Chivalry Cultivation System

Chapter 294 Ren Yingying's Assassination

Chapter 294 Ren Yingying's Assassination

There are four from the Western Regions, namely:

Shi Jingxia, the leader of the Tianshan Workers' League; Milche, the leader of the Pamir Mountain City; Honghua Fairy, the leader of the XZ Red Flower City; Lady Bai Xue, the leader of the Great Desert Oasis City!

The last one was a businessman from Persia, named Makou Bolan, who had unparalleled wealth at the time and was also good at management. Therefore, although he was a barbarian from abroad, he became the president of the Chamber of Commerce in the Western Regions. The town has been settled for 15 years and is the richest man in the Western Regions.

These people are big names in the business circles of the Western Regions. What they want is peaceful coexistence and self-seeking of wealth. Since their rise in Gongger Town, in order to protect their immediate interests, in addition to paying tribute to the Ming Dynasty, they also It is necessary to give part of the commission to the righteous faction of the Kunlun faction, and find the actual protection of the Kunlun faction.

Although the five evils of the Western Regions covet the rich men, none of them can fight against the Kunlun faction alone. Therefore, despite the chaos in the Western Regions, under the protection of the Kunlun faction, these businessmen are safe from danger and make a lot of money!
Since the Kunlun faction was wiped out by the five evil factions, these merchants have lost their protection. The four evil factions will not kill chickens to get eggs, but let them pay commissions, which are three times that of the Kunlun faction.

And there are still four factions, four times three, and it has doubled twelve times at once, which is even more vicious than robbers.

These people are experts in making money and ancestors who took advantage of it. Now that they have suffered such a big loss, they are naturally unwilling to reconcile, so they privately found Mr. Su Bu Leisu, a famous criminal master in the government of Gonger Town, and asked Mr. Su to implore Nan Qianlie Siba Dafa Wang sent officers and soldiers to encircle and suppress the four evil sects.

The five evil sects heard the news and went into hiding. Although the officers and soldiers destroyed the five evil sects' garrison, once the officers and soldiers retreated, the five evil sects made a comeback. Since the garrison was destroyed, they even redoubled their search for the people's wealth and the Western Region Chamber of Commerce.

The commotion caused great dissatisfaction among the people in Gongger Town, and the Yamen was peaceful.

The assistant teacher Wang Nanqilesiba in Gonger Township of Daming Wusi Tibetan Capital Division was in a state of desperation for a while.

Mr. Su then asked Ying Yuhao to come to the inn again to ask for a peerless master to control the five major evil sects in the Western Regions. He would give him one to rule the barbarians with barbarians, and to rule the barbarians with force.

That's why Xiao Xiaomo and Ren Yingying were able to give the Sun Moon God Sect and the Ming Dynasty more opportunities to communicate.

At the right time, Xiao Xiaomo's luck can be said to be extremely overwhelming and unprecedented.

The Sun Moon God Sect is the largest sect in martial arts today, and there are so many masters in the sect, and Xiao Xiaomo also promised that the Sun Moon God Sect aspires to become the world's number one chivalrous sect, so as to inherit the Ming Sect's chivalrous teachings of "saving the world from suffering" .

Xiao Xiaomo and Ren Yingying greeted the rich people one by one, and then everyone chatted with each other again, singing and dancing in the guest room, it was so lively!
Xiao Xiaomo asked why Mr. Su asked Bai Butou and others in the yamen to pretend to be robbers and attack another tenant?

Mr. Su said it was to test Xiao Xiaomo's strength!

Everyone rejoiced until dawn, and then they dispersed and went back to their guest rooms to rest!
Everyone took turns to toast to Xiao Xiaomo, and Xiao Xiaomo seemed to be drinking together one by one, so that when the show was over, Xiao Xiaomo was already staggering, even going back to the room was supported by Ren Yingying.

When Ren Yingying put Xiao Xiaomo on the bed, Xiao Xiaomo only smiled and said: "Yingying, you are so kind! I...I will definitely cherish it with my life..."

Before finishing this sentence, his whole body fell into a deep sleep.

Ren Yingying trembled all over, her heart was shaken, she gently put down Xiao Xiaomo's hands holding her bright wrists, got up gently and left the bed, then went to close the doors and windows, and finally sat down on a sandalwood chair beside the bed.

Then he carefully looked at Xiao Xiaomo who was in a coma.

I saw that he had sharp eyebrows, bright eyes, red lips and white teeth, and a face as beautiful as a crown jewel... He was indeed a handsome man from top to bottom...

And he also has unrivaled martial arts!
The most rare thing is that he loves me to the bone!
If you say that Ren Yingying doesn't like such a man, that's absolutely nonsense!
Ren Yingying is a woman, of course she hopes to have a man who loves her.

But in her heart there is always a demon haunting her, that is the tragic death of the green bamboo man, she can't forget the green bamboo man's kindness in nurturing, she wants to kill Xiao Xiaomo to avenge the green bamboo man!

Lingtian is a golden opportunity, because Xiao Xiaomo is drunk, so drunk!
It would be easy for her to kill Xiao Xiaomo now!
This time, I have already contacted the important people in Gongger Town, so Ren Yingying can tell her father to let me go, and remove the five evil factions that are still entrenched in Xiaokun Mountain and have not dispersed with lightning speed, even at this time Even after killing Xiao Xiaomo, the Kunlun branch of the Sun and Moon God Sect can still be successfully established.

So Ren Yingying took out a dagger from her skirt, and when she pulled out the blade, the room shone with a cold light, and at the same time, there were layers of cold air.

This cold light and cold air came from the Nappa dagger that she held tremblingly in her snow-white jade hand.

She slowly and gently walked towards Xiao Xiaomo...

Yes!She wanted to take advantage of Xiao Xiaomo's drunken state to pierce the heart of her great enemy Xiao Xiaomo with this cold dagger.

In this way, Green Bamboo Man's vengeance can be avenged, and she can live her life with peace of mind.

Step by step, the guest room was not very big. As time passed, Ren Yingying finally stopped by the bed again. She no longer hesitated, gently lifted the quilt with her left hand, and stabbed Xiao Xiaomo's heart with the dagger in her right hand …

At the same time, crystal tears gushed out of her beautiful eyes, and then slid down her spotless, white as snow cheeks...

The shape of her face became distorted due to the pain, and even became a little hideous at times.

She was in pain because she actually liked Xiao Xiaomo very much, but at this moment, she wanted to kill the person she liked with her own hands!
She is in pain because Xiao Xiaomo is her and her father Ren Woxing's savior. The Green Bamboo Weng taught her to be a person who will repay her kindness since she was a child, but now she wants to kill this benefactor herself!
She was in pain because she regretted that the Sun Moon God Sect was about to lose a once-in-a-lifetime hero, and this loss was caused by her own efforts.

When her vision became somewhat blurred due to tears, her dagger was already pressed against Xiao Xiaomo's chest.

She could even feel his heavy breathing, and even see his chest rising and falling rhythmically.

As long as the dagger in her hand is sent in, this living and good person will stop all movements in an instant.

Xiao Xiaomo was indeed too drunk, his life was dying, but he still didn't know it!

During this process, Ren Yingying has been struggling in her heart: "I want revenge... I am about to kill my father's confidant, my savior..."

So repeatedly tangled.

Finally, Ren Yingying clenched her teeth, withdrew the dagger, and put its sheath on the coffee table beside the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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