Chapter 635 Target Elbaf
Although Zheng Nanxing's shield blocked Big-mom's prestige, the aftermath of the impact still shook the sea violently, pushing their warship to drift far away.Of course, the Big-mom pirate group is still chasing after them. Judging from this situation, it is impossible for the pirate group to leave without temporarily repelling Big-mom.

Fortunately, Karl and his players didn't come over either, but stayed on Big-mom's pirate ship.

Li Tianyu estimated that the mechanism of this chase battle should be that Big-mom is responsible for chasing them and delaying their speed, while they try to repel the harassment from Big-mom and the players.

If the distance is not successfully opened and Big-mom's pirate ship catches up, it will be an all-out war. Although they have more players than each other, they have the assistance of the entire Big-mom pirate team .And the NPCs on Li Tianyu's ship... In terms of strength, they are at most used to delay the miscellaneous soldiers.

Now the best way to knock Big-mom back is to use the Disintegration Ray.Before, Li Tianyu planned to keep the disintegrating ray as his trump card to deal with Carl, but now he can fight Karl one-on-one. Using the disintegrating ray here is obviously the best choice to solve the predicament.

"Zihao, Nan Xing!" Li Tianyu called out to the two of them, and they immediately understood.

"Tianyu, is your current state okay?" Shen Yan asked worriedly, Li Tianyu took a deep breath and said, "Anyway, the magic value is enough... It's okay to do movements. Come on, disintegrate the ray."

"Thunder Dragon of Chaos!" Li Tianyu blasted a thunder dragon at Shen Yan, and Shen Yan caught it with a guardian silver bracelet, and then turned to Liu Zihao to shoot out the thunder and lightning.Liu Zihao activated the overload operation, and received the lightning strike.

Then, the energy shock turned to Zheng Nanxing.Zheng Nanxing took a step back, raised his hand aiming at the final energy impact, and waved it violently, only to see the blue light transform into two red and blue interlaced light beams twisted together, and flew towards Big-mom.

"Disintegration ray!" Zheng Nanxing threw the disintegration ray formed by intertwining red and blue rays of light towards Big-mom. Big-mom was stunned for a "huh?", seeing the oncoming disintegration ray and didn't mean to dodge it.

Big-mom's body is extremely strong. It is said that no one can cause any harm to Big-mom. Naturally, Big-mom's fighting style is relatively tough. In battle, he rarely avoids the enemy's attack and is always tough.

So after the disintegrating ray flew past, Big-mom didn't intend to dodge it, but at the moment when the disintegrating ray was about to hit Big-mom, the behemoth's expression suddenly changed, as if it sensed the threat of the disintegrating ray.

Before being hit, Big-mom turned sideways to avoid her own vitals, but the disintegrating ray still penetrated Big-mom's left shoulder, and the blow directly severed her entire left arm.

And Big-mom who took this blow also fell directly from the waves and fell into the sea.

"Quick, now!" Li Tianyu urged Kane, who was at the helm, "Hurry up and get rid of them!"

Probably deterred by the disintegrating ray, the group of players on the Big-mom pirate group did not follow, but drove to the place where Big-mom fell into the sea and stopped, and began to rescue.

After all, the disintegration ray is still very strong in terms of setting, ignoring the material of the material and directly destroying any form of object, whether it is a person or an object, whether it is kryptonite or sea floor stone, as long as it is a physical substance, it can be directly decomposed.

Of course, the only disadvantage of this ability is that the flying speed is relatively slow, so it is easy to be dodged when attacking directly. It needs to be used with other teammates to create a combo, otherwise it can also hit NPC.

But this power frightened the opponent's players, so it was enough, and they had enough time to distance themselves.

When Big-mom's pirate ship finally disappeared from the rear view, Li Tianyu was relieved.

At this time, the adrenaline also slowly subsided, and the place where Katakuri hit him before his ribs hurt badly.At that time, he was also too focused, focusing all his attention on Karl alone, not noticing that Karl had slowly and little by little flew back to the side of Big-mom's pirate ship, and thus was caught by Kataku Li hit the punch.

"Tianyu!" Shen Yan quickly supported Li Tianyu, and everyone immediately gathered around to check the situation, "What's the matter?"

"I was punched... At that time, I was too focused and didn't pay attention, and I didn't protect myself with armed domineering, so the injury was a bit serious..." Li Tianyu said with difficulty while covering the wound. Now every time he moves, his internal organs are burning. the pain.

"Get out of the way!" Kakusi growled impatiently, "A group of laymen...don't bet here!"

With that said, Kakusi came to Li Tianyu, took a brief look, then waved his hand and said, "Take it inside."

Li Tianyu was carried to the hospital bed of the naval battleship. In fact, he really wanted to drink a bottle of slow healing potion and be done, but he was worried that his injury was more serious than he imagined, not to mention that the ship doctor had to do something when he brought him aboard. live.

After the withered old man made his posture, he stretched out his hand to Li Tianyu, and it seemed that he really wanted to feel his pulse.

"It's not a big problem, it's just that the five internal organs are damaged. Take a little medicine and rest for two days, and you will recover soon." Kakusi simply gave Li Tianyu a pulse and then stood up and replied. There is not much difference between standing and sitting.

Then, as the old man walked out, he said to himself: "Your luck is relatively good, it's just a simple injury. The most terrifying thing in the new world is not the injury, but the diseases you have never seen before." , will not only endanger yourself, but also your companions, and you will be forced to leave this ship at some point."

"Then what should we do?" Lin Muxue asked anxiously.

Kakusi glanced at them coldly, and then turned to Li Tianyu: "If I were you, I would prepare enough medicine to prevent this before going to Ralph Drew. Then buy a lot of fruits and vegetables, and Eat enough fresh meat, fish and shellfish every day to keep your body healthy enough."

"The meaning is still to stop at Elbaf to buy goods." Li Tianyu frowned, "Understood, then adjust the direction first and go to the giant kingdom of Elbaf. Before that, I must find a way to heal my injury ..."

"That's not enough." Kakusi interrupted him, "No one is allowed to explore unknown areas without my permission. You young people have no idea that those seemingly gentle What is there is the real danger. Therefore, without my company, it is forbidden to leave the ship to explore those strange islands."

After explaining something, the old man went to make medicine for Li Tianyu, leaving Shen Yan in the room to take care of him.

"Husband, does it hurt?" Shen Yan touched Li Tianyu's face and asked with a smile, Li Tianyu was a little helpless, "Don't treat me like a child... I can bear such a little injury."

"He loves you so much." Shen Yan frowned and said coquettishly, "If you are in pain, I will help you relieve the pain."

Although Shen Yan usually acted carelessly like a woman, she was still very coquettish at this time, probably because she was beautiful.Seeing her like this, Li Tianyu smiled and said, "How are you going to help me relieve the pain?"

Shen Yan leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek, and said with a smile, "This will help you relieve the pain."

"Hmm..." Li Tianyu squinted at her, "If it was when we first started dating... I would think it was fine. But now that I'm an old couple, I might need a more stimulating method to relieve the pain .”

"Oh, let's wait until night, dead ghost, I think about this before it's dark..." Shen Yan gave him a light hammer, and said with a shy smile, "At night, I will help you suck out the poison in your body..."

At this time, Lin Muxue just came in with the wound medicine, and she was stunned on the spot when she saw the two of them flirting.

"I'm just kidding!" Shen Yan quickly explained to Lin Muxue, "It's just... like couples occasionally telling jokes!"

"I understand, I understand..." Lin Muxue smiled slightly, with an expression of "I don't know anything", and put the medicine on the bedside table next to them, "This ointment is for external application, this medicine It is taken internally, remember to take it.”

After finishing speaking, Lin Muxue closed the door and went out. Before leaving, she whispered with a smile: "You can start healing, and I will tell other people not to disturb you. Try to suck out all the poison, so as not to affect the subsequent battle. "

After Lin Muxue left, Shen Yan dragged Li Tianyu resolutely and complained: "Look, it's all you! People must think I'm a little brat now! Go and explain to him clearly!"

"Explain what?" Li Tianyu asked in confusion, picked up the bowl and sniffed, the soup exuded a strong aroma of Chinese herbal medicine, which was not unpleasant, but made him feel refreshed.Shen Yan cried and said: "Tell them that you led me to ruin!"

"Oh, no matter how you explain it, it can't change the fact that you are a little coquettish girl now, so don't explain it." Li Tianyu said disapprovingly, and then took a sip of the soup. It seemed that honey was added to it, and it tasted a bit like turtle jelly, so while While drinking, he replied: "Women who are going to be wives, what's wrong with being a little perverted? They will be like that in the future."

"Hmph..." Shen Yan stared at him angrily and aggrieved, then helped him turn around, "Sit down, I'll give you medicine..."

The medicine prepared by Kakusi is still very effective. After drinking it and then applying the externally applied wound medicine, the pain on his body is relieved immediately. Li Tianyu can get out of bed and walk around for a while, and then he goes outside to check the situation.

Now the ship is setting sail and heading for El Baf.Although it was said that he was going to buy goods and replenish various necessities on board, Li Tianyu knew that things would not be so simple.Humans have never been welcomed in the giant kingdom Elbaf, and every NPC is pushing them to go to Elbaf, obviously there is something to trigger the plot waiting for them.

"It would be amazing if we jumped to the plot in "Attack on Titan"..." Li Tianyu couldn't help thinking to himself.

At this time, other people on the boat were discussing something, and seeing everyone, Shen Yan quickly lowered her head.

"Did you expel toxins from your body so quickly?" Xia Ning asked expressionlessly, but there was a hint of ridicule in her tone.

"Not yet, the amount of toxin is a bit large, and it won't be completely discharged in a while." Li Tianyu shook his head and sighed. Shen Yan was staring at him with wide eyes and gritted teeth, with a threatening expression on his face.

"That's it." Ye Tiancheng replied while fishing beside the boat, "Then you can heal your wounds at the wallpaper house tonight."

"Cultivation of both yin and yang?" Lin Muxue covered her mouth with a malicious smile, "No wonder you two are so strong."

Now Shen Yan was completely speechless, she could only lower her head and blushed as a dull gourd.But at this time, someone finally brought the topic back to the main topic, Zhang Wenxin turned to Li Tianyu and asked, "By the way, Tianyu, how did you do it before?"

"How did you do it?" Li Tianyu was a little puzzled, and Zhang Wenxin asked: "It's that kind of movement. When you fought with Karl, your movement was so smooth. Moreover, the speed is really fast. With your agility, you should do it." Less than that, right? Although it’s daytime, Karl has at least [-] points of agility, so you shouldn’t be able to be faster than him.”

"Indeed, I'm also curious." Xia Ning also remembered this, and immediately asked.For a while, everyone stared at him waiting for his reply, and everyone wanted to know the mystery.

"Oh, that." Li Tianyu said disapprovingly, "In fact, it is relying on skills to drive the body to move, rather than relying on my own consciousness. In this way, I can directly start imagining the posture of the next skill in the action state of one skill, through Release the skill to change your current action, which can increase the speed of skill connection."

The people at the scene suddenly pondered, pondering the meaning of Li Tianyu's words.

Li Tianyu waved his hand and added: "To be honest, this technique is not very useful to you. Basically, I am the only one who can use it. Because I am the only one who relies on skills for a living, and I can use skills one after another, and the skills in the skills Attack, defense, dodge and movement, so I can use this method to achieve this purely skill-based combat situation. But you..."

"Yeah, we don't have such a comprehensive skill, we rely more on the normal confrontation between you and me." Xia Ning frowned and sighed, "However, this skill can still help, and it can be used in certain situations. Break some of my stiffness."

"Yes!" Zhang Wenxin said excitedly, "I think this technique is very helpful to me!"

"Then, you can take the time to try it yourself." Li Tianyu said, looking behind the boat, "Although Karl and the others are temporarily thrown away, Fujikawa Shuichi and the others have not shown up so far. It may happen at any time." A battle, if my injury is not healed, then it will be up to you."

(End of this chapter)

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