Chivalry Cultivation System

Chapter 131 The Drugged Golden Plum

Chapter 131 The Drugged Golden Plum
So Xiao Xiaomo said tremblingly: "Thank you two for treating me sincerely, but I don't think so. I think every person should have his kind side. For example, this Jinmei, I believe that one day I will definitely use my actions to influence her, and when she understands my affection for her, she will definitely accept me."

After An Xiaohui and Gui Xinshu heard these words, they both knew that Xiao Xiaomo was in deep trouble and it would be difficult to persuade him.

They bid farewell one by one.

The three of them went back to the dormitory.

When Xiao Xiaomo returned home, it was already after the third watch.

But he was not sleepy, so he lay on the bed and opened the window.

It was a night with a bright moon and few stars, and the bright moonlight shone on Xiao Xiaomo's bed from the window.

I don't feel like my thoughts are wandering.

He remembered many things.

He suddenly thought of Lan Gu and Gong Li in the Great Ming World, as well as Xiaomo Wonton Shop, the potbellied Xiao Chuanba!

Huashan faction from another world, his wife Ning Zhongze, daughter Yue Lingshan and so on.

The more I want to be calm, the more I think of them.

The whole thought roars like a magnificent sea, which seems to never stop.

But it is a very painful thing to miss someone.

However, Xiao Xiaomo feels that missing someone is also a very happy thing.

He believes that at least there are people in the world that he can trust, instead of completely despairing of everyone.

At least when I feel helpless, I can go to him to confide my grievances, and even vent my helplessness.

Believe in this person, he will comfort her patiently and comfort her.

After thinking about it like this, it took an unknown amount of time before Xiao Xiaomo fell into a deep sleep.

When he woke up, it was already high in the sun.

He was awakened by the rising sun.Because his window was not closed.

The warm morning sun came in and shone on his bed.

He didn't want to open his eyes, just lay lazily, enjoying the sunbathing of nature.

Today is a working day, he doesn't have to go to work.

Therefore, he is in no hurry to get up.Simply sleep late.

He looked at this simple room in a blink of an eye.

Dilapidated windows, dilapidated tables, dilapidated walls, dilapidated boards, dilapidated bed covers...

Everything is so simple.

Plus his simple person.

Xiao Xiaomo suddenly felt that the lives of ordinary people were not easy.

A sad feeling arises spontaneously.

"My child... my child... it's time to get up. Sleeping for a long time is not good for your health."

An old voice sounded outside the door.

Xiao Xiaomo knew this.This is Wei Po's voice.

Xiao Xiaomo quickly climbed out, jumped off the bed, and opened the door.

Embarrassed to Mrs. Wei: "It's all because I slept too late yesterday...I'll go and make breakfast for you."

Wei Po smiled kindly: "You don't have to take care of everything by yourself. Although I am old, my bones are still strong. I have already made breakfast, go and eat!"

Xiao Xiaomo felt even more uneasy. You must know that he is a member of the Mo family, and he usually takes care of the injustice, let alone the mother of this body?
So he said with concern: "Mother, don't worry about it anymore. Let the children do these things... Alas! I really deserve it!"

After finishing speaking, he slapped himself twice hard.

Wei Po hurriedly stopped Xiao Xiaomo, and said some comforting words, and then the mother and son sat down to eat.

Although this breakfast was very ordinary, the two of them ate very deliciously.

At this time, An Xiaohui came to him.

An Xiaohui said angrily, "Brother Wei, something is wrong! Why don't you follow me to see Huang Jinmei?"

Xiao Xiaomo asked anxiously: "Jin Mei? What happened to her?"

An Xiaohui said: "She lost half her life overnight, the situation is very dangerous..."

Xiao Xiaomo hurriedly bid farewell to Mrs. Wei, and searched for Huang Jinmei together with An Xiaohui.

When they left their house, they saw that there was already a carriage waiting for them.

An Xiaohui explained that she hired the carriage.

Xiao Xiaomo didn't hesitate, and got into the carriage with An Xiaohui.

The groom whipped his whip and galloped straight to Songyang Textile City in Luoyang City...

After finding Huang Jinmei's residence, she knocked on the door for a long time.

Only then did Huang Jinmei's weak response come from inside: "Who is it? Knocking on the door at such a late hour?"

An Xiaohui said angrily: "Beautiful Huang, I have already found your sweetheart, Brother Wei, can we come in now?"

Jinmei's weaker voice came from inside the room: "Come in, the door is unlocked. Is Big Brother Wei here too? This is really great."

Xiao Xiaomo and An Xiaohui pushed the door open and went in.

After passing the hall, enter a bedroom on the right, and you will see Huang Jinmei.

I saw her lying on the bed, gasping for breath, her face like gold paper.

At first glance, it looked like the condition was very serious. In just one night, a living person actually became like this.

You can see the power of this poison.

Sitting beside Huang Jinmei's bed, Xiao Xiaomo took his little hand to feel her pulse for a long time before letting go.

Xiao Xiaomo was silent for a moment.

Seeing Xiao Xiaomo's serious expression, Huang Jinmei's heart was in her throat.

He asked in a trembling voice, "Brother Wei...Wei...Brother Wei, is this little one still curable?"

Xiao Xiaomo said coldly: "Xiaomei, I told you a long time ago that you have been poisoned by Zuo Lengchan. You should believe it now, right?"

After hearing Xiao Xiaomo's words, Jinmei immediately showed a very surprised expression, and murmured: "Isn't I sick? Why is it poisoned now? Are you scaring me?"

An Xiaohui was the first to defend Xiao Xiaomo, saying: "Nonsense, brother Wei is not that kind of person. Brother Wei usually does good deeds of chivalry, and has never done such shady things. You and brother Wei met After so long, don't you understand what he is like?"

An Xiaohui is not the kind of deceitful and cunning person, and she will not deceive any acquaintance or friend.

Jinmei is very clear about this.

So Huang Jinmei became even more terrified.

Xiao Xiaomo even asserted that Huang Jinmei was poisoned with the same poison as Huang Zhen, it was the appalling Jiu Chong Wei Wei Pill.

And pointed out that the person who poisoned was Zuo Lengchan.

Huang Jinmei was unwilling to fail, and stubbornly refused to believe Xiao Xiaomo's deduction.

Xiao Xiaomo asked coldly: "Did Zuo Lengchan promise you that after the death of the city lord, the entire Songyang Textile City will be yours? Hehe! Do you even believe such a lie? Don't even think about it, Zuo What is Lengchan doing so many things for? To put it bluntly, he doesn’t want to get Songyang Textile City? Think about it, will he, Zuo Lengchan, give you all the fat you can eat?”

This sentence made Jinmei speechless, and finally admitted the fact.

Weeping loudly: "Brother Wei, you must save me? I... little..."

(End of this chapter)

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