Super Plane Mall

Chapter 366 Preparing for Chapter Return

Chapter 366 Prepare to Return
Chapter 374 Departure

Time flies, and two years have passed in a blink of an eye, and the time has come to 2090 AD.The construction of the floating city of the Ming Empire on the home planet of the Kara civilization is still in progress, and the first batch of immigration fleet of [-] million people of the Ming Empire has also set off, but it will take more than ten years to reach the Kara galaxy.

However, most of the people who followed the fleet had already lived and thrived in the first sky city built by the Ming Empire, and the second batch of four sky cities also entered the period of intense construction, but due to the first The construction progress of these four sky cities is much happier. After all, although Zhu Lei’s fleet followed many skilled workers and top scientists from the Ming Empire, the scientists and skilled workers who followed only had theoretical knowledge. .

Actually, the construction of the space city of the Ming Empire started after Zhu Lei set off. Therefore, although these scientists and workers have local blueprints for the construction of the sky city, they have no construction experience at all, and many materials are not manufactured by the Kara civilization. If it doesn’t come out, it must be manufactured by the industrial ships in the fleet of the Ming Empire, and the number of industrial ships in the fleet is limited, and various production equipment must be produced, so it is too busy at all, so the first city in the sky used such a ship. long time.

However, with the experience of building the first Sky City, the subsequent construction will be much simpler. After all, there are many scientists and technical workers in the fleet who are top-notch in the Ming Empire, and after several years of adjustments to the industrial ships, Many industrial facilities have begun to be saturated, and high-performance materials for the construction of sky cities can now be produced on a large scale. The construction progress of all sky cities is very fast, and the construction of the second batch of sky cities is almost completed. , Of course, this is only the construction of the base of the Sky City, and the buildings above the Sky City are much simpler.

These buildings no longer need humans to complete them. Outside the core area, most of the places are contracted to the local enterprises of the Lakara civilization. After all, the total population of the Ming Empire fleet is only [-] million now, and this is still Including soldiers, except for a small number of engineers in the fleet, it is impossible for the rest of the arms to participate in the construction of Sky City.

The Kara galaxy is so big, and the war between the Ming Empire and the Kara civilization has ended in such a short period of time, if there is a little slack at this time, then the victory of the Ming Empire will definitely be remembered by many people.

Therefore, at this time, the fleet must also strengthen the vigilance of the Kara civilization, so the space force must not participate in these constructions, after all, it is related to the safety of the entire Kara planet.

In the past few years, the Kara civilization, as the first and only younger brother of the Ming Empire, is deeply aware that the Ming Empire has spent such a large price on their planet, and has spared no room for helping them improve. The level of science and technology is to let them set an example in the future affiliated civilizations, so the Kara civilization also quickly entered its role, and began to promote the civilization system of the Ming Empire on the planet Kara, and wanted to integrate into the Ming Dynasty as soon as possible The civilization system of the empire.

So now all the lizardmen on the entire Kara planet are proud of learning Daming language and Ming dialect. Speaking Chinese, writing Chinese, learning the etiquette of the Ming Empire, etc. have become the pursuit of everyone in the entire Kara civilization.

Secondly, military, political, civilized and economic, etc. Kara civilization also began to fully integrate into the Ming Empire, and the military of the Ming Empire also began to develop and recruit troops from the Kara civilization, and the original fleet of the Kara civilization came out with a small number of large warships In addition, the rest of the small warships were sold to the Kara civilization and merchants of the Ming Empire without weapons and other equipment.

After all, these battles are always too backward for the Ming Empire, and there is not even much room for modification, and compared to the spaceships of the Ming Empire, these spaceships are really too fragile, and even the various civilians of the Ming Empire Merchant ships are not as good, let alone those heavily armored mining ships and so on.

Even the warships of the Kara Civilization, even civilians in the fleet of the Ming Empire don't like these warships, but although the Ming Empire doesn't like these warships, whether it is the military or the civilians, the private enterprises of the Kara Civilization are very fond of these spaceships. Interested, after all, they don't have the knowledge of people like the Ming Empire, and these spaceships were originally warships of their civilization. Although they may be much worse than the spaceships of the Ming Empire, they are still very tall for them. .

Of course, it is impossible to sell so many warships to the common people, so there is also a large part of the spaceship Zhu Lei of the Kara civilization that is going to be sold to other plane civilizations in the mall. Although these warships are already behind the Ming Empire, The army of the Ming Empire didn't like it at all, but it was still very popular when sold in the mall.

Especially for such a large number of different warships of the same civilization, as long as you buy them, you can immediately form a powerful fleet. Although these warships are all second-hand warships, they are worth a lot of energy coins in the plane mall. For Zhu Lei, who is extremely short of energy coins in the mall, it is also a considerable income.

In January 2091, Zhu Lei took some warships and finally prepared to return to the home solar system of the Ming Empire. This time, the queen of the Kara civilization and some high-level officials of the Kara civilization will follow Zhu Lei back to the mainland of the Ming Empire to receive the emperor of the Ming Empire. The enfeoffment, and Queen Kara will be officially named king with a different surname.

However, since the Kara civilization is now only the third-level affiliated civilization of the Ming Empire, her king with a different surname has a lot of moisture, which is only equivalent to the level of the viscount of the Ming Empire, but this is not a big deal, but if Queen Kara wants a real To become veritable kings with different surnames, they still have a long way to go.

When it was learned that Zhu Lei was about to return to the mainland of the Ming Empire, the entire civilization of the Kara civilization became excited, not just the high-level people of the Kara civilization, but in fact, many people in the Kara civilization wanted to go to the solar system, most of them were businessmen, but there were also some. Common people and low-level officials want to go to the mainland of the Ming Empire to increase their knowledge and pan for gold.

Finally, in February 2091, Zhu Lei started to return to the home solar system of the Ming Empire. This time, there were also many spaceships following the fleet of the Ming Empire to the Kara civilization in the solar system. Of course, these spaceships have been replaced with the engines of the Ming Empire. Otherwise, these spaceships of the Kara civilization could not keep up with Zhu Lei's fleet. After all, even the original warships of the Kara civilization could only reach about 15.00% of the speed of light, not to mention the civilian spaceships, and some even reached [-]%. There is not even one speed of light, let alone keep up with the fleet and reach the solar system.

At their original speed, it may take hundreds of years to reach the solar system, but after replacing the engines produced by industrial ships, these spaceships of the Kara civilization can barely reach the level of 30.00% of the speed of light, and they are barely able to follow the fleet Yes, after all, returning to the homeland of the Ming Empire this time, the fleet is only returning at cruising speed, and does not need to turn on the maximum speed.

(End of this chapter)

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