Chivalry Cultivation System

Chapter 120 Lin Pingzhi Wants to Save Yu Canghai

Chapter 120 Lin Pingzhi Wants to Save Yu Canghai
Lin Pingzhi fell to the ground, still crying and crying: "God

I've been looking for it for so long, but I haven't even seen the shadow of the evil sword manual!Is it true that I, Lin Pingzhi, have nothing to do with the evil sword art? "

Seeing Lin Pingzhi's heartbroken look, Yue Yuanyuan heard the despair in his words, and his heart was filled with great sorrow.

Busily endured the bitterness, and said: "Brother Lin, maybe the sword manual is hidden in the book's interlayer, or the book must be put into the water to reveal the words."

There is only a small wooden box of books in the old house of the Lin family.

Lin Pingzhi and Yue Yuanyuan worked together to transport it to the hall. Lin Pingzhi was responsible for finding the interlayer of the book, while Yue Yuanyang brought a wooden basin of water, took the books that Lin Pingzhi had inspected, and immersed them in the basin …

After tossing around like this for a long time, I still got nothing.

Both of them sat listlessly on the marble floor in the hall.

This time, even Yue Yuanyuan was completely in despair. She even doubted whether there was really a sword manual to ward off evil spirits hidden in this room, or if the Lin family simply didn't have any sword manual to ward off evil spirits.

Therefore, Yue Yuanyuan said: "Brother Lin... us"

When she said this, she suddenly stopped talking because she saw Lin Pingzhi do something abrupt.

Lin Pingzhi suddenly jumped up, and with a flying kick kicked down a delicate piece of wood with the words "Fu Ru Donghai" hanging on the wall in the north of the hall. Lin Pingzhi had just landed on the ground, with both hands Then he used the life-and-death fighting technique of an eagle and a snake to grab Mu Bian in the air and pull at both sides.

The wooden tablet broke due to stress, and a piece of blood-red cassock floated out from it.

Lin Pingzhi threw away the wooden block in his hand, caught the cassock floating in the air with both hands, wept at Yue Yuanyuan, wept with joy, and said in a trembling voice: "Master...Master...Junior Sister...Yuanyuan...I...I found it, I found it I have read... the Evil Resisting Sword Manual... I... I can take revenge!"

Yue Yuanyuan also leaned over, opened his arms, and embraced Lin Pingzhi.

The two hugged each other and cried for a long time.

After a long time, Yue Yuanyuan hurriedly pushed Lin Pingzhi away, and said: "Brother Lin, let's take a look at the evil sword manual, I believe you will be able to judge its authenticity."

Lin Pingzhi just woke up, started to read quickly, he saw eight very eye-catching big characters, it was the famous heart formula ballad, if you want to practice this skill, you must first come out of the palace.

Lin Pingzhi looked at it again, and found that many of the moves recorded on the cassock were exactly the same as the swordsmanship passed down to him by his father. He could be sure that the martial arts recorded on this cassock were those of his Lin family that shook the world and was envied by everyone. Evil warding off swordsmanship.

This should be a joy, but the eight words "If you want to practice this skill, you must leave the palace", it pierced his heart firmly like a steel needle piercing the heart of eight roses, almost smashing his heart. fragile mind.

He has already made a heart-to-heart agreement with Yue Yuanyuan, and he secretly communicated with Huanqu. If he swung his sword from the palace in order to practice evil-proof swordsmanship, even if it was to avenge his own blood, how could he be worthy of Yue Yuanyuan?
Lin Pingzhi was afraid that Yue Yuanyuan would find out, so he quickly folded the cassock and put it in his arms.

Said: "This is the real evil swordsmanship, we finally live up to this trip. Parents, the child must practice the evil swordsmanship as soon as possible, in order to avenge the blood sea between you two. Junior sister, let's go back and report to the master as soon as possible!"

As he said that, he left the room first.

Yue Yuanyuan froze for a moment, then followed.

The two of them were speechless for a moment.

It was already ten o'clock in the middle of the night. In the early spring, the moonlight was very beautiful. The two of them were enveloped by the moonlight, and they clearly felt a heavy chill hitting their bodies.

It's really cold and melts into the moon, and the chill penetrates people's hearts.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, both of them decided that they should return to Fuwei Escort Agency as soon as possible to meet their master.

When the two of them left the old house of the Lin family, a traveling doctor ran towards them.

How could there be a traveling doctor in the middle of the night?
The two stopped and looked carefully at the traveling doctor.

The traveling doctor also stopped in front of the two of them, did not put down the load on his shoulders, but looked behind the two of them timidly.

Behind the two is the old house of the Lin family, so it is natural for the traveling doctor to confirm their identities.

The traveler's eyes were a little dodgy, but at this moment he asked timidly: "Is this Mr. Lin Pingzhi, the current owner of this old house?"

Lin Pingzhi nodded, and asked cautiously: "Yes, I am Lin Pingzhi. I don't know why uncle is looking for me?"

The traveling doctor said: "Someone asked me to pass a message to you, saying that your great enemy Yu Canghai has been captured. If you want to avenge your dead relatives with your own hands, you can immediately follow the instructions on this map to find the secret realm and use the evil spirits to ward off evil spirits." The sword manual will be exchanged with my master for Yu Canghai."

As he spoke, he handed over a map to Lin Pingzhi.

Just as Lin Pingzhi took the map, the traveler let out a miserable cry and fell to the ground dead.

Lin Pingzhi hurriedly took a look, and saw that the traveler's face was black and blue, and a featherless arrow pierced his throat.

Apparently the arrows had been coated with deadly poison.

As soon as Lin Pingzhi's expression changed, he asked Yue Yuanyuan to return to the Fuwei Escort Bureau, and went to the meeting alone, determined to let the master of this itinerant doctor spare Yu Canghai's life.

However, Yue Yuanyuan asked back: "Brother Lin, Yu Canghai is your enemy, if he dies like this, wouldn't it be tantamount to avenging your family's blood and blood? Why do you need to save him?"

Lin Pingzhi said bitterly: "Junior Sister, you don't know something. I once swore in public that I would kill Yu Canghai and Mu Gaofeng in this life. If Yu Canghai, a villain, died at the hands of others today, it would be a shame for my brother. How can you be willing?"

Yue Yuanyuan said worriedly: "Senior Brother Lin, the evil-proofing sword manual is your family's secret knowledge, how can you give it away so easily? My adoptive father is well-informed, why don't you and I return to the Fuwei Escort Agency first and find the best of both worlds with my adoptive father? solution?"

Lin Pingzhi felt that Yue Yuan's words were reasonable, so he nodded in agreement.

Both of them were kind-hearted people. They couldn't bear the unknown traveler's body to be exposed in the wilderness, so they worked together to dig a hole and bury it.

When the two returned to the Fuwei Escort, the eastern sky had already shown the color of a fish maw.

The two of them knocked on the door of Xiao Xiaomo's room regardless of how tired they were.

Soon, Xiao Xiaomo and Ning Zhong both opened the door and came out.

Xiao Xiaomo wiped his face and saw that the two looked dignified, knowing that there was a difference in love, so he hurriedly led Ning Zhongze and the other three to the study to negotiate.

When they arrived at the study room, Yue Yuan spoke quickly and told the story of the two finding the evil sword manual first.

Xiao Xiaomo and Ning Zhong did not show any surprise.

Yue Yuanyuan felt a little strange, and couldn't help asking: "Senior brother Lin got this family-passed evil sword technique, why didn't his adoptive father and adoptive mother seem half-surprised?"

Ning Zhong said: "Senior brother and I speculated about this evil sword manual and came to two conclusions. One is that the name of the evil sword manual is too real, and it is just an ordinary martial art in the martial arts, so Pingzhi's father was controlled by Yu Canghai; Exorcising evil swordsmanship is indeed a kind of profound martial art, but for various reasons, Chief Escort Lin did not practice the real evil swordsmanship, and finally died tragically under the torment of Mu Gaofeng."

(End of this chapter)

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