Super Plane Mall

Chapter 742 Excited Matt

Chapter 742 Excited Matt

This is precisely because from their civilization to the Ming Empire, one has to pass through many civilized territories, and one of them is a civilized territory that is not very friendly to their civilization, and this civilization has reached the fifth level of advanced civilization, so in fact It is very dangerous to take their civilization's own Xinjim passenger ship to the Ming Empire, so generally people with a certain status are not willing to take their civilization's own Xinjim passenger ship to the Ming Empire. Instead, they take the Ming Empire's interstellar passenger ship.

Let’s not talk about the different civilization levels of the two civilizations, let’s say that the self-defense capabilities of the interstellar passenger spaceships of the two civilizations are also very different. Like the passenger spaceships of their own civilization, the self-defense ability is very poor, and it can even be said that there is basically no self-defense ability , so once you encounter interstellar pirates and other dangers, you can only sit and wait.

But the interstellar passenger spacecraft of the Ming Empire is different. Although the passenger capacity of each interstellar passenger spacecraft of the Ming Empire is not very large, even a large interstellar passenger spacecraft can only carry a few hundred thousand passengers. You must know that the current Ming Empire The diameter of a large passenger spaceship has reached a hundred kilometers, and it is almost the same as the mothership-level spaceships of other civilizations. However, such a huge spaceship can only carry a few hundred thousand people at a time, while the large interstellar passenger spaceship of their own civilization does not It's only tens of kilometers away, and each interstellar passenger spaceship is at least loaded with millions of people at a time. It is conceivable how much better the conditions will be in their own spaceships.

As for the extra space left by these interstellar passenger spaceships of the Ming Empire, the Ming Empire has installed countless self-defense weapons, even offensive weapons, and various armors. Ordinary small space pirates simply cannot cause damage to the interstellar passenger spaceships of the Ming Empire. No matter what the threat is, even if the large interstellar pirates want to deal with the large interstellar passenger spaceship of the Ming Empire, they have to think carefully about whether it is worth their robbery.

Moreover, the conditions in the Ming Empire's interstellar passenger ship are also very good, and there are even countless various facilities for enjoyment.

In addition, the civilization level of the Ming Empire has also discouraged countless interstellar pirates. After all, the Ming Empire is one of the very few civilizations of the sixth level in the Milky Way. It has strong military and technological strength, and also has a strong Allies, once anyone dares to plan on the spaceship of the Ming Empire, then he must think carefully about the consequences.

What's more, since the Ming Empire entered the Milky Way stage for a short period of time, only thousands of years, and during the rise of the Ming Empire, it never had a grudge against any high-level civilization. Even if it did, its civilization level is now the same as that of the Ming The empires are very different, and the number is very small, so generally speaking, the spaceships of the Ming Empire are very safe to navigate in the universe.

Therefore, when he conducts space trade in the universe in the future, the security will definitely be much higher. What's more, because it can purchase the Ming Empire's spaceships to form its own space trade fleet, and can fly the flag of the Ming Empire, so he has full of confidence in the future.

However, he chose to ignore the 100 billion energy coins given by the Ming Empire. After all, although there are a lot of 100 billion energy coins, they are far from comparable to the honor of honorary citizens of the Ming Empire. Yuan energy coins can buy the title of honorary citizen of the Ming Empire, so there will be countless people in the galaxy who are willing. There are so many civilizations in the galaxy, even thousands of civilizations above level five, and the population of each civilization is very large. , in such a huge population, there must be some people who are very rich, and 100 billion energy coins may be an astronomical figure for ordinary people, but for these people it is just a drop in the bucket, so these people will definitely rush to come .

But it is a pity that it is impossible to obtain the title of honorary citizen of the Ming Empire with 100 billion energy coins. Even with 1000 billion and one trillion energy coins, it is impossible to purchase the title of honorary citizen of the Ming Empire.

"Do you think I'm lying? What I said is naturally true. If you don't believe me, you can ask Mr. Zhu Yide whether what I say counts." Hearing Matt's words, the port manager was a little unhappy Said.

But he also knew that this was just Matt's unintentional mistake, and he also knew how rare it was to be an honorary citizen of the Ming Empire.

At this time, Zhu Yide, who was a member of the royal family of the Ming Empire, was also stunned. He never thought that Matt would directly become an honorary citizen of the Ming Empire with these innate fire spirit mines, but at the same time, he was also very happy for Matt After all, Matt once saved his life, and there will be no barriers between him and Matt in direct communication from now on, or in other words, there will be no political restrictions anymore.

And at the same time, since these mines were directly purchased by the Ming Empire for 100 billion, and the money Matt could directly use to purchase spaceships of the Ming Empire, then Matt’s future trade safety in the universe will no longer be a big problem, although 100 billion You can only buy medium and large space battleships from the Ming Empire, but owning your own spaceship is much better than taking an interstellar passenger spaceship.

"Yes, senior, as the person in charge of the Qinglong New Interstellar Trade Port, is also a member of our Great Ming Empire Presbyterian Church. His words can naturally represent the decisions made by the Great Ming Empire, so congratulations, Mr. Matt, from now on You are an honorary citizen of the Ming Empire, and you will be protected by the Ming Empire in the Milky Way." Zhu Yide, who came back to his senses, immediately confirmed, and congratulated Matt with a smile.

"It's true. I won the title of honorary citizen of the Ming Empire. Thank you, senior. Thank you Mr. Zhu Yide. I never thought that one day I would become an honorary citizen of the Ming Empire. After all, I am just a small family of the Marne Civilization I can’t even afford the small long-distance spaceships of our own civilization, so I can only come to the Ming Empire by taking the empire’s interstellar passenger spaceship, so I never imagined that I could be an honorary citizen of the Ming Empire, I didn't even imagine the qualifications for the green card of the Ming Empire, but today I got the title of honorary citizen of the Ming Empire, which I never even dreamed about.

So the person in charge, as well as Mr. Zhu Yide, I will definitely be proud of being an honorary citizen of the Ming Empire in the future, and at the same time, I will fulfill all my obligations as an honorary citizen of the Ming Empire. At this time Matt also reacted, so he hurriedly replied.

"I hope you can do what you said in the future. This is the ID card of the honorary citizen of the Ming Empire. Please keep it. At the same time, I don't think I need to say more about the obligations of the honorary citizen of the Ming Empire. After all, in the Ming Empire It was announced on the interstellar network, and the 100 billion energy coins will be automatically transferred to your account after a while. Well, I have to go first. After all, these innate fire spirit mines are still very important for the Ming Empire. It's important, so don't lose anything." After finishing speaking, the port manager took these days of fire spirit mines and flew on the spaceship
(End of this chapter)

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