Chapter 615

"The fruit of summoning souls?" Li Tianyu frowned, seeming a little suspicious of this ability.

"That's right, this ability is different from Big-mom's soul fruit ability. It can only recall the souls of the dead from the dead world, so it needs a container to hold these souls." Robin nodded and explained.

Li Tianyu's first reaction was that they could use this ability to recall the soul of One Piece King Gol D. Roger, and then ask him about the whereabouts of One-piece?

Of course, it should work in theory, but not necessarily in practice.First of all, this guy named Sun En may not necessarily cooperate with them, and secondly, Gol D. Roger probably will not tell them the whereabouts of the treasure.

However, what we have to worry about now is the swarming "civil and military officials".It is said that there are hundreds of civil and military officials, but in fact they are all military officials, but Li Tianyu noticed that before being possessed by the soul, their appearance is blurred, but after the soul is on them, the facial features will become more and more clear. And also began to have various abilities.

"Let's deal with these guys first." Li Tianyu thought to himself, and then a chain lightning shot out.

And these civil and military officials immediately spread out in all directions, avoiding his chain lightning, and then they all rushed forward, launching various attacks on them.

These people have various abilities, not all from the same world, some use the qigong wave in Dragon Ball, some use domineering, and some use "Wu Shuang", but every civil and military official has his own ability , none of them are miscellaneous soldiers.This situation also made Li Tianyu a little at a loss for a while, not knowing which one to attack.

But on the battlefield, just a moment of hesitation is enough to decide the situation, and in just such a moment, the enemy rushed in front of him.Li Tianyu came back to his senses and used Lightning Nova to shake the people around him away, but after the people around him were knocked back, the enemies from behind surrounded him again, punching and kicking him.

As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four hands. There are too many enemies, and they are not at the level of miscellaneous soldiers. Li Tianyu has no way to dodge or defend. He can only raise his arms to protect his head, and cover his body with armed domineering to defend .

The fists fell on him like raindrops. Although the force was not strong and did not cause any serious injuries, Li Tianyu could still feel the obvious pain, so he quickly opened the distance with a flash, but this way he let The other three fell into the siege of the enemy.Lu Fei, Robin and Shen Yan were beaten up by the civil and military officials.

"It's not good... there are too many people, we are not opponents." Li Tianyu frowned, then raised his hands and blasted Lei Shan, sweeping Lei Shan across the battlefield.Those clay people avoided one after another, Shen Yan seized this opportunity tacitly, grabbed Lu Fei and Robin and retreated from the civil and military officials, and reached out to grab Li Tianyu's hand.

The next moment, Li Tianyu led them back to the Sonny on the beach with a flash.

"Damn it, that strong." Luffy punched the ground a little unwillingly and said, "His partners are also very powerful, but he is very strong himself, and I am no match at all."

"Everyone..." At this moment, Robin looked around and frowned, "They're all gone."

Only then did Li Tianyu notice that all the Frankies who were supposed to stay here on the Sonny were gone.So he opened his heart network to sense it, but there were too many clay soldiers on the island, it was really hard to tell them apart.

"Tianyu, isn't this the practice of One Piece?" Shen Yan asked in a low voice, "Be beaten up by the enemy first, and then bring your companions back to fight the second round with all your skills and defeat the enemy... old routine gone."

"That's true." Li Tianyu nodded, then looked around, there were obvious signs of fighting on the ship.

From the clay fragments scattered on the deck, it can be inferred that this place was also attacked by clay soldiers.

"Let's go, let's find other people." Li Tianyu turned to Robin and said, Robin nodded, but at this time Luffy was wandering around on the boat and shouted: "Sanji, Sanji! I'm hungry, Have a meal--!"

"Luffy, let's go find Sanji." Robin turned to Luffy and said seriously, "Everyone must have been attacked, we have to find everyone quickly. I heard that Sun En's past will kill his enemies , and then imprisoned their souls and used them to torture his enemy's companions. The pottery man just now is undoubtedly Sun En himself, so be careful."

"Everyone won't be killed by him!" Lu Fei clenched his fists and said confidently, but then he languished and sat down on the ground, "Damn it, I'm so hungry, I can't exert any strength... ..."

"Let's go, Luffy." Li Tianyu persuaded, "Didn't Sanji and the others go to find food? If you find him, you can eat."

So, the four of them embarked on a journey to find their companions again, but the island was quite large, and there were a large number of clay soldiers who could confuse his mind, so finding their companions here could only rely on the ability of others.

"How is it, Miss Robin? Did you find it?" Li Tianyu turned to Robin and asked.

Robin released his ability, then shook his head: "I haven't found any traces of other people for the time being."

"I'm so hungry..." Luffy muttered as he sat dejectedly on the edge, holding his stomach. He was completely unable to fight.

"This place is really... clay soldiers everywhere." Shen Yan muttered as she looked at the clay soldiers under a tree.

Indeed, on this island, not only in the city, but also in the entire island, there are a large number of clay soldiers, some of which seem to be inexplicably placed in the wild.But they also have no clue about finding their companions, and they don't have any clues.

"Where can they go?" Li Tianyu thought anxiously, now that Luffy is in a state where he can no longer help, and Robin's combat effectiveness is not outstanding, it is impossible for him and Shen Yan to fight alone Those civil and military officials before, let alone a former Pirate King Sun En.Now Li Tianyu fell into confusion, not knowing what to do next.

"Why don't you find something for Lu Fei to eat first? Are there no wild fruits or beasts in this place?" Shen Yan suggested, and then planned to push away the clay in front of him and climb up the tree to see if there were any fruits.But just when she reached out to touch Tao Tu in front of her, that Tao Tu suddenly opened her eyes, avoided Shen Yan's push, and stabbed the spear in her hand with her backhand.

Although Shen Yan was stunned, she still stretched out her hand nimbly, and grabbed the end of the spear before it hit her.It was only then that Li Tianyu discovered that this was not a "clay soldier", it was a human with a layer of clay on the surface. Because the clay on the surface had dried, he stood there motionless and looked just like clay.

Judging from the body shape, this fake clay soldier should still be a child, at most fifteen or sixteen years old.

Although he tried his best to attack Shen Yan, Shen Yan subdued him in two strokes, and pressed him to lie on the ground: "What are you doing, it's so rude to suddenly attack a girl."

"Let go, let go!" The child actually shouted in pure Chinese, and then struggled hard.

Although Li Tianyu could understand what Luffy and the others said, but from the phonetic point of view, it could be heard that they spoke Japanese, but he understood it in Chinese through the APP, and what this child spoke was pure Chinese.

Thinking of the fact that this "former One Piece" is called Sun En, and that his subordinates are all ancient Chinese heroes, it can be inferred that this former One Piece is set with a Chinese character as the background, so this child who can speak Chinese is obviously There is some relationship with this "former One Piece", and this kid is definitely not the only one pretending to be a clay man on this island.

"Hey, you can speak Chinese, what should you know?" Li Tianyu raised his hand to stop Shen Yan, and then asked the child, "Do you know the story of the Pirate King Sun En?"

The child fell silent on the ground, then clenched his fists and muttered: "He is the enemy of our entire clan... We have been hiding on this island, hoping that one day we can defeat him and release the trapped ancestors. "

As he said that, the child actually started to cry, and the layer of clay on his face was covered with tears.Seeing this, Shen Yan let go of him, picked him up from the ground, and muttered: "You shouldn't be crying, how can a man shed tears casually?"

After some conversation, they learned that the child's name was Xiaohan, and the island was called "Dead Soul Island".As Robin said, Sun En had a habit in the past, that is, he would kill the enemy's companions and then imprison their souls to torture them, using them to threaten his enemies. These souls imprisoned by him, unless Sun En himself Be defeated, otherwise you will never be able to reincarnate.

After Sun En's death, the descendants of those imprisoned souls gathered on this island, hoping to defeat Sun En and save their ancestors' souls from the clay, but they kept failing.Sun En's power is too strong, they are not opponents at all, but these people can't abandon their ancestors, so they live and multiply on this island.

They gradually mastered the methods of surviving on this island, such as disguising themselves as clay soldiers so that they would not be discovered by other clay soldiers. They relied on this method to accumulate strength secretly in order to defeat Sun En one day. Free the spirits of ancestors, friends, loved ones from that clay.These call themselves the "Soul-Suppressing Clan".

It's a pity that they have been failing so far, not once in decades.Because Sun En's power is too strong, and they will be born, old, sick and die, but Sun En and his clay army will not.

Conversely, Sun En's clay army will grow stronger with the continuous defeat of the soul-suppressing clan. The souls of the defeated soul-suppressing clan are taken away by Sun En and imprisoned in the clay soldiers, becoming the enemy's strength.Unless Sun En's own soul is sent to the world of the dead, these souls taken away by Sun En will never be able to reincarnate. Even if their clay bodies are broken, their souls will eventually be reborn on other clay soldiers.

"It means that we just need to defeat the clay man where Sun En's soul is, right?" Li Tianyu asked.

Xiaohan nodded crying: "But he is really too strong... He is the One Piece after all. Everyone has never given up fighting in the past few decades, but there are still fewer and fewer people in the soul-suppressing clan..."

The souls of the ancestors have not been rested in peace, which is a difficult hurdle for anyone.

"So what about One Piece." Luffy stood up at this moment, and smiled as he pressed his straw hat, "He's just the past One Piece, and I'm the man who will become the next generation One Piece! Defeating him is a matter of course!"

But after the show, Luffy's stomach suddenly grumbled, and then he collapsed and sat down on the ground: "I'm so hungry..."

"Hey, you." At this time, Robin turned to Xiaohan and asked, "Have your people seen my companion? It's the people on that ship, and there is a man with yellow hair and curly eyebrows."

Xiaohan turned to Robin and replied: "I'm not sure, our tribe will drive away irrelevant people who come to this island, but we will not kill them. But if they are caught by Sun En's men, they will Brought to Sun En's Hall of Souls to be executed, those powerful souls will be imprisoned and become part of Sun En's army, fighting for him forever."

In fact, after arriving here, the follow-up tasks are already very clear.Li Tianyu knew that the next step was to find the soul-suppressing clan, and then work with them to find a way to defeat Sun En.He didn't know Sun En's own strength, but he knew that if the group of civil and military officials in the Golden Temple were not cleaned up, it would be impossible for them to defeat Sun En.

Anyway, they went back to their village with Xiaohan first, intending to see if the others were arrested.

The village of the Zhenhun family is located in a corner of the island. The people in the village are no different from normal people, but after leaving the village, the villagers will disguise themselves as clay soldiers to avoid being attacked by Sun En's clay army.

Under Xiaohan's introduction, they also got to know each other with the villagers in the village.

There are really not many people in this village. Counting the old, weak, sick and disabled, it can add up to 200 people at most. Among them, the young and middle-aged people who can fight are estimated to be only 70 to [-] people. It is really not enough to defeat Sun En's army at this scale too likely.

However, the good news is that they met Brooke, Franky, Usopp, Ye Tiancheng and Liu Zihao, the five people who stayed on the Sonny.Although they were caught, they didn't seem to be injured, they just fell asleep after being anesthetized by some kind of drug.But with the exception of the five of them, everyone else has probably been taken away.

"Little devil, how about making a deal?" Li Tianyu cut to the chase, "Shall we join forces? We have to save our companions anyway, and you are responsible for helping us lure away those miscellaneous soldiers in the Golden Palace, so that we can deal with Sun En. "

(End of this chapter)

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