The world is very powerful

Chapter 295 Plan Analysis

Chapter 295 Plan Analysis
"It seems that you have already made a plan, and this is what you said. After preparing for such a long time, how could you not come to a conclusion? However, although you currently have a certain plan, I always feel a little bit uncomfortable. I am too down-to-earth, maybe I am worrying unfoundedly, I always think about the problem more complicated, and then find out some places that are not down-to-earth from multiple angles.

After all, some uncertain factors are at work. If I discuss this matter clearly, there will not be so many troubles like now. "

Wu Dingwei always has some uncertain thoughts about some things. No matter how mature his mind is at present, it is just some assumptions made based on the current situation.

"If this matter is really so easy and can be negotiated clearly, then why should I go through all this effort? In fact, I can't blame Fang Shiwei for thinking differently, it's just because of this matter. It affects everyone differently!
In fact, if you really want to change your mind to understand it, it is completely acceptable. It is nothing more than the current state of each person. Nothing to worry about! "

Lin Fan didn't feel nervous about this incident at all, and even thought that the current situation was basically in a relatively normal state, at most it just added some factors that made it difficult to determine.

To put it bluntly, Lin Fan is not the only one who decides whether this matter can be resolved. In fact, their goals are not too complicated. They just stay in a state that can be accepted by others. That's all!

In the current situation, Lin Fan only hopes to spend his limited time on the things he needs now. As for the final result, this is not what he needs to consider at the moment. There is no need to think about this aspect, because thinking too much will only add some troubles to one thing for no reason.

"Maybe! In fact, I don't know how to look at a thing, it just depends on each of us, and in most cases, the final result is not constant Yes, it's just that after going through many aspects of understanding, a relatively definite conclusion has been drawn, and apart from this result, it seems that there will be no good ending, after all, everyone's ideas are different , The conclusions drawn are naturally different. If everyone can come to a conclusion that can be understood by each other in one state, then I am afraid that there will be no unreasonable disputes at this time! "

Wu Dingwei seemed to have received his most sincere affirmation just in these three-word conversations, and he didn't know whether his current consideration was true or not. Anyway, the conclusion he drew at this moment was greatly appreciated by Lin Fan.

"If you can understand this point, it means that you have already understood some very necessary things. In fact, I think so too, but we have not reached a consensus. If you have reached a conclusion in this regard before then , and if you can express these ideas, it is estimated that there will not be so many problems at that time, but even if there is no such result, it is okay, at least now it is still done according to my ideas, so I say In many cases, my ideas cannot be realized in reality, but at least you respected my ideas and achieved this goal, so this is a good thing, no matter how you understand it, it is a good thing!"

Lin Fan is not expressing his thoughts but venting his emotions. It seems that he really can't find a suitable way to release his character. That feeling of depression has been hovering in his mind, as if It was a huge stone that was firmly pressed down, but it was not so easy to break free even in the sea water. In the end, it was a result of being pressed by the stone on the bottom of the sea, and then woke up after choking on a few more mouthfuls of water.

In fact, this kind of stone exists in everyone's heart, but some stones are not conspicuous, so they won't get the attention of others, and most of those conspicuous stones have become a nail household, dead. Deadly pressed on the bottom of the heart, it will never move a bit, and under the influence of this stone, everyone is forced to live in a suppressed way, enduring those things that they are unwilling but have to do, sometimes those things It can also turn into some joy and joy, but in most cases, it is a pressure that cannot be escaped and must be faced. This seems to be a tragedy.

Now Lin Fan has found a good outlet to vent, it's not just a vent, but it's just pouring out the bitterness in his heart and telling his tragic stories.But the narration at this moment will not bring any benefits to him. At most, it just makes him relax a little bit, and feels that more people understand his pain, and for himself, it seems to add a part of hard work. The determination, although these are things that cannot be seen clearly, but as long as it exists, it is enough to make people feel gratified.

"Do you have any specific plans tonight? We were just talking about this aspect just now. In fact, I haven't heard you mention the specific plans. Now that I think about it, I think this is quite necessary, no matter what the process is. To do one thing, you must have a clear plan, otherwise I will always worry about all kinds of accidents, so if you don't find it troublesome, you can tell me your plan, I will I can help you analyze it. Although I am not sure that this plan can be fully seen for me, at least I can find the direction that suits me. Even if this is not a good effect, at least I can Tell you something that you can't discover by yourself!"

Wu Dingwei did this out of good intentions. He was very happy to do this for his friends. It was not a day or two since he and Lin Fan had known each other. They both knew each other well.

Especially during this time, Lin Fan's actions defined his impression in Wu Dingwei's mind.

In Wu Dingwei's view, although Lin Fan has a close plan and can even calculate a matter to a certain extent, there are often some small differences in certain major trends, and these small differences are all Basically, it will lead to a change of one thing, so this will not affect the result of the overall plan, but these changes in the process will also make Lin Fan go down some wrong paths, so he hopes to be able to pass his own vicious The eye looks for these subtle changes and then corrects them.Although he can't guarantee that this will achieve the goal 100%, at least he feels that it is necessary for him to do such a thing, to help his friend solve the current trouble as much as possible.

When Wu Dingwei proposed this idea and was about to implement it, Lin Fan himself had a certain idea.At this time, Wu Dingwei's idea didn't seem to have any malicious intentions. In addition, judging from his current situation, it seemed that he didn't need to fight against Chu Feng. I also feel that there is nothing to avoid, and if Wu Dingwei can find any shortcomings in this plan, maybe he can help himself.

Therefore, when Lin Fan wanted to understand this point, he also expressed his thoughts without reservation. According to his plan, when he left the campus at this time, he would go straight to some places where fish and dragons mixed together. There are quite a lot of capable people. Although Lin Fan has never been to those places, but based on his previous experience, he also feels that he can completely open up a relationship in that kind of place.

Although he doesn't have enough confidence at this time, everything can only come to a definite conclusion after trying, so even if he lacks confidence at the moment, he is still willing to give it a try. At most, he will just be kicked out by the people there. Anyway, he didn't have any bad ideas, and he didn't have any worries about whether he could get into some serious trouble, so for the overall plan, he just made a slightly simpler direction.

"Your current plan is relatively clear. Although what you said is rough, I can also hear your thoughts from it. Most of your thoughts are to hope to be able to come up with it casually in a short period of time. A conclusion, make this matter as simple as possible.

To be honest, your idea is quite appropriate, at least there are not so many wishful thinking elements, but if you only use this state to test, you may not be able to make things happen. I absolutely don't mean to encourage you at all, because I want to find something in the process, so I will try to degrade your plan as much as possible for consideration, so you don't have to compare it with me. "

Wu Dingwei did know enough about Lin Fan, so when he said every word, he tried his best to reach the state that Lin Fan could accept without getting angry.

For example, when he finished saying this sentence at this time, even though Lin Fan felt a little displeased, he couldn't express his thoughts casually, otherwise it would really look a little petty.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you are right, then I can completely accept it, and I can even make changes according to your suggestions, after all, there are some things I can't see myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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