Movie martial arts

Chapter 178 Death Begins

Chapter 178 Death Begins

Sometimes people have a very lofty ideal called changing the world. Perhaps it is not difficult for Hanwen to change the world. Isn’t the world changed by him?But it is more difficult to change a person than to change the world!The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change!It's really tough!Just like Ah Zi, she has a kind of viciousness in her bones, no matter what, you can't change it!
But all of this doesn't matter anymore, what's the matter with love!That's what Han Wen thinks, he doesn't have much time, so he doesn't want to deal with such messy things anymore!Only when the moon is up and the sky is bright, it will be the day of the decisive battle!And this is also related to the critical moment when his martial arts will go further, and he attaches great importance to it!Up to now, he can only release his internal force outward, he can't even do a perfect circle, let alone directly transform his internal force into form like Xiao Feng;

Not only he is waiting alone, everyone is waiting for the arrival of morning, this is a time to bet on their own fate - war!That's right!It's war!Not fighting!The winner is king!The loser is the bandit!Either you die, or I die!The enmity accumulated over the years, the opportunities that have been waiting for for countless years, will all explode within an extreme time!

The brilliance of morning light gradually appeared in the east, and the bells in the ancient temple were melodious!Everyone who was in deep sleep opened their eyes and silently ate some food. This is an imaginable battle, and they will be hungry!It was like the tranquility before the storm. Even if more than [-] people gathered at the foot of the mountain, they did not make much noise. The tranquility was terrifying, making people feel uneasy and uncertain. Under this huge depression, some people had already started chattering their teeth. Sweating profusely!

"Squeak—!", the red lacquered gate of the thousand-year-old temple let out a groan, and Abbot Xuanci, who was dressed in a yellow monk robe and slanted a red cassock, stepped out, followed by various monks in Shaolin Temple, There were hundreds of people, the people at the foot of the mountain exclaimed, gathered their subordinates, and gradually formed a circle around a gazebo, each looked at each other, their expressions were either gloomy, secretive, or sneering Insufficient and one, they are all vicious, and they are all calculating each other!

Abbot Xuanci came, and proclaimed the Buddha's name in front of everyone. He didn't say any polite words, but looked at Xiao Yuanshan guiltily, and said directly: "Old Benefactor Xiao, the battle outside the Yanmen Pass, I made a big mistake. Everyone My brothers forgive this matter for the old monk, and they died one by one. If the old monk dies again today, it is already night. Murong Bo, old benefactor Murong, you falsely sent the news that day, saying that Khitan warriors would come to Shaolin Temple to seize martial arts classics in a large scale, which led to all kinds of incidents. Big mistake, did you ever blame Sihao?"

"Guilty? It's up to man to make things happen! I only hate that this matter didn't work out! Why do you feel guilty?" Murong Bo sneered and shook his head, "It's ridiculous that you, Abbot Xuanci, are still as naive as ever! Stupid! Stupid! "

Xuanci clasped his hands together, and said: "Old benefactor Murong, I have been friends with you for many years, and I have always respected your character. You told me about it that day, and I believed it. Afterwards, I accidentally killed a good person. I also saw you not coming. Later I heard that you passed away due to illness, and the old monk was very sad. I always thought that you were just like the old monk at the time. ...Alas! You are like this!" His long sigh really contained endless remorse and blame.

"Abbot Xuanci! What you are talking about now is all nonsense! If it is nonsense, then let it go! I think it is better to discuss whose fist is bigger, so! Only then can we know whose words are more reasonable!", Han Wen said On the side, he laughed, his eyes were like lightning, and he shouted: "Is everyone ready to go forward to lead the death?"

"Don't be impatient, Master Han!" Abbot Xuanci shook his head and said, "According to the layman's saying, we are the masters of this martial arts conference. Since we are the masters, you should accommodate us a bit! This old man violated Buddhism. The big precept will hurt Guan Lin Qingyu. Junior brother Xuan Ji, according to the precepts of this temple, how should we punish him?"

Master Xuanji was a little surprised, knowing that Xuanci's body couldn't bear it at this moment, he said urgently: "This, senior brother";
Abbot Xuanci shook his head, and Langsheng said: "The state owns the state law, and the family has family rules. Since you come to any sect, gang, clan temple, it is inevitable that there will be unworthy disciples. To preserve your reputation is not to ask for no one to break the rules, but to ask for things. Punishment according to the law, no excuses. The old monk violated the commandment of adultery, and as the abbot, the punishment for the crime is doubled. The law enforcement monk is severely punished and beaten [-] times. The reputation of Shaolin Temple is at stake, and it is not allowed to engage in fraud."

This is looking for death!Abbot Xuanci knelt down on the ground, facing the Buddha statue in the Daxiong Hall of Shaolin Temple from a distance, he lifted up his monk's robe by himself, exposing his back.Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, the abbot of Shaolin Temple was tortured in public, that was really shocking and outrageous.

Xuanji was shocked and said: "Brother, you...";
Xuanci sternly said: "My Shaolin Temple has a thousand year reputation, how could it be ruined by me?";
Xuanji said with tears in his eyes: "Yes! Law enforcement monk, use torture."

The two law-enforcing monks clasped together and bowed, saying: "Abbot, I have offended you.";
Immediately, he stood up straight, raised the punishment stick, and struck Xuanci on the back.The second monk knew that the most uncomfortable thing for the abbot when he was tortured was to be humiliated in public, not the pain of flesh and blood. If his subordinates were merciful and let others see it, and they would not talk about it, then the abbot's humiliation would be fruitless instead, and he would beat him with a stick He went down, patted loudly, in a short while Xuanci's back and buttocks were covered with stick marks, blood spattered the monk.The group of monks heard the number of "one five, one ten" from the law enforcement monk, and they all bowed their heads and lowered their eyebrows, silently chanting.

Master Daoqing of Pudu Temple suddenly said: "Brother Xuanji, your temple respects the Buddhist precepts, the abbot is tortured together, and the poor monk admires it. It's just that Brother Xuanci is old and he refuses to use his skills to protect himself. I can't bear it. The poor monk is presumptuous, and let me tell you something, so far I have beaten eighty sticks, and I will record the rest for the time being."

Many people among the heroes shouted, saying: "That's right, that's right, let's come to ask for favor."

Before Xuan Ji could answer, Xuan Ci said in a loud voice: "Thank you for your kindness, but the commandments are like a mountain and cannot be lenient. Law enforcement is lenient. Law enforcement monks, use your staff quickly."; the two law enforcement monks had already suspended the punishment, but the abbot's words were firm , I had to beat down another one to five or ten.

Put your hands together, pray to the Buddha devoutly, mutter something in your mouth, and stick to your body without changing your face!Xuanci is indeed a character!It's just that he is old after all, his body is not strong anymore, and all the martial arts on his body are useless, how can he survive?He vomited blood in seventy or eighty strokes!After a hundred strokes, the hands that had been clasped together on the chest were already powerlessly hanging down, everyone was silent, and the monks of Shaolin Temple exclaimed abbot!
The little monk Xu Zhu silently wiped away his tears, and began to recite the mantra of rebirth. Xuanci explained everything to him last night, and told him that he must piously pray to the Buddha and wash away his sins, otherwise he will die. , also can't live safely, so Xu Zhu didn't stop him, let alone take any other actions;

The vigorous martial arts conference started with the death of Abbot Xuanci!This is also a great honor for everyone!

Han Wen slightly closed his eyes, let out a violent roar, and the internal force that had been sealed up in his body exploded, this was the internal force of Wu Yazi, extremely strong!It was like a torrent of river flowing through his meridians, without any wind on his body, the few people around him felt the tremendous thrust, they dodged again and again, Han Wen's beard and hair rose to the sky, and he raised his voice and shouted: "Ding Chunqiu! Shoushi——!"

"Bang!", with a muffled sound, the ground cracked, and Han Wen's figure was as fast as lightning, straight for Ding Chunqiu!Ding Chunqiu snorted angrily, clapped his hands, the sedan chair he was sitting on was shattered, his whole body soared into the sky, Han Wen's figure immediately arrived, with his palm, the world was cold!Dozens of Xingxiu Sect disciples were frozen into ice cubes!So cruel!
Seeing Ding Chunqiu soaring towards the sky, Han Wen snorted coldly, stepped on his foot, and also soared into the sky, he didn't use a sword, but dealt with Ding Chunqiu with his icy palm, this also has a certain reason, Ding Chunqiu's poison The kung fu is still very powerful, the ice-cold attribute of the ice cotton palm will make his body freeze, and it will be covered with something like a layer of frost armor, so as to avoid being contaminated by Ding Chunqiu's poison kung fu;

After Ding Chunqiu rose to a height, he turned over in mid-air, with his big head facing down and his hands outstretched, just like a noble and glamorous white crane!It's hard to imagine that a person who looks so immortal is such a despicable and shameless big devil!
The two faced each other ten palms in mid-air, and no one could do anything to the other, but no one dared to move from below, just watching them fight to the death, the atmosphere was not very lively!
"A young boy! Dare to be presumptuous! Today I will abolish your kung fu! I will torture you for seven to 49 days and kill you!" Ding Chunqiu's eyes were fierce, and he was bald by the wind of the Korean palm. The feather fan fell directly on the ground, and said in a hateful voice;

Han Wen gritted his teeth and said, "I won't torture you! I'll just kill you! Just talk but not practice tricks! Ding Chunqiu! You have to pay for what you did in the past!"

After saying that, stepping on the electric light and walking quickly, Han Wen rushed straight away, drawing his sword out!Don't look at Ding Chunqiu's powerful words, but he is also a little scared in his heart, this Korean language is too fast!And when facing him, his arms were always invaded by a gust of cold, and he couldn't move his arms normally, which made him feel jealous;

The speed of this sword was too fast, Ding Chunqiu leaned dangerously, but was still stabbed in the waist by Han Wen, he cried out in pain, "Don't make a move yet? See if I die?"

Anyone can see that Ding Chunqiu is scared!Even his flattering disciples know it!Amidst his shouts, Li Qiushui walked out from the camp of the Xingxiu faction with gentle steps!Apart from anything else, I first rewarded Han Wen with a move called Baihong Palm Power!The internal force visible to the naked eye turned around and called Korean!

 PS: The first update, the new book "Chief of Gynecology" asks for coverage, recommendation tickets, and collection;


(End of this chapter)

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