Super Plane Mall

Chapter 450 3 General Mobilization of Civilization

Chapter 450 Three Civilizations General Mobilization

After all the spaceships were exposed, spaceships emerged one after another in the vortexes of the starry sky.

It seems that there are not many such huge spaceships as the first one, only about 100.

Even if there are only more than 100 such huge warships, the pressure on these three civilizations is already very huge. If all the warships are all this type of warships, then they will just surrender directly, and the others will not be used at all. thought about it.

Except for more than 100 huge warships like the first one, the rest of the warships are much smaller, but these smaller warships are also different in type, so the size is also different, they can see that the size of these warships is divided into good Several kinds.

Among them, in addition to the 150-kilometer super battleship, there are six kinds of space battleships, such as about 80 kilometers, about 50 kilometers, about 30 kilometers, about ten kilometers, about five kilometers, and about one kilometer. 150 kilometers of this kind of super warship, then this fleet has a total of seven types of warships.

Among them, space battleships with a distance of about 50 kilometers account for the largest proportion, and space battleships with a distance of about 50 kilometers account for at least 30% of all spaceships in the entire fleet.

It can be seen that this space battleship of about 50 kilometers is the main battleship of their entire fleet.

Although this 50-kilometer space battleship may only be a consumable for the fleet of this unknown civilization.But for the three of their civilizations, they are already giants. Even the Black Bear Civilization, the master of the Black Bear Starfield, does not have such a huge battleship according to the information they know.

According to the information they know, the largest space battleship of the black bear civilization is only about 15 kilometers in size, which is not ordinary compared with the battleship of this unknown civilization.

Moreover, the total number of spaceships in this unknown civilization's fleet is at least [-], which is a very frightening statistic for these three civilizations.

Don't look at the total number of space battleships owned by the three civilizations totaling more than 100 million, which is more than [-] times the number of space warships in this civilization.

But the total tonnage of the opponent's space battleship is very large, even larger than all the spaceships of the three civilizations, including civilian spaceships combined.

At this time, the hearts of the three civilizations can be imagined, but no matter how desperate they are at this time, they still have to muster up the courage to prepare for war.

After all, if there is a war, they still have the possibility to survive. If they surrender without a fight, then as the civilizations on the outskirts of the barren star field, they know very well the fate of the defeated civilizations in the universe. Sold as slaves to other civilizations.

So there is no way to do this. You must know that there are more than 1 space battleships in this location. They must not come to this place to see the scenery. The visitors are not good. This is the common cognition of the three civilizations in this star field.

So after these three civilizations knew about this, they immediately began to mobilize the people of the entire civilization.

Just when these three fourth-level civilizations were mobilizing the whole people, Chen Xin, the commander of the third squadron of the Suzaku Army on the side of the Ming Empire Fleet, was also the commander of this operation. deploy.

After all, the third fleet of the Ming Empire has arrived at its destination. According to the surrounding conditions and the conditions of this star field, the scientists of the Ming Empire had already spent more than a year working on it before arriving in this star field. reckoning.

And after coming here, the scientists in the fleet also made accurate calculations along the way, thinking that the best place to establish a relay station is within ten light-years nearby. If it exceeds this range, why will future communications be greatly affected? Influence.

"Record order! Order the fleet to launch various detectors and detection satellites within ten light-years around to draw a star map of this star field. At the same time, all warships activate all radars in the fleet to detect whether there are any What abnormal situation, especially in the first few galaxies, to see if there is any civilization."

After all the spaceships in the fleet left the warp space and the space fluctuations in the space disappeared, Chen Xin began to issue various orders, especially focusing on detecting whether there was any civilization in this star field.

They want to establish a communication relay station in this area, so they must understand the situation in this star field, and see if there is anything nearby that can pose a threat to the relay station. You must know that this communication relay station is for the Ming Empire. It is very important, and it is the only channel for the Ming Empire to communicate with the Ocean of Light, so the safety of this communication relay station must be absolutely perfect.

After he issued the combat order, all the warships in the fleet began to perform their missions, and at the same time, the radars on all the spaceships began to activate, preparing to detect the nearby star field within ten light years.

Although Wei Na of the Ming Empire bought the star map of the third spiral arm of the Milky Way where the Ming Empire is located very early on, the star map cannot be perfect. The third pair of the Milky Way is so huge. Although it is impossible for a sixth-level civilization to have explored all of them, let alone where they are now in the barren area of ​​the Milky Way.

In the entire barren star field, Wei Na and their civilization have explored very few places, only some places have been explored and most of the places are blank, not to mention when their civilization explored the third spiral arm of the Milky Way. Time has passed In the past so long, many places have changed greatly from the time when the original star map was drawn.

Many places that may have been civilized have become barren at the time of drawing, and some places were originally barren without any civilization, but now there may be civilization, and the level of civilization may not be low.

Just like the solar system where the Ming Empire is located, on his original star map, the entire solar system is barren and there is no civilization, but no one would have thought that not only the existence of civilization in the solar system, but also the level of this civilization has reached level five .

In fact, the development of the entire human race is very rare in the entire universe. After all, human beings have advanced from the third-level civilization to the fifth-level civilization in less than 500 years, although such things are not uncommon in the universe. , but very rarely.

So for this star field, even though Chen Xin and the others already have a star map, this star field does not have any civilization marked on the new map, because even if this star field is on Wei Na's star map It has not been explored, so the fleet of the Ming Empire must explore again.

(End of this chapter)

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