The world is very powerful

Chapter 758 Action Continues

Chapter 758 Action Continues
In the face of a matter, if it is judged in a reasonable way, then this matter will definitely get some different results, and among the problems similar to these aspects, it is actually relatively easy to carry out A reasonable judgment, they themselves don't know what happened in this matter, and they also have some reverie in their heads, it's just a judgment on these small communities, whether it is actually so accurate, Because the matter between him and his son may develop to what extent, they can only make guesses about this matter, and then try their best to make this matter come to a result, even after the process Some problems that cannot be judged have arisen in the process, but they are actually nothing important, because they have already made preparations for these aspects, and they also know what kind of results this matter may produce!
"I can also understand your objection to this matter. After all, this matter has not been resolved, and you feel that this matter seems to be very important, so it is inevitable that you will come up with some different ideas. But if we really want to be here It seems that it is not so easy to make a determination among one thing, and then to find a reason, because we can't do this at all, and we can't implement it at such a level, unless we have already done it well. All plans are to accept all of this, and then make this matter simple, otherwise there may be various special situations in the process, and this special situation is definitely not something we can manipulate , and may even produce some special problems that we can't imagine. Of course, I also know that it is normal to occasionally make some mistakes in this matter, but it is definitely not to escape in this matter. I understand Your indignation just now, I also understand your attitude towards this matter, but now we really can't find some way to solve the problem, unless we have already considered how this matter should be passed To deal with it in a certain way, and then implement this matter like carrying out construction according to the drawings. If we have not reached that level at all, then no matter what we imagine, all of this will not get a standard answer, so We still lack consideration in front of this matter, and we must also think carefully about how this matter should be handled, not just through a result presented by this matter. Do all kinds of thinking, and you must know that such thinking has no meaning, and you can't even get a standard answer. We are all preparing for this matter, so there should be a better way for this matter. The answer is presented in front of us!"

Huo Gongting can't find any way to solve the problem at all now, and every word he said at this time is just a reasonable judgment based on this matter. He feels that this matter seems to be It should be solved in this way, but in fact it will still lead to some uncertain problems!
If all situations need to be maintained or resolved through this matter, then I don’t know what kind of situation I will experience next before I can make this matter more understandable, and in this All kinds of changes in the process cannot be considered by people!
Therefore, similar to this special situation, it is basically possible to determine some ideas, and even solve some simple problems, but occasionally there are some special changes in this matter, which are more likely to be ignored. I understand, especially some of the problems arising from the current situation can basically be judged by others, but for this matter now, the two of them basically seem to have become one in their heads. It's a mess, I can't find a standard answer, and there is no way to deal with it properly!

"Then what should we do now? We still have to continue. After all, this matter can't stop here, and we still have more plans to carry out. If we stop at this time now, we don't know what to do next." What kind of problems will arise! I think the best way now is to avoid this possibility as much as possible, and then focus on solving some problems!
Even if there are occasional mistakes in the process, or even some problems beyond our control, there is no way to do that. The current situation has reached this point. Since we cannot make this judgment, then we can only We choose to accept it, and it is beneficial to the change of the situation at this time. We must treat this matter as if nothing happened, and then slowly make a detailed plan. Only in this way can this matter be resolved! "

Huo Gongting also slowly made it clear when he thought about the problem himself. He definitely did not get an answer after being reminded by the outside world, but he himself figured out how to do this matter, so he decided on this matter according to his own ideas. down!
In fact, no matter whether this matter will lead to an unexpected result, it is not very important. What is important is what kind of mentality they have when facing this matter. What kind of results can be obtained after this matter fails, it will naturally lead to various different situations, even they themselves will not imagine what kind of changes this matter will bring, and when they themselves have After confirming a possibility brought about by this matter, they will carefully consider it when making any plan, knowing that this matter can completely solve some problems before it can be accepted, so what they need to do now is The most important thing is to adjust your state urgently. You must not allow this matter to become too realistic, otherwise some other problems may arise!

"We still have to continue to do it. Our plan cannot stop here just because of this incident, otherwise it is really impossible for people to understand, and in this process, no matter what kind of The way to solve it is actually acceptable to people, but it is just some special circumstances, what else can be left, and there will be no one at all because of such a thing. Put forward any different ideas, if they really want to circle us, then they have to pay some price!"

(End of this chapter)

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