Chivalry Cultivation System

Chapter 424 Chapter 425 Yili 8

Chapter 424 Chapter 425
On the way, Xiao Xiaomo flew a pigeon to send a letter to Huang Zhenyan saying that he would leave Huozhou in the future, and when he arrived in Huozhou, Huang Zhen appeared and the two sides were together.

Xiao Xiaomo asked about the Nether Sect's next plan, and Huang Zhen said that his leader hoped that Xiao Xiaomo would follow Huang Zhen to secretly visit the Yili Bali Khanate, with the intention of uniting Yili Bali to deal with the Yarkand Khanate.

Xiao Xiaomo was ordered to assist the Nether Sect to succeed this time, so he had no choice but to follow his will.

Lu Dian was left as the governor of Huozhou, and the prime minister for all important military and political affairs in Huozhou.

Huang Zhen said that their Nether Sect had enough soldiers and horses, and he did not suggest Xiao Xiaomo's Xiao family army to accompany them.

Xiao Xiaomo speculated that this was the intention of the leader of the Nether Sect to prevent him from finding opportunities for the Xiao family army to seize land and power, and he didn't take it seriously, so he left 15 Xiao family troops to stay in Huozhou. Xiaqiudong Sijian Maid, Huashan Erlao, Dumb Servant Miaogu and his wife, Huanfeng Shiqi and others rushed to Yili Bali City overnight with Huang Zhen.

In addition to the 18 troops that Hamiwei took over from King Zhongshun, the Xiao family's army is about 33, and the momentum is huge. Even if Emperor Zhengde wants to kill him in the future, he will have to weigh more to protect himself.

With a large number of people, supplies became a problem. Fortunately, most of the soldiers and civilians believed in Mohism and condemned Confucianism. Therefore, before leaving Huozhou, Xiao Xiaomo, as a Mohist tycoon, ordered the soldiers of the Xiao Family Army in Hamiwei and Huozhou to disarm and return to the fields, and returned to the merchants. In order to be self-sufficient, this move has also been vigorously promoted.

During another ten days' journey, they finally arrived at Yili Bali City. Everyone temporarily stayed in the guest room. Huang Zhen went out by himself. After a while, Huang Zhen returned.

Xiao Xiaomo realized that Huang Zhen went out to get into the palace, but he didn't know what tricks he used to achieve it, and was even more surprised by the supernatural powers of the Nether Sect.

The next day, before setting off, Huang Zhen carried a golden bundle on his back, and repeatedly told Xiao Xiaomo and the others that whoever dared to harm him must take action to protect him. Xiao Xiaomo felt strange and asked Huang Zhen the reason. But he kept his mouth shut, and only said that everything would be clear after seeing Dao Erping Tian Khan.

Xiao Xiaomo had no choice but to suppress his curiosity, and a group of people rushed to the palace, but they kept Huang Zhenwei at the core as promised.

As Huang Zhen expected, along the way, stop and go, a total of ten groups of masked men came to rob and kill Xiao Xiaomo and others in the Yili Bali City in broad daylight...

Because the masked men who came to attack them were both good and evil, Xiao Xiaomo did not take action, but was either shot and killed by the whirlwind eighteen riders, or killed by the sword strength of Huashan Erlao, Tian Boguang and others...

The sky was covered with blood, it seemed that there was a light rain, and there was no one on the street—except for the killer, only Xiao Xiaomo and others were there.

Innocent people have already closed their doors, but they secretly look out through the cracks in their windows.

Why do these killers continue to rob and kill themselves and others?
Xiao Xiaomo and others all cast doubtful looks at Huang Zhen, but he said that after seeing Dao Erping Tianhan, everything became clear.


Xiao Xiaomo and his entourage entered the palace until they went to the study to wait, about a stick of incense passed, the eunuch screamed outside the door: "The Great Khan is here!"

Everyone hurriedly got up and waited on both sides.

There was another sound of occupying space outside the door, presumably the guard door had already guarded the exits of the upper study.

There is a white-haired eunuch leading the way, and an old man with a golden crown behind is supported by two charming Han maids.

The old man with the golden crown was very dignified and well-mannered. He sat down on the seat and said with a hooting smile: "Everyone is a visitor from afar, please sit down quickly."

Xiao Xiaomo and others sat down.

The seats are temporarily moved sandalwood chairs, placed in two rows on the left and right, with the shirts supporting the majesty of Pingtian Khan.

The white-haired eunuch said coldly, "When the Khan arrived, he didn't salute. Is this the etiquette of your Han people?"

Xiao Xiaomo said indifferently: "We are the people of Ming Dynasty, why should we kneel down to you Mongolians? Besides, I'm afraid you might not be able to bear the honor of my king!"

Ren Yingying said coldly: "This is Xiao Xiaomo, a chivalrous prince with a different surname in Ming Dynasty. I think it's your monarchs and ministers who should salute, right? Brother Xiao, please show them the Nine Dragon Jade Pendant bestowed by the emperor!"

Xiao Xiaomo said yes, and really took out the Nine Dragon Jade Pendant and shook it in the air.

In a panic, Er Ping Tian Khan rolled off the dragon seat and knelt down on the ground, saying: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

The old eunuch, the two maids and the guards outside the upper study room knelt down and shouted.

Xiao Xiaomo said complacently: "Sweat is free, please get up!"

Dao Erping Tian Khan returned to his seat with the support of the two maids. The old eunuch knelt by the desk with a face of shame, not daring to get up.

Dao Erping Tian Khan smiled and said: "Huang Zuo's letter did not mention to Ben Khan that the Lord Xia would also be here. If I had known this, Ben Khan should have led the officials to welcome the Lord?"

Yili Bali Note:
One of the capitals of the Eastern Chagatai Khanate, one of its nicknames, coexisted with the Ming Dynasty. In the middle of the 14th century, the Chagatai Khanate, one of the four major khanates of the original Mongolian Empire that ruled Central Asia, split into the Eastern Chagatai Khanate and the Western Chagatai Khanate. The king of the Eastern Chagatai Khanate (Khan ) is mainly active in Biesha Bali (Bali is a Turkic language, meaning "city"), which is called Biesha Bali country according to Ming records.

Its rulers were Mongols, who lived a nomadic life. In 1391, the historian of the King of East Chagatai sent envoys to pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty, which was the beginning of formal contact with the Ming Dynasty.

In the 16th year of Yongle (1418), Waisi became the king of the Eastern Chagatai Khanate, and all the people moved westward to the Ili River Valley (now Yining area of ​​XJ), and renamed it Yilibali. "Yili" should be another transliteration of Yili, and "Bali" is suspected to be Bali.Waisi continued to maintain contact with the Ming Dynasty and continued to pay tribute.

In 1432, Weisi died, and his descendants were not comparable to each other, and the Eastern Chagatai Khanate split.

At that time, Yilibali had been divided into three kingdoms: Yilibali, Yeerqiang and Turpan, whose kings were all descendants of Chagatai.

One of the descendants still used the name of Yilibali to communicate with the Ming Dynasty; Yaerqiang had all the land south of Tianshan Mountain, east of Congling Mountain and west of Bosten Lake.The other is centered on the TLF, standing on its own as a Khan, and contending with the Ming Dynasty.

And Daoerping Tianhan is the monarch of Yili Bali's generation. They regard Ming Dynasty as the heavenly dynasty and the emperor of Ming Dynasty as their father.

Therefore, when the son saw his father's keepsake, Nine Dragons Jade Peili, he knelt down and kowtowed.

Huang Zhen smiled and said: "Khan, the Lord Xia is the mysterious person mentioned in the letter! It's just that the Lord Xia has a prominent status, so it's not appropriate to make too much publicity, and I didn't intend to deceive each other!"

Xiao Xiaomo secretly said: "Sure enough, today's meeting was organized by Huang Zhen again! He is just an emissary (promoted) of Nether Sect, why should Daoer Tianhan personally meet him?"

Daoer Pingtian Khan said: "So that's it! It's Ben Khan who is suspicious! Brother Huang, take care of me."

(End of this chapter)

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