Chapter 637
Li Tianyu and his team moved forward along the giants' cars. Although the map here is quite large, the giants' mounts are also very large, so they are moving very fast.From Li Tianyu's point of view, it felt more like they were all getting smaller.Because all the people and things around are magnified, even a mouse is about the same size as them.

After three hours of travel, a village appeared in front of them.You can see an eagle totem at a glance outside the village, which is probably the symbol of this tribe.But at this moment, there was green smoke floating in the village, and these giants became a little anxious at that time: "It's not good, it's a distress signal, and the village seems to be attacked!"

So the speed of the whole team suddenly accelerated, Li Tianyu and the others were also staggered by the carriage, and the carriage quickly approached the village. At this time, Li Tianyu saw another group of giants in the village, attacking the giants in this village.Compared with the giant in this eagle totem village, Li Tianyu's attacking giant is obviously taller.

The giants in the Eagle Totem Village are about 15 meters tall, while the giants who attacked are more than 20 meters tall.It was precisely because of this that the eagle totem giants were obviously invincible and were beaten back steadily.

"Looks like it's time for us to perform." Li Tianyu replied, then rolled up his sleeves and activated the Thunder Armor.

At this time, the carriage also came to the entrance of the village, and a giant jumped off the carriage and threw a spear at a rival giant.The long spear flew towards the attacking giants with a powerful arrogance, but the leading giant grabbed the spear as soon as he stretched out his hand.

However, in the next second, the giant found that there was a villain in front of him.Li Tianyu came in front of him, raised his hand and threw a black lightning dragon at his side.After the thunder dragon blasted the giant's face, the opponent was huge after all, just relying on the thunder dragon's attack, he only made the opponent stagger a step, and he didn't even fall down.

"Tsk, a little bug actually ran in." The bearded giant said with a ferocious smile, and reached out to Li Tianyu to grab it.

Li Tianyu flashed once and came to the shoulder of the bearded giant, and then punched the giant in the face.He is just testing out which ability is most effective against giants, so he will try every attack.

This punch was just an ordinary punch, but it was armed with domineering aura. It was not completely ineffective after hitting the opponent's face. The opponent closed his eyes in pain, but it felt more like being pricked by a needle.

"Damn fly!" The bearded giant roared, then waved his hand and patted towards Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu flashed to the other shoulder of the bearded giant again, so this slap landed on the bearded giant's own face instead.But this time Li Tianyu used Liu Ying to hit the bearded giant's chin with his fist.This time the attack was extremely effective, the bearded giant let out a muffled grunt, and fell backwards, with blood and white teeth splashing away.

"Tsk, as expected, it's still [-]% true to hurt bull B..." Li Tianyu frowned and thought to himself.

The attributes of the giants are actually not as high as expected, and their strength is only more than 40, but their physique is particularly high, up to more than 70 points, which gives them not only high defense, but also high health, so Li Tianyu's Chaos Thunder hits them The effect is not particularly obvious. The effect of Liuying, which only has a percentage of true damage, is immediate.

The good news is that the giants are huge in size so their speed is relatively slow. Li Tianyu can fight them in close combat and kill them with Liu Ying's punches.Judging from the [-]% damage of Liu Ying's punch, it should be able to kill with ten punches.

What's more, Li Tianyu has other teammates. Although he doesn't hurt when he hits someone, his teammates are different.

Xia Ning followed closely and hit a giant's chest with his head. This blow was strengthened by the red tank's ability, and it directly hit the giant, spitting blood and flying backwards, falling to the ground, and then Xia Ning flew to In front of another giant, another punch knocked this giant out.When facing this kind of enemy, it is simply the best time for Xia Ning to play.

However, when facing these giants, Shen Yan had a headache.Her strength is not enough to break through the giant's defense. Although she is domineering and assists, she has no real damage, so most of the damage will be blocked by the giant's thick skin.

Her attacks were not completely ineffective, but when facing enemy giants, it was difficult to quickly decide the winner, and she didn't knock down a single giant after fighting for a long time.As for the others, Ye Tiancheng's attack is still very effective. After all, he is a long-range attack, and the giant is a target in front of him. After being passively stacked, his damage is also very terrible.

The effect of Ye Tiancheng's skill is that the damage of the first fifty bows and arrows is reduced by 50.00%, but the damage of each bow and arrow is increased by [-]%, which can last until the damage is increased by [-]%, so Ye Tiancheng can first rely on the ordinary bows and arrows in the early stage to stack the passive. Then rely on special weapons such as the spiral sword or Arondette to deal high damage.

Therefore, Ye Tiancheng usually used ordinary weapons refined by alchemy to quickly shoot 150 arrows to fully stack the passives, and then used limited weapons to deal high damage.And even if it was an ordinary weapon, the damage would be horrific when it was superimposed to [-]% damage to him. When facing these cumbersome giants, he could completely use the opponent as a stake to shoot.

And Liu Zihao can easily suppress the giant with the Hell Armor, and his powerful long-distance output ability and strength can confront the giant head-on.As for Zhang Wenxin, the situation is similar to that of Li Tianyu, she only relies on Liuying to deal damage.

After a fierce battle, they joined forces with the giants of the Eagle Clan, and they finally drove back all the hostile giants.

But what Li Tianyu didn't understand was that when the giants of the two tribes clashed with each other, although many people were injured and some food and herbs were robbed, no one died.

"It's a great help, you little people." After the hostile giants retreated, the young giant who threw the spear at first squatted on the ground and shook Li Tianyu's hand and said with a smile. With a twisted beard and an eagle tattoo engraved on his arm, "I am the patriarch of the Eagle Clan, you can call me Yong En, please allow us to entertain you."

"Will it be too much trouble?" Xia Ning immediately turned her head and asked excitedly, "I have a big appetite."

"How big can it be?" Yong En said with a disapproving smile, "Don't worry, our Eagle Clan will definitely take out all the prey we hunted today, and we will be full. Let you little people see the enthusiasm of our Giant Clan."

This title of "little people" made Li Tianyu feel a little weird, as if it was a curse, but he didn't pay too much attention to it, but asked straight to the point: "Why didn't you two kill me?"

"Well, this is more or less the custom of the giants." Yongen sighed, stood up and explained, "In the concept of giants, the strong are respected, so it is natural for the weak to be robbed of supplies. But everyone After all, they are all giants..."

Saying that, Yong En looked at the direction the giants were leaving: "Those pig guys, although they usually come to grab some supplies, they also came to help us when we were attacked by foreign enemies in the past."

Li Tianyu pondered, this is probably a bit like the feeling of a bully in the class bullying others.Although everyone is in the same class, there are always some bullies in the class who will bully the members of the class. However, when facing the attack of the foreign class, the members of the class will unite to fight against the foreign enemy.This relationship is a bit subtle, but Li Tianyu can understand it, and the setting is more reasonable.

It was already getting late and the sun was about to set, so the giants of the Eagle Clan began to prepare a banquet for them.Although some were robbed by the pig giants, the prey captured was still enough for the whole village to enjoy.These players are less than one-fifth of the height of the giants, and their appetites are not much greater.

Except for Xia Ning, the rest of them eat normally.

Everyone chatted while sitting by the campfire and eating barbecue and fruit.

Li Tianyu mainly focused on exploring information, but the giants liked Ye Tiancheng more than chatting with him.

"Have you noticed that these people like Ye Tiancheng very much?" Li Tianyu asked Shen Yan beside him in a low voice.

"Well..." Shen Yan nodded, "They don't seem to like me, I'm sure when I took a piece of meat from a giant aunt just now, that aunt looked at me with disgust, as if it was a waste Like food."

"It probably has something to do with our fighting situation." Li Tianyu thought for a while and replied, "Ye Tiancheng's style is indeed very suitable for fighting these giants... But this guy Xia Ning also performed quite well just now, but these giants seem to be I'm not particularly interested in him, which actually surprises me."

"That's right, it stands to reason that Aning was the strongest just now, right?" Zhang Wenxin said in confusion.

"Could it be the fighting style?" Zheng Nanxing suddenly asked at this time, "The eagle clan, I think it has something to do with the eagle eyes. Isn't Brother Tiancheng the eagle eye? Could it be because this tribe relies on long-range attacks to fight?" style of."

Li Tianyu observed the situation in this tribe. After Zheng Nanxing mentioned it, he noticed that the weapons placed in the Eagle tribe were obviously spears, bows, javelins, and throwing axes. Can be used as a ranged attack.Recalling the previous battle between the eagle giants and the pig giants, it was true that they threw weapons at a distance first.

"Well... I understand." Li Tianyu suddenly said, "It is indeed similar to what the little girl said, and it should be determined according to the style of play. If you look at the giants of the pig clan before, it is obvious that they are all fighting close to each other. I think Xia Ning should be more to their liking, why not let Xia Ning go to the pig clan and communicate with those giants."

"Leave it to me." Xia Ning poked her chest and said, Shen Yan was a little dissatisfied: "What about us? We don't seem to be very popular among these races."

Li Tianyu looked at a giant beside him, and the giant also noticed his gaze, and immediately raised the wine glass in his hand and said with a smile: "Open it up and eat, our giants like brave warriors the most."

"Their attitude towards me seems to be okay." Li Tianyu replied, "How about this, Tian Cheng, go and ask these giants, what tribes are the giants here, what is their fighting style, and then do it Decide."

Ye Tiancheng nodded, then got up and rushed towards Yongen.And these giants had a good attitude towards Li Tianyu, so he also took the opportunity to chat with the giant beside him.

After a brief understanding, he found that the giants on this continent are divided into five tribes: the snake tribe, the eagle tribe, the pig tribe, the deer tribe, and the dragon tribe. Each tribe advocates a different fighting style.

For example, the pig tribe advocates a tough style of play that does not hide or dodge, and only relies on offense and defense to win; the snake tribe's style is biased towards detours and dexterity, and minimizes frontal battles with the enemy, which is a tribe that prefers skills.

The Eagle clan mainly uses long-range attacks, relying on bows, arrows and javelins to consume enemies; the Deer clan mainly uses props, and they tend to make traps, engineering vehicles and other external attacks to win, rather than relying on their own strength.

The last dragon clan is also the most dangerous giant clan. They seldom fight the enemy head-on and are shorter than other giants. They are more inclined to use the evil witchcraft that the giant clan has passed down from ancient times. They are also the most dangerous one on the mainland. Giants.

Their witchcraft needs to be activated by sacrificing other creatures, so they often go to sea to capture other races and come back as slaves, enslave them to work, and then throw them into the altar for sacrifice after the slaves lose their value, which is just used to activate witchcraft.

"I think Tiancheng and I will stay in the Eagle Clan," Li Tianyu said, turning to Shen Yan and Zhang Wenxin, "You two go to the Snake Clan," followed by Lin Muxue and Zheng Nanxing, "You two go to the Dragon Clan," and finally It was Liu Zihao, "You go to the Deer Clan. In addition, Xia Ning will go to the Pig Clan as agreed before, so that everyone can be responsible for a tribe and act in the most efficient way."

"Hey!? Me and Nan Xing?" Shen Yan asked reluctantly, "But, the two of us..."

"Brother Tianyu, I'm scared!" Zheng Nanxing hugged Li Tianyu's arm unwillingly and begged, "I'll come with you!"

"Don't be afraid. If there are no accidents, the giants of the Dragon Clan should like your style better, and they won't do anything to you." Li Tianyu persuaded patiently, "Didn't you notice that they have different attitudes towards us? I believe so." will affect efficiency."

"But..." Zhang Wenxin mused, "Maybe we alone will not be enough for the future missions? For example, Nan Xing and Lin Muxue, what if they encounter combat missions? I think there is such a thing as goodwill. It is enough to be in charge of communicating with the giants, you always need thugs."

"It also makes sense..." Li Tianyu thought for a while and replied, "Then, Mu Xue and I will go to the Dragon Clan. Nan Xing, you and Zihao can go to the Lu Clan, and the others will remain the same. The characteristics of Tian Cheng and the Eagle Clan are quite similar. People should be fine, right?"

"No problem." Ye Tiancheng nodded confidently, "That's it."

As soon as the words fell, Shen Yan and Zheng Nanxing showed disappointed expressions together.

(End of this chapter)

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