Chapter 658 Thor
The second Lei Ying shot out and exploded on Karl. Li Tianyu continued to follow the previous combo, cooperating with Lei Ying's every damage burst to perform a skill connection, so as to hit Karl stiffly.However, after the second set of combos, Li Tianyu did not perform the third infinite combo.

After finishing this second set of skills, Carl was already scarred and looked like he was about to burp.

If you want to defeat Karl instead of counting how many lives you can kill him, you must figure out how many combos he needs to kill one of Karl's lives.

Before he came, Karl had just been resurrected, that is, full of blood, so this whole life was destroyed by him alone. He could accurately calculate how many combos and mana points he needed to kill Karl, and then came Arrange how to kill Carl's five lives.Therefore, after finishing the second set of combos, Li Tianyu gave up continuing the infinite combos.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to get out of trouble, Karl quickly launched a counterattack against Li Tianyu, and he flew in front of Li Tianyu in the blink of an eye.Li Tianyu was not in a hurry to dodge, he observed Karl's attacking action with a domineering look.

Carl's domineering is only level five, but he has level ten. In this respect, he has an advantage over Karl. The predictive action can be about [-] seconds ahead of Karl, which is his advantage.

Moreover, after mastering the technique of "compulsory interruption of skills", Li Tianyu can also use this method to avoid the defect that his reaction can keep up with the body but can't keep up, so as to fight Carl in melee.

But right now Li Tianyu didn't plan to risk using this method to fight Carl, unless in the end the magic value was really not enough to kill Carl's five lives, Li Tianyu would use this risky method to fight Carl in close combat, relying on Liu Ying to kill Carl.

As soon as Karl's fist came out, Li Tianyu lowered his head and put his hands on Karl's chest, but instead of using the Six Kings Spear, he knocked Karl into the air with a lightning flash.

After being forced back by Thunder Flash for a while, Karl recovered from his paralysis, quickly escaped from Thunder Flash's impact, and then made a half circle around to attack Li Tianyu.Li Tianyu turned around to face Karl, and shot him with a lightning gun.However, even though the two were far away, Karl deftly avoided the blow, and continued to charge towards Li Tianyu at high speed.

Karl's idea is actually very simple: stall for time and wait for Li Tianyu's passive effect to end.

The passive charge detonation only lasts for four seconds, and the duration will not be refreshed unless the next attack hits.So as long as Karl delays the attack for four seconds, even if he is hit by Li Tianyu, he will not be in any danger.

Li Tianyu's infinite connection can only be launched when the enemy has two layers of passivity. As long as this can be avoided, Li Tianyu's infinite connection can be fundamentally prevented.At least to do this, it's not that simple.

"Stop urgently, turn left..." Li Tianyu predicted Karl's movements through his knowledge and arrogance, and then threw the brontosaurus ahead of Karl's flight path.This blow was not so much that the thunder dragon hit Carl, but rather that Carl and the thunder dragon collided head-on at a right angle, and at this time Carl also had two passive layers.

Li Tianyu didn't condense Lei Ying at this time, but directly detonated Karl's passive, followed by Thunder Dragon and then hit Karl with a thunder gun, detonating Karl's passive again.These two combos plus the passive damage caused Karl to fall from the air and hit the ground heavily. The scorched wound on his body began to heal gradually until he was completely healed.

"Okay, one life has been lost..." Li Tianyu muttered to himself, "There are still four lives..."

Judging from the battle just now, Li Tianyu probably needs two and a half sets of combos to kill Karl, and Karl will definitely die after the third set.This damage is much higher than when Li Tianyu attacked Carl last time, because he has Zheng Nanxing's "Thunder Amplification" buff on him, and Zheng Nanxing's "White Wing" state actually amplifies the buff.

As long as Zheng Nanxing maintains this "white wing" state, Li Tianyu's thunder boost will continue, but the price is that Zheng Nanxing's mana will continue to decrease until it is exhausted.

Li Tianyu estimated that it would take about one-third of his magic points to play three sets of combos, and with the addition of fairy beans, two tubes of magic points would just be able to kill six of Karl's lives.But this is only an ideal state. Carl's physique can continue to increase. He has the ability of "I am the only one in the sky and the world". In this state, more magic points are needed to kill him.

All in all, if you use up all your mana, you should be able to kill Karl five times.His last life can only rely on "Liu Ying".The arrogance consumed by Liuying is actually quite small. Ten times of Liuying's attacks can kill Carl once, but the mana value consumed by ten times of Liuying is less than a quarter. It is theoretically possible to kill Karl. , just risk...

"It doesn't matter, let's fight first..." Li Tianyu thought to himself, and attacked Karl again.With knowledgeable arrogance and the ability to forcibly interrupt, Li Tianyu doesn't even need to keep a distance from Karl, the opponent's attack is not a threat at all.

"Go to hell, bastard!" Carl became a little annoyed at being killed so quickly, and waved a knife across his hand.Li Tianyu lowered his head to dodge, and kept squatting. A thunder dragon blasted Karl's chest and knocked him into the air. Then he opened the distance with another thunderbolt, knocking Karl down to the ground.

Karl was suppressed by the power of the lightning flash and squatted down, but he quickly escaped from the lightning flash. When he looked up, the black sphere of lightning had begun to condense in mid-air.Carl gritted his teeth and spat, raised his hand and shot a cruel sun shot at Li Tianyu. Although he knew that he could not interrupt Li Tianyu's skills, this was how his ability points worked.

Even if his seven lives can only hit Li Tianyu one or two cruel suns each time, it is enough to kill Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu forcefully swallowed the cruel sun, and then slammed to guide Karl's passivity, and then smashed Lei Ying on Karl, starting his second set of infinite chain.After three sets of combos, Karl fell headlong to the ground, his body emitting green smoke, but the wound began to heal quickly, and Li Tianyu had already beaten him to his fourth life.

Just as he stood up from the ground, Karl was hit head-on by a black brontosaurus, flew backwards a few meters before stopping, and then was knocked down to the ground by the ensuing thunder flash.

"Beautiful!" Xia Ning, who had recovered a little, couldn't help but exclaimed, "Is this the fifth life?"

"As expected of Tianyu..." Zhang Wenxin, who was receiving treatment, also managed a smile.

Zheng Nanxing's treatment is different from Azera's treatment. She can only prevent the state from deteriorating and prevent the players from dying from their injuries, but there is no way to make them fully heal, let alone restore their physical strength, so Xia Ning has no way to recover. into the battlefield.

What's more, in the current situation, their entry into the battlefield is just to hinder Li Tianyu's combo.In a one-on-one situation, Li Tianyu's infinite company can kill Karl almost as long as he hits.

However, Karl is not a fool. This is the moment he has been waiting for.

A ball of light flew out of Karl's hand and quickly rose into the air. Karl's body also began to swell, turning into a giant man over three meters tall, and entered the state of "I am the only one in the sky and the world".

"Hmph, the magic value is almost used up?" Carl gritted his teeth and smiled, "This life will kill you..."

Li Tianyu also whispered that something was wrong, and the current situation was a bit embarrassing.In fact, less than one-third of his mana is left, and it is impossible to kill Carl's entire life with an infinite chain, let alone Carl has now opened the state of being the only one in the sky and the world.If Li Tianyu ate fairy beans now, then his mana would not be enough to kill Karl with five lives.

Therefore, Li Tianyu's choice now is to continue to fight Carl like this, and then eat fairy beans after the magic value is exhausted.

But in this way, he can't kill Karl in this state with infinite chain, but has to rely on Liuying.

But relying on Liuying and fighting with Karl who is in a state of dominance... To put it bluntly, if the opponent flicks his finger, he may be severely injured. After all, even if the strength of the two sides is included in the correction of armed domineering, the gap is as high as more than 70 point.However, there was no other way.Karl probably decided that his magic value was not enough, so he chose this time to transform.

It turned out that during the game, not only he was observing the other party, but the other party was also observing him.

"Come on..." Li Tianyu gritted his teeth and thought to himself, and then slammed his finger to explode Karl's passivity, and then took advantage of Karl's opportunity to go straight to attack.

But Karl in the domineering state, his strength and physique are as high as 170, plus the 35 points of physique and strength correction provided by the fifth-level domineering, 210 points of strength and physique, the real damage caused by Li Tianyu's passive attack is based on Karl's current Physically, it's like scratching an itch.So after Li Tianyu flashed past, Karl waved his hand lightly.

Fortunately, Li Tianyu's knowledgeable domineering spirit predicted it in advance, allowing him to stop in time and choose to dodge. The opponent's attack passed over his head, bringing up a strong wind, and this strong wind alone made a part of his body elemental.

Li Tianyu's physique at the full level is only [-] points. In order to save mana, he did not use armed domineering to protect himself, so he is so vulnerable.What's more, even if he used the armed domineering, his physique correction was only [-] points, and he was hit by Karl's punch with added domineering. Using the armed domineering is the difference between death and disability. Being disabled is not far from death up.

"This is too exaggerated..." Li Tianyu barely stabilized his figure, but Karl had already raised his index finger and stabbed him in the chest.

At this time, Karl was already a giant over three meters tall, and this one finger could almost pierce a bowl-sized hole in Li Tianyu's chest.Li Tianyu had to dodge to distance himself, but Carl was waiting for this moment, and his right hand slashed down gently.

"Holy Sword, Karl..." Karl read softly, Li Tianyu knew that he should dodge at this time, but it had just flashed, and even with the forced interruption technique, it was too late to move immediately.

Now he has two choices, eat the fairy beans to protect himself before the holy sword takes effect, so as to save his substitute jade.

But in this way, the mana he still has left now is equivalent to wasting, and in the end he didn't have enough mana to kill Carl's last life.The second option is to directly choose to be killed by the holy sword, and then use the stand-in jade to resurrect and start fighting again. After the last quarter of his mana is used up, he will continue to fight with Karl.

Although it was only for a moment, Li Tianyu's mind turned rapidly and he made a decision at the same time.

A line of blood sprayed out from his chest, and everyone behind him exclaimed.

"Tianyu!" Shen Yan anxiously wanted to go up to help, but was held back by Liu Zihao.

"Don' will only get in the way if you go now." Liu Zihao said with difficulty, the "gap" on his body has not fully recovered, "Don't worry, Brother Tianyu still has a substitute jade. After he is resurrected, he will be threatened. Our The injuries should all be relieved, and then we will go up together to help."

Hearing this, Shen Yan calmed down again, anxiously watching the battle from the sidelines.

After being hit by this sword, the holy sword did not kill Li Tianyu immediately, but Karl had already caught up with him.

"I'll take your life first." Carl sneered, and punched Li Tianyu in the face.

But at the same time, Li Tianyu also punched Karl in the abdomen with a backhand, and the two flew backward at the same time.

Li Tianyu's head was completely knocked off, but it was condensed again under the effect of the stand-in jade, while Karl was hit by Li Tianyu's dying blow, and also suffered certain injuries.

"Good guy!" Carl got up from the ground, gritted his teeth and smiled with a little admiration, "What a kind! If we are not hostile, maybe I will share the championship reward with you!"

"Share?" Li Tianyu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and sneered, "People like you don't know how to share. To you, it's just a gift. Only those who know how to cherish their companions and friends know what sharing is." , and you, who only use others as tools and only recognize those players who are valuable to you, don’t know what sharing is at all! Because you are always self-centered and don’t think about others, your You will always be the only one in your eyes and in your heart!"

"So what? This is a world where winners and losers and the weak prey on the strong...I just survived." Carl's brows trembled, looking extremely annoyed, "You can survive, which means that you and I are the same species , I will naturally treat you equally, otherwise you are just a prey!"

"But we are humans, not animals! Weakness does not mean that we are useless. Everyone is a special individual with their own unique talents. This is the biggest difference between humans and animals!" Li Tianyu roared through gritted teeth. I have never been so excited, "There is nothing more to say about you, whoever is the winner is right!"

After finishing speaking, Li Tianyu raised his right hand and pointed to the sky and shouted: "Thor!"

(End of this chapter)

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