Chivalry Cultivation System

Chapter 463 Recommendation Letter

Chapter 463 Recommendation Letter

So he said: "My generation learns martial arts for the purpose of being able to act for the heavens to reassure the people, and to protect the family and defend the country in order to repay the country's kindness! But there is a problem, the younger brother does not know General Liu, and now it is two armies. Fighting, I am afraid that General Niu will not accept the assistance of my younger brother, right?"

Tang Hezheng said with a smile: "It's okay, Brother Liu and I have quite a friendship. Although this is a national event, he still trusts me. I will write him a letter. As long as he reads this letter, he will I believe that you are sincerely going to help him destroy the Japanese pirates."

After finishing speaking, he wrote a letter in an instant, handed it to Xiao Xiaomo with both hands, and said: "You can rest assured that General Liu knows my notes. He can only read this letter. To distinguish the authenticity, he is very bold, and you are heroic and chivalrous, I think the two of you will become good friends! Hey! I hope you can help the suffering people in the world to save a few vicious Japanese pirates, so that our friendship is not in vain One game!"

Xiao Xiaomo said: "Elder brother, don't worry, I will do my best! However, I have a problem that is always stuck in my throat. I know if my elder brother can help me solve this doubt?"

While speaking, he had already packed the letter.

Tang Hezheng said with a smile: "Brother Xiao, you feel like old friends the first time you see him, so why are you so polite? If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, brother, I'll tell you everything!"

Xiao Xiaomo said with a smile: "Actually, it's not a big deal. My little brother is just curious. Your father Shunzhi is a great anti-Japanese hero galloping on the battlefield. His old man's martial arts are world-class, and he even handed over a great hero like Qi Jiguang, but why should I I found out that my brother didn't have any martial arts during the Chinese New Year? I don't know why?"

Tang Hezheng laughed and said: "It's no wonder you are surprised, when many people meet me for the first time, they will ask me this way, in fact, if I change others, they will also ask me this way!
"This matter has to start with my late father! Rejection. I was born less than two months ago. On the day of the full moon banquet, my late father tested my martial arts aptitude. He put a sword and a pen on the table. On the ground in the lobby, let my mother hold me to pick it up. If she picks up the sword, he will teach me martial arts. If she picks up the pen, she will teach me how to read...

"In the end, my mother took me to the Tang to pick it up, but I picked up the little pen. Dad thought that I would only learn literature and not martial arts in the future. All the relatives and friends who were present at that time comforted my father!"

Xiao Xiaomo said with a smile: "I heard that the martial arts handed down by your family is unique in the martial arts world. How can you not let you learn such a good martial art just because of such a trivial matter?"

Tang Hezheng said shamelessly: "That's not true! In fact, the martial arts from our ancestors are not inherited like this! Daddy is more nervous and anxious than anyone else. Of course he insisted on letting me learn martial arts, but when I was five years old, my qualifications for learning martial arts I finally let my father dispel the idea of ​​passing on my family's martial arts, alas!

"In short, I'm not good at practicing martial arts... But I'm a person who has made rapid progress in learning Chinese, don't you think it's strange?
"Father, the old man's idea of ​​family and country is very strong, and he doesn't want to lose the martial arts and the art of war that he has learned all his life, so he privately taught the upright Qi Jiguang some important principles of martial arts and the art of war...

"And because he discovered that Qi Jiguang was a very creative martial arts talent, he didn't dare to give him all his money to teach him, so as not to miss Qi Jiguang... Sure enough, Qi Jiguang later achieved brilliant achievements, which proved that his father had a unique vision and was not wrong!

"Therefore, Qi Jiguang can't be regarded as my father's real apprentice! But Qi Jiguang is very kind, even in his most glorious moment, he still respects our family proudly!"

Xiao Xiaomo said: "That's right! But I feel that my elder brother is very different from ordinary Confucians. My elder brother said that he has a chivalrous heart besides being educated and contemplating books. Let me take the matter of my elder brother asking me to help General Da Dao fight against the Japanese. It can be seen that the old brother is a heroic and courageous person!"

Tang Hezheng didn't seem to hear his words of praise, but asked with a smile: "Then what's in the cloth bag on the little brother's shoulder?"

Xiao Xiaomo said indifferently: "The ears of a thousand robbers in Changshan in the outskirts of Changzhou. It is said that the bandits in Changshan do all kinds of evil, but they are extremely cunning. Every time they escape the roundup of the officers and soldiers... my old brother gave away 10 taels of silver from his family, saying it was a reward and Kill the bandits...

"My younger brother was afraid that my elder brother would not want to see you, so I went up the mountain to end the lives of these beasts. Because it was not easy to carry the corpses, I had to cut off two thousand of their ears and put them in this cloth bag..."

So I put down the cloth bag, and opened it, and it turned out that there were some ears...

Tang Hezheng smiled and said: "Okay, okay! Good kill! So, I still owe you 1 taels of silver, brother! Brother will never let you down, and I will ask the housekeeper to pay you the exact amount later!"

Xiao Xiaomo said with a smile: "I have plenty of money, I don't care a little more! But I have a request, I hope my brother can agree to me."

Tang Hezheng asked what the request was.

Xiao Xiaomo said sincerely: "My younger brother kindly asks my elder brother to give lectures at my Huayue Academy."

Tang Hezheng looked embarrassed, and said that he would go to the capital to take up his post someday, so he could not agree to Xiao Xiaomo's request.

Xiao Xiaomo said: "It's not that troublesome, as long as you spare time to give lectures at Huayue Academy twice within a year, you won't delay your official duties!"

Tang Hezheng readily agreed immediately.

Although Tang Hezheng is not a member of the Donglin Party, he has a high status in Donglin Academy and is respected by many people.As long as the relationship with Tang Hezheng is good, in the future Donglin Party and Wei Zhongxian will fight internally, and he can come forward to mediate fairly.

In addition, Wei Zhongxian came to report just now that someone had assassinated Tang Hezheng. At that time, everyone thought he was talking nonsense and didn't take his words seriously. Where did you know that someone was going to assassinate Tang Hezheng?

This problem can only be solved after I find Wei Zhongxian. After I leave Tang Fu, I will see if I can meet Wei Zhongxian!Then I summoned Aunt Hang Aima and others to rush to Koguryo to fight against the Japanese with me!
After Xiao Xiaomo sorted out his future itinerary, he bid farewell to Tang Hezheng and left.But before saying goodbye, Xiao Xiaohei gave Tang Hezheng a Wuchan Baoyi and a book of Wuqinxi, and said that soon after, Li Chenghao, a hero from the south of the Yangtze River, would come to escort Tang Hezheng to Beijing to take up his post.

Note: Li Chenghao is the father of Li Dingguo, and also a good friend of Xiao Xiaomo in the time-space world of Jade Blood Sword.

Tang Hezheng didn't force him to stay, so he led his family and sent him out of the mansion until Xiao Xiaomo's figure disappeared at the turning point before returning to the mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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