Infinite Two-dimensional Smash Bros.

Chapter 652 The Final Tactic

Chapter 652 The Final Tactic
Li Tianyu had indeed discussed with everyone before this, what would happen if he was eliminated, and everyone once said that if he was eliminated and turned into a body without a soul, let the survivors take care of him, but that was just a joke after all.It really came to this point, no one wants to live like a walking dead.

It is precisely because of this that everyone's morale has been low for the past two days.

The good news is that the enemy did not come to attack in these two days. It should be that everyone was seriously injured after the war, so they all rested during the voyage.Whether it is European or American players or Japanese server players, everyone is following the Four Emperors. From this point of view, BigMom and Whitebeard should still be alive, and Kaido is no exception.

From their upcoming itinerary, Li Tianyu deduced that they might be entangled by these various forces.After all, to get the prize of the champion, it is natural to defeat all other enemies, including PVP and PVE enemies.

As the time came to the fourth day, everyone finally got together and planned to discuss the next task.

"I think, since the words have been made clear," Xia Ning said with a flat expression, "No matter what, someone must end the game in the end. Then, I think maybe we should draw up a tactic? May come."

Everyone's eyes turned directly to Li Tianyu, and everyone habitually waited for his command.

"I don't have any tactics." Li Tianyu shook his head. After explaining his words to everyone, he no longer had the confidence to command or provide tactics, because he himself was not prepared.

Xia Ning's question was straightforward, what would he do if Shen Yan died?Is it game over or another round?
Although Shen Yan answered for him, Li Tianyu thought that if it really came to that time, he should choose to do another round.That being the case, what qualifications does he have to ask his teammates to give up their wishes and choose to end the game?
Without this kind of awareness, he naturally couldn't ask his teammates to do something, and he didn't have the face to ask for it.

"In this case, let's follow my plan." Xia Ning replied, "We will adopt a reverse baton tactic, as long as one person can reach the final reward, it will be considered our victory. And the four members of Tianyu's team We must be together, so I suggest that after encountering the enemy, people from our team stay to stall for time."

"No." Li Tianyu replied flatly, "Our task is to end this game, not to let you die."

"If you want to end this game, you'd better have enough awareness." Xia Ning frowned and said, "Of course it's best to be able to arrive with all the members, but you have to know that guy Carl didn't plan like that. He still has five lives."

"..." Li Tianyu suddenly fell into silence, and Xia Ning continued: "Our mission is to prevent Karl from reaching the final island, otherwise, once this guy arrives at the final island, I don't think we can stop him before he reaches his destination." Kill. So our goal now is to get the final reward of the game before him."

"Well, let's do it like this." Ye Tiancheng nodded, without any objection.

"You can let me make trouble for them first." Lin Muxue suggested, "Slow down their pace, and then you can slow them down one by one. Not surprisingly, they probably won't leave everyone behind to deal with you."

"My stamina is high enough, even if all of them stay, don't even think about leaving in front of me easily." Xia Ning said calmly, "I will be the first to stay, and it would be perfect to delay their troops."

"Then I will be the second." Zhang Wenxin replied, "Although I am not very strong, my spider sense can allow me to avoid their attacks. Therefore, it is most suitable for me to stay second. If there is another The fish that slipped through the net, Tian Cheng, I'll leave it to you."

"Yeah." Ye Tiancheng nodded, "I will use my inherent barrier to keep their most powerful guy."

"I'll come after that." Liu Zihao poked his chest and said with a confident smile, "This is already the last battle, so you don't need to think about the consequences. At the price of hell armor, I'm very strong .Maybe I can drag that guy Karl into the water. Besides, all the Iron Legion and weapons I have accumulated can be used this time.”

"After Zihao, let me do it." Shen Yan said with a smile, "Nan Xing, you must take Tianyu to get the final reward."

"Don't worry, I will definitely help Brother Tianyu get the reward." Zheng Nanxing said firmly.

All eyes on the scene turned to Li Tianyu: "As for the last... I'll leave it to you."

Li Tianyu wanted to say something, but his throat seemed to be blocked by something, he opened his mouth but could not make a sound, a strong pressure made him unable to breathe, his mind went blank, he just Want to escape from this scene.

"Hmph..." Xia Ning sighed through his nose, "Don't worry, we are not going to die. It is impossible for the enemy to leave all their troops to deal with us, so they will never get the final reward. So they There will only be some people left to deal with us, and then we will see who is stronger. After the enemy is dealt with, we will catch up."

"That's right." Lin Muxue agreed, and patted Li Tianyu's shoulder, "We're not going to die, don't worry. I don't want to die, I will do my best to survive, and I'll meet you guys after I'm done."

"This is just the worst situation, maybe it's better than we imagined." Zhang Wenxin smiled.

"There's still time, let's make mental preparations before the final battle." Ye Tiancheng said calmly.

Li Tianyu still didn't speak, because he didn't know what to say, he knew very well that this tactic was actually to send death.The meeting of the day broke up unhappily, and the ship continued on the sea.

During this period of time, they basically did not encounter any enemies, but the occasional weather would cause them trouble, but it did not hinder them in the case of a full range of NPCs.Li Tianyu reckoned that the NPC on the ship was just a condition, that is, when there was a ship doctor on board, he would not be infected by infectious diseases, and when there were navigators, he would not be affected by the weather.

"Tianyu, cheer up." When she returned to her room to rest at night, Shen Yan held his face and said.

"I don't know how to face them..." Li Tianyu sighed, "How can I ask others to do what I can't do myself? I don't know what to do anymore. Let's take one step at a time. I'm just an ordinary person, I don't want to bear all this at all... No wonder Fujikawa Hideichi threw this burden on me."

"Don't complain." Shen Yan frowned, then leaned forward and kissed him, "I just like how confident you are when you conduct, you know? When I first met you, I actually thought you were very ordinary. But as I've been with you for a long time, I can't help being attracted to you. What I like the most is that you can command calmly no matter what."

Li Tianyu hesitated to speak. The reason why he was able to command calmly was because he always put himself "outside the matter". For him, this game is just a virtual game, but for others, this game is a new world. .

"Everyone made this decision, which means that everyone has already made up their minds, and they believe in you." Liu Zihao grabbed Li Tianyu's shoulder and said seriously, "I also believe in you, I believe that you can make the most correct judgment, and will not let you down easily. We're going to die, that's why I volunteered to stay and buy you time. If you were Carl, I would never do it."

"Yes, Brother Tianyu." Zheng Nanxing took his arm and smiled, "Brother Tianyu, you are not the kind of person who would take the lives of your teammates as a stepping stone, so everyone chooses to believe you. Even if you stay to buy time, It’s not for death. It’s for you to win, and everyone believes that you will make good use of the opportunities your teammates fight for.”

Li Tianyu took a deep breath, and everyone's words made him regain some strength.But correspondingly, he also had greater pressure.Indeed, from a tactical point of view, the selection and order of the people who stay to delay the time are very reasonable.

Lin Muxue wreaks havoc on the enemy's ships and slows down their pace, while Xia Ning is the first to stay and slow down most of the enemies, Zhang Wenxin is the second to stay and slow down some of the enemies, and Ye Tiancheng uses the "inherent barrier" to restrict individual The strongest person.

Afterwards, Liu Zihao and Shen Yan stayed behind, just enough to stop the remaining individual players.Because the purpose is to delay the time rather than kill the enemy, I believe that it will not be too difficult to hold back the opponent's five players plus BigMom's four emperors at the cost of six people.In particular, Xia Ning's high physique and high attack are especially suitable for this task.

In addition, Li Tianyu's own ability is quite special, his thunder fruit can move quickly, and the flash can also ignore obstacles and move directly to the target area, which gives him a certain advantage when winning the championship.

However, the location of the reward is still an uncertain option, but Li Tianyu believes that he still has an advantage over others.

Therefore, in theory, Xia Ning's plan is indeed very feasible.If all goes well, the six people in front should be able to delay until he finds the treasure and ends the game.After all, not only did everyone keep a stand-in jade, but also a fairy bean that Li Tianyu gave them, which should be more than enough to save their lives.Thinking of this, Li Tianyu also felt a little more relaxed.

"I see..." Li Tianyu nodded and said, "I will try to speed up."

In this way, they sailed smoothly for another five days, and there were only the last two days expected before arriving at Ralph Drew.

"Here we come..." Seeing the shadow of the ship appearing on the sea behind, Xia Ning frowned and said, then turned to Li Tianyu: "It's time, Tianyu. Prepare to execute according to the plan."

Li Tianyu nodded, and then extended his hand to Lin Muxue.

"Brother Tianyu, leave it to me." Lin Muxue smiled at him, and then stretched out her small hand to grab him.Li Tianyu flashed with Lin Muxue, and then appeared in an empty room on BigMom's boat behind.

"Okay, you can go back, let's look at mine next." Lin Muxue winked at him.

"Be careful...this time, I..." Li Tianyu frowned, Lin Muxue just smiled, and then blew a kiss to him, "Don't worry, you have protected me so many times, this time it's my turn to protect me." Protect you."

After finishing speaking, Lin Muxue became invisible, opened the door and left, while Li Tianyu returned to his boat in a flash.

Lin Muxue is very smart, and the "sixth person of the phantom" makes her feel very low. Even if she fails to make trouble, it is still no problem to save her life.Li Tianyu believes in Lin Muxue's ability, after all, she is the most powerful in their team.

"Let's go, let's speed up." Xia Ning turned to Zheng Nanxing and said, "Mu Xue will buy us enough time."

However, the players on the boat knew that there was someone like Lin Muxue, so the other party was wary. Lin Muxue had no way to immediately cause a commotion on the boat.Therefore, at this time, BigMom came on the same wave as before.

"You brat! You're going to die!" BigMom roared angrily, holding the hat-turned-long sword "Napoleon" and swung it fiercely, and a slash flew from behind.Fortunately, their helmsman skills were good enough and he pulled up the sail to adjust the angle in time, finally avoiding the blow.But the "weiguo" still rubbed their hull and caused water leakage in the third-story cabin.

"Gurlitt asked me to tell you that the water leaks below are serious, and we can't take another hit! If it is damaged before she repairs the hull, the ship will sink soon!" Poros shouted.

"I'll stop her." Xia Ning frowned and said, "Try to kill her."

"Isn't it too early!?" Li Tianyu held Xia Ning back, "You will be caught up by the pirate ship behind!"

"It's okay, if I can hold more people back, then my task will be considered complete." Xia Ning said lightly, then turned her head and glanced at him, "Do what you should do. In the past, I always put those difficult I leave the decision to you, because it will be easier. This time, let me make this decision for you. Don't worry about the people behind, just move forward."

After finishing speaking, Xia Ning gave him a rare grin, and then accelerated and flew towards BigMom.

At this time, the island had already appeared on the sea ahead. Although it was still some distance away from them, the target was already within sight.

"Tianyu, listen to Aning." Zhang Wenxin patted Li Tianyu on the shoulder and said, "I am very unwilling and confused. I don't know what to do is right, so I decided to give the answer to this question to you To find. Not because of how much I trust you, but because of my own cowardice. I don't believe in myself, and I'm not sure I can find the right answer, and I'm more afraid of facing the pressure of the right answer... Forgive me Come on, Tianyu, let you bear all this."

(End of this chapter)

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