Chivalry Cultivation System

Chapter 33 Opening and Commencement

Chapter 33 Opening and Commencement

At that time, a young man wearing a bamboo hat was holding a lit cigarette stick in his hand. He approached Chen's mother and asked her about the way. Just as Chen's mother was about to answer, she suddenly smelled some smoke and passed out...

After she woke up, her daughter, frowning, disappeared without a trace.The owner of the tea shed is also missing.

Mother Chen woke up and couldn't see her daughter frowning. In anxiety, she turned from day to night... When passing through the suburban mountains and forests, it rained heavily and thunder and lightning struck. Mother Chen was absent-minded and unfortunately was hit by lightning on her legs...

When Chen's mother woke up, she was already lying in a hospital, her legs had been amputated, and she became a disabled person who could not walk.

Chen's mother was strong-willed and used her hands instead of feet to pull Bafa's son Chen Feng until he was 14 years old. Then Chen Feng went to work in some small shops that could recruit child labor to earn money to support his mother...

Also following her mother's orders, in her spare time, she was looking for her younger sister who was snatched by traffickers...

The sun and the moon are not old and easy to grow old, and in a blink of an eye Chen Feng is a little fat man. After he got a guide, he wandered to Wuzhen because he was uneducated and wanted to change more money.

And make a living at Hongfu Winery in Wuzhen until now.

Because he wanted to raise money to find his sister and experienced a miserable half of his life, he became extremely opportunistic and selfish.

No matter who he is dealing with, he adopts a clever search policy, and always tries his best to enrich his own pockets at the expense of others and self-interest. Because of his limited knowledge, mediocre wisdom, and unsophisticated methods, he is cast aside by the public. You can only hang around among your friends all day long to make a small profit.

Gong Li was speechless for a long time after hearing his explanation of her half body.

After a long time, he asked: "Since your sister was snatched away, how did you find her?"

Chen Fengdao: "Female imprint, there is a crescent moon imprint the size of a finger on the inner thigh of my sister."

Gong Li said airily: "Just because of a birthmark on the inner thigh? Are you kidding me? Unless it's your wife, unless it's an exhibitionist, which woman would easily show you the inner thigh? The chances of you finding your sister It's just minuscule."

Chen Feng said stubbornly: "Even if there is a slight chance, I will not let it go. I will find all possible people to check the a** of women of the same age as my sister. Hum! As small as single women and young women , to rich girls, or even prostitutes, as long as they are similar in age to my sister, I will try my best to investigate."

Gong Li said in surprise: "If there are so many women in the Ming Dynasty, it will not be easy for you to find a needle in a haystack, and all of them involve the adultery of the suspected person. If you want to find out one by one, it may be difficult to reach the sky."

Chen Fengdao: "Money can turn ghosts around. In this world, as long as you have enough money in your hands, what things can't be done?"

Gong Li thought for a while, and then said: "It is said that everyone gathers firewood, and the fire is high, and it is easy to do things with more people! Why don't you let Xiao Mozi and the others find a way to help you find your sister together!"

Chen Feng said: "Sister Li, don't ask for it! This is my private matter, I will handle it myself, please don't tell anyone about my search for my sister. Especially the nosy little Mozi. Otherwise , I can only be forced to leave here.”

Gong Li sighed and promised not to publicize this matter.

Chen Fengcai recalled the purpose of coming, so he explained the purpose of coming, and returned the sweat towel that Gong Li gave him to wipe his tears, but Gong Li told him to throw it away, but he secretly put it in his pocket.

When the two arrived at Xiaomo's wonton shop, everyone was eating around the table. When they saw Gong Li, they gave her a seat one after another, but she sat next to Xiao Xiaomo.

After Xiao Xiaomo asked Chen Feng to sit down, he got up and cooked two big bowls of wontons.

After a while, Gong Li asked Xiao Xiaomo about the details of opening tomorrow, and Xiao Xiaomo told them one by one.

Gong Li suggested that everyone ask for a day off, in case there were too many people, Xiao Xiaomo would not be able to handle it, and everyone was submissive.

Only Chen Feng was worried that his foreman would not approve.

Knowing his temper, Xiao Xiaomo simply advised him not to ask for leave, but to start work with peace of mind.

There was contempt in everyone's eyes, but he pretended not to see it.

Liu Ling said that they would definitely invite their colleagues to watch the ceremony.

Of course Xiao Xiaomo was moved in his heart, and planned to hire them at a high price once the Xiaomo Wonton Shop became popular, so as not to let them do things based on other people's faces.

And I prayed in my heart that I would have more opportunities to obtain the mysterious recipes of other delicacies in the martial arts world.

The next day, just as Chaoyang showed half a smiling face, Xiaomo Wonton Shop let out the sound of cannons.

A brand new big red cloth was hung on the door of the shed, and Xiao Xiaomo, Lan Gu, Fu Yuan, Liu Ling, Shan Meizi and others were already very busy. Today, although it is a voluntary labor, let everyone taste small Mo wonton, but the attitude of the owner and waiter is especially related to the future business of Xiaomo wonton shop.

Therefore, today is a heavy and heavy day.

Xiao Xiaomo and others were very alert, but they were still in a hurry.

Gong Li is the host of the opening ceremony of Xiaomo Wonton Shop today. She said proudly:

"Today, Xiao Xiaomo, the long-term tenant of my old friend's residence, has achieved extraordinary achievements in wonton skills."

"—Boss Xiao, based on the principle of sharing good things with everyone, specially opened the Xiaomo wonton shop here today."

"——Due to the lack of waiters, everyone here only had a chance to taste the wontons here today, and could not satisfy all the neighbors. On behalf of Boss Xiao, I would like to solemnly express my deepest gratitude to all the neighbors and friends passing by. apology!"

"—Everyone, please choose your own seat. If you think Boss Xiao's craftsmanship is not bad, I hope you can promote the store to your friends."

As soon as she finished speaking, more than 20 onlookers found seats outside the wonton shed.

And Liu Ling and others immediately brought them a bowl of steaming wontons.

Originally, tables and chairs had been set up inside and outside the shed. These people were all busy people. After preparing to 'taste' wontons, they went about their own affairs.Therefore, in order to save time, they sat outside the shed.

Originally, tables and chairs had been set up inside and outside the shed. These people were all busy people. After preparing to 'taste' wontons, they went about their own affairs.Therefore, in order to save time, they sat outside the shed.

In short, be careful, after enjoying this free breakfast, they will wipe their mouths, pat their butts and leave, going about their own business.

Unexpectedly, after they finished half of the bowl of wontons, they immediately changed their minds and stopped leaving. Instead, they called out the boss, Xiao Xiaomo.

Xiao Xiaomo, who was in a hurry, thought something was wrong, so he came out and asked the reason.It turned out that more than 20 "busy people" asked him to apply for a membership card, saying that not only would they come here to eat wontons, but they would also try to bring their relatives and friends.

(End of this chapter)

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