Chapter 386
He hurriedly said with a smile: "This junior already has a wife, so how can he practice swords in the palace? Senior's request, this junior will definitely not be able to accept!"

Kuizu's expression suddenly turned gloomy, and he sighed: "Oh! It seems that I have to tell you my bitter history, so that you can learn my true sunflower book!"

Xiao Xiaomo hurriedly said: "Senior, why does the junior insist on learning the True Sunflower Book?"

Kui Zu said: "Two reasons - first, only if you have practiced the True Sunflower Canon, can you help me capture and kill Heishan Muhe, which is what you call Black Heart Kong, because he has Dongfang Bubai and other minions; Second, you are upright and chivalrous, and you have the ambition to help the world, and you are the only heir of my true sunflower book."

Therefore, Kui Zu told a bitter past.

It turned out that when the Mongolian aliens settled in the Central Plains, atrocities everywhere, trampled on the last dignity of the Han people, and regarded the Han people as fourth-class pariahs...Many heroes emerged among the Han people determined to drive away the brutal Mongolian Tartars!

Among them, Zhu Yuanzhang, the Taizu emperor, was the most insightful and wise. He was born in a peasant family, and he realized the difficulty of ordinary people's life and the truth that people are inferior to pigs since he was a child.

So Emperor Taizu finally drove the Mongol Tartars out of the Central Plains to the desert with his own slaves and the assistance of low-level peasants and righteous men from all walks of life, and established the first dynasty for the benefit of the poor - the Ming Dynasty...

After that, the sons and daughters of Huaxia raised their eyebrows again!

Among them, Lu Kui, who was born in the third year of Hongwu, is a Han from Huozhou. Both of his parents died when he was young. Fortunately, he was helped by his neighbors.

From the age of seven, he started to learn the art of shooting with his own slingshot and bow and arrow in his spare time. By the time he was ten years old, his bow and horse skills had reached a certain level, and he was gradually able to support himself by hunting...

One day when he was hunting in Huoyan Mountain, he suddenly saw two men fighting with swords, one white and one black. He hid far away in the dense forest and only heard the two men beating and scolding. The man in white scolded the black man. The man in the clothes is a Mongolian dog, the man in black scolds the man in white for being chivalrous and killed his ancestors...

Those two couldn't stop talking about reasoning, but their hands became more and more urgent... In the end, the two gave up using their moves and turned to compete in internal strength, but they were still evenly matched.

One is a Mongolian of unknown origin, and the other is a Han Chinese in white clothes like snow, but they are also two lives. Who should he help?
Aunt Xia, the "skillful Xishi" who has rescued him many times, has warned him many times that the Mongols are cruel and behave like beasts, etc., and should avoid self-protection as soon as they meet...

But he has developed the habit of using his brain since he was a child, and he always thinks carefully about things for a long time, because his hunting life told him that the antelope was innocent, but was eaten by wild wolves...

From this, he gradually thought of the people around him, such as who was kind to him, who bullied him, etc., so he thought of Aunt Xia, the skillful Xi Shi, who once spun a white shirt for him, and he took it back. Bai Shirt, as soon as he returned to the cave where he used to live, a butcher came with a butcher's knife, snatched his white shirt without saying a word, and even took the white shirt up to his nose in front of him to smell it After smelling it, I kept praising the fragrance...

While he was hesitating, he heard the man in black say: "After I die with you, my Black Eagle Sect can make a comeback in five years to kill every Han in Huozhou City."

After hearing this, Lu Kui shot and killed the man in black without hesitation.

But the man in white has run out of fuel, and wants Lu Kui to inherit his will-to defend Huozhou City.

Lu Kui is only ten years old, so of course he has no ideal of helping the world.

But he lived in Huozhou City since he was a child. Although his parents died early, he was able to survive only with the selfless help of most people in Huozhou City.

He thought that even if he lost his life for the good people in Huozhou City, it was nothing. As long as he could protect those who had helped him selflessly, he would be satisfied!

It's just that what I'm good at is bow horse riding and shooting, and I have no other skills, so what can I use to protect Huozhou?

So he asked the question to the dying man in white.

The man in white struggled to say the word 'Kung Fu'.

Lu Kui naturally understood that the man in white wanted him to learn kung fu well and use it to defend Huozhou, but he had no relatives and no one to rely on, so who did he learn kung fu from?
So he raised the question again to the man in white.

The man in white said without hesitation: "Life. Experience kung fu in life and learn skills from life!"

After the man in white finished speaking, he disappeared.

The words of the man in white make sense.

Take the archery practiced by Lu Kui as an example. It can be regarded as a kung fu explored from life. His archery has his own experience and innovation, and the hundred-step piercing is not enough to fully describe his superb archery.

With one shot, he can circle a big tree three times, and if he encounters some flying birds, it is not uncommon for him to drop them to the ground and let him catch them. He can also kill a bird with a single bamboo arrow. tiger...

Therefore, Lu Kui firmly believed in the words of the man in white, "experience kung fu from life", and made up his mind to spend five years practicing kung fu from life.

His life is very complicated, and he is extremely hardworking. He has to do many things in a day, such as:
Hunting, farming, blacksmithing, fishing, cooking, planting flowers and medicines, as well as handymen in medical halls, wineries and inns.

The reason why he does so many things is actually driven by the idea of ​​repaying gratitude in his heart. He wants to do his best to earn wealth and repay those who have helped him and those who need his assistance.

In addition to being self-reliant, he is also willing to help others.

Therefore, even though he is a teenager whose parents died, no one in Huozhou City would look down on him.

He became a role model for many families with children in educating their children.

Five years passed in a flash, and Lu Kui had become a handsome young man.

He has practiced copper head and iron arms, hard qigong, and is invulnerable from head to toe, the peasant stick method, the fishing whip method, the three-style hatchet knife, the nine-style butcher knife, the hundred-step body method, and the embroidery needle method.

Among them, when it comes to killing techniques, the Nine Stances of the Butcher Knife should be the first, but the embroidery needle technique at this time is just an ingenious martial technique for piercing acupuncture points, and its power is far inferior to that of the later Sunflower Collection.

Sure enough, the Blackwater Cult of the man in black came to attack, but they all died at the hands of Lu Kui alone.

Since then, Huozhou City has enjoyed peace forever, and the Black Water Sect in Turpan dare not commit any crimes.

One day, Lu Kui rescued a girl who was besieged by the "Seven Wolves of the Desert" on the outskirts of the volcano city.

After the two announced their names, Lu Kui found out that the woman's name was Hua Jieyu, and she had a nickname that martial arts people admired very much-Scattered Flower Goddess.

Hua Jieyu was born in an extremely mysterious sect in the Central Plains Wulin. The sect is called the Huajian Sect, and the Hua family has been the head of this sect for generations...

(End of this chapter)

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