Super Plane Mall

Chapter 785 The crisis of brilliant civilization

Chapter 785 The crisis of brilliant civilization
Afterwards, Zhu Yuanyuan ordered the fleet to stop advancing temporarily, waiting for the other party's response.

Just when Zhu Yuanyuan borrowed right and stopped advancing, the opposing fleet conveyed Zhu Yuanyuan's words to the high-level of their civilization, and waited for a reply from their high-level civilization.

"What? You said that the unknown civilization fleet is a sixth-level high-level civilization fleet. Moreover, it came to us for your purpose, and it came to take revenge. And according to what they said, it was our civilization fleet. These attacks Their civilization, the transport fleet.

How can this be?During this period of time, I have not received any news that the fleet of our civilization has attacked the fleet of other civilizations.Moreover, the civilization that was attacked was still a transport fleet of a sixth-level civilization. "When the emperor of their civilization received the report from the fleet they sent out on the front line, they were shocked. At the same time, they didn't think that their civilized fleet would attack a fleet of a sixth-level high-level civilization, because it had nothing to do with courting death. the difference.

"This... Your Majesty, the highest combat department of our civilization, did receive it some time ago. Our civilization went to the report of the Giant Tree Civilization Battle Fleet. In their report, they sent a squadron to the Giant Tree Civilization. The rear of the tree civilization cut off the communication between the giant tree civilization and other civilizations. However, the dispatched fleet lost contact shortly after arriving at the rear of the giant tree civilization.

So, Your Majesty!I suspect that this squadron attacked the transport fleet of the sixth-level civilization, and was wiped out by this sixth-level high-level civilization, the Ming Empire. After all, our civilization is only one, the fifth-level top civilization, and the other party's transport fleet The fleet is a fleet of a sixth-level high-level civilization. Even if it is, this fleet is just a transport fleet and has no combat effectiveness, but a squadron to destroy our civilization is enough.

At the same time, I also think that the Great Ming Empire is very likely to have a great connection with the giant tree civilization, and the possibility that the giant tree civilization is the rich civilization of the Ming Empire is not even ruled out.Otherwise, it is impossible for the giant tree civilization to increase its combat power, and there are a large number of warships of technological civilization in the giant tree civilization's fleet. You must know that the giant tree civilization is just a biological civilization, although it also involves some things that only technological civilization has. , but these things are very low-level, even inferior to the fourth-level civilization.

Not to mention that the battleships of these technological civilizations are battleships of the fifth-level top civilization, so even if the relationship between the Ming Empire and the giant tree civilization is not a master-servant relationship, the connection between them is not ordinary. "Just after the high-level man finished speaking, the entire court fell into silence. After all, this judgment is really amazing. If there is really a sixth-level high-level civilization standing behind the giant tree civilization, they will not be ashamed of the giant tree civilization. Civilization's actions definitely have no good fruit to eat, you must know that this is a sixth-level high-level civilization! Even if all the nearby civilizations add up, it is impossible to defeat a fleet of others.

"Then what are we going to do now? We must know that they are all coming to our door, and if the opponent is really a sixth-level civilization fleet, then even if we put all the warships of our entire civilization on display, it will definitely not be able to Defeat them, and just such a fleet is absolutely capable of destroying our entire civilization." A few minutes later, the words of their civilized emperor rang again in the court.

"Your Majesty! The first thing we need to do now is to let the front line determine whether the opponent's fleet is really a level-[-] civilization fleet? If the opponent is really a level-[-] civilization fleet, then we must do it and prepare for escape. Negotiations have broken down, we must start the escape procedure immediately, and try to escape some people before the other party destroys our civilization, and pass on the inheritance of our civilization."

"Okay, let the frontline confirm again immediately whether the opponent is really a level [-] civilization, and once it is confirmed that the opponent is really a level [-] civilization fleet, then, authorize the frontline commander to agree to the other side's request at all costs, Even if the other party asks us to become their affiliated civilization.

At the same time, start the Civilization Seeds Project immediately, and execute it immediately if the negotiation breaks down. After finishing speaking, all the high-level officials of the entire civilization fell into silence. At this time, no one considered the interests of their own family anymore.

"His Royal Highness, the other party's civilized fleet is requesting a call again, is it connected!" Just as Zhu Yuanyuan waited uncontrollably and was about to launch an attack, a maid came in quickly and said to her. .

"Come on! It seems that the efficiency of this civilization is not very good. Otherwise, how could it have kept us waiting for so long? If we wait any longer, I will launch an attack."

"Respected, Your Excellency, the sixth-level high-level civilization commander, after our confirmation, the high-level officials of our civilization have not received any information that our civilization has attacked the construction of other civilizations, but of course, we do not Deny, there is indeed a fleet of our civilization that lost contact in the rear of the giant tree civilization. Until now, the squadron has not been found, so I don’t know if the fleet attacked you this time. The civilization’s transport fleet, if If it is really this fleet that attacked, we are willing to take responsibility for our reckless actions."

At this time, the commander of Huang Civilization was very respectful, and honestly, explained everything clearly, because he knew that there was nothing to hide in front of a sixth-level high-level civilization, and if he did that, it would be more likely To arouse the anger of the other party, it is better to explain everything honestly and take the initiative to take responsibility. Only in this way can the other party's goodwill be aroused, and the other party will not be offended.

"Good! Your civilization is very responsible, and at the same time you have made a very correct choice. Yes, it was the fleet that you lost that attacked our Ming Empire's transport fleet. At the same time, the fleet that was attacked this time was also captured by us The transportation fleet of the Ming Empire was completely wiped out. However, as a sixth-level high-level civilization, the dignity of our Daming Empire cannot be violated.

After all, everyone in the universe knows it.Warships are mobile lands. Your attack on the fleet of our Ming Empire is equivalent to attacking our Ming Empire. This is an act of war. Therefore, for the dignity of our Ming Empire, I originally wanted to directly destroy your civilization. However, for the sake of your civilized attitude is not bad.I can also let your civilization go, but the death penalty is inevitable. Since your civilization has violated the majesty of the Ming Empire, you must bear the punishment of the Ming Empire. I wonder if your civilization can accept it?Of course, you can also refuse to accept it and go to war with us directly. "Speaking of which, he stopped like this, looking at the other party waiting for their commander's answer.

(End of this chapter)

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