Chapter 639 Voodoo
That night, Lin Muxue took advantage of the darkness to go out to negotiate with the slave army.Because bringing Li Tianyu would hinder her speed of action, so Li Tianyu just waited for Lin Muxue to come back in the wallpaper room.If there is any danger, Lin Muxue will contact him in time, and Li Tianyu just took this opportunity to refresh himself and prepare for action tomorrow.

It wasn't until after four o'clock in the morning that Lin Muxue came back from outside.

"How's it going? What did you find?" Li Tianyu pushed the door open and asked.

"Basically the preparatory work is ready." Lin Muxue said breathlessly, looking very tired.She calmly opened the refrigerator and took out a water bottle and took a big sip, then slapped a piece of paper on the table.

"Here is the map of the secret underground passage of the Dragon Clan. I have marked the approximate location of the slave army and their supply points, as well as the patrol routes of the Dragon Clan guards." Lin Muxue said, drinking another large amount of water. Drooling, "I have already communicated with the slave army, they have already deployed their manpower, you basically just need to go and fight."

"Do you mean that I will go there and fight the dragon warriors?" Li Tianyu asked doubtfully.

"Basically, those slave soldiers will explain to you." Lin Muxue replied, "I have done everything I can, and the next thing is to fight, and I can only rely on you. You are not stupid, Tianyu. See for yourself, I need to sleep for a while..."

"Go." Li Tianyu pressed Lin Muxue's head. This touch made Lin Muxue purse her lips into a smile, and tilted her head to look at him, which was a little playful, "Come on, I'll wait for your good news."

Li Tianyu looked at the time, it was still dark, and it was safer to take advantage of this moment.

Therefore, Li Tianyu looked at the map drawn by Lin Muxue, and then directly flashed to a mission point that Lin Muxue had marked for him based on the terrain perceived by his heart network.

What appeared before him was a large group of slaves, huddled in dark corners like rats in a sewer.

As soon as we arrived at this place, we were greeted by a stench.Li Tianyu frowned immediately, and it took him a while to get used to the smell.At this time, a fairly tall bearded slave came forward, looked at Li Tianyu, frowned and asked: "Are you the one Miss Mu Xue said...who can defeat ten thousand strong reinforcements with one enemy?"

"Yes." Li Tianyu nodded, "So, what should I do now?"

"My name is Gu Sha." The tall slave stretched out his hand to him and said, because his face was so dirty that he couldn't see his face clearly, Li Tianyu was a bit disgusted, but he still shook hands with him.Then Gu Sha looked at the light at the end of the cave: "If you want to leave here, you can only find a way to extinguish the Dragon Flame bonfire first. After the Dragon Flame bonfire is extinguished, the giants of the Dragon Clan will temporarily lose their ability to transform. Weak state. If we all gather together, we should be able to break out from here."

"That's it." Li Tianyu snapped his fingers, "Tell me how to extinguish the Dragon Flame bonfire."

"The fuel for the Longyan bonfire is a very special kind of dragon blood wood. You can find that kind of tree in the Dragon Claw Forest outside the Dragon Clan. It's very conspicuous, just the blood red trunk and leaves." Gu Sha explained, "On that kind of tree, you can find a kind of bug that feeds on this kind of tree. The venom of that kind of bug can extinguish the Longyan bonfire, but that's not a difficult point."

As he said that, Gu Sha looked at the other side of the passage: "The Dragon Flame Campfire is a sacred object of the Dragon Clan, similar to a totem, so they will be extra careful about this thing. You must quickly defeat it without being discovered by the enemy." Only the guardian of the Longyan bonfire has the opportunity to extinguish the bonfire. Otherwise, the giants of the dragon clan will gather together and let the power of the dragon possess them, and you will not be an opponent."

"Understood." Li Tianyu nodded, the task was very clear, nothing more than getting the materials, returning to defeat the enemy, and then extinguishing the bonfire, the dragon clan would fall into a fragile state, and the slaves could start to escape.

"After you help us leave here, I will tell you the secret of the Dragon Clan's bonfire, so that you can let that girl pass the Dragon Clan's trial and get the Dragon Clan's approval." Gu Sha folded his arms and said, "I know , you most likely want to buy supplies from the giants, and then go to Ralph Drew?"

"Don't ask too much." Li Tianyu frowned and said displeasedly, "I'll act first."

"Well, you have to hurry up. The battle they suppressed the slaves yesterday consumed a lot of sacrificial energy. Before enough energy is replenished, the energy of the bonfire will not allow them to transform on a large scale." Gu Sha explained .

Li Tianyu nodded, opened his heart network to perceive the location of the dragon giant, and then came to the back door of the dragon village in a flash, which is the way for the dragons to go out to collect food and hunt.Although the dragons have slaves to serve them, it is still a bit difficult for those slaves to fight the monsters of Elbaf, so the giants of the dragons hunt by themselves.

They are also very powerful in the form of dragon warriors, and it is not difficult to deal with Elbaf's monsters.But it's not yet dawn, except for a few night watchmen patrolling the tribe, the other giants are resting.

Relying on the fact that his flashes were able to travel quickly, Li Tianyu quickly moved towards the Dragon Claw Forest outside the Dragon Clan, and within two flashes he arrived at his destination.I have to say, this forest is really quite gloomy.

The plants here grow in weird shapes and are covered with thorns, and it's still dark, so the Dragon's Claw Forest looks as eerie as the witch's forest in a fairy tale, exuding a strange aura.

"I really don't want to go in alone..." Li Tianyu frowned, but still used Shanxi to come to the trunk of a tree and observe the situation below.Elbaf is like a travelogue to Lilliputian to them. A squirrel here is almost as big as him, so coming here is more dangerous to Li Tianyu than in the village. He is food.

Just as Li Tianyu was observing the situation below to make sure that there were no large carnivorous creatures, a cockroach-like beetle ran past his feet, which was about the size of a husky.

"That's disgusting..." Li Tianyu said with a bit of disgust. He was particularly disgusted by these bugs with many legs.

Just as he was thinking this way, a black shadow suddenly enveloped him. Li Tianyu's mind network helped him predict the enemy's actions, so he directly used "Paper Painting", his body was like light and fluffy paper, and he dodged sideways from behind Shooting spider silk.

Then Li Tianyu turned his head, and a black widow similar to him was hanging from the sky by a thread. The sight made Li Tianyu's neck numb. He didn't want to fight these things, so he flashed directly to the tree next door.

He didn't stop, and started to move through the woods with flashes, and soon found the Dragon's Blood Wood.

In fact, Dracaena looks like a maple tree. Compared with the style of this forest, the style of this tree is relatively soft.

Soon, he found some bugs similar to beetles from the dragon's blood wood, killed them and obtained some venom.After that, Li Tianyu didn't want to stay here for a second, and quickly left the forest with a flash.The next step is to fight the dragon warriors guarding the Longyan bonfire and kill them without attracting attention.

When he returned to the village, it was only before five o'clock in the morning, and it was still early before the dragon giants got up to go hunting. Li Tianyu could take advantage of this time to deal with the two dragon warriors guarding the bonfire.

If he can use an infinite chain to kill these two dragon warriors before they transform, then he can prevent these dragon warriors from transforming.The dragon giants are not that kind of powerful warriors, and their attributes are not high. Li Tianyu can measure their attributes with his hands: strength is 16, physical strength is 21, and agility is 12, but their mental value is as high as 48.

After they transform, their strength will increase to 48, their agility will increase to 42, but their physical strength will still be 21.There is no doubt that the dragon warrior in the transformed state will be very difficult to deal with.

"Let's try it first." Li Tianyu thought to himself, turned on the thunder armor and then raised his hand to start condensing Lei Ying.

Because the sky was relatively dark and Lei Ying itself was a black thunder ball, the two guards did not notice this Lei Ying in the night.After Li Tianyu condensed Lei Ying, he threw it at one of the giants, and the giant of the dragon clan was only seven or eight meters tall. The black lightning exploded and immediately engulfed the two giants.

For Li Tianyu, all he had to do next was to throw a strengthened chain lightning at the two giants in Lei Yingzhong to complete the infinite connection of the two giants.These giants were not so resistant to beatings. The lightning bounced back and forth between the two giants and successfully kept them in a rigid position. However, Li Tianyu did not dare to take it lightly, and fired another strengthened lightning chain.

The damage of the strengthened chain lightning is unstable, which means that one of the giants will die first. In this case, Li Tianyu must quickly adjust his combo when the giant dies, otherwise continuing to use chain lightning will cause another giant to die. The giant recovered from the erection. If the giant immediately transformed into a dragon warrior, it would most likely attract the attention of others.

After the second round of enhanced chain lightning was fired, the lightning continued to dance. At this time, one of the giants was killed because of the high damage caused by the lightning welcome and the chain lightning jump, as well as the passive damage caused by a charge detonation. a giant.

Li Tianyu immediately canceled the chain lightning he was about to throw with his hand, and then added a thunder gun.The thunder gun flies at a faster speed, so it hits the giant before its erectness recovers and continues to remain erect.Li Tianyu fired the last Thunder Dragon, which also triggered the second charge detonation passive, killing the giant as well.

"Okay..." Li Tianyu praised himself, the black lightning dissipated, and the charred corpses of the two giants also fell to the ground.Because they were always kept in a straight line, the two giants were killed before they even had time to transform into dragon warriors, let alone notify the rest of the tribe.

But to be honest, Li Tianyu felt that Lin Muxue might actually be more suitable for this task.She can completely assassinate these two dragon warriors in a silent state, and his style of play has certain risks. If he makes a mistake in a row, the giants in the entire village may be disturbed. At that time, I am afraid that the plans of the slaves It's going to be yellow too.

Li Tianyu flashed to Longyan's bonfire with venom, and sprinkled the venom in Longyan.

Those green flames are not real flames, so there is no temperature. The venom is not evaporated by the flames, but quickly corrodes the dragon blood wood in the dragon flame campfire. After the wood decays, the flame cannot burn naturally, and the dragon flames in the campfire will soon be extinguished .

"Good job!" At this time, Gu Sha poked his head out of the mouse hole of the slaves and shouted, "Now that the dragon flames are extinguished, those dragons are weaker than ever, but this is not enough, we need to do more step."

Li Tianyu sighed, and knew that the task would definitely not be so simple.

"Although the dragon flame is extinguished, as long as those giants still have the dragon blood wood, the dragon flame will be ignited again sooner or later. And the flame needed to ignite the dragon blood wood is the life energy of us slaves." Gu Sha explained, "So, now is the time to destroy the dragon's witchcraft. And this 'witchcraft' is also the 'secret' I promised you."

"Oh?" Now Li Tianyu finally got motivated. As long as they know this secret, they can pass the test of the Dragon Clan and get the permission to buy props from the Giant Clan, so he immediately asked: "What's the secret?"

"Dragon blood wood is just fuel. The substance that can really swallow life energy comes from the 'voodoo bag' of the dragon clan." Gu Sha explained, "So, you have to destroy the current voodoo bag of the dragon clan. And through their The test method of the family is also very simple. When the dragon family asks you to "rebirth from the ashes", replace the materials in the voodoo bag with other materials or reduce the amount of materials in it, so that you will not be killed by the dragon flames. The energy is devoured."

"Dragon flames will devour people's life energy... Can I understand that if the life force is strong enough, you can pass the trial even without any tricks?" Li Tianyu frowned and asked.

Gusha nodded, "You can understand it this way, but even the giants may not be able to pass the test of dragon flames. You have to understand that the dragon clan is a very insidious tribe. Their so-called 'test' is just to learn more." It’s just life energy.”

"Hmm..." Li Tianyu thought for a moment. The one with the strongest physical strength among them is Xia Ning. I am afraid that other than him, no one else can pass the dragon test without cheating, so for them, this seems to be the only one. method.

"I see, leave it to me." Li Tianyu looked at the map that Lin Muxue gave him and said.

"I will contact the other slaves now, and then we will work together to escape from here." Gusha said, and got into the mouse hole.

(End of this chapter)

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