Super Plane Mall

Chapter 440 Gravity

Chapter 440 Gravity
These miniature spaceships released by the destroyer of the Ming Empire are actually combat spaceships, but because these spaceships are early products, they are basically no longer used by the Ming Empire. It is sold in China, but in fact, there are not many civilizations that look at this kind of spaceship, and only a small part of it is sold.

The released micro-spaceship immediately started its engine, and then flew towards the attack, and soon the attack hit the micro-spaceship.

The spaceship that was hit did not burst into flames like other attacks, or explode directly. I saw the spaceship that was hit. After being hit, the engine of the spaceship shut down directly, and then all the equipment of the spaceship stopped working immediately. Then the entire spacecraft began to collapse inward, and then the entire spacecraft directly turned into an iron ball with a diameter of only about five meters.

Seeing this result, everyone in the Ming Empire Fleet was startled, including Zhu Lei.

Knowing this, everyone realized that the road seemed to have reached the speed of light, but it was actually just an illusion. Of course, although the Ming Empire had never seen such an attack, the radar in the Ming Empire's spaceship detected such an attack.

Fortunately, the Ming Empire uses neutrino superluminal radar, so this kind of attack can be detected, not to mention that the Ming Empire has launched countless micro-detectors around before the start of the battle, even if the radar cannot detect these The detector can also detect effectively.

Attacks from gravity are very dangerous. Although the Ming Empire is also conducting research on gravity, due to the current conditions, although the Ming Empire has invested countless time and money in it, there has not been much harvest so far.

According to Newton's law of universal gravitation, all objects in the universe have gravitational force, so once the gravitational force of an object occurs and changes, the destructive force will be very large.

Once the gravitational force of an object exceeds the zero point for a long time, it will cause a terrible disaster, and the gravitational force will also affect the space to a certain extent. If the gravitational force is infinitely strengthened, it will even cause qualitative changes, becoming the most terrible thing in the universe. Something black hole.

So it is obvious that the attack launched by the Light Pirates is not friendly to the above. Although their research on gravity has not yet reached a qualitative level, at least their research in this area has surpassed most civilizations in the galaxy. And this includes the Ming Empire.

It wasn't until this time that Zhu Lei discovered that their understanding of everything in the entire Ocean of Light was only superficial. After all, the Ocean of Light has a history of millions or even longer, although the civilization in the Ocean of Light has not developed a practical warp drive Technology, but every civilization in the entire Ocean of Light is not simple. After all, among so many civilizations in the Ocean of Light, if you want to gain a stable foothold here, it is obviously impossible to not have your own means of life-saving.
From the sound of the siren of the destroyer of the Ming Empire, the civilization can find that this attack is definitely a fatal attack.

At this time, the computers in the Ming Empire Fleet also calculated the attributes of this attack, and also gave corresponding countermeasures. Since this attack method is a gravitational weapon, it will generate a strong gravitational force when it hits the target. It is the gravitational force within a certain range that collapses inward, but it is actually very easy to defend against the attack of this weapon.

Since this kind of attack only affects physical matter, it has no effect on photons, particles, etc., but it has a very sensitive response to physical matter, so the Ming Empire can directly use electromagnetic railguns to destroy this kind of attack. or neutralize such attacks.

Gravitational attack sounds very scary, but in fact there is only a way to master it. This attack is like child’s play for the Ming Empire, at least for now. After all, the light and dark civilization behind the Light Pirates is only a quasi-level five civilization. Although there is a deep research on gravity, but limited to their technological level, it is already very remarkable to be able to research this attack method.

"How is it possible? Didn't the scientists of our civilization say that only gravitational technology can defend against the attack of gravitational weapons?" Seeing that the Ming Empire easily neutralized its most powerful attack, the head of the Pirates of Light couldn't believe himself s eyes.

"Head, I'm not very clear about this, because this gravitational weapon is just a technology that our civilization has just researched, and even after it was developed, it was directly equipped on our flagship without losing a job. Theoretical discussions of scientists, as well as experiments in laboratories, indeed only gravitational technology can defend against our gravitational attacks.

However, we cannot rule out other possibilities, especially other relatively powerful civilizations in the Ocean of Light. After all, the trading fleet of the Ming Empire has just returned from the Swan civilization trade.

Therefore, we do not rule out that the other party has obtained methods to deal with gravity weapons from other civilizations. The entire Ocean of Light is so large that there are tens of thousands of Level 10 Light civilizations. If other primitive civilizations are added, then the entire Ocean of Light will be The number of civilizations in the ocean will reach hundreds of thousands, and the powerful laboratories are even more numerous. In fact, as the Pirates of Light, we also know very well that the technologies of many civilizations are used most of the time. Hidden, these technologies are many times more advanced than those on the market. " said one of the members of the Intelligent Group of the Light Pirates.

"Well, it makes sense, but even so, we still have other means to deal with these so-called fifth-level civilization space fleets, but the power of this weapon is too powerful, and it may even directly destroy these spaceships of the opponent. Then we will not be able to get the wealth on the opponent's spaceship.

There is no other way, but it is worth it to win everything. Hehe, although this weapon is very dangerous, other fleets may not dare to use it due to the threat and instability of this weapon, but as the pirates of light, we But it's different, and this kind of weapon has never appeared in the entire Ocean of Light, so I think the enemy will definitely not know about this kind of weapon. "

The leader of the Pirates of Light curled up his lips and smiled slightly, and an unknown light was shining in his eyes at this moment.

As the privateer fleet of light and dark civilization, the Pirates of Light are fundamentally different from other pirate groups. If it is other pirate groups, even if they have the same destructive weapons as him, they will not use them easily. There is a huge amount of wealth in the fleet, as long as the wealth is obtained, the entire pirate group will not have to go out to rob for hundreds or even thousands of years, and they will live happily.

But the Light Pirates are different. Their main purpose is not robbery. Robbery is just an incidental purpose. Their purpose of existing in the Ocean of Light is to eliminate existences that threaten the civilization of light and darkness. The Ming Empire this time The existence of the trade fleet seriously threatens the status of light and dark civilization in the ocean of light.

(End of this chapter)

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