Chapter 430

Aunt Hang Aima said: "The common people are more kind. They did refuse us to stay, but at the same time they told me to leave quickly. If I guessed correctly, something big will happen here, and it is the kind that is not good for the poor. .Because we're all disguised as refugees."

Xiao Xiaomo said: "What everyone said is reasonable, it seems that the best way at present is to adapt to the situation."

They were talking as they walked along the streets of the small village.

By this time, we had arrived in front of a luxurious mansion.

This is a one-of-a-kind mansion.

At this time, a fat and oily housekeeper was walking his dog by the courtyard gate. It was an extremely majestic wolfhound.

When the animal saw a stranger, it ran to snatch food.

But he was frightened away by the whirlwind eighteen knights with eyes more vicious than wolves, and went back behind its master with its tail between its legs, barking like a dog, as if complaining about its grievances.

The overweight butler cursed viciously: "What use are you for a useless beast?" He killed the wolfhound with a single slap.

Unexpectedly, a housekeeper also has martial arts.

Although the butler killed the wolf dog, the anger on his face still persisted. He was a man who was not afraid of anything. He was only afraid of his master, Jin Manweng, the rich man in his life. He felt that his dog should be as brave and fearless as himself. , otherwise he is not worthy to be his dog!Just like the tenant farmers hired by the Jin family, if they are disobedient, he will not let them have a good time.

However, although the wolf dog was killed by him, he still wants to get back the face for this animal he has spurned, and to get back the face of the wolf dog, he also wants to get back his own face.

So he looked at Xiao Xiaomo and the others full of resentment, but when he saw Xiao Xiaomo dressed as a refugee, his anger disappeared and he put on a smile.

He waved his hands and said in a loud voice: "Wandering sweat, you haven't eaten yet, Master Gui, my master invites you!"

Xiao Xiaomo and others approached the housekeeper.

Although Jian Gui's housekeeper was smiling, his narrowed eyes still reflected a kind of ferocity like a wild wolf!

This is definitely a look that only an extremely vicious person deserves to have.

Xiao Xiaomo said humbly: "The elder is so kind? Do we have many people?"

Gui steward said grandly: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, the master has a lot of fertile land in his hands. As long as you are obedient and hardworking, are you afraid that you won't be able to support yourself? What's more, these little girls among you are really talented. If you can't use it On a serious occasion, wouldn't it be useless to use this good looks made in heaven?"

Xiao Xiaomo said: "This is my sister! But, what is a serious occasion?"

Gui Gui, the housekeeper, patiently explained: "These little girls will be the geishas in my Jin residence. They will wait on my master when there are no guests. They will sleep on the fifth floor when there are guests. The rest will belong to my master!"

The girls were very angry.

Also a pimp?It seems that he has to make his family completely ruined!
Xiao Xiaomo suppressed his anger, and said: "Since your master has tens of thousands of fertile fields in his hands, you must hire tenant farmers to farm the land for your master, right? Now even us vagrants are recruited, which shows that your hands There is a problem with the agricultural workers, maybe there is no one to farm the land for your master now! And I am afraid we have picked up a bargain!"

The steward Gui said: "What's the matter? I kindly took you in because I saw how pitiful you are for dragging your family! Could it be that I was a bad person?"

Xiao Xiaomo said: "Unless you tell us the reason, we won't stay!"

After saying that, she turned around and wanted to go away, Ren Yingying and others followed closely behind.

Gui Steward hurriedly stopped them and told the reason for hiring them.

It turned out that Jin Manweng, the master of the housekeeper, was the number one rich man in Huangzhuang. After he became rich, his ability did not increase much, and the ability to deduct the tenants of his consortium has become even more powerful!
In comparison, Huangzhuang Jiang, Zheng, and Liu, the three local rich men, are much kinder, and at least sometimes they will engage in donation activities after natural disasters and man-made disasters.But Jin Manwen only thought of the word 'wealth'.

In addition to his special deduction, Jin Manweng is also good at speculation.He mainly gets rich by operating agriculture, but he is especially good at seizing the opportunity. 20 years ago, he lured 20 tenant farmers to help him land the land with high prices, but he tricked these [-] tenant farmers into signing a [-]-year contract with him. .

At that time, the three thousand households only saw the high interest rate and thought they had taken advantage of it. Who knew that three years after signing the contract, the other three rich men, under the benign supervision of the Ming Dynasty policy, all raised their tenant farmers' wages according to the imperial court's request. The increase is double the original.

However, Jin Manweng still pays wages according to the original unit price on the grounds that the contract has not expired.

The tenant farmers are making trouble, and the governor of the state government can't do anything about him. He has a contract in his hand, so what can he do?
Today, 20 years later, most of Jin Manweng's [-] tenant farmers are over [-] years old. If the son inherits his father's business, he can barely help him fight for his interests, but those who have no children are still struggling. Let the rich man hate him, because they are old, and apart from being able to plant their own land, they rarely have the opportunity to help him.

The other three rich men have done good deeds and accumulated good reputations over the years, and many poor people are willing to work for them.

And once the contract expires, only 950 households will renew the contract, and [-] households will be out of his control, and they will not work for him. They only rely on hunting and farming from the small land in the capital to survive. , in order to see how this rich and heartless gold rich man will fall.

It's a pity that Jin Manwen's luck is really good. He joined Zhang Yong's "Selling Officials to Increase Loudness Movement". It is another beast Anbao who spends money to buy an official, and this Anbao is also a friend of Jin Manyu.

Soon the two hooked up, and they didn't know what benefits Jin Manweng gave An Bao. An Bao followed what Jin Manyuan said. Effectively, another trick of land contracting was played.

An Bao privately formulated a 'land yield standard per mu', which was calculated by the government once a year. For farmers who did not meet the standard, the government had the right to expropriate their land at a low price and then contract it to people with strong abilities. In fact, it was Transferred to Jin Manweng.

In just one year, with the assistance of An Bao, Jin Manweng obtained all the land of the 290 five tenant farmers who did not sign contracts with him.

Jin Manweng believed that as long as he took away the land that these unscrupulous people depended on for their survival, then these unscrupulous people would obediently return to his farm and become his cheap slaves in order to survive. Who knows that people are not as good as God, one year In the past, none of these unscrupulous people have repented and returned. Their little savings can last for a year...

(End of this chapter)

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