Chapter 9 Proposals
Li Tianyu's brainstorm made him reverse the situation in an instant.Now the situation on the entire battlefield is more favorable to them, which is equivalent to turning an 8V8 battle into a 9V7.Moreover, now that he holds the scepter, he has a plan to deal with the next enemy.

His ability combination is actually very defensive. He is very fast, plus he has various evasion skills and passive natural fruit abilities. It is difficult to be hit by the enemy. This allows him to find opportunities to use Rocky. The scepter controls the enemy player.Of course this is of no use to that Iron Man player, but that Iron Man player shouldn't be enough to pose a threat to him.

Li Tianyu looked outside, at this moment the Avengers had already fallen into a disadvantage, being surrounded and beaten by the alien fleet, and the Hulk was also frantically bombed by dozens of alien flying boats and couldn't move.Li Tianyu knew that the bomber carrying the nuclear bomb should have arrived here soon.

Therefore, Li Tianyu carried the scepter behind his back, jumped out from the gap opened by the superman player, adjusted his position with moon steps in mid-air, and landed behind an alien's airship.

"Go to the port!" Li Tianyu ordered the alien, so the alien immediately drove the flying boat to the edge of the port. At this time, Li Tianyu could already see a fighter jet heading towards him from not far away. approached.

However, at this moment, another figure was also rushing towards this side. It was the shadow of Iron Man, but judging from the model of the suit, it was the player of Iron Man, not Iron Man himself.

"Oh, this guy is really in the way..." Li Tianyu frowned and said, and then checked his status.

Although Domineering consumes quickly, it also recovers quickly, almost half of it recovered in just 5 minutes, and Devil Fruit is an ability that can be used without restrictions, so now he has basically recovered to its full strength.

"Lightning strike!" Li Tianyu raised his hand and aimed at the Iron Man player, sending out a lightning strike.

The thunder and lightning flew towards the iron man in a straight line, but Li Tianyu's aim was not very good, even if the opponent didn't dodge the blow, he couldn't hit him at all.The Iron Man player was different. He turned his head and fired a dozen mini-missiles at Li Tianyu's side, each of which flew towards him.

"Electric light!" Li Tianyu waved his hand, and the thunder light emerged from his side, forming a barrier and shooting down the approaching missiles.This ability is to convert lightning into light energy and heat energy to neutralize some physical attacks. Although it is not effective against Superman's level of ability, it is more than enough to defend against Iron Man's modern weapons.

The two fought back and forth for a while, and Li Tianyu didn't want to decide the outcome with this Iron Man player, his goal was only fighter jets.For him, the conditions for winning are more generous, as long as he shoots down the fighter jets.

But for this Iron Man player, it is different. He must protect the fighter jet from being shot down by Li Tianyu, and then after the fighter jet launches the nuclear bomb, ensure that Iron Man can send the nuclear bomb to the portal to defeat the alien mothership , the conditions are quite harsh.

The Iron Man player also realized this, speeding up and flying towards the fighter ahead.But what he can do is very limited, he can only find a way to protect the fighter before the nuclear bomb is launched.

But I have to say that in terms of the performance of the Mark-06 model, apart from the suit itself, there is no defense capability. Unlike the subsequent Mark-50 model, nano-robots can be used to form various Weapons include shields.

Li Tianyu knew that his accuracy was not good, so this time he was going to use his big move. He pointed to the fighter plane and told the alien pilot in front, "Follow that fighter plane!"

The alien followed obediently, Li Tianyu used electric light to defend against the attack of the Iron Man player, while raising his hand to condense the lightning, aimed at the fighter, and whispered: "3000 million volts...Thunderbird! "

Lightning condensed into a phoenix-shaped Thunderbird, and quickly flew towards the fighter. This move has a certain remote control ability, and after all, it is thunder and lightning, and the flying speed is very fast. After all, the fighter is just a fighter, not like Iron Man's battle suit. With such dexterity, the Thunderbird landed on the fighter plane accurately, and immediately caused an extremely strong explosion...

In Li Tianyu's field of vision, he could only see flames and smoke blowing towards his face, as well as a large number of debris from the plane.However, those stray bullet fragments did not hurt him, his body dissipated and turned into lightning, avoiding these attacks.

In fact, Li Tianyu discovered from the previous battle with the superman player that the damage value avoided by the elemental effect of his natural devil fruit is not calculated according to the opponent's attack strength, but according to his ability to withstand it .

For example, that Superman might be able to deal a thousand points of damage with one punch, but Li Tianyu himself can only withstand a hundred points of damage, so the reduction of the shield value of this natural devil fruit will only deduct one hundred points instead of one thousand points , so although this shield value is limited, it is not so easy to deplete.

What's more, this shield value will continue to recover in the non-combat state. Basically, it can be said that it is immune to physical attacks and only eats magic attacks.Of course, if the enemy's attack frequency is so fast that he is unable to fight back, his shield value may be exhausted to cause actual damage to him, but the best way is to use magic attacks such as domineering.

Li Tianyu guessed that his Thunderbird should have detonated the nuclear bomb carried by the plane, but he didn't care, anyway, this kind of attack would not hurt him, but the Iron Man player might suffer serious injuries.Li Tianyu didn't know the consequences of killing the player, and he didn't want to kill the player, as long as he could complete the task and get the reward, he would be satisfied.

After all, he was just an ordinary person yesterday, and he hadn't even killed a chicken, let alone killed anyone.

The explosion of the nuclear bomb continuously caused shocks and heat waves. Li Tianyu didn't feel it, but if he continued to stay in the center of the explosion, his shield value would continue to decrease, so he had to get out of this range as soon as possible.

Of course, the alien riding on him and the flying boat he was driving must have been reimbursed in this wave of explosions. Li Tianyu simply took advantage of this momentum and fell down quickly until he was out of the scope of the explosion, and the sea below appeared in his field of vision.Li Tianyu was startled: If he gets in the sea, he will die!
Therefore, Li Tianyu immediately jumped up using the moon step, but it seemed a bit too late at this time: the moon step is essentially a technique for quickly kicking the air and then allowing himself to take off on flat ground. It can only be used for buffering during the fall, and it can only be taken off again after the falling speed slows down.

Seeing that he was about to fall into the sea and be incapacitated and then drowned, Li Tianyu couldn't help but feel a little funny: the mission was about to be successful, but he was going to be drowned at this juncture?This development is too ridiculous, right?
However, at this moment, a glowing lasso suddenly flew over from the pier ahead and wrapped it around his waist.Li Tianyu looked up, and then saw the female player who was helping him delay time at the pier.

"This is... the lasso of mantra!" Li Tianyu looked down at the rope around his waist and muttered to himself, and instantly understood the female player's ability, which was obviously Wonder Woman's "Amazon demigod" bloodline.

The female player yanked the rope violently, Li Tianyu let out a muffled snort, and flew towards the pier.When he was about to hit the pier, Li Tianyu used the razor to adjust his figure, and landed firmly beside the female player.

"Uh, um...thank you." Li Tianyu said in embarrassment, the female player put away the mantra lasso and replied flatly: "You're welcome, it's also my fault that I didn't hold that guy back and let him trouble you .”

"Forget it, anyway, our side has already established the victory." Li Tianyu waved his hand disapprovingly, "The nuclear bomb has been destroyed, and Rocky's scepter is also here. Now the Avengers have no way to win."

"It's really easy to cooperate with people with brains." The female player snorted and smiled, turned to Li Tianyu and stretched out her hand.

Li Tianyu was hesitating whether to shake hands with the other party, when the Iron Man player suddenly fell from the sky.

His suit looked badly worn, but his performance wasn't affected much.Therefore, Li Tianyu and the female player immediately became alert, but the Iron Man player quickly raised his hand: "Wait, I'm here to negotiate."

"Negotiation? There's nothing to talk about, you've already lost." Li Tianyu sneered.

"I know, the negotiation I'm talking about is not for this game, but for the entire game." The Iron Man player replied, and slowly landed on the ground, "My teammates are simply a bunch of pigs. Let them rush to the port to protect the fighter jet loaded with nuclear bombs, a group of people are still obsessed with fighting aliens, and they get carried away after learning some superpowers."

As he said that, Iron Man sneered unhappily, and turned to Li Tianyu and the female player: "I believe you don't want to meet such pig teammates in the future, right? Since the three of us can think of the key to this game, it means We are all players with brains, maybe we can cooperate in future games. My ability is also very auxiliary, what do you think?"

Li Tianyu’s heart was moved by the other party’s proposal. It was indeed a good idea. Instead of teaming up with pig teammates, having a few trustworthy and clear-headed teammates would have a much higher winning rate. players against.It is certain that these two players are clear-headed, but whether they can be trusted is not easy to say...

"About your proposal, I have a suggestion." The female player suddenly interjected at this time, and then raised her hand to conjure up her mantra lasso, "Let's listen to each other's truth first, and then Let's think about cooperation."

(End of this chapter)

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