Chapter 643 Distance
"Don't make any moves, let the old man meet them." Garp raised his hand and gestured to the navy behind him, then took off the navy jacket with the word "justice" written on it, and came forward wearing only a blue shirt. To Li Tianyu, Xia Ning and Shen Yan.But even though they are 3V1, they still feel a pressure on their face.

In fact, Garp's strength has been described very ambiguously, but his reputation in the navy is unmatched.

Li Tianyu knew that if Garp was killed here, the entire navy headquarters would probably not let them go. The best way at the moment was to sink the ship and then return to their own ship and continue on their way.

Not even a navy could navigate the seas of this new world without ships.

"Destroy the ship!" Li Tianyu yelled at Shen Yan and Xia Ning, and then threw the Thunder Dragon at Garp.Garp came to Li Tianyu in an instant after "shaving", and hit him with an iron fist of love.

"Paper painting!" Li Tianyu put on a stance, avoiding Garp's fist lightly, but Garp grabbed Li Tianyu's clothes after the punch was empty, and then punched him again.

This time Li Tianyu could only cross his arms to defend, and Karp's fist hit him on the arm.

A tingling pain came from his arm. Li Tianyu also used armed domineering, but when he felt that the punch hit him firmly, his domineering didn't have any effect.The next moment he was thrown flying, crashing through the deck of the first floor and falling directly to the second floor, buried by sawdust and debris.

"The iron fist of love cannot be defended, does that mean?" Li Tianyu frowned and thought to himself.

He originally thought that Garp's "Iron Fist of Love" was a fist covered with domineering, but now it seems that it is not that simple, but a technique similar to Liuying, and it is impossible to defend against this kind of attack with conventional domineering.

Li Tianyu felt that one of his arms should be broken, and he was unconscious and out of control at the moment, but he still struggled to stand up from the ruins.It happened that he was hit on the lower deck of the ship, and it was easier to destroy the hull from here.Fortunately, although Garp is a naval hero, he is not a strategic NPC.

After Li Tianyu stood up, he threw a thunder dragon forward with his still moving hand. However, although his thunder and lightning deal real damage, its destructive power is obviously not as good as that of Kamehae Qigong, which has an explosive effect. .

However, at this time a figure descended from the sky and dragged him out of the ruins.

"Husband, are you okay?" Shen Yan asked with concern, Li Tianyu looked down at his left hand, and there was a large bruise on his arm, so he could only reluctantly nodded: "We must quickly destroy this ship. Shen, don't waste time with Karp. The more time we waste here, the more likely the players behind will catch up to us. Got it?"

Shen Yan nodded, then put on the Star Armor, swiped her sword and cut out a wave of light, Li Tianyu also raised his hand and started to gather Lei Ying.At this moment, Xia Ning above is still fighting Garp, and with Xia Ning's ability, I believe he can hold Garp on the deck.

But as he and Shen Yan destroyed the hull at the lower level, other navies also rushed over to encircle them.

Li Tianyu first smashed Lei Ying from the air, hit the hull of the ship, and then set up a posture to meet the navy.

It's just that these navies are not ordinary miscellaneous soldiers. If you insist, they may be regarded as elite monsters. In short, Li Tianyu can't clean them up quickly. Instead, he has to deal with the enemy while destroying the hull. This efficiency is too slow.

Until there was a dull impact sound, and then a figure flew down from the ship, crashed through several decks, and landed on the floor below Li Tianyu.After taking a closer look, Li Tianyu realized that it was Karp.

"Nice job!" Li Tianyu couldn't help but praise, raised his head and glanced up from the gap, in the heavy rain, he could vaguely see that Xia Ning had become a Super Saiyan [-] state, with a little bit of flame wrapped around the golden flame. Lightning.

"Xia Ning, sink this ship quickly! We are running out of time!" Li Tianyu roared, he was not sure if Xia Ning heard his voice, the rain outside was so heavy that he could hardly hear it His own voice, but Xia Ning clearly knew what to do now, so he flew into the air and began to charge Kamepai Qigong.Seeing this, Li Tianyu quickly extended his hand to Shen Yan.

After Shen Yan caught him, Li Tianyu flashed and brought Shen Yan back to their boat.

Soon, a dazzling shock wave fell from mid-air, hitting the last naval battleship, causing a strong impact, the naval battleship was blown to pieces, and the golden light quickly approached them.

"It's done, let's go!" Xia Ning landed on the deck, looked at the naval warship in the distance and said.

Kane immediately drove the boat forward. Without the battleship, even the navy couldn't continue to pursue them, and they were finally safe...for now.Li Tianyu was already drenched right now, shivering from the cold, and his left hand hurt so badly that he couldn't even lift it up, so he needed to be healed by Kakusi.

And after this little episode passed, after advancing for about two hours, the storm finally stopped and the sky cleared up.Li Tianyu changed into clean clothes, drank the slow healing potion, and lay down in the room to rest.

This was just the beginning, it was just a warning from "New World", telling them that they were now officially on their way to "Ralph Drew", and more troubles were waiting for them after that.

"Do you know? This is just Ralph Drew's pediatrics." Li Tianyu lay on the bed and said to Shen Yan, "The situation will only get worse after this, we have to be careful. I'm afraid it won't be Karp who comes next time , but a general."

"That infectious disease is quite annoying..." Shen Yan muttered as she helped him peel an apple, "Even Zihao was infected, he was obviously in his combat uniform all the time. Fortunately, this disease is not particularly serious."

As she said that, Shen Yan glanced at his hand: "How is your arm?"

"I can't move for the time being, but after drinking the healing potion, it should be fine tomorrow." Li Tianyu looked at his hand, "But there will be many incidents in the future, and these incidents will continue to slow down our speed. Let Karl and Fujikawa Shuichi have a better chance of catching up with us. So we must deal with these random events as soon as possible."

"Well, I'll tell them." Shen Yan nodded, "Xia Ning is quite strong in PVE, so I don't think you need to worry too much. Besides, Mu Xue is already improving, which means that tomorrow Zihao and Wenxin They'll all get better, and when everyone's healed there's nothing to worry about. Even if all three admirals come, eight of us can beat them."

"I hope..." Li Tianyu sighed and said, "I'm afraid... the next one will be even more dangerous."

The next morning, Lin Muxue's symptoms were completely relieved and basically returned to normal. Ye Tiancheng, Zhang Wenxin and Liu Zihao's symptoms also improved, and they could get out of bed and move around freely now, but the situation did not really improve.

After yesterday's battle, their warship is now seriously damaged. Although it can continue to move forward after emergency treatment, it must find a place to park and repair it, otherwise these problems will accumulate in the future and cause serious damage to the hull. Don't abandon ship.According to Gullit, it will take them all day.If they, the players, also help, the work can be completed in half a day.

"I think these incidents are deliberately slowing down our speed so that the players behind can catch up with us." Xia Ning shook his head and sighed, "If that's the case, what's the point of us being ahead?"

"If we handle it well, we won't be caught up." Li Tianyu replied, "So... let's move."

The ship stopped on the edge of a deserted island, and then everyone started repairing with the repair tools they had supplied before.

"Remember, don't leave the coast. The creatures on these islands don't know any unknown diseases. If you touch them casually, you may have to disembark early like I did before." Gullit reminded, grabbing the hammer.

"Understood." Li Tianyu said, glanced at the cracks on the bottom of the ship and frowned, "Oh my god... how can I repair this? I should have snatched a better ship from the navy if I knew it... "

But at this time, their savior appeared, Liu Zihao leaned against the railing of the boat, and asked weakly, "Does anyone miss me?"

"Oh, this is the first time I feel that we need you so much, Zihao..." Looking at Liu Zihao, Shen Yan said moved.

"Is it okay? Your illness should not be completely cured, right?" Li Tianyu asked suspiciously.

"I still have a little cough... That's better than staying on the boat. After another two days, I swear I'll spit out my intestines." Liu Zihao rolled his eyes and said, then grabbed Li Tianyu's arm: "So, if there is Opportunity can stand on solid ground, even if it is only for one day... I also, please give me this chance. Please!"

"Go and go." Li Tianyu pulled out his arm in disgust, "This is what you are good at."

Seeing Liu Zihao humming a ditty while spraying nano-robots at the damage on the bottom of the ship, Li Tianyu couldn't help but feel a little more relaxed.Liu Zihao always plays an active role among them, when he is around, everyone seems a lot more relaxed.This is something that Li Tianyu only discovered during the past few days when Liu Zihao was ill.

In their team, everyone plays an essential role.Just like Liu Zihao, Zheng Nanxing seems to be always transparent on the battlefield because she is an assistant, but when Zheng Nanxing is not around, she can only realize her role.

With Zheng Nanxing around, they almost didn't need to worry about attacks coming from some unknown angle, especially long-range attacks.But when Zheng Nanxing was not around, they couldn't attack with all their might.

"The role of the team..." Li Tianyu thought to himself, "Maybe this is the meaning of one-piece."

With Liu Zihao's help, they finished repairing the ship in only half a day, and then set off on the road again.

Although these incidents did slow down their speed, Li Tianyu believed that not only they would encounter each other, but Fujikawa Shuuichi and Carl would also encounter them, and the speed with which these incidents were handled was the key to whether the distance between the two sides was widened or shortened.

However, with the help of NPCs, Fujikawa Shuuichi and Karl may be able to deal with these incidents at a relatively stable speed.When thinking of this, Li Tianyu was a little worried about Fujikawa Shuichi's state.

Although Fujikawa Shuichi said that he would find a way to delay Carl's footsteps, but can he really do it?
So far, none of them have seen Fujikawa Shuichi, Nana, and Kai, so they don't know how they are doing.Has he been eliminated by Karl, or is he still fighting fiercely?

"Set sail!" Poros ordered, and Kane immediately filled the sails, while Li Tianyu and others stood on the coast and pushed the boat to the sea.The boat gradually came to the deep water area, and Li Tianyu and others also returned to the boat. The incident this time has come to an end for the time being. They will continue to move forward, and who knows what is waiting for them after that.

As the ship set sail again, Zhang Wenxin, Liu Zihao and Ye Tiancheng's infections were finally completely cured, and all the crew members continued their journey in full condition.Everyone on board was also preparing to celebrate the recovery of the four of them.

"I'm really sorry for causing trouble to everyone this time." Lin Muxue lowered her head and smiled delicately.

"I don't blame you, this is a random time, but it just happened to be on you." Li Tianyu ate a mouthful of grilled chicken and said, "This can be seen as a reminder to enter a new world, just the most basic 'teaching for beginners' , is bound to happen. It will be someone else if not you, so don't mind too much."

"I know, why don't you be polite." Lin Muxue teased, "Now everyone can continue on the road again, it's great."

"Hmph, yes." Xia Ning smiled, "Without you messing around, these few days are quite boring."

"Yes, so is Brother Zihao." Zheng Nanxing immediately agreed, "Without Brother Zihao, the atmosphere has been a lot duller recently."

"Ahem," Ye Tiancheng cleared his throat and said, "In that case, let me tell a joke to cheer up the atmosphere."

Speaking, Ye Tiancheng said seriously: "One day, two bananas went shopping one after the other, but at the end there was only one banana left. Why?"

Li Tianyu had a bad feeling, but he didn't say it.But Zhang Wenxin didn't know whether to live or die: "Why?"

"Because the banana walking in front got hot, he took off his clothes, and then the banana behind fell down." Ye Tiancheng said proudly.

Everyone at the scene: "..."

"No, I didn't expect you to have this specialty." Zhang Wenxin smiled politely and yet awkwardly.

(End of this chapter)

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