Super Plane Mall

Chapter 720 The overall situation has been decided

Chapter 720 The overall situation has been decided
At first, Zhu Lei thought that the local fleet was playing some kind of conspiracy, but the facts were different from what he thought. The enemy fleet did not do anything else after withdrawing from the battlefield, but directly headed towards the globular star cluster to the Large Magellanic Cloud. Flying in the direction of the star gate of the galaxy, Zhu Lei was very puzzled by such a huge size. After all, the enemy sent such a large-scale ship over. Their purpose is very obvious, to wipe out the civilization of the galaxy in this globular cluster at once. fleet.

But just before the battle, a fleet of the enemy fleet withdrew, and the fleet withdrawn this time was the highest level of civilization among the opponent's biological civilizations. After all, this can already be seen from the size of the spaceships in the opponent's fleet.

Although Zhu Lei has a lot of doubts in his heart, according to the information fed back by the reconnaissance equipment, the enemy fleet has flown nearly ten light-years away, and there are no other fleets of these biological civilizations within the range of the battlefield. .

So I simply rented it and sent a reserve team to join the sequence of attacking the enemy, and as the distance between the two sides got closer and closer, the entire battlefield finally fell into a state of melee. Of course this is only on the surface. If someone carefully observes the battlefield at this time You will find that although the number of spaceships of these biological civilizations is many times larger than that of the United Fleet, at this time the Zhengbei United Fleet is gradually divided into many independent individuals.

Generally speaking, Zhu Lei and his joint fleet are working hard to disperse the spaceships of these biological civilizations and prevent them from gathering together.

Once these biological civilizations are gathered together, the role of the small and medium space warships on the side of the United Fleet is very limited, but after they are separated, the combat effectiveness of the small and medium space warships on the side of the Ming Empire can be brought to the extreme. After all, the enemy's small and medium-sized space battleships have been completely lost at this time.

On the side of the fleet led by Zhu Lei, the small and medium-sized warships did not suffer any losses. Although the number of capital ships of the two sides is very different, the number of enemy capital ships far exceeds that of the United Fleet, but if the number of small and medium-sized spaceships is counted At this time, the difference in the number of the two sides is not that big, and it can even be equal. Therefore, Zhu Lei and the others can only use their own advantages to the extreme with one tactic, and the combat effectiveness of these biological civilization fleets will be greatly reduced.

"I don't know the Milky Way civilization, withdraw this globular star cluster immediately, do you really want to offend the dignity of all civilizations in the entire Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy? Our Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy is even the existence of a sixth-level biological civilization. If you really still refuse to retreat If so, then you will be the enemies of all civilizations in our entire Large Magellanic Cloud, even if you hide on the edge of the universe, one day the civilization of the Large Magellanic Cloud will also wipe you out from the universe."

Just when the war was raging, Zhu Lei received a message full of anger. From this message, Zhu Lei saw the inner fear of these biological civilizations.

"The war has been fought until now, are you foreign civilizations still obsessed? Surrender immediately, maybe our galaxy civilization can save you a way out, or you will all have to atone for the sins you committed in this invasion of the galaxy .” Although Zhu Lei dismissed the information sent by these biological civilizations, he still responded.

After hearing Zhu Lei's words, the commanders of these biological civilization fleets were very angry. After all, the victory or defeat has not yet been determined, and the actual situation is that their biological civilization fleets have the upper hand. Of course, this is only in terms of numbers, but Zhu Lei's reply It also exposed Zhu Lei's location.

"On behalf of the Dahe civilization, I once again offer a reward. As long as any civilization in the battlefield can destroy the flagship of the enemy fleet, then our Yamato civilization will definitely regard their civilization as a guest of honor in the future, and even our Yamato civilization has made certain respects for this civilization Support, whether in terms of technology or resources, even if we occupy this globular star cluster in the future, we can allocate a territory not smaller than our Yamato civilization in the globular star cluster to them."

In fact, Zhu Lei also knows deeply that once he responds, the location of his flagship will definitely be exposed, but he is not afraid, and he also specially used the most primitive form of electromagnetic waves to respond to the opponent's words, and his purpose is actually exactly the same. It was to deliberately expose the location of his flagship.

Sure enough, not long after Zhu Lei sent this message, many fleets of biological civilizations went crazy, and began to charge towards Zhu Lei's position desperately, regardless of the combined fleet attacking nearby.

However, although these civilized fleet charges were crazy, they were useless at all. On the contrary, the combined fleet led by Zhu Lei was more efficient in destroying the enemy fleet.

In the huge battlefield, just because of Zhu Lei's response, nearly 1/5 of the entire fleet of the enemy's biological civilization was restrained, which made the enemy's fleet more dispersed and made the enemy's firepower even weaker. The threat to one's own fleet is also smaller.

And at this time, the unmanned fleets in other parts of this globular star cluster finally rushed back. You must know that due to the sudden attack of these enemy biological civilizations on Zhu Lei and the others, Zhu Lei and the others dispatched a large number of unmanned fleets It was too late to come back, so the number of Zhu Lei's fleet was greatly reduced.

In fact, I have rushed back some of these unmanned fleets a few days ago, but since these unmanned fleets are all small fleets, they are powerless or unable to change the state of the battlefield at all, so when these fleets reach the edge of the battlefield At that time, Zhu Lei ordered these fleets to wait on the spot, waiting for more unmanned fleets to arrive.

After so many days, the unmanned fleet at this time is already very large, even larger than the main fleet of the United Fleet led by Zhu Lei, but the difference is that these are composed of a small unmanned fleet The huge fleet formed is all composed of small and medium-sized spacecraft, and most of them are unmanned spacecraft.

So when Zhu Lei gave the order, this huge unmanned fleet launched an attack on these biological civilizations from the enemy's rear.

When this huge unmanned fleet charged their biological civilization fleet from the enemy's rear, these biological civilization fleets also began to panic. Obviously, these biological civilization fleets also discovered the existence of this unmanned fleet.

When he saw such a huge fleet appearing in the rear, General Tianhe knew very well that their situation was over at this time, and it was impossible to destroy the enemy's main fleet, or even destroy the enemy's logistics system.

(End of this chapter)

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