Chapter 99 Trap
While Li Tianyu obtained a total of three fragments from Guangdeyuan, Chang Jingwen and the treasure chest, Shen Yan and the others also successfully obtained the fragment of the third mission point.So, now they have twelve map shards.There are a total of 28 players and [-] clue points in this mission, with a total of [-] fragments.

In other words, they already have nearly half of the map fragments.

However, luck is not particularly good, the clue points on the map are intermittent, not all connected together, but roughly two small maps have been opened.

"This is really bad luck..." Li Tianyu said with a sigh.

At this moment, Chang Jingwen had already left to find a safe place to hide and wait for the game to end. Li Tianyu also wanted to continue his task of searching for map fragments.But at this time, Liu Zihao suddenly replied: "Dude, I have confirmed the location of the treasure."

After Yong Lei moved back to Liu Zihao, Shen Yan and Zheng Nanxing, Li Tianyu immediately asked, "How are you sure?"

"Oh, after you unlocked the map, I asked Jarvis to scan and compare the map here." Liu Zihao handed over the tablet and explained, "The possible locations of the treasure are in these two places."

"So, there is no way to be 100% sure?" Li Tianyu frowned, and Liu Zihao shook his head: "Maybe two or three more map fragments can be 100% sure, but it also depends on luck, depending on the unlocked map area."

"Why don't you try it, anyway, the chance is [-]/[-]." Li Tianyu replied.

"Then, let's go to this spot first." Liu Zihao pointed to one of the treasure spots and said, "Don't split up this time, because you may encounter other enemies at the treasure spot in the end."

"Yeah, I think so too." Li Tianyu nodded, "What's more, my domineering also needs to be restored."

"Is the battle over there very hard?" Shen Yan turned to Li Tianyu and asked. Li Tianyu shrugged: "One person can deal with two players and a BOSS, what do you think? But it's not that there is no good news..."

As he said that, Li Tianyu raised his brows at them and smiled evilly: "I'll tell you when I get out."

"What's the matter..." Shen Yan lowered her eyelids and poked him on the face.

"Brother Tianyu, are you injured? I can help you treat it." Zheng Nanxing asked with a smile.

"Fortunately, let's talk about it later." Li Tianyu replied, and then opened the Thunder God armor, "Let's go, go to the treasure spot."

They cleared out some refreshed dead soldiers along the way, and then came to the first possible treasure spot, which was an empty courtyard, similar to the courtyard where every treasure spot was located before, except that there was no guarded BOSS .

Liu Zihao looked around, then raised his hand and used energy impact to draw a cross on the lawn: "It should be here."

"Wait, let me check the situation first." Li Tianyu replied, and then opened the heart network.

Li Tianyu nodded his head as his domineering aura spread, "Okay, there's no one around, let's dig."

"Then..." Liu Zihao raised his hand and aimed at the garden lawn in front of him, releasing a powerful energy shock.

Grass and dirt were splashed, and a huge hole appeared in the ground, but nothing appeared.Obviously, the treasure spot is in another area.

"Let's go, before other players find out." Li Tianyu replied, he grabbed his phone and looked at the clue points on the map. Now only four of the twelve clue points are still on, that is to say There are eight clue points that have been acquired by the player.

Because the other burial site is far away, it may take a while for them to rush there.

"Heart net..." Li Tianyu sensed it, and there were no enemies within the range.So he raised his hand to let Liu Zihao and the others follow, but at this moment Li Tianyu suddenly realized something incongruous, and then stopped abruptly, Zheng Nanxing bumped into him from behind, and complained while covering his nose with a painful cry : "Brother Tianyu, why did you stop suddenly!"

"Something's wrong." Li Tianyu mused, and then spread out the heart net again, and this time he knew the reason: there were too few people on the map, and it seemed that there were a lot fewer people at once, which was really unusual.

"What's wrong?" Shen Yan asked, Li Tianyu shook his head: "It seems that there are a lot fewer people I can perceive."

"Could it be because they are out of range? Or are those NPCs being eliminated?" Liu Zihao asked, and Li Tianyu frowned: "Probably not, the number of NPCs has not decreased significantly. There are two possibilities, the first one Those players left the range or stood still, and the second explanation is that a team has cleaned up and eliminated most of the players, and is now heading to the treasure burial point..."

Thinking of this, Li Tianyu suddenly felt something was wrong: the randomly opened attribute of the treasure map, the element of luck can be said to be very important, for example, some people are very lucky, maybe six pieces of the treasure map can confirm the location of the buried treasure .

For those with less luck like them, the twelve treasure maps have already been confirmed, so it is not surprising that someone is ahead of them.For example, Chang Jingwen's three teammates are the type who can do anything, so it's normal for them to get map fragments.

"I'll go over there to delay the time, and you guys fly over to support me as soon as possible." Li Tianyu said anxiously.

Liu Zihao asked with some uncertainty: "But, what if you are besieged by the four of them in the past? Our flight is not like your Leiyi, and it will take at least ten minutes to rush over from here. You can fly alone Can it last ten minutes under the attack of four players?"

"It should be possible." Li Tianyu thought for a while and replied, "With Xinwang's ability, I can definitely delay until my knowledge and domineering energy are exhausted."

"It's too risky." Shen Yan shook her head and said stubbornly: "You are like this every time. You want to do those dangerous things alone. Although the results are good, I don't want you to go alone. Bear with that. The four of us win more easily, and this time I insist that you fly over with us. Four, together."

"Then what if the treasure is preempted by others?" Li Tianyu really wanted to ask her this, but he knew that it would be a waste of time to continue arguing like this, and the most correct thing to do now is to start acting immediately and don't think so much.

"I agree." Liu Zihao folded his arms and nodded, "You can't make me a bastard every time, I want C once."

"Brother Tianyu, let me help you, I can help you." Zheng Nanxing also quickly replied.

"Okay, hurry up, don't waste time." Li Tianyu said impatiently, and then summoned the Thor armor, and the four of them rushed towards the treasure spot at the highest speed they could.

Of course, Li Tianyu continued to open the heart network to investigate in the middle, but in this situation, because the clue points have been greatly reduced, it is already difficult to confirm who the following targets are players and who are NPCs.

This situation really made Li Tianyu a little skeptical, but when they got close to the treasure point, to be precise, the treasure point entered the precise perception range of his heart network, Li Tianyu was suddenly startled, and quickly pulled Shen Yan back, shouting : "Stop it, it's a trap!"

Just when the treasure point entered his precise perception range, a large number of targets suddenly appeared within the range, but it was too late, they were currently flying in mid-air, and they were too conspicuous in this range.

"Ninja, Four Purple Flame Formation!" At this time, a chant sounded from all directions, and the walls of four purple flames rose up, forming a glass cover to lock the four of them inside.

(End of this chapter)

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