Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 655 Female Devil (2)

Chapter 655 The Devil ([-])
Lin Qirong breathed a sigh of relief, rubbed his brows, and let himself relax.

Although it wasn't intentional, Miranda's aura was really astonishing, almost oppressive, and I needed to wake up to be able to cope with it.

But what he didn't know was that the surprise in Miranda's heart was more obvious. You must know that there are not many people who can keep calm under her aura and can talk freely. Most of them are in shopping malls or circles. celebrity.

In addition to Shirley being heartless, even Liz and Alyssa have to be careful in front of her.

But this Lin has always been very calm.

"It seems that the investigation of him is not deep enough. It's just that his performance after coming to the United States doesn't explain anything. It is necessary to investigate his situation in China. He should not be a simple person." She thought to herself. .

"Ms. Miranda," Lin Qirong said after thinking for a while, "I already know your expectations for Shirley, and I agree with your evaluation of her, but I personally don't approve of your way of completely protecting her. .”

"Huh?" Miranda glanced at Lin Qirong.

Lin Qirong continued, "Now Shirley is only 16 years old, and she is already showing extraordinary musical talents. Known as the little queen of country music, everyone knows that her future is limitless.

But she still has a long way to go to become a world diva. Do you think country music alone can get her there? "

Miranda thought for a while, "Of course not, but I already have a plan for this. In the future, she will get involved in pop music and even rock music."

Lin Qirong laughed, "So have you ever heard of a singer who can control pop music or even rock music with a blank personality?"

Miranda stared.

Lin Qirong raised a finger, "First, if Shirley has been singing country music, then there is no problem. Her innocence and talent can control this style, and her achievements will not be low. But if she wants to set foot in the pop field, she must have More things, without that kind of experience, without that kind of emotion, without that kind of personality, do you think she can manage this style?"

He raised his second finger, "Second, Shirley is a creative person, which is her most important advantage, and the basis for her creation, in addition to her talent, also has experience, only rich experience can Inspire her gift and talent to create more excellent songs.

Without the corresponding experience, the songs she created must be pale and unconvincing, and you should be very clear about how such songs will be. "

"Third, Shirley is still young, so she hasn't shown any obvious desire to contact the outside world, but it can be seen from last night that she is full of curiosity about the outside world, and sooner or later she will try to go out.

You can protect her all the time, but you can't stop her all the time. When she goes out, what happens to her is no longer under your control.

Maybe she will meet a handsome and gentlemanly scumbag who satisfies all her curiosity about the prince, and then she will suffer a huge blow, and her whole person will undergo a huge transformation.

How will you feel by then?what will you do?Even if the body of that scumbag was broken into thousands of pieces, it wouldn't heal the wound in Shirley's heart. "

A trace of fear flashed in Miranda's eyes, yes, this is indeed very likely to happen.

"Experience is a person's precious wealth. Freedom and independence are what every singer yearns for. Sooner or later Shirley will have her own personality, and no one can stop her.

And I just hope that she will be less hurt, more happy, and able to fully enjoy the happiness that music brings to her. After all, a music elf like her should not be injured for other reasons.

Instead of waiting for her to get in touch with the outside world ignorantly, and thus develop rebellious psychology, it is better to consciously guide her to get in touch with the outside world from now on, let her understand that the outside world is very complicated, there are good people and bad people, and she must learn to protect herself, Don't be fooled easily.

When she can face it independently, when she has enough rich experience, I think she will really embark on that path and become a world-class queen.

In her body, I see the shadow of Tongtong, and I hope she can always make music happily. "

Miranda laughed suddenly, and her icy face thawed instantly, "I understand your explanation, thank you for your concern for Shirley."

Lin Qirong was stunned for a moment, why did his attitude suddenly change.

Miranda said, "Actually, when I heard Shirley and the others talk about what happened last night today, I already realized the problems you mentioned. As you said, protecting her too much is equivalent to harming her, Xue Li has already started to have her own demands. If I still treat her like a child, I will probably be hated by her soon.

So I just want to meet you and hear what you think. "

"So, you were just now..."

Miranda waved her hand and said, "This is my usual working state, but I don't have any malice towards you. On the contrary, I should thank you. It woke us up and educated Shirley. I believe she will understand you. and what she said."

Lin Qirong breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled wryly, "That's good, I was really stressed just now."

"To show my gratitude, I have a few small presents for you," Miranda said.

Lin Qirong waved his hand, "You don't have to be so polite, I just like Shirley better and don't want her to get hurt. You don't have to thank me."

There was a hint of a smile in Miranda's eyes, "You listen to the little gift I prepared for you first.

The first small gift is an invitation to O'Meara's talk show. I believe you will do well on it. "

Lin Qirong fell silent, because this little gift was really not small.

The O'Meara talk show has a long history. The theme of the show is interviews with celebrities. There are prize-winning quizzes with guests, various games, and various performances. It has a very high ratings and attention in the Beimi area. .

If I can be on this talk show, as long as I perform well, I will become a celebrity in the Beimi area in minutes.

And Miranda just gave it to herself as a small gift, it's really...
"The second small gift is that I have a good friend who works at ABC TV station and is in charge of the animation channel. I can introduce you to each other."

Miranda's eyes were full of wisdom, and she believed that these two small gifts could satisfy Lin Qirong.

Because Lin Qirong's main purpose of coming to the United States this time is to promote the release of the animated film "Castle in the Sky", and his company's main business is animation creation.

Such a gift should help him.

Lin Qirong really wanted to reject these two gifts, but there was no doubt that this was indeed the best opportunity for him and Tonghua Animation.

Miranda would present these two gifts, which fully demonstrated that she knew Lin Qirong very well.

Sure enough, she is worthy of being a female devil, and her grasp of people's hearts is really terrifying.

Lin Qirong exhaled softly, and nodded with Miranda, "These two gifts are so attractive to me, I don't think I can refuse such a gift."

A trace of surprise flashed in Miranda's eyes. Obviously, he did not expect Lin Qirong to make a decision so quickly, and his evaluation of him rose to another level.

"I will help you arrange the time as soon as possible, you just need to be prepared."

"Okay, thank you." Lin Qirong said.

Miranda said suddenly, "If you want to stay in the United States to develop, I think our studio is very happy to sign you as an excellent singer, and I can introduce you to more opportunities."

Lin Qirong was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but my roots are in China, and my daughter and girlfriend are also in China. I can't stay in the United States for a long time, and I will go crazy if I don't see them. of.

So sorry, all I can say is thank you. "

"No problem." Miranda waved his hand and handed him a business card. "I respect your choice. If you have other needs in the future, you can contact me. I will help you as much as possible."

"If I need to, I will."

Lin Qirong knew that the conversation was almost done, he got up and thanked her with a bow, took his leave and left.

Miranda watched him go, a twinkle in her eye.

"Maybe it's not a bad thing for Shirley to have an attachment to this man. At least there is a benchmark there. Even in the United States, there are not many men who are better than him, and there are very few such young men.

In this way, Shirley will not be fooled by a man casually. "

For Shirley, she can be considered heartbroken.

When Lin Qirong left Miranda's office, Liz greeted him, and she has been paying attention.

"Thank you, we had a pleasant communication." Lin Qirong said with a smile, "Ms. Miranda also gave me a lot of help."

"Help?" Liz asked in confusion, Miranda is not an ordinary manager, how many people dare not even say a word to her.

And Lin Qirong actually said that they talked happily?But I have been paying attention to the office, and I really didn't hear the sound of the quarrel.

Lin Qirong sighed softly, "Xue Li is really lucky to have sisters like you and Alyssa, and a good manager like Ms. Miranda.

Ms. Miranda has decided to gradually let go and give Shirley more opportunities to get in touch with more people and things. By then, you and Alyssa will have a much harder time. "

Did Miranda really decide that?

Liz is very aware of Miranda's love and concern for Shirley, and even makes herself and Alisa jealous.

Lin Qirong actually convinced her?That's amazing.

"That's it." Lin Qirong shrugged her shoulders before leaving, leaving only Liz who was still in a daze.

When he returned to the hotel, he called Tang Fangfang.

"Our return journey will be delayed again."

(End of this chapter)

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