Chapter 483
Boss Hao laughed loudly: "Hao is true to his word and never regrets what he has said! My little girl is always waiting for brother Xiao to marry me!"

Xiao Xiaomo said with an embarrassed smile: "The most important thing is that the elder sister has recovered from her illness! And the business of the good boss is getting better and better. This time it is said to be a double happiness! For this double happiness, let's all drink together liquor."

After saying this, he finished the wine in the glass first, and everyone drank it down!

I pour them so much joy and celebration!Their windfall has aroused the envy of other rich men and quack doctors in Dongfeng Town. They really wish they could eat Xiao Xiaomo's flesh and drink up Xiao Xiaomo's blood.

So the conspiracy gradually shrouded the Penglai Inn!

On this day, just as Xiao Xiaomo opened the door of the clinic, someone came to see him.

The person who came was a charming and charming young woman, wearing a silk hairpin sarong, light make-up and plain clothes, and walking vigorously, one could tell that she was a peasant woman.Probably because the family was busy with farm work and her man couldn't get away, that's why he didn't accompany her to see a doctor.

Xiao Xiaomo asked him to sit down, and looked carefully, there was a faint trace of blackness on his brows, his brows were deeply furrowed, his eyes were full of worry, although he was still sitting there quietly, he looked extraordinarily frightened!

Xiao Xiaomo said softly: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, you are poisoned, I have a way to cure it for you!"

The young woman called herself Zhang, from the south of the city, because she was suddenly bitten by an unknown poison while she was sleeping soundly last night, and she felt unintentionally uncomfortable after waking up...

After Xiao Xiaomo got his pulse, he found out the cause of the disease. It turned out to be bitten by a poisonous spider. Detoxification was not a difficult task for him, so he said: "Sister-in-law, please don't worry, I can take care of your poison." Help you get rid of it, you just need to take the medicine according to this lunatic, and after two days, your virus will be completely resolved."

There was no joy on Zhang's face, instead he asked: "Master Doctor Xiao, can you really cure my illness?"

Xiao Xiaomo said: "As long as it is a person who has not yet died, I have a way to make him heal!"

Mrs. Zhang said again: "But my concubine's husband's family is so poor that I can't afford any consultation fees. If I didn't have to nurse two children, I would have long since wanted to live in this world! You are a concubine with consultation fees. I can't afford it—the only thing that is valuable to me is this body, and I am willing to use my body to repay the kindness of the genius doctor..."

She said that her voice became so small that it was as thin as a mosquito's wing.

How miserable are the lives of ordinary people?
Xiao Xiaomo said sincerely: "Sister-in-law, don't do this. I won't take any money from people who come to see a doctor. Sister-in-law, you can use the ten taels of silver to treat patients!"

When he said these words, he had already put silver from his arms into Zhang's hand.

Mrs. Zhang knelt down to thank him and kowtowed to him, Xiao Xiaomo hurriedly helped her up.

Zhang's face burst into tears, and said: "It doesn't cost so much to grab a pair of medicine. After I buy the herbs, I will definitely let people return the rest of the money to my benefactor!"

She said this very decisively, making people feel that since he said that, he would do that.

But one day after this incident, Xiao Xiaomo did not wait for Zhang to pay back the money, but waited for the summons from the Yamen of Dongfeng Town.

The man is a big head catcher, known as Ji catcher, and he said that there is a case in Dongfang Town waiting for him to settle.

Xiao Xiaomo was very puzzled and asked: "Excuse me, Mr. Ji, what kind of case is it? Did someone like me, who just came to your town, settle it?"

Ji Butou said indifferently: "What are you asking? You will know when you go! Don't you dare not go if I don't tell you the reason? Go, go! Do you want everyone to wait for you alone?"

Someone from the Yamen came to see him for questioning. Everyone felt strange and wondered what he had committed!

Sister Hao rushed forward and asked with concern: "Captain Ji, what are you doing? Dr. Xiao is a treasure in our town and saves countless people every day. What cases does he have waiting to be picked up?"

Ji Butou smiled and said: "Sister! You know people, you know the face, you don't know the heart! What's more, he is still a foreigner? If he introduces the name of practicing medicine to misbehave, I'm afraid everyone can't afford it! If you don't deal with it as soon as possible, you may be in trouble. Fengzhen has caused a lot of influence, but don't worry, as long as he is innocent, our lord will release him!"

"Can I be released after going to the yamen? For so many years, I have never seen a suspect who entered the yamen and was able to come out alive! Brother Xiao, you must think twice! Don't go with him, otherwise I'm afraid you will be convicted even if you are not guilty!"

Sister Hao said angrily.

Hao Xing also advised him not to go to court to defend himself.

Xiao Xiaomo also wanted to understand the reason, so he followed Ji Baotou into the hall to answer Xun.

Aunt Hang Aima and the others did not speak out against him, they had great confidence in him.

When Xiao Xiaomo arrived at the court, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

It turned out that in addition to a farmer in his 30s, there was a coffin in the lobby, and there were government officials on the left and right, and a county magistrate who was as fat as a pig was made in the hall.

Ji Butou knelt down to Ma Taqiu, the magistrate of the county, and said, "I tell my lord, the humble official has brought the suspect Xiao Datou here, and I will let you know what to do with him!"

Xiao Datou is Xiao Xiaomo's pseudonym at this time.

Ma Taqiu slapped the gavel and shouted: "Xiao Datou, are you guilty?"

Shout from left and right: "Kneel..."

Xiao Xiaomo said coldly: "The grass people really don't understand what the adults mean, so there is no way to kneel!"

Ma Taqiu said angrily: "If you don't understand, then the official will let you understand. I heard that you gave a free clinic to this town and didn't receive any money. This official also deeply admires you! You give free medical consultation to the people, is there anything to do?"

Xiao Xiaomo said coldly: "I hang the pot to help the world, and set up a free clinic to benefit the village, why not? Is it a crime to do so?"

Ma Taqiu said: "So, do you admit that there is a free clinic?"

Xiao Xiaomo nodded.

Ma Taqiu said again: "Yesterday, Zhang Xia, a village woman, also came to your clinic for consultation, right?"

Xiao Xiaomo felt ominous in his heart, and secretly said: "Zhang Xia said very decisively that after taking the medicine, she would return all the remaining money. This day has passed, but the future will pay it back? Did she encounter any accident?"

He said: "It is true that a sister-in-law surnamed Zhang came to see the doctor, but I don't know if it is the Zhang Xia that the adults said."

Ma Taqiu said: "It's easy! Come on! Open the coffin and let Xiao Datou recognize it clearly!"

The coffin was opened, and there was Mrs. Zhang who came to see the doctor yesterday. His face was black and blue, and he was breathless. It was obvious that he had been dead for a long time.

Xiao Xiaomo couldn't help shouting: "Sister-in-law Zhang..." The voice was full of grief and indignation.

Kneeling in the hall, the farmer in filial piety rushed over, pointed at him and cursed: "You vicious quack doctor, you prescribe medicine indiscriminately, my wife takes the medicine according to the prescription, and it takes half a day after taking it..."

(End of this chapter)

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