Chapter 603
The current situation on the field is actually very clear. Besides Angel, Adela also has two vaccines in her hand, but this woman is good at defense, and it is not easy to take the vaccine from her.So Angel's vaccine is the best choice.The ones who have the vaccine will be the eleven on their team, and the three on Karl's team.

The remaining one depends on the luck of others.

Although Li Tianyu also knew that this was cruel, but this was the rule of this game.

However, at this moment, the artificial sun above their heads disappeared, and Karl's figure slowly returned to its original shape.This made the people at the scene turn their attention to Carl.

"If you want to challenge me, just come." Carl sat down at the entrance of the helicopter with his arms folded, and said with a sneer.But even if he is in his current form, those European and American players don't seem to have the guts to look for him.

Li Tianyu estimated that during this period of time, Karl's attributes should be 75/125/75/0, and his strength and agility are relatively balanced. The strength value of 75 is enough to overwhelm the audience, so those European and American players dare not attack him. .

Mira's figure flashed, and then climbed up again from the lower level of the roof, probably resurrected.

"Do you still have my vaccine?" Mira looked at them and asked nervously.

Li Tianyu glanced at her, but no one answered her.In fact, if Adela's vaccine is included, it can be considered as just enough to get the vaccine for their entire team. But in his heart, Li Tianyu didn't really want to help her, especially considering what she said before, which made him feel that Mi La is not a member of their team.

If one day this team encounters danger, Mira will still decisively abandon them and choose to protect herself.

"I thought you said you relied on yourself to survive today?" Li Tianyu asked.

"Yes... that's what I said at the time." Mira swallowed, and then anxiously argued: "But it was indeed like this before! Before meeting you, we were fighting on our own, only thinking about ourselves, There is no team at all! Just like those European and American players, you have also seen that our server is this style! If, if..."

Speaking of this, Mira stammered a bit: "If you...can help me this time, help me get the vaccine... I, I will definitely remember this kindness, and I, I will, really join this team ..."

"Tsk, let's stop talking nonsense." Li Tianyu interrupted her, "We are still short of two vaccines, and the enemy just has two vaccines left, on Adele and Angel. But can't get it? , it’s up to you.”

At present, there are twelve people on their side, and the dead on the enemy's side have also been resurrected one after another, leaving nine people.But this does not mean that this battle will be easy. If it is a frontal battle, apart from Nana and Lin Muxue, there are actually only ten people on their side that count as combat power. Zheng Nanxing is also a support type player, but it can increase the combat power of others in a disguised form. .

And, now another problem is coming to the fore.Including Li Tianyu, everyone looked very tired.This kind of fatigue is the fatigue of the mental state, but compared to the opponent's nine people, the state is quite good, and the mental state will affect the player's skills. Li Tianyu made mistakes in combos because of this before.

In addition, the previous fierce battle had exhausted their last energy, and now it was difficult for everyone to maintain a high level of mental concentration.Therefore, in fact, this situation is really not an advantage.

Mira looked at the person opposite, and then at Li Tianyu, her breathing gradually accelerated.

Li Tianyu saw her wavering, but this time is very critical, a wrong sentence may lead to Mira's defection.

"Which one do you think is easier, taking away the vaccine from two people or taking away the vaccine from ten people?" Li Tianyu reminded.

"I think it depends on which side is in better condition, right?" Mira's breathing calmed down.

Then, without giving anyone a chance to do anything, Mira jumped onto the water tank and asked Angel: "What do you think, how about a cooperation? I will join your side, and I should have a share of the vaccine by then." Bar?"

"Smart girl...I like her." Karl smiled with interest, "Now it's interesting."

Li Tianyu and the others have vaccines for ten people, but he has eleven people; Angel has nine people, but they only have vaccines for two people.However, looking at it on the other hand, if Li Tianyu and the others are on their side, once Ye Tiancheng also gets the vaccine, she may have to rely on herself for her share of the vaccine.

But if Mira joins Angel, they must defeat Li Tianyu and the others, after all, they will take away the vaccines for eight people.This is more secure for Mira, she will definitely not be the last to get the vaccine.

"Hmph, what a stupid question." Angel grinned, "This is the situation, of course we welcome any combat power. Believe that you have already made a decision in your heart? Then trust your own voice."

Mira snorted, and then landed next to Angel, face to face with Li Tianyu and the others.

"Sorry, just like you said, I always rely on myself." Mira said coldly, the alien parasite climbed up her cheek and turned into her spider suit, it seemed that she had made up her mind, It is obvious that they are going to stand on the opposite side of them.

"I can't help it... Can you guys cheer up and fight again?" Li Tianyu took a deep breath and asked his companions beside him.Although everyone gave an affirmative answer, Li Tianyu still noticed that their voices were obviously tired and their faces were haggard.After all, it has been sixteen or seventeen hours since I entered the scene, without sleep and with high concentration.

After persisting until now, everyone is very tired, and Li Tianyu himself is the same.But they had no choice but to step forward and fight the enemy again.But the situation is just as Li Tianyu worried, not optimistic.

Although they have the lead in numbers, they are only one more, and Nana and Lin Muxue together are the top half of them in this kind of head-on combat situation, even forcing Zheng Nanxing to spend More energy to help them defend.

Therefore, the situation on the field was that their side was at a disadvantage.It is especially important for people like Ye Tiancheng to concentrate their mental power. He is very fragile, and an accidental hit may be fatal.And Li Tianyu himself has more and more wounds. After all, it is difficult to concentrate his mental power, which makes the connection of his skills very difficult.

Liu Zihao's Hell Armor was also damaged due to overloading, and he had to put on a normal suit to wait for the Hell Armor to recover on its own.As the battle continues, Lin Muxue and Nana's vaccines have been taken away.

"Heh..." Carl yawned, looked down at the time and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I don't want to disturb you, but I want to remind you that there is still half an hour left before the deadline. But the one who flew out of the nuclear explosion There's another 15 minutes in range, so you only have 15 minutes left to wrap up this farce."

"So, are you sure you can't come to help, big man?" Mira asked out of breath. She was also seriously injured. Most of the people at the scene were in bad condition. It is estimated that there is only a decisive distance from being revived by the resurrection coin. One hit.

"Are you making me laugh?" Karl asked back with a smirk, holding his chin, "What makes you think that I can't bear to watch all of you get eliminated? You won't tell me it's love, will you? Anyway It’s also a matter of time.”

Li Tianyu wanted to say something to boost morale at this moment, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he coughed up a large mouthful of blood. His whole body was in severe pain. He felt that if he moved a little more, he wouldn't need to attack from the opposite side. He would just burp and resurrect.

"Tianyu, be careful!" Shen Yan quickly supported him. Li Tianyu took a deep breath and shook his head.

But Shen Yan suddenly grabbed his arm and said nervously: "Tianyu, your hand..."

Li Tianyu turned to Shen Yan, then followed her gaze to look down, and was suddenly shocked: there was a bite mark on his arm, and the wound had scabbed over, it seemed that he had been bitten for a long time.

He thought carefully, and then recalled that during the initial defense battle of the weapons store, a zombie rushed towards him, but he blocked it with his arm.I didn't notice it at the time, but this wound could only have been caused at that time.

"Why? I haven't transformed into a corpse?" Li Tianyu murmured to himself, "And the wound is still scabbed?"

From "Resident Evil", it can be found that the wound bitten by the zombie will continue to bleed and will not heal, the host will start to have a high fever, and will be killed by the virus after a few hours and become a zombie, but he survived until Now, not only is everything safe and sound, but even the wound has scabbed over. Why?And he soon had an answer.

"I understand..." Li Tianyu muttered to himself, "If this is the case, maybe we can... But, how do we get out of here in the end? These guys won't just let us go... That's right!"

Li Tianyu was talking to himself, while Hideichi Fujikawa spat out a mouthful of bloody phlegm and sighed: "It can't be done...give you my vaccine, you get out of here. I'll stay and delay these guys, ten of you survive Too……"

But at this time Li Tianyu already had an idea.He looked at the people behind him, then stretched out his hand to them, and asked, "Do you want to believe me once? I don't have proof, but I think it's worth a fight."

Without saying a word, Shen Yan reached out and grabbed him, and replied simply: "Of course, I believe you."

"Let's go, no matter where you want to take us." Liu Zihao also reached out and grabbed his arm.

Li Tianyu nodded, and then he used a flash, but those European players didn't pay attention at all, because in their view, there was nowhere to escape.

However, after the surrounding scenery flashed once, Li Tianyu led everyone in front of him to another rooftop.

It's almost exactly the same as the previous rooftop, with a circle of guard bodies, a helicopter, and two "people" fighting.

It's just that the two people fighting are the heroine "Alice" and the tracker of the Resident Evil series.

"So that's how it is!" Lin Muxue suddenly realized, and then rushed forward and hugged Li Tianyu, "Brother Tianyu, you are a genius!"

"I used Xinwang to perceive that the situation here is a bit strange. It doesn't look like a zombie, so I guessed that the heroine Alice and the tracker are fighting here." Li Tianyu explained, "Following their helicopter, we should be able to leave."

"But we still need six doses of vaccine!" Zhang Wenxin said anxiously.

"Here you are!" Li Tianyu handed his vaccine to Lin Muxue, and then turned to Liu Zihao: "Zihao, you give your vaccine to Nana; Yan'er, give your vaccine to Muxue. Then listen to me and follow my advice." to distribute the virus samples in hand..."

"Oh!" Zheng Nanxing was the first to understand when he saw the wound on Li Tianyu's hand, "We have the ability to resist poison!"

"That's right!" Shen Yan also suddenly realized, "We also participated in a biohazard mission before. That time we helped research the anti-virus agent. After the mission, all four of us gained the ability to resist the poison, so Tianyu was not killed. Infect!"

"That's right, I think the four of us can survive without the two vaccines." Li Tianyu nodded and said, "But... who knows? Let's try it. So I say this is a gamble …”

Fujikawa Shuichi grabbed his hand holding the vaccine and frowned: "Then have you ever thought about what to do if you lose the bet?"

"I'm not completely betting on luck." Li Tianyu snorted and said, "I checked the route here on Xinwang. From the point where we started from the convenience store, there is indeed a road leading to here. If there is no If you can’t come here, the road in the middle will be blocked. Do you know what this means? It means this is the 'second choice' given to us by the system."

"Then what if you are eliminated without the vaccine!?" Fujikawa Shuichi asked angrily.

"Then I guess," Li Tianyu smiled and turned to Xia Ning and others, "The next step will depend on you. I also believe that you will win in the end, just like you believe in me now."

Hearing this, Fujikawa Shuichi unconsciously let go of Li Tianyu's arm.But despite his handsome words, Li Tianyu was extremely nervous at the moment, his heartbeat seemed to jump out of his chest, and the blood rushed straight to his head.

"Of course." Xia Ning frowned, "I will definitely win and bring you back to life."

"I think it might be a good choice to be eliminated together with you, and we should go to the same place in the end." Shen Yan turned to Li Tianyu, smiled slightly and said.

"Yan'er..." Li Tianyu looked at Shen Yan, his expression gradually softened, he held her hand, nodded, and his heart that was beating wildly now gradually calmed down.

At this moment, Alice behind her has defeated the Nemesis, and everyone is about to board the helicopter and leave.

"Get ready, go and ask her to bring us along." Li Tianyu took a deep breath, "Success or failure depends on it!"

(End of this chapter)

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