Chapter 224
Even worse, he couldn't know whether what Ah Hai said was what he wanted Lin Fan to hear. If this was the case, then from the very beginning, Lin Fan had already entered into Ah Hai's trap. Now he is breaking free but also belonging. He always feels that he understands more thoroughly and knows more clearly, but in fact, he is plunged into Ah Hai's trap and cannot extricate himself.

And if he is really in such a state, then what he sees, hears, and thinks at this moment will probably run counter to the facts, so when he said these words, even though he was The decision was made with the idea of ​​helping Wu Dingwei.But in the end, the result was a great harm to Wu Dingwei.

As for the current idea, in fact, Lin Fan has already come back to it. Although he is not sure whether this idea is correct, but now that he has this idea, it means that he is doing this. Therefore, after he finished saying this sentence, he regretted it, because he had no way to guarantee whether this sentence would cause harm to Wu Dingwei.

It's just that now that the words have been said, it seems too late to regret.So he had no choice but to wait for Wu Dingwei's response, expecting Wu Dingwei to give him a reassuring response.

But the facts have proved that sometimes the guesses made at that critical moment still have a certain degree of credibility. For example, when Lin Fan felt that he had done something wrong and wanted to repent, Things did go awry.

When Lin Fan finished speaking and was waiting for Wu Dingwei to respond, Wu Dingwei suddenly stopped. He didn't know how to express his thoughts, nor how to respond to Lin Fan's suggestion. .

On the surface, it seems that Lin Fan is really thinking about himself, but if you look at this matter from a more one-sided perspective, what Lin Fan did is not deliberately saying that he is trying to solve the trouble. This sentence.

And if it is really understood in this way, maybe Lin Fan is also selfish, all he did was to make himself feel more comfortable, as to whether he has considered Wu Dingwei's thoughts, it is not certain, at least in Wu Dingwei's view, Lin Fan Fan didn't think too much about him.

Under normal circumstances, Lin Fan is just making assumptions for himself, and he tries his best to solve this matter, regardless of whether there will be some unfriendly things hidden behind this. thing.

Wu Dingwei's silence did not make Lin Fan feel anxious, on the contrary, it made Lin Fan feel uncomfortable. In the process of Wu Dingwei's choice of silence, Ah Hai, who got Lin Fan's suggestion, became even more serious. I want to add more strength.

It has to be said that Lin Fan gave him a good suggestion. At this time, from Lin Yifan's point of view, he found a reason, that is, since he can directly press the question, why give him any chance to think about it? Anyway, things haven't been finalized yet, so instead of wasting time entanglement here, it's better to make this matter more enjoyable.

So basically he didn't give Wu Dingwei a chance to think about it, and he would never give him this time to think about it. In addition, Lin Fan's words had just ended, and Wu Dingwei's silence hadn't lasted long, so Ah Hai started to question directly, and he It also completely borrowed what Lin Fan said.

"I agree with Brother Fan's point of view very much, and I also think that I can listen to your ideas besides Brother Fan. If you really want to prove your innocence, then you can also tell me directly. I will not tell anyone , and I also believe that Brother Fan will choose to believe in me."

Ah Hai's words didn't seem to be only aimed at Wu Dingwei, but he was even deliberately targeting Lin Fan in some respects.Although it seems that there is nothing wrong with his words on the surface, the deep meaning is unbearable.

Hearing this, Wu Dingwei really raised his head and looked at Lin Fan, he felt a little unbelievable, at this moment he even felt that Ah Hai's words were a deliberate reminder from Lin Yifan.

Could it be that Lin Fan had really given up on himself, stopped trusting his friends, and wanted to help his opponents deal with his friends? If this was the case, it would indeed be a bit chilling.

But Wu Dingwei's thought was only for a moment, because he still had a trace of Lin Fan's obsession in his heart, and he felt that it was impossible for Lin Fan to reach this point no matter what, especially in the current situation. It is really incomprehensible to go to this point, but he has no way to guarantee that there will be no mistakes in this matter, because he gradually feels that he doesn't know Lin Fan that well. From the moment Lin Fan appeared here Since then, this feeling has emerged from him.

"Why don't you talk? Didn't you have your own ideas just now? And we have given you enough opportunities. If you can't grasp it now, it can only be said that you gave up the opportunity yourself, not us. I won’t provide it to you, so I advise you to think carefully about it, sometimes you need to grasp the opportunity yourself.”

A Hai always exerts too much force. At certain times and under certain necessary conditions, he always tries his best to realize all possibilities, but in the process of realizing these possibilities, he simply fails. You don't realize whether what you do will have some bad effects.

As a result, many things are often caused by his excessive force, resulting in some irreversible endings. At this time, it seems that what happened in the past is repeating itself on Wu Dingwei.

If the same type of thing only happened once, it might be justifiable, but if it happened frequently without any rest, then there might be some problems!

It's a pity that Ah Hai never realizes this, and he treats him equally in all things, thinking that this is a good habit, and he is also satisfied with what he does, but time and time again The results are reminding him that his self-righteousness will one day make him suffer losses, and even make him suffer.

At this moment, Wu Dingwei seems to be at such a critical stage.Ah Hai's questioning didn't get what he expected, Wu Dingwei was still in a state of silence, but his face changed, and that expression was definitely not the one he wanted to tell the truth.

"Even if I really want to explain the reason, then I will never tell you, no matter whether Lin Fan trusts you or not, anyway, you absolutely don't have the slightest trust with me."

(End of this chapter)

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