Super Plane Mall

Chapter 333 The attention of all mankind

Chapter 333 The attention of all mankind
Although after more than two years of human efforts, Io finally broke away from Jupiter's gravity and began to enjoy free flight in the solar system.

Without the constraints of Jupiter's gravitational force, the human fleet's ability to control Io is much stronger. Although Io is now out of Jupiter's gravitational circle, human efforts have been made in this process. Moving Io over the years has not been smooth sailing, and there have been many accidents during the period.

After all, Io is not a dead star like Ceres, but Io is very active. Due to the pulling force of the fleet, especially when human beings just started to drag Io, the entire Io is under the force of the spaceship. In an instant, most of the volcanoes on the entire planet erupted violently, exactly the same as the computer simulations. Some volcanoes even erupted lava directly into space, then cooled, and then flew towards Jupiter under Jupiter's gravity.

Even due to the volcanic activity of Io, it caused some losses to the fleet, but fortunately, the spacecraft that came this time were all military spacecraft, and the quality was very reliable. In addition, the armor of the spacecraft was thick, so there was simply no cause massive casualties.

Moreover, during the period, the superalloy fibers that the spacecraft pulled on Io were broken many times, but although there are so many difficulties, it cannot change the determination of human beings to transform Mars. You must know that in the past few years, the population of human beings has reached With a population of more than 200 billion, if such a huge population is not stepped up to transform Mars, then in five years, human beings will have no place to live.

Moreover, the Ming Empire has begun to implement a new population policy from now on, because the current population growth rate is too fast. If there is no restriction and unlimited growth, then the Ming Empire will definitely be crushed in a few years. According to computer calculations, the transformation of Mars will take at least ten years to be completely completed, so the Ming Empire must endure another ten years.

After the completion of the transformation of Mars by the Ming Empire, the Golden Project will be launched immediately. Like the project to transform Mars, the Venus Project will take 30 years for humans to complete. After all, humans have already had experience in transforming Mars, so the transformation of Venus will become It's simpler, but 30 years is the least amount of time anyway.

In the past two years, Zhu Lei's fleet has also added many new warships to the fleet, but it has not been as crazy as in the previous five years. The speed of shipbuilding is now much slower than in the previous five years. , but relatively, the space battleships that are photographed now are definitely much more technologically advanced than the space battleships built in the past five years.

Whether it is in terms of attack or defense, even the various technological products inside are completely different, and even the size of the spaceship is much different. Although the newly built spaceship is only about 800 million tons, its length is longer than that of the original spaceship. The spaceship is much longer, but the width is a little smaller, and even the old spaceships are incomparable in terms of appearance.

After all, these spaceships produced in the previous five years were rushed out. After all, the Mars project is imminent. These spaceships produced every year can be said to be pure consumables, and can even be used directly as engineering spaceships.

After Io breaks away from Jupiter's gravitational circle, it doesn't mean that the rest will be smooth sailing, and various adjustments must be made to Io's orbit so that it can fly to Mars accurately, and due to the size of Io And the weight is very large, it can't keep accelerating like Ceres, but slowly release its speed, after all, if it hits Mars at the same speed as Ceres, then the result is self-evident.

As time goes by, the distance between Io and Mars is getting closer and closer. After reaching the orbit of Mars, due to the control of Zhu Lei's fleet, Io's speed is only slightly faster than Mars at this time. So Io began to catch up with Mars slowly, and after more than a year of catching up, it finally caught up with Mars on the other side of the earth and the sun.

At this time, the whole Io has become a huge furnace to the naked eye, emitting red flames to the surroundings, and then these red flames begin to slowly dim until they disappear into space, which looks very beautiful.

But people who know it will not think so, because these red flames are all erupted magma, and after eruption, they begin to cool slowly until they disappear. However, due to the relatively fast speed of Io, these erupted magma The magma that came out was quickly left behind by Io. Although some meteorites would cause certain damage to the spaceships in Zhu Lei's fleet during this period, under the guarantee of the Ming Empire's technological means, these relatively small The large film and television walls were directly destroyed by means of rail guns and laser particle beams, and it was ensured that all of these destroyed meteorite fragments would not exceed a size of five centimeters, because meteorite fragments smaller than five centimeters were of great importance to Zhu Lei's space fleet. It can't do any harm anymore.

As the distance between Io and Mars is getting closer, the entire human society on the earth is slowly boiling. After all, this collision is completely different from the previous collision, so it is normal for all human beings to care of.

"Hello audience, I'm standing on the flagship of the Suzaku Space Fleet right now, I think everyone is very concerned about the state of Io now." After talking, she switched her camera to Io and continued : "After Ceres hit Mars, our steps to transform Mars did not stop, but continued.

Now that we have ushered in the most dangerous task of our humans transforming Mars, that is to use Io to hit Mars, and then use Io to restore the magnetic field of the entire Mars. This is a very critical step, after all, Io is so big It is huge, and its diameter is only half that of Mars. If you don't pay attention to it, it may cause irreparable consequences.

But we have to trust our scientists, we have to trust the army of the Ming Empire, we have to believe that they can do this perfectly, and we also have to believe that even if the army of the Ming Empire is directly smashed by Mars, we have the ability to guarantee Earth's security.

Now there are only a little more than ten minutes left before Mars captures Io. "The reporter who spoke was a reporter from the main station of the official TV station of the Ming Empire.

She looks like a little girl who is less than 20 years old, but in fact his real age is over 40 years old, and it has also witnessed the development of Zhu Lei's Wing On Group, from the time he just started launching rockets. Became a reporter for Daimyo TV, and broadcast that scene live.

In the days to come, whenever the Wing On Group made a big move, he would be there as soon as possible, so every time Zhu Lei and his Yuan An Group launched an important aerospace tool, she would come to the scene to broadcast live.

As the distance between Io and Mars gets closer, the humans on this earth have begun to boil. Usually, the space city will not exceed 200 million people, and the entire moon base will not add up. More than 5000 million people, as the distance between Io and Mars is getting closer Nearly 500 million, all of a sudden, the space base and the life support system of the moon were loaded to the maximum, and finally the government of the Ming Empire had to make restrictions.

But even so, everyone's madness has not been calmed down. People who have their own space tools drove their own space tools to watch the incident in space.

At this time, the Internet of the Ming Empire was frantically discussing this matter. After all, this can be said to be a breakthrough. Although Ceres and Mars have collided before, and Mars has calmed down now, compared with this time before, it is simply nothing. There is really no way to compare the little witch with the big witch.

At this time, the space city in the geostationary orbit also began to adjust its direction, aiming the giant electromagnetic railgun in the middle of the space city in the direction of Mars. Other electromagnetic railguns on the moon, especially those orbiting with great power Runners adjusted their directions one after another and began to aim at Mars.

And all the supercomputers on the earth have begun to network together to perform detailed calculations on Mars and Io.

Half an hour after the data was calculated, the giant electromagnetic railgun in the space city and the electromagnetic railgun on the moon all emitted a blue light. At this time, everyone in the space station, on the moon, and on the earth Focus on these weapons. After all, these weapons are the most powerful weapons in human history. Even nuclear weapons cannot compare with them. It has never been used, even the electromagnetic rail gun in Space City, because it is too powerful, it has never been used since it was manufactured.

Therefore, no one knows the real power of this electromagnetic rail gun. People can only simulate the power of this electromagnetic rail gun in the computer. Mistakes, but no one has ever known the horror of a weapon that has never been used in actual combat.

Except for these giant orbital guns in the space city and the moon, all the secondary weapons of the moon and the space city have all entered the state of preparation, and all the military units of the Ming Empire have entered the state of battle.

Although this transformation of Mars is [-]% safe after computer simulation of the earth, it is related to the comfort of the entire human being and no one dares to be careless. If an accident occurs, the Ming Empire will guarantee the safety of the earth as soon as possible. The only planet in the solar system that can be used for human habitation is the earth, and the moon is not counted at all, because although the moon can manufacture many things by itself, it still cannot do without the support of the earth, so once the earth is destroyed If it is, then the moon cannot survive alone, and it will definitely be affected.

After all, the space environment is no different than others. The gravitational forces of various planets and stars influence each other all the time, and various meteorites and asteroids may change the orbit of Io at any time. Energy such as dark matter also acts on every planet all the time, so these measures are necessary.

In addition, each planet has its own tolerance. Once the collision between Io and Mars exceeds the tolerance of Mars itself, it is very likely to create an artificial asteroid belt in the orbit of Mars, and Unlike the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, after all, the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter has been developed for billions of years and is now very calm.

But if the collision between Mars and Juyi directly leads to the collapse of the two planets, then the extra asteroid belt in the orbit of Mars will be very active and violent, which is very bad news for the entire human race. So at this time, whether it is the cabinet of the Ming Empire and all the citizens, or all the personnel of Zhu Lei's fleet, they are very nervous.

This is not anyone's fault. After all, Io is too big. If the angle is a little bit off, and the speed is a little faster, then the two planets Mars and Io will be smashed directly, so it is especially important at this time. It was Zhu Lei and the others who were under a lot of pressure.

Under everyone's eyes, Io finally entered the gravitational circle of Mars. Zhu Lai's calculations at this time also opened a giant net, and they all left the vicinity of Mars at the fastest speed. It was different last time, and no one knew what would happen.

However, although Zhu Lei left with his fleet, human beings' control over Io is still going on, because at this time the planetary thrusters have already activated their maximum horsepower, and the number is not the same as when Io was just moved before. When this amount is up.

During the few years of moving Io, the entire Ming Empire manufactured tens of thousands of planetary thrusters, and at this time these thruster ships were used to control Io, so even if they entered the gravitational circle of Mars After that, Io did not start to accelerate rapidly like the previous Ceres, but began to slowly move around Mars under the action of many planetary thrusters, and its orbit became more and more complicated as time went by. smaller.

As the distance between the two planets gradually shrinks, Mars and Io begin to change slowly under the mutual gravitational force, and the changes become larger and larger as the distance shrinks.

Through the huge telescope in the space city, people can clearly see that the two planets have not collided, and the lands of the two planets have begun to crack. The thick ones began to crack under the action of gravity, but the changes were not so drastic.

But Io is different, because Io is a very active planet, so at this time Io looks like a small sun erupting, erupting lava around, but these lavas are in the center of Mars. Under the gravitational force, they did not fly to outer space, but were all pulled to Mars by the gravitational force of Mars.

(End of this chapter)

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