Super Plane Mall

Chapter 748 The problem of the ultra-long-range wormhole group

Chapter 748 The problem of the ultra-long-range wormhole group

The second is the development of the Serpens globular star cluster in the new territory of the Ming Empire. Unlike the mainland of the Ming Empire, due to the war with the Large Magellanic Cloud, there are various meteorites everywhere. In fact, most of these meteorites were destroyed during the war. The destroyed planet, other than that, this place is very desolate. There is no civilization in the entire Large Magellanic Cloud, and even the original civilization has basically disappeared.

Therefore, if the Ming Empire wants to develop this place, it must find a way to immigrate a large number of people from the Ocean of Light and the surrounding solar system here. Even if the empire had already started to immigrate here before Zhu Lei returned to the Ocean of Light, it was only a small scale. It’s just immigrants. The Serpens globular star cluster is so large. The total number of immigrants in the previous 200 years was only tens of billions. This is really too few for the Serpens globular star cluster with a diameter of hundreds of light years. .

You must know that the Serpens globular cluster and its surrounding star fields have nearly a million stars, and the number of living planets is several times that number, and each living planet can support at least billions of people, so such a small number of immigrants is fundamentally impossible. It is a drop in the bucket, so how to increase the population of the Serpens globular cluster has become the most concerned issue of the major civilizations in the Empire and even the entire Galactic Federation of Civilizations.

Although the Ming Empire has now mastered the technology of building wormholes and is now capable of building large-scale ultra-long-range wormholes, building a large-scale wormhole is not a simple matter. Otherwise, such technology would have been rampant in the Milky Way. Why? Only a few civilizations will master this technology.

In fact, for the current Ming Empire, the most important problem for large and ultra-long-range wormholes is the energy supply of wormholes. The energy of small and medium-sized wormholes before the Ming Empire can provide energy for these wormholes with its own energy technology. However, the energy consumption of large wormholes is not comparable to that of small and medium wormholes, let alone ultra-long-range large wormholes. Even if all the largest spaceships of the Ming Empire are equipped with the latest energy crystals of the Ming Empire, It is still far from reaching the energy standard for starting a remote wormhole, let alone maintaining the existence of a wormhole or even sending matter to a distant place, so all of this is based on energy.

Although the Ming Empire has previously built a long-range wormhole leading to the Serpens globular star cluster from the mainland of the Ming Empire, there is actually only one real ultra-long-range large wormhole in the middle, and this ultra-long-range large wormhole is still a one-way one. The energy requirements of wormholes are far less than those of two-way wormholes. Even so, the energy consumed every day is astronomical. Some people have even calculated that even with the power of the Ming Empire, a wormhole like this Even with the strength of the entire Ming Empire, there can only be less than ten.

Therefore, it is impossible to build an ultra-long-distance large-scale wormhole group between the Ming Empire and the Serpens globular cluster, so the Ming Empire's desire to carry out ultra-large-scale immigration is undoubtedly nonsense.

Therefore, how to provide a reliable and stable energy source for ultra-long-distance large-scale wormholes is already the most important problem facing the Ming Empire when it conducts large-scale operations. The internal realization is to use the energy of stars to provide energy for ultra-long-distance wormholes. Although the Ming Empire has used various energies in the universe as much as possible in the maintenance of wormholes, including the energy of stars, these are all Whether to use stars and other cosmic energies as secondary energies, the largest energy source for wormholes still depends on the spaceships of the Ming Empire.

But this time the scientists proposed something different, using stars as a stable source of energy for large ultra-long-range wormholes, so that once the wormholes were built, the Ming Empire no longer needed to worry about energy for the maintenance of the wormholes, and theoretically as long as The life of the star has not come to an end, then the wormhole will remain pure until the end of the life of the star.

In addition to this point, the energy emitted by the stars in the universe is also very large. Theoretically, the center of the solar system is too far away, and the energy emitted every day is enough to consume hundreds of large ultra-long-distance wormholes every day. , not to mention that there are stars like the sun everywhere in the universe, and they are still relatively small, and there are also stars that are larger than the sun in the universe, so it is best to use the energy emitted by the stars to maintain wormholes. Good choice.

"Unexpectedly, after thousands of years of human development from the earth age to the present, the Ming Empire is already a sixth-level civilization. I used to think that the technology mastered by our Ming Empire was already very advanced, especially the technology of our Ming Empire. Energy technology, but none of us would have imagined that our Ming Empire would still be troubled by energy issues, so we could only reach out to these stars in the universe." Zhu Lei sat at the front of the conference room and said mockingly.

"Your Majesty, the stars in the universe are the most important source of energy for all major civilizations in the universe. Don't say that our Ming Empire is only a sixth-level early civilization. Even if it is a more advanced civilization in the universe, the most important source of energy is still the same as ours. Everything is provided by the stars, so you must not think too much."

"Okay, let's not talk about other things. Does our empire have reserves for the technology to obtain star energy, and can it provide enough energy for the empire's remote wormholes?"

"Your Majesty! For the acquisition of stellar energy, our empire has a lot of technical reserves, the most practical of which is the stellar collar technology. In fact, this technology already had a relatively complete theory as early as when we were still in the third and fourth level civilizations. , but due to the level of technology at that time, although we humans already had theories and assumptions, we could not realize this technology at that time. When the technology of the empire can realize these theories, the empire does not need this technology for the time being, so this Where does a technology have been left? With the current technology and capabilities of the empire, it is not difficult to realize this theory. There are even many ways to realize it, including traditional technological civilization and biological civilization, as well as cultivation civilization. method, but no matter what method is used to construct the stellar collar, it will take some time due to the large amount of engineering.”

"Well! I know a little bit about this technology. We humans have proposed this technology long before the civilization of the empire came out of the earth. use this technology."

(End of this chapter)

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