Chapter 346 Before the War
But now human beings are at best a fourth-level civilization. According to the standards in the mall, they are only intermediate-level early civilizations. Just like sailing against the current, if you don’t advance, you will retreat, and the same is true for human civilization. If there is a little slack, the development of civilization will stagnate or regress.

And if the development of civilization stagnates, the consequences will be unimaginable. After all, the competition of civilizations in the universe is bloody, and the stagnation of civilization progress may lead to the extinction of civilization. This is definitely not sensational. If you lag behind, you will be beaten in the universe It is applicable, and once the battle is defeated in the universe, it means that the entire civilization has lost its early days.


In the boundless space, a fleet of 30 spaceships is advancing rapidly, but this time the middle of the fleet is a giant spaceship more than ten kilometers long, and all the spaceships from the inside to the outside In order from large to small, enclosing this huge spaceship in the center, all the spaceships add up to a width of nearly one astronomical unit. This fleet is officially the expedition fleet of the Ming Empire that set off from the solar system in early 2057.

At this time, the fleet has been sailing in space for nearly 30 years, and the fleet has already crossed the centaur galaxy and flew towards the mother galaxy where the Kara civilization is located, and now the fleet is heading towards The target flew away. According to the data of the previous deep space probes, within half a year they would enter the battlefield where the first deep space probe of the Ming Empire was destroyed for the first time.

Although nearly 20 years have passed, due to the long lifespan of human beings, the appearance of all the people in the fleet has basically not changed.

With the approach of the human space fleet, the Kara civilization has long discovered the existence of this fleet. After all, this fleet is now less than a light-year away from the galaxy of the Kara civilization, and such a huge space fleet has always wanted to It is basically impossible not to be discovered by the other party.

After all, this is a fleet with 20 space battleships, and the Kara civilization suffered a loss last time, so in the past 20 years, they purchased multiple space radars and various warnings from the fifth-level civilization Black Bear civilization. The warning distance of the equipment has reached a distance of three light years, so in fact, when the human fleet entered the home galaxy of the Kara civilization about three light years away, the Kara civilization knew that the human fleet had arrived.

In fact, at this time, the home planet of the Kara civilization is also in chaos, and there are all kinds of alarms everywhere, especially when the human stage enters the stage that is only one light-year away from their mother system.


On the home planet of the Kara civilization, since the war between their civilization and a fourth-level wandering civilization more than 20 years ago, when human probes entered the battlefield and were destroyed by them, the Kara civilization has been on guard. After all, according to the opponent’s probes Judging from the level of technology, Fang's level of technology is much higher than that of their Kara civilization, and according to the people of the Black Bear civilization, the other's civilization is even close to or has reached the fifth level of civilization.

But in fact, everyone in the Kara civilization still has a lot of luck in their hearts. After all, the universe is so big, and their civilization is not the weakest civilization in the universe. After all, they also have a civilization of level [-].

Even if the civilization of the last detector is a fifth-level civilization, it will take a lot of money to eliminate them. After all, they are not the weakest existence among the fourth-level civilizations, even compared to most fourth-level civilizations. They are much more powerful. After all, they have entered the fourth-level civilization for 2000 years, so whether it is economy, technology, or military, they can already be ranked in the middle and upper reaches of all fourth-level civilizations in the entire galaxy.

Even if the standard fifth-level civilization black bear civilization wants to annex them, it has not succeeded until now, let alone a material civilization that is more than ten light-years away from them.

You must know that the black bear civilization wants to annex them, because there is a wormhole leading to the vicinity of the black bear civilization two light years away from their home galaxy, so it is very convenient for the black bear civilization to reach their home star, as long as you pass Wormholes will do.

But the fifth-level civilization that they destroyed the probe on the battlefield, according to the scientists they asked you, infers that the fifth-level civilization is a civilization in the solar system that is about 4.22 light-years away from the Centaur constellation, and the Centaur constellation is far from their home galaxy. With a distance of nearly ten light-years or so, it will take at least several decades for the other party to reach their information at such a long distance. In the technological civilization of the entire Milky Way, the lifespan of creatures with a fourth-level or fifth-level civilization will definitely not Over 300 years old, even the longest-lived fifth-level civilization intelligent creatures in the Milky Way are only over 350 years old.

Therefore, the distance between the solar system and their mother system is so far away. Even if the other party is a fifth-level civilization, in most cases, they will not mobilize their troops to conquer them. To know such a long distance, it takes four to fifty kilometers to go back and forth. Even if it is a fifth-level civilization with a lifespan of more than 50 years, there are several 300 to 50 years in a lifetime, and among them there is also the period of studying in the underage stage, so in the eyes of their civilized people, it takes so much effort Not worth it at all.

What's more, they guessed that the probe destroyed by them on the battlefield was not a civilization of the solar system at all, and they still knew a little about the civilization of the solar system.

In fact, I still know a little about the human civilization of the solar system, the Kara civilization, but these are all learned from the various electromagnetic waves emitted by humans into space when they were still in the electronic age five or sixty years ago, and their civilization has also discussed whether Send a fleet to conquer the earth. After all, human civilization was only a third-level civilization at that time.

Although there are protection policies for low-level civilizations in the Milky Way, the policies are often for the strong, not to mention that human civilization is already at the peak of the third level, and some technologies have even reached the fourth level of civilization, so they want to send a fleet To conquer the human beings on the earth, we must know that the population of human beings has reached tens of billions at that time, and we must know that the total population of most fourth-level civilizations in the universe is only a few billions, and the largest is only tens of billions. , one can imagine how attractive this is to the Kara civilization.

Reluctantly, because the solar system has accumulated more than ten light-years away from their home galaxy, after they estimated their technological strength, they gave up this tempting idea. After all, they are too far away from the solar system. It takes more than 100 years for the fastest flying spacecraft in their civilization to reach the solar system, and their civilization is only a fourth-level civilization, and the average lifespan of intelligent life is only less than 200 years old, and the lifespan of these 1 years Nearly 4/[-] of the time is spent on learning, that is to say, if a young man in his [-]s drives the fastest spaceship in their civilization, he may have died of old age in the spaceship by the time he reaches the solar system.

Therefore, it is still very difficult to conquer the solar system with their technology, not to mention that according to the information in the electromagnetic waves, the third-level civilization is not completely powerless in terms of military technology.

However, nearly a hundred years ago, the electromagnetic waves of this civilization began to gradually disappear, and in the end they could not detect the electromagnetic wave information of this civilization at all, although the scientists of their civilization inferred that the communication means of this civilization had moved to a higher level.

But most people in the Kara civilization don't believe it at all. After all, the Kara civilization is already a fourth-level civilization, but the communication methods they use are still in the electromagnetic wave era, so they have a deep understanding of the difficulty of upgrading communication methods.

So the inferences of the scientists were directly overturned by them, because as a fourth-level civilization, none of them broke through the form of electromagnetic wave communication, let alone a civilization at the peak of the third level.

Therefore, most people in the Kara civilization believe that this civilization encountered an accident, so it disappeared into the universe. After all, as a civilization that has been promoted to the fourth level civilization for more than 1000 years, they are quite familiar with the dangers in the universe. The fifth and sixth level civilizations dare not say that they will not die in accidents.

What's more, several or even more civilizations disappear into the universe every day in the Milky Way, and there are many advanced civilizations of level [-] or above.

Therefore, most people in their civilization think that the probe destroyed by them is not a civilization of the solar system, so the fifth-level civilization is even farther away from them, even tens or hundreds of light-years away, such a distance is impossible to dispatch The army came to fight them.

However, as high-level people in the Kara civilization, they are different from ordinary people. After all, as a high-level civilization, he must make two or more preparations.

So since destroying that probe, they have bought three space cruisers of the fifth-level civilization like the black bear civilization, and in the past ten years they have also begun to manufacture various space battleships on a large scale, and dispatched them two years ago An immigrant fleet flew out of their home galaxy and flew into the unknown space. If the civilization whose probe they destroyed really lived, and their Kara civilization was defeated and wiped out, then this team Fleets can control their civilization.

After all, no matter which race in the universe, the continuation of the race and the development of civilization are the most important.

And if that civilization really sends a fleet over, they will also follow the plan of the fleet commander when they destroyed the probe, because the fleet commander who destroyed the probe had already thought of this when he destroyed the probe. The situation is over.

And that fleet commander has now become the commander-in-chief of the entire space fleet of the Kara civilization, and has become one of the highest-ranking figures of the Kara civilization.

But when the human fleet really came over, all the ordinary people on their planet panicked. You must know that it has been less than 30 years since they destroyed the probe, and less than 30 years. Civilizations sent fleets across a dozen or even tens of light years to reach the outskirts of their home galaxy.

So needless to say, the other party's civilization must be higher than theirs, otherwise, in such a short period of time, it would be impossible for the other party's civilization to reach the outskirts of their home galaxy.

"They are here, they are really here, and the speed is so fast, their technological level has far surpassed ours and is even higher than that of the black bear civilization."

When the human fleet entered within three light-years of the Kara civilization, as the supreme leader of the Kara civilization, Queen Kara's face was very ugly when she found out about it. thing.

After all, their civilization is not a civilization that has just entered the space age, but a civilization that has entered the fourth-level civilization for 2000 years, so he knows that the most important thing at this moment is how to face this fleet, instead of thinking like ordinary people. The end is coming.

Of course, if the Kara civilization is a civilization that has just left its home planet, or a civilization with a lower civilization level, it will definitely panic at this time, or make a lot of noise. After all, civilizations below level [-] have no way out when facing high-level civilizations. Because of their technological limitations, they simply cannot escape from their home planet.

So less than an hour after the discovery of the Earth Fleet, the high-level leaders of the Kara civilization held an emergency meeting. This is already very efficient for a level [-] civilization. After all, not everyone is on their home planet at this time. superior.

"Everyone, the civilization that we destroyed the detector has now come, and sent a huge fleet. According to the data of various warning radars, the size of this huge fleet is at least 10 ships, and the largest one is The battleship is very huge, even bigger than the space cruiser we bought from the black bear civilization. We still don't know the specific data. After all, this fleet is about three light-years away from us, and our warning radar and various detectors They dare not approach their fleet at all, no matter what kind of radars or detectors, and various spy equipment cannot approach this fleet within 03 light years.

No matter how advanced the detection equipment is, as long as it is close to the gap of 03 light years, it will be destroyed by this fleet immediately. Even the most advanced detectors we bought from the black bear civilization are the same as our detectors. All destroyed in one hit.

So we can no longer prevent the outbreak of war. Should we proceed according to the original plan? We simply cannot defeat each other without help.

So according to our military, we should proceed according to the original plan and drag down the fifth-level civilization black bear civilization.

After all, this incident was actually caused by their civilization, so the main force of the war should be them, not us.

After all, we are only a level [-] civilization, no matter how powerful we are, we cannot compete with a level [-] civilization, and the attack power shown by this fleet is obviously only a level [-] civilization can possess. "It was a man in a gray military uniform who stood up and broke the silence.

(End of this chapter)

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