Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 321 New Year's Eve Party (3)

Chapter 321 New Year's Eve Party ([-])

The first song, Lin Qirong brought the song "Need someone to accompany", which made countless fans feel the same way.

The lights focused on Lin Qirong who was playing the piano and singing, as if he had a halo around him, exuding a unique charm all over his body, which made many audiences hold their faces and stare in their eyes.

Maybe he is not particularly handsome, and he is nothing compared to the popular little fresh meat, but his chiseled face, serious and focused expression, and a pair of deep eyes have gradually captured the hearts of many girls and become his fans.

His fans have the same feeling, that is, the more they like him, the more they can discover more and more advantages in him.

Sunny and handsome, gentle and considerate at ordinary times, responsible at critical moments, unassuming to fans, low-key in life, etc.

Talented, he knows how to write scripts and compose songs, he can play all kinds of musical instruments, and he can sing very well.

Why don't you like such a star?
After an affectionate song "Need Someone to Accompany", Lin Qirong picked up the microphone and walked to the front of the stage.

"The next song, "Dissipating Sorrow" is for everyone, and I hope everyone can achieve their dreams and realize their ambitions in the new year.

No matter what kind of difficulties we encounter, if we grit our teeth and continue to work hard, we will always usher in a better tomorrow.

Let's raise our glasses to our selves last year, because we worked so hard and made some progress and results.

A toast to myself next year, because next year we will work harder and achieve better results. "

The audience applauded like thunder and responded enthusiastically to his blessing.

"When you walk into this happy place, with all your dreams and dreams on your back, and all kinds of makeup on your face, no one will remember what you look like..."

Following Lin Qirong's singing, the audience began to wave light sticks and sway to the rhythm of the music.

Although this song didn't appear for a long time, it became popular on various music platforms in a short period of time. Countless fans fell in love with it as soon as they heard it, and the single has been repeated endlessly.

So there are still many fans who can sing this song. They stood up, opened their mouths and sang this song together.

Today is the last day of the year, and there is no better way to sum up the previous year with this song.

How is my study?

What kind of results have I achieved with my work?
Is my career going well?

Is my love sweet?

Is my family happy?

The events of the year are vivid in my mind, and many emotions slowly come to my heart. All the grievances and depressions turned into tears and flowed freely on my face.

Have a good cry tonight, and then tomorrow will be a new year, and I have to clean up my mood and continue to work hard for a year.

"A toast to tomorrow, a toast to the past, supporting my body and thickening my shoulders, although I never believe that the so-called mountains are high and rivers are long, life is short, why should I never forget..."

Gradually, more audience members joined in and sang together with tears in their eyes.

The scene once again became a sea of ​​singing and tears.

"Lin is so powerful." Albert wiped his wet eyes, "Although I can't understand what he sings, it's strange that I can understand what his singing is trying to convey."

Mapel hugged him tenderly, "Yeah, it's a really good song."

Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite. Albert looks funny and carefree, but how can it be smooth sailing in work and life?
Lin Qirong's singing also infected them.

"This's terrifying." Xiao Ying was stunned in the background.

Like her, there are other stars who know how difficult it is to achieve this effect at an evening.

And this Lin Qirong is not a professional singer yet, but he can sing better than us. Doesn't this embarrass us professional singers?

However, their thoughts will not have any impact on Lin Qirong, he enjoys the feeling of being one with the audience to the fullest.

"Thank you for liking this song so much."

After singing a song, Lin Qirong looked at the excited fans in the audience and laughed.

"The next song is dedicated to every boy. If you love, please cherish it. Cherish the people around you. Cherish your love. I will give you the song "Boy"."

""Boy"?" Xiao Ying asked Zuo Youran beside her in surprise, "A new song?"

Zuo Youran nodded.

Xiao Ying shook her head, "Suddenly realized that there is nothing more to say. Such a creative person has only become famous until now? It's unbelievable."

Zuo Youran chuckled lightly, "Some people are late bloomers, aren't they?"

"That's true."

On stage, a band appeared on it.

Piano, drums, guitar, bass and two chords.

It's a complete band at all.

Lin Qirong sat back in front of the piano and joined the band.

"After the ocarina and the piano, he played the band again. What a treasure boy."

With this in mind, the audience couldn't help but look forward to his performance even more.

Lin Qirong tried the sound for a while, and then nodded lightly with his bandmates to signal that the performance was about to begin.

The crisp piano sounds, followed by low drumbeats and monotonous guitar sounds, converging into a moving melody.

"There was an accident, he fell in love with her, in an era without hesitation.

I thought I understood, so I fell in love with joy, and couldn't let go of my hands, the attachment and future in my heart..."

Amidst the faint piano sound, Lin Qirong's voice sounded directly in the hearts of the audience as if passing through time and time again.

People seemed to see a scene where a young boy met and fell in love with a beautiful girl on campus, and they also thought of the best relationship they had ever had.

First love is always unforgettable, campus romance is always the best, because it does not involve any impurities, it is pure you love me, I love you.

A cup of warm milk tea, strolling on campus together, you sweating profusely on the stadium and I will cheer for you off the court, and the moment when our eyes meet occasionally during evening self-study...

Everything is so beautiful.

Many young couples hug each other involuntarily.

"I can't forget your love, but the ending is hard to change. I couldn't keep you, let alone give you a hopeful future, childish boy..."

It's a pity that first love is always bitter, and two people who are in love will always separate due to various reasons.

Only after many years will you understand how precious and nostalgic that relationship is.

The eye sockets of many male audiences were slowly moistened. Lin Qirong's singing brought back fond memories of the person they used to be. They let go so happily at that time, and only when they looked back did they realize how childish it was.

"I miss you now, and every time I miss you, all the regrets are not the future. All the love will inevitably be hurt in the end. I don't have to do it again. Now I only hope that the pain will come more happily. Anyway, I can't do it again... ..."

Lin Qirong's voice was very calm, without any hysteria, but the deep regret and pain contained in the singing still infected countless audiences.

Zuo Youran's expression was a bit complicated.

She knew that Lin Qirong had a crush on a long time ago, that is, Tongtong's mother, a very beautiful girl.

It should be a beautiful and unforgettable relationship.

It's just that she left them for some unknown reason, this should be the biggest regret in Lin Qirong's heart.

Later, he met the beautiful Xue Yuzhi and had an unforgettable relationship.

Maybe it wasn't love, but the woman who made people feel pity and love involuntarily should have left a deep mark in his heart, even now.

That is a respectable and lovely woman, a woman who is willing to give everything for Lin Qirong.

When he found that his own existence might affect Lin Qirong's future, he chose to quit without hesitation, chose to bear everything silently by himself, and silently blessed Lin Qirong.

Thinking of the situation when she solemnly begged herself with a forced smile, even she felt quite uncomfortable.

This song should be sung to them.

The two women who are very important in Lin Qirong's life represent the two beautiful relationships in the past, and also represent his youthful boyhood, which blends into the pain and helplessness in his heart.

That's why this song is so touching, making people want to hold him in their arms to soothe his sadness.

Gradually, her eyes became firmer.

If they represent the past, then they themselves represent the present and the future.

This is my goal now, isn't it?
I will always be by his side.

At the same time, Xue Yuzhi in front of the TV burst into tears. She knew why Lin Qirong sang this song, and also felt the struggle and pain in Lin Qirong's heart.

He must have hurt himself.

But you can only do this, can't you?Compared to Zuo Youran, I'm not good enough for him at all, and I can't help him all the time, only bring him trouble.

And Zuo Youran can be his good helper, a virtuous wife.

She is also stronger than herself, and when faced with difficulties, she chooses to face them instead of retreating like herself.

This brings her to her final choice.

Being able to hear Lin Qirong singing this song for her today is all worth it.


After a musical solo, the song ends.

Lin Qirong raised his head to the sky, blinked to let the tears flow down, stood up after sitting for a long time, and signaled the rest of the band to line up together and bow together to take the curtain call.

"Wow wow wow."

The audience stood up and applauded unanimously, thanking them for bringing such a beautiful song to everyone, and for bringing such a touch to everyone.

The thunderous applause, like the tide, moved from far to near, surrounding the crowd in the center of the stage.

This is a performance recognized by everyone, and everyone in the band on the stage burst into tears.

When did they enjoy such treatment?My heart is full of gratitude to Lin Qirong, for his excellent performance, and for choosing this band to work with.

Amid the thunderous applause, Lin Qirong returned to the backstage, just smiled with Tongtong and Zuo Youran, when he was hugged by someone, full of fragrance.

 The song "Boy", Liang Bo's encore song in the singer's variety show, has become the most classic singing, and it is also my favorite song, the kind of endless loop.From "The Voice" to "Singer", Liang Bo has taken every step solidly. I believe that his achievements will definitely be the highest in the future, because he is a creator with great love for music, which will determine his future. high.

(End of this chapter)

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