of ​​Zheng Nanxing, preventing those half-orcs from breaking through.

He didn't know how Zheng Nanxing lured these NPCs here, but this move was very smart, relying on the NPCs and her own special abilities, it was more than enough to deal with these half-orc soldiers...for now.

Li Tianyu touched his ribs lightly, and a burst of severe pain like tearing came, which made him shiver uncontrollably, and he was a little dizzy, obviously, this blow really hurt him very badly light.

However, this Saiyan player is already out of breath, and it seems that his physical strength has reached the end.Kamehae Qigong obviously consumed a lot of his physical strength, plus the general fighting also consumes physical strength, this Saiyan player can't last long, and the situation between the two is [-]-[-].But Li Tianyu's advantage is that he is right next to Gandalf and other NPCs.

"Thunder Dragon..." Li Tianyu weakly raised his hand and shouted, a Thunder Dragon flew towards the Saiyan player.

The Saiyan player crossed his arms in defense, forcibly withstood the damage from the Thunder Dragon, and continued to attack him.Although the strength of the Saiyan blood is not high, the physique still reaches an average of 5 points.

In addition, the Saiyan player has doubled his ability value with passive, so he must have a strong physique, so he can completely bear his damage.But the problem is that this Saiyan player also has no effective means to attack Li Tianyu.

The Kamehae Qigong that was charged at the beginning, then the Kamehae Qigong that was thrown when launching a sneak attack, and counting the previous half-charged Kamehae Qigong, this player has used three Kamehae I have done Qigong, and I don't have much physical strength left.Even if he could unleash the fourth Kamehae Qigong, he might not even have the physical strength to move after the release.

However, Kamehae Qigong is the only way this player can attack Li Tianyu. To end this battle, he can only rely on Kamehae Qigong.And Li Tianyu wants to use the group of NPCs behind him to help him withstand this Kamepai Qigong, and help him get rid of this Saiyan player.Thinking of this, Li Tianyu made up his mind and had a rough plan in mind.

"Huh!" The Saiyan player quickly stepped forward, punching Li Tianyu, Li Tianyu didn't dodge at all, he directly let his body elementalize to avoid the opponent's attack, and then blasted the opponent's face with a Thunderbird.But the opponent's physique is still strong after all, he didn't seem to feel anything after this attack, he trembled a bit and hit him again.

The Saiyan player punched wildly, seemingly intending to exhaust his passive shield value with continuous attacks, but Li Tianyu knew it was just a cover.The strength of the Saiyan blood is not very strong, even if it is quadrupled, it is only 12 strength. He has the attribute correction of armed domineering, and 12 points of strength are not enough to cause fatal damage to him.

Therefore, this player must be waiting for an opportunity to unleash Kamehae Qigong to have a showdown.

Li Tianyu was careful while dealing with this Saiyan player.The opponent's attack was very mindless, almost full of flaws all over his body, and Li Tianyu didn't bother to dodge, so he forcibly relied on elementalization to avoid damage.On the one hand, it was to make the other party take it lightly, and on the other hand, it was also because his wound hurt so much, and the pain became worse when he moved, so he didn't want to hide.

In fact, his shield value did not drop as fast as expected, after all, it was calculated according to the damage he received rather than the enemy's attack power.However, Li Tianyu's attack couldn't cause any obvious damage to the Saiyan player. This feeling reminded him of the battle between Krillin, Gohan and others when the Saiyans invaded the earth in Dragon Ball.

In that scene, the physique of the Saiyan is as terrifying as it is now. When there is an obvious gap in strength, it is almost difficult to cause obvious damage to the opponent.So to defeat this Saiyan player, you can only use your brain.Seeing that the Saiyan player became a little anxious, and the speed of attack was obviously accelerated, Li Tianyu knew that the time was coming.

Although his shield value is still about one-third, but he deliberately pretended to be very nervous, and began to attack blindly with lightning skills, trying to force the Saiyan player back.He doesn't know how his acting skills are, he only knows that the injury under his ribs is really painful, and he just wants to end this battle quickly and recover.

"Wave!" At this moment, the Saiyan player finally couldn't hold back anymore, raised his hand to aim at Li Tianyu, and a small qigong wave was launched.This is not Kamehama qigong, but an ordinary qigong wave. It does not require specific actions, consumes less and can be fired in bursts, but its power is also very general, but it is still a magical attack of qi, which cannot be avoided elementally.

Therefore, Li Tianyu covered himself with armed domineering, then crossed his arms to protect his face, and forcibly withstood the blow.The opponent had already attacked him with hand-to-hand combat just now, and he also knew that melee combat ability alone could not solve the battle, so he must be preparing Kamehae Qigong at this moment.Moreover, this attack of Kame-style qigong is his last attack, after this attack of Kame-style qigong, there must not be much left for this Saiyan player.

Of course, Li Tianyu really couldn't bear this Kameha qigong that came head-on, and he didn't intend to rely on his own strength to bear it, but had already found a way out.So after guarding against this ordinary qigong wave, he immediately flew towards the direction where the NPCs were fighting, and then hid in the middle of the NPCs, letting them surround him.

"Qi... Gong—!" The Saiyan player roared, his voice was louder than before.

Li Tianyu knew that this attack of Turtle School Qigong must be very powerful, probably stronger than any previous attack, but he still has confidence in the NPCs, after all, these NPCs are so shameless...

"Beware! Frodo!" Aragorn shouted at this time, pulling Frodo behind him, raising his shield and intending to use his own body to carry the Kamepoe qigong, but Gandalf rushed at the moment Come forward and raise your staff.

Kamepai Qigong hit a transparent light curtain, and then instantly spread in all directions and melted.

"Hey?" The Saiyan player was a little confused, as if he didn't expect his full blow to be so easily resolved by the NPC.This is because he only focused on observing the players in the previous battles and ignored the existence of these NPCs. Naturally, he is not as familiar with the characteristics of these NPCs as Li Tianyu. This is the only miscalculation of this Saiyan player.

Now, Li Tianyu has only one last job left, which is to use Lightning Nova to knock the Saiyan player into front of these NPCs.He doesn't have the ability to defeat this Saiyan player, but these NPCs can.

"Ahem..." At this moment, Li Tianyu couldn't bear the burning sensation in his chest. He coughed violently, and a mouthful of blood spewed out immediately. After that, he lost all strength and fell to his knees.

Li Tianyu knew that the rapid qigong wave of the blow just now completely exploded the damage he had accumulated before, no matter how hard he tried, his body was numb for a while, and he immediately screamed inwardly: "Oh no, it's actually at this time... "

"Hey, you bastard, don't bully our commander!" At this moment, a figure descended from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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