Infinite Two-dimensional Smash Bros.

Chapter 72 The True Magical Skill

Chapter 72 The True Magical Skill
At that time, Li Tianyu immediately began to modify his skills. He first deleted the "iron block steel".

The iron block increases the extra physical defense power and 10 points of constitution correction, and the physical defense power can provide about 100 points of physical damage reduction.Li Tianyu had never used the skill of Iron Block in the battle before, because he discovered it when he was fighting Wang Yang in the first scene mission. to overwrite.

This is not surprising, because the ability of "Iron Block" is actually a kind of use of armed domineering, but it is only used by those who have not mastered armed domineering, so it is only used for defense, and only for constitution correction.

The armed domineering color has a constitution correction when it is used for defense, and a strength correction when it is used for attack, which is much easier to use than iron blocks.As for the upgraded version of "Iron Block Steel", which is 15 points of constitution correction, it is still the same as the armed color domineering, so there is no need to keep it, just delete it.

Immediately, Li Tianyu looked at other things, and he still wanted to keep the upgraded version of Yuebu "Haibu".This skill can move quickly in the water. In fact, it perfectly avoids his weakness of being restrained by the sea. In this way, even if his ability is weakened when he falls into the sea, it is enough for him to jump out of the sea. drowned.

As for the two skills of finger gun spot and blue foot Kai bird, they are melee skills. Li Tianyu doesn't need them much. Even if there may be needs in the future, these two skills have upgraded versions, so there is no need to keep them, so just delete them up.In this way, three skill columns are vacated. Li Tianyu is going to think about how these three skills should be designed.

There is no doubt that the skill of the thunder fruit, the powerful group skill already has Wan Lei, and now a powerful single-target skill is needed.However, the greater the power, the longer the charging time is. This is a problem, and players can easily avoid it.

In addition, when dealing with high-physical bloodlines such as Superman blood and Saiyan blood, Thunder Dragon's lethality is very limited, and he needs some high-value, small-scale killing skills against high-physical enemies.

"A finger of death?" Li Tianyu thought to himself, and then tried to design it.There is a finger of death skill in the skill bar, but the attributes are no different from the previous thunder gun, and they are all stored power and normal voltage.

"Can you modify it in detail?" Li Tianyu frowned and clicked twice on the skill bar randomly, but at this time a property bar suddenly appeared behind the skill bar, which are "attack speed", "attack range", "attack Power", "Power Accumulation", there is a progress bar behind each attribute, it seems that it can be adjusted manually.

He tried other skills, but the skills that had been set before could not be adjusted.

So, Li Tianyu tried it, minimized the attack range, then maximized the attack power and attack speed, and then canceled the tick behind the "charge".At this time, it shows that the attack damage is 800 points.

Li Tianyu compared his Thunder Dragon, the damage was 400-1200 points (depending on the voltage).Because the voltage limit has been increased to 1.5 million, the damage limit of Thunder Dragon has also been increased.

He scratched his head, feeling that accumulating power is necessary for the Thunderbolt fruit, so he lowered the attack speed a bit, and then activated the accumulating power, so the attack damage became "1000-1800 points".

Li Tianyu is quite satisfied with this damage value, so he is going to try it out.He, Li Tianyu, raised his index finger and pointed it forward, and threw it without accumulating strength: "Finger of death!"

A ray of red lightning shot out from his fingertips and struck the stone in front of him. With a "Boom!", a line of green smoke came out of the stone, and a hole was drilled out by the lightning.The rate of fire of the thunder and lightning is so fast that it is basically invisible to the naked eye.

"The attack speed of this thunderbolt is great! It's hard to dodge like this!" Li Tianyu muttered to himself, and then raised his hand to release a charged finger of death: "1.5 million volts, finger of death!"

Lightning condensed at his fingertips, and two seconds later, a flash of red lightning shot out instantly and struck the stone.The hole left this time is larger. It can be seen that although the destructive power is not high, the attack power is very strong, and the speed is very fast and difficult to avoid. It will be very good to deal with these enemies with high physical fitness.Although it takes a while to charge, the rate of fire after charging is still very fast, and you only need to charge your fingertips to hide your moves during actual combat.

"Definitely use it." Li Tianyu confirmed the skills, and there are two other skill columns.

Now he is satisfied with the attack skills, but he also wants some "functional" skills.

For example, it would be perfect if there was some ability to make his attacks automatically track.

Thinking of this, Li Tianyu had an idea, and then dragged the skill bar on the phone and placed it behind the skill "Thunder Gun". The upgraded version of the gun, then Li Tianyu named this skill "Wan Lei Yin", and then pulled the attack power and attack range to the minimum, and the attack speed to the highest, and entered a line of skill description: "Enemies hit by Wan Lei Yin It will be tracked by lightning within a certain period of time."

Then, Li Tianyu chose to use it.In fact, he was just trying, but he didn't expect it to work. This "Wan Lei Yin" allows the skills he releases in the next eight seconds to automatically track the enemies marked by Wan Lei Yin.It felt like the system was reading his thoughts instead of letting him figure out the design skills by himself.

With this "Wan Lei Yin", he can make all the thunder and lightning of "Wan Lei" concentrate on attacking one enemy, so that he can attack a single target or a group, and his other skills can also be thrown around with his eyes closed, anyway. can be tracked.

In this way, Li Tianyu is very satisfied with his skills, and there is an extra skill column, and he plans to design a defensive skill for himself.Although he already has the defensive skill of Lightning Barrier, it is a low-level skill after all. Even after the voltage is increased, the defense against physical attacks is very effective, but magic attacks such as Kamehae Qigong cannot be defended.

"In this case, let's design a skill specifically for long-range defense, suitable for lightning..." Li Tianyu held his chin in thought for a while, and suddenly had an idea, and wrote a new skill: "The lightning rod, through the positive charge and Negative charges control and guide the enemy's long-range/magic attacks, same sex repels, opposite sex attracts."

The actual application of this skill is very ingenious. For example, if you cover Kamehae Qigong with positive charges, and then cover yourself with positive charges, the same-sex repulsion effect will push the two parties away from each other.And if the enemy's Kamehae qigong is too powerful to be bounced off by same-sex repulsion, you can cover Kamehae qigong with positive charges, set negative charges on the enemy or object, and use the effect of opposite sex to attract Kamehae qigong to the enemy. turn.

When designing these skills, Li Tianyu felt that he was invincible.Attack, defense, group, and individual skills are all available. It can be said to be a very comprehensive and perfect skill system.

At this time, Li Tianyu looked at the last skill in the six styles "Paper-painted Martial Body Life Return" and fell into deep thought: "I remember this skill seems to be..." As he spoke, he suddenly said: "Paper-painted Martial Body Life Return" !"

He just felt a shiver in his body, and then all the excess fat on his body disappeared and turned into solid muscles.

After a long silence, Li Tianyu covered his mouth and said to himself emotionally: "This is a fucking magic skill!"

(End of this chapter)

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