Chapter 598 Useful
After a little supplementation, everyone also regained their physical strength, but their mental state was still not good.Everyone looks tired and just holding on.However, there are still four hours before the end of the game. I am afraid that they will overdraw their mental strength if they last until the end. It depends on which side of the player can concentrate more.

Li Tianyu could understand what Fujikawa Hideichi said, now he has a very strange feeling, he is not sleepy, but it seems that he can fall asleep when he closes his eyes, and he really wants to relax.

But there is no way to rest, because the road ahead is long, the road is full of zombies, and lickers and stalkers may appear at any time, so the game progress should be promoted as soon as possible while the stalkers are not here.

After going out of this convenience store, it is safe within a short distance from the back door, but after that, there are dense zombies.But the good news is that the escape point is not far away from them and has already appeared in sight.

Looking along the past, the target building is in front of them, and it should be only a few streets away from them.

"It's right in front of you..." Li Tianyu said to himself, "What should happen next?"

"It should be several large-scale battles." Fujikawa Hideichi didn't hide anything, and reminded directly, "Be careful, the next section of the road will be particularly dangerous, and be careful of zombies in blind spots."

Judging from Fujikawa Shuichi's words, the most dangerous thing is indeed the issue of "infection".They went on, crossed this street, and came to a side alley.The alley was blocked on both sides, with a crashed car on the left and collapsed buildings on the right. There was no doubt that the only normal way forward was through this alley.

Li Tianyu opened his heart network and sensed that there was not a single zombie in the alley.However, there are all lying corpses. As for which ones are real corpses and which ones are hidden zombies, the situation is even more terrifying.But at this time Li Tianyu suddenly had an idea.

"I have an idea..." Li Tianyu grinned, and then stretched out his hand to everyone.

"Tianyu, what are you going to do?" Zhang Wenxin asked curiously, but Lin Muxue suddenly said: "Oh! I understand, Tianyu, are you planning to use flash to trigger..."

"Yes, hurry up." Li Tianyu smiled and nodded.

Although the flashing mechanism is teleportation, when the system judges, it will default that he has passed through all the areas within the flashing distance, and all enemies in these areas will be triggered by him, so Li Tianyu rarely used flashing before. It has been used in the research institute, because the upstairs is cleaned up before moving forward, and each area is separated.

Now, Li Tianyu intends to rely on this judgment to activate the zombies here.He has calculated that there are about fifty or sixty zombies on the scene. Of course, the number is relatively large. It may take some time to clean up these zombies, but the real threat is that these zombies are in an inactive state. The moment suddenly rushed upon them.

This requires them to be more cautious and move forward step by step.In the area ahead, you can see a lot of congestion. Although the alley itself is very wide, under the congestion of obstacles, the road they can walk is actually like a narrow path. Not talking for a long time, but also gave the zombies a lot of opportunities to attack them.

Therefore, Li Tianyu planned to use this judgment to flash everyone directly to the exit of the alley and activate all the zombies inside at once.This means that they need to face a large number of zombie attacks at the same time, but this is better than being attacked by surprise.

"Are you sure?" Xia Ning asked with a solemn expression, "The terrain inside is not wide, and it is still very dangerous to be blocked by zombies in such a narrow place. If there are too many zombies, there may be trouble."

"No, I think it's a good idea." Fujikawa Hideichi mused while resting his chin, "The most dangerous part of this scene is the surprise attack, some zombies won't pounce on you until you are four or five meters away from them. "

"As expected of Tianyu, this method is really clever." Shen Yan touched his head and smiled, Li Tianyu kept his face calm, stretched out his hand to grab Shen Yan, and urged: "Come on, grab everyone around you!" People, get ready for action.”

After finishing speaking, Li Tianyu flashed once, and the scenery around everyone flickered in the next moment, and then came to the exit of the alley.At that time, there was a neat "rua!" in the alley, and then all the zombies stood up from the ground, and staggered towards them.Some of the zombies that were closer to them sped up after taking a few steps.

"Go to hell!" Kai roared, waving his hand and hitting the head of the oncoming zombie against the wall with a claw, causing blood to splash everywhere, but in this head-on confrontation, these zombies had no advantage.Their greatest use is to make players move forward in fear and beware of their sneak attacks at any time, but now they have lost this ability.

So, what follows is a head-on battle without any suspense.The alley is indeed relatively narrow, but this is not a disadvantage. Zombies blocked the exit of the alley, but it also reduced the number of zombies they had to face at the same time.This kind of group of enemies makes it easy for Li Tianyu to play. He just needs to throw chain lightning without thinking, and the passive explosion can cause a lot of damage.

Soon, they cleaned up all the mobs in the entire alley.This is a huge advantage for them.

"Okay, in this way, we can be much ahead of the enemy in terms of time." Fujikawa Shuichi couldn't help clenching his fists excitedly when he finished off the last zombie, "This strategy has saved us a lot of time and energy!"

"In short, let's search first." Li Tianyu said with a long sigh of relief, "There should be some supplies in this place, right? Our magic value is not full now. Before the final battle with the enemy, the higher the state, the better."

"Where's the monster, brother Tianyu?" Liu Zihao asked tentatively, "Should there be no more zombies?"

Li Tianyu sensed it for a while, then shook his head: "The inside is clean now, without any monsters."

Everyone searched the scene and found a few supplies and some virus samples, but there was no vaccine.This also broke Li Tianyu's last illusion.

He had hoped to find a hidden vaccine in this kind of place, just like in the first act scene, there would be a reward for winning that avoidable battle, but the reality was obviously not so good.

Everyone replenished, recovered as much of their mana as possible, and prepared to leave from this place.

Just when he went out, Li Tianyu's heart skipped a beat, and he raised his hands to stop the others.

Everyone followed his line of sight and found that the tracker was standing in front of them, maintaining the state of the previous stage two, and all the injuries on his body had recovered.But it didn't attack at this moment, but stood still and watched them.

"What is it waiting for?" Zheng Nanxing asked cautiously while hiding behind Li Tianyu, Ye Tiancheng replied with a sneer: "Waiting for us to go out... as soon as we go out from here, it should attack us."

"Tsk, let me deal with it!" Kai growled through gritted teeth, "I've endured long enough!"

After speaking, Kai took a step forward, his body began to swell, and then turned into a human lion and rushed towards the pursuer.

Li Tianyu didn't have any hope for Kai, after all, the role he has played so far is sandbags and "trap detectors".But this time the situation is different.

"Golden lion, return your life!" Kai roared, and then his strong body began to shrink, and then turned into a lion about the size of a human.But while the reminder got smaller, the lion's mane grew a lot longer.

As soon as he took his first step out of the area, the stalker strode towards him.

"Tsk..." Kai spat, and "shaved" to the right of the tracker.

"Fuck, it's so quick to 'shave'..." Li Tianyu couldn't help sighing.

Usually there is a prelude to shaving, but Kai's shaving almost moved without any warning.

Kai's own strength has been weakened by its size, but some parts of its body have grown longer.Such as lion's mane and its sharp claws, and the speed increase is especially large.He lowered his head to avoid the pursuer's attack, and then stabbed the pursuer's chest with his right hand. His sharp claws covered the armed domineering, instantly penetrated the thick body of the pursuer, and his lion's mane also danced.

At this time, Kai's movements were in a stiff state, and there would be a pause after the attack. The tracker took advantage of this moment to attack Kai with his tentacles.But Kai also has a similar setting. His lion's mane formed the shape of his legs, and he kicked the ground a few times in an instant, and he opened the distance.

"Wonderful, this practical application of life return..." Li Tianyu thought to himself with great interest. In fact, Kai's style of play is somewhat similar to his Xinwang, which combines the fruit ability with his own ability.

It's just that what he combines is domineering, and what Kai combines is the ability in the six forms of "life return".

"That guy, seriously, is quite powerful. I think his most powerful is this 'life return' form, but he doesn't like this form." Fujikawa Shuichi explained, and then launched an attack.

"Don't come here! Get in the way!" Kai growled, a mane spread from his head and stopped in front of Kai, "I can solve it alone!"

Li Tianyu hesitated for a moment, then nodded, and led the crowd forward, but he didn't advance too much.

As they walked forward, they entered the next battle area. The zombies wandering on the street were attracted to them and slowly approached.But the target of these zombies does not seem to be them, but towards the tracker.

Li Tianyu was stunned for a moment, and then realized that these zombies were actually the "blood bottles" of the stalkers, and the stalkers could recover their own damage by preying on ordinary zombies or even other tyrants.

However, now that the trackers are delayed by Kai alone, they can easily clean up these zombies.

And Kai is very fast in this state, and there is no gap between attacks at the same time. Even in the stiff state, he can use the lion's mane to assist himself in moving. The pursuer attacked him but couldn't touch him.He is too sensitive in this state, but his attack power is actually not low, because the attack method has been changed to cutting with claws. In this situation, it seems that he can really deal with the tracker alone.

"Tsk, it's time to be useful." Li Tianyu couldn't help but think to himself. This guy has basically not been useful so far. After all, he is a person who has reached this stage, so he should have his own highlights.

Soon, after clearing the small zombies at the scene, they focused their fire on the trackers.

Kai is still in a relatively calm state now. He has prevented other melee players from approaching, not because he wants to fight alone, but because too many melee players will reduce his space for play. However, long-range attack players only need to avoid him to attack. .Therefore, the battle only lasted about 10 minutes, and the pursuer was beaten to the point of being unable to move, but the battle was not over.

The tracker was obviously severely injured. It backed up a few steps and hit a building. Its body seemed to start to dissolve. The upper body and the lower body were separated directly. Chest ribs and vertebrae protruded from the wound like blossoms.

Then the upper body of the stalker in front of them turned over, and the broken part of the body sprayed a mouthful of strong acid at them.

"It's the third form of the stalker..." Li Tianyu immediately signaled everyone to back off, but although the stalker has entered the third form at this moment, it is not an evolution, but a degenerated mutation state, which has become weaker than before up.

But after the mouthful of strong acid forced them back, the monster quickly slipped into a nearby sewer.

It seems that the battle on their side should be over, but this does not mean that the stalker will die because of this.Just like before, the stalker can recover its own damage by devouring other tyrants and zombies. After it escapes, it should soon replenish its energy and return to the state of the previous stage two.

And they want to reach their destination before the follower arrives next time.The good news is that the target building is already in sight, only a few streets away from them, and they can enter by crossing these few roads.However, in terms of time, Li Tianyu didn't think they could just enter the building like this, and then take the elevator to the top of the building smoothly...

"Let's go, go up first and then talk." Li Tianyu waved his hands and urged, then took the lead and ran forward.

(End of this chapter)

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