The world is very powerful

Chapter 60 The Drunken Pickup

Chapter 60 The Drunken Pickup

The two of Lin Fan seemed to be more ignorant of rejection than the other. Anyway, there was a free ride, and such a big deal, the two of them couldn't say "no" at all.

"That's a good relationship, we're still worrying about walking! Please trouble the boss..."

Peng Zhengwu responded, and then helped the owner of the noodle shop to lock the door. As a result, at that moment, the old noodle shop had the illusion that he was the customer.

The three of them locked the door of the noodle shop and walked to a small alley behind the noodle shop.

This is where the noodle shop owner's family lives. The small yard is not very big, but it is very clean.

On the north side of the yard, there is a semi-old pickup truck parked, which is the car mentioned by the noodle shop owner.

"Look at my little guy, don't look at it's small size, even a few cows can't catch up with it when it runs!
Let's go, get in the car and I'll take you around! "

From this sentence, you can hear the enthusiasm of the noodle shop owner, and he seems to like to show off.

At the invitation of the owner of the noodle shop, Lin Fan and Lin sat in the back of the cab, one on the left and the other on the right.

The owner of the noodle shop skillfully took out the key, turned it lightly to turn on the ignition, and pushed down the accelerator, and the pickup truck started slowly.

"Boss, your speed is not good! I think people ride bicycles faster than us..."

After the owner of the noodle shop drove out of the alley, several mountain bikes sped away one after another, each of which surpassed the pickup truck in an instant.

Then, there was Peng Zhengwu's exclamation.

What Peng Zhengwu said made the owner of the noodle shop feel uncomfortable. After all, the previous big talk has already been blown out. If he can't even run a mountain bike now, then what face does he have, dare to say that he is also a driver.

As a result, under the stimulation of Peng Zhengwu's words, the owner of the restaurant immediately stepped on the accelerator, and the whole car began to shake.

"Boss, I think it's better to be on the safe side. We don't need to work so hard. Even if we run faster than others, there is no need to risk our lives!"

Lin Fan felt that something was inappropriate, even though he also thought it was very exciting, but if there was any danger during the excitement, it would be more harm than good.

However, due to the previous stimulus from Peng Zhengwu.The owner of the noodle shop didn't have time to listen to Lin Fan's persuasion.

As a result, the pickup truck rushed out staggeringly, like a drunk guy, unable to control the direction at all.

On the wide road, vehicles coming and going in a hurry are deliberately avoiding the pickup truck.

It seems that the desire to survive of those car owners should be relatively high, otherwise, how could such a situation appear on the road.

"Exciting! It's so exciting!"

While the pickup truck was shaking, Peng Zhengwu yelled excitedly. At present, he felt like he was riding a rocking car.

Not only was there no one blocking it, but it also felt real enough!
"I think you'd better put on your seat belt, otherwise if something happens later, it will be too late for you to regret it!"

Lin Fan put his hands on his chest, and watched with cold eyes what was happening before his eyes.

At present, if it is said that he is uneasy, it is indeed a bit inappropriate, but if it is said that his mind is as calm as water, it seems that it is not in line with reality.

Anyway, Lin Fan doesn't like this kind of feeling very much. He has done this kind of impulsive behavior countless times in his last life, and he has suffered a lot at the same time!

So in this life, when he saw a situation like this again, he felt nothing but disdain and boredom in his heart.

On the other hand, when Peng Zhengwu heard Lin Fan's reminder, his high mood also weakened a bit.

However, the words he said afterwards were really hard for Lin Fan to refute.

"The existence of the seat belt is irrelevant. In the current state, whether it is thrown out or left in the car, there is no big difference at all!

Even if it is under certain circumstances, the degree of danger of staying in the car is even greater! "

"Well, just pretend I didn't say anything!"

Lin Fan sniffled, and while screwing on the car window, he tightened his clothes.

"How can you say such frustrating words on the road? You two little guys, you look down on my driving skills too!"

The conversation between the two fell into the ears of the owner of the noodle shop at some point.

When the owner of the noodle shop heard what the two of them were discussing, he felt resentment in his heart.

Right now he feels that he is doing something good, but from the beginning to the end, these two guys don't seem to take him seriously.

Even, they actually still think of their driving skills in this way. If they didn't look pleasing to the eyes of the two boys, he might have stopped the car long ago and drove the two boys out of the car.

As soon as the owner of the noodle shop opened his mouth, the two could hear that something was wrong with his tone.

Then, the two of them began to compete to explain, trying their best to please the owner of the noodle shop.

"Boss...boss...don't worry! We don't doubt your driving ability, we just think this section of road is not very good, so we casually discussed how to be safer in the car!
After all, you are out of kindness, and the two of us can't cause trouble for you, can't we! "

What Peng Zhengwu said, even if it is described by the four words "nonsense", it does not seem to be an exaggeration.

But it was precisely such an explanation that made the owner of the noodle shop happy.

Regarding this result, even Lin Fan as a partner felt a little confused.

I don't know what kind of direction the noodle shop owner's brain circuit is going.

As long as the person sitting in the car is a normal person at this time, it is impossible to easily trust Peng Zhengwu's nonsense.

However, things happened to be so evil, the owner of the noodle shop was no ordinary person, not even special.

At this moment, if Lin Fan were to give him an evaluation, he would probably only be able to use the word "stupid" to describe him!
The wobbly pickup truck drives down the street at an exaggerated speed that occasionally stops passers-by.

On this street, there are not many people watching the excitement, but there are many people who regret their lives.

The pickup is so fast, but if it hits one, it will definitely die.

So no one dared to be so bold as to fight against it. Even those guys who wanted to die would probably not be willing to hand over their lives to such a weird thing.

"Boss, is that block far from here?"

It may be that after sitting for a long time, Peng Zhengwu no longer had the exciting feeling at the beginning, and there was also a kind of boredom that followed.

(End of this chapter)

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