Chapter 5
The system affirmed it, but said that the devouring small system has a level limit. When the level is the highest, it has the power to devour the starry sky, and introduced the level of the devouring small system in detail:
Devouring small systems is divided into 10 layers

The first floor can only swallow ordinary elixir, jade, jade accessories, etc.,
The second level devours ordinary people, third-rate warriors and below, and third-rate warriors (this level is divided into three stages: early, middle, and late)
The third level swallows up second-rate warriors

The four floors can swallow first-class warriors, demons, Buddhas, Taoists, etc., as well as elementary martial arts cheats,

Level five can devour the top warriors and unlock the chivalrous store.

The sixth level can swallow up the Qi Practitioner below others
Seven layers can devour people, quasi-sage

Eight layers can devour saint demon

Nine Houses Can Devour Heavenly Saints

Ten layers can swallow the stars of the universe

Devouring Small System Description: Gain heroic power by devouring everything, and if the heroic power is strong enough, prove the way with strength.But at the same time, you have to use your accumulated chivalrous merits to resolve the karma generated, and there will be a catastrophe when you break through the realm.

Xiao Xiaomo was even more startled, jumped up, and said: "What? The first one to practice? Am I an experimental product? No way! If I have any problems, who will take care of Sister Lan? Can I not learn?"

"Sorry, once this skill enters the body, it will stay with the host for a lifetime and cannot be removed." The system continued, "However, it shouldn't be so bad that it will hurt the host, let alone me here!"

Don't be greedy!Now it's an experiment.

Xiao Xiaomo blamed himself a little, but he was cheerful and said: "It's a blessing, not a disaster, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided. I've been honest for half my life, and I have never been afraid of death! I hope that through this time travel, I can learn some medical skills and heal Hua. sister!"

Then, Xiao Xiaomo asked: "Swallow the small system"

The system turned into a sweet female voice: "Is it polite? People call her Miss Swallow or Miss Swallow, so you can call me sister from now on! By the way, what do you want from me?"

Xiao Xiaomo murmured in his heart: "The voice is so tender, it's almost as good as my sister."

On the other hand, he asked: "Excuse! What level are you at now? What can you devour?"

The devouring small system sighed: "At the first level, I can only eat some common and somewhat spiritual things. After I devour more things, I have accumulated experience and the level is higher. Naturally, I can devour everything."

In this way, I still need to accompany her a lot.

So I rummaged through the box and found a bag of scrap books to see if she would accept it.

Then he asked: "Little...little sister, these useless books belong to you, are you willing to accept them?"

As soon as he said that, the big bag of old books disappeared, and even the sack that contained the books disappeared without a trace.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host, devouring 500 miscellaneous books and gaining 50 chivalry points, bah bah bah bah! What kind of books are you? I thought you were a gentleman... This thought... seems to need to be reformed"

Swallowing little girl said in a coquettish voice.

Xiao Xiaomo slapped his head, only to remember that there are a few "wonderful books" in these books that both boys and girls love very much. He drew a big prize and got carried away for a moment. He even forgot that the other party was a girl, no, a pure girl.

God knows what she's going to do with my mind?Will it be like a eunuch?Even Tang Sanzang, who is more terrifying than eunuchs, is as guarded as jade and spotless?
It's a sin to even think about a girl, it's so boring.

What's the point of becoming a saint?

Xiao Xiaomo hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, my brother's thoughts are pure enough, if he reforms again, won't he become a Buddhist who deceives others and himself? The big deal, I won't make similar mistakes in the future."

"That's right, if I'm facing a monk who can only recite scriptures and Buddhas all day long, it will really suffocate me... Okay! Girl, you have a heart as wide as the sea, so let me forgive you just once! But I won't be an example!"

Xiao Xiaomo was extremely grateful if he was granted an amnesty.

Lan Gu had already gone to bed for an afternoon nap and was wearing Xiao Xiaomo's men's summer pajamas. She was sleeping soundly at the moment, probably because of fatigue, but she didn't find herself back.

Her snow-white arms and slender breasts are exposed outside the quilt...

Xiao Xiaomo hurriedly settled down, covered her with a quilt, and was attracted by her mask again.

What kind of face is behind this mask?Whether she is beautiful or ugly, her mask can be uncovered as long as she moves her hands.

He absolutely believed that, facing Lan Gu who was sleeping soundly, he was ten times sure to uncover her mask.

But this is Lan Gu's wife, and she doesn't want to let herself know her true face.

Xiao Xiaomo is chivalrous, of course he is not the kind of person who takes advantage of others' dangers.

"Sexy, are you trying to trick someone else's big girl? Don't think that she is a beautiful woman because she has a good figure. Maybe she is ugly!"

The sweet voice of Devouring Little Girl sounded.

Xiao Xiaomo smiled and said: "I said, little girl, don't you believe in the vision of your elder brother's chivalrous cultivator system? Will he take a fancy to a pervert as a host?"

Sister Swallow said in a coquettish voice: "What are you talking about? It was my elder brother who told me to be careful of your sweet words, sugar-coated cannonballs... He said that you are good at everything, but this is not good... Hee hee..."

Stingy, we are all male animals, but you actually betrayed me?
Xiao Xiaomo complained in his heart about the chivalrous cultivating system, but he said: "I was thinking about how to get along with Lan Gu in the future, where are you thinking?"

Xiao Xiaomo built a floor bunk in the empty space, and this floor bunk will be his own bed from now on.

Because the space in this room is too small, after the floor is laid, there is not even room for a dining table, so the only way to eat is to roll the floor to the side to make room for the dining table.

Xiao Xiaomo also used curtains to separate the wooden bed where Lan Gu slept and his own floor, so that they could more or less keep some privacy when they were sleeping.

Everything was ready, Xiao Xiaomo felt a little tired, so he sat in the armchair to rest.

However, the chivalrous system's voice suddenly sounded: "Host, are you willing to start the martial arts time and space journey?"

Xiao Xiaomo said: "Anyone who has read old Jin's martial arts knows that his world of martial arts is all-encompassing. Among them, there are several genius doctors, such as Ping Yizhi, Hu Qingniu, Poison Hand Medicine King and so on. Excuse me. System, is there a mission where it is possible to learn medical skills? If I learn the medical skills of Ping Yizhi and them in Xiazhixing, I think I will be able to cure Sister Lan's amnesia."

The Xia Dao System was silent for a while, as if sorting out the data, before affirming it.

Xiao Xiaomo decided to continue his time travel in the world of martial arts.

The Xia Dao Xiu Sheng system said again: "This world is almost the same as the game Xia Star conceived by the host. The historical background is the early years of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty, and the biggest feature of this world is the fourteen hidden places under the Great Tomorrow. Fourteen time-space portals have been created, and through these fourteen time-space portals, you can enter the worlds of the fourteen martial arts works (except Yuenu Sword, which is only needed for the plot) of the martial arts master Mr. Jin Yong. At the same time, this world Only the host can pass through the gate of time and space and enter the fourteen different worlds, this is also a great privilege that the system rewards the host, the purpose is to strengthen the host and avenge blood."

Xiao Xiaomo is so favored by the system, even a person with a heart of stone would be moved, let alone the chivalrous Xiao Xiaomo?

He was really filled with emotions!

The system said again: "Friendly reminder, the host can only pass through the [-] time-space portals at random through the rotation of the "time-space turntable", and has no right to choose independently! At the same time, the host's one year in the time-space world is only equivalent to the Ming world. One day. Will the host immediately travel through the time-space martial arts world?"

In order to cure Sister Lan's amnesia, to avenge Ma Liang, the magic brush in her previous life, and to complete the ultimate mission given by the system to protect the hero star, Xiao Xiaomo resolutely nodded and agreed without hesitation.

Immediately in front of Xiao Xiaomo was a space-time turntable floating in the void, about five feet in radius, purple in color.

Xiao Xiaomo carefully looked at this time-space turntable, and found that it was indeed divided into fourteen items, and there was a big red character "Zhuan" in the center.

The fourteen projects are:
Flying Fox Time and Space Gate (corresponding to the world of Jin Lao's "Flying Fox Story")
Snow Mountain Time and Space Gate (corresponding to Jin Lao's "Snow Mountain Flying Fox" world)
Liancheng Time and Space Gate (corresponding to the world of Jin Lao's "Liancheng Jue")
Tianlong Time and Space Gate (corresponding to the world of Jin Lao's "Dragon Babu")
The Gate of Time and Space of the Condor Heroes (corresponding to the world of Jin Lao's "The Legend of the Condor Heroes")
White Horse Gate of Time and Space (corresponding to the world of Jin Lao's "White Horse Roaring West Wind")
Deer Ding Time and Space Gate (corresponding to the world of Jin Lao's "The Deer Ding Tale")
The Swordsman of Time and Space (corresponding to the world of Jin Lao's "Swordsman")
Shujian Time and Space Gate (corresponding to the world of Jin Lao's "Book and Sword Enmity Record")
Condor Heroes Gate (corresponding to the world of Jin Lao "The Legend of Condor Heroes")
Knights of Time and Space Gate (corresponding to the world of Jin Lao's "Xia Ke Xing")
Yitian Time and Space Gate (corresponding to the world of Jin Lao's "Yitian Slaying the Dragon")
Jade Blood Time and Space Gate (corresponding to the world of Jin Lao's "Jade Blood Sword")
Yuanyang Time and Space Gate (corresponding to Jin Lao's "Mandarin Duck Sword" world)
The system said: "The host please click on the word Zhuan in the space-time dial!"

Xiao Xiaomo followed suit.

The space-time turntable turned fourteen times in a row before it stopped spinning.The golden red pointer pointed to the item of Xiaoao Time and Space Gate.

The system said happily: "Congratulations to the host, you have chosen the Xiaoao Time and Space Gate. It means that the host can only travel to the martial arts world of Swordsman to strengthen yourself. The host's way to strengthen himself in the martial arts world is roughly divided into personal development options and martial arts. Cultivation options. Next, let the host choose the cultivation option."

Immediately, the space-time turntable suspended in front of Xiao Xiaomo flickered, and turned into a development option turntable again.

Xiao Xiaomo saw that there were only two options on the turntable, which were personal cultivation options and school cultivation options.

Choose one or the other, it's very simple.

"The host can randomly choose one of the two options first, and then continue the following process."

So the system introduces the meaning of both.

Personal cultivation means that with the assistance of the system, the host will finally accompany a weak person to become strong. It is an individual battle, and the difficulty is generally from 1 star to 5 stars, but at most you can get a sixth-class lottery chance once (6th prize- - 10 prizes); and sect development means that the host, with the help of the system, can accompany a weak sect to become strong. It is a group battle, the difficulty is 6 to 10 stars, but there is a chance to get a chance to win the first-class lottery once ( 1st Prize - 5th Prize)

"Host, please click the start button."

Xiao Xiaomo no longer hesitated, and clicked the start button in the center of the cultivation turntable.

The turntable rotates once and stops, and the pointer points to the option of martial cultivation.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for choosing the high-welfare and high-difficulty option. Please randomly choose one of the following sects to accompany you."

So the turntable turned into a martial arts selection.

There are thousands of sects in total, so I will not describe them in detail.

Xiao Xiaomo made another choice.

The system informed him that the 'Five Mountains Sword Sect' was selected.

"Next, the host is asked to choose one of the following masters to train as the master."

List: Yue Buqun, Zuo Lengchan, Mr. Mo Da, Mrs. Dingxian, Tianmen Zhenren, Hao Datong, Mu Renqing, Huang Zhen and Linghu Chong.

Jin Lao's four books "Yi Tian", "Swordsman", "Blue Blood" and "The Deer and Ding Ji" all talked about Huashan School, which shows that Jin Lao still loves Huashan School.

Respecting the old and loving the young are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and I should respect the preferences of the elderly.So he planned to choose Huashan School as the starting school.

Xiao Xiaomo asked: "May I ask the system, if I choose Yue Buqun as the head, will Mu Renqing, Huang Zhen and other heads of the Huashan School stop appearing?"

Xia Dao Xiu Sheng system said: "How is it possible? All the characters that appeared in the 'Golden Book', Xia Zhixing. Jin Yongbao will not be missing a single one, especially important people?"

Xiao Xiaomo was surprised: "So, will Feng Buping, Xian Yutong, Huang Zhen and others go to Huashan to compete for the position of leader?
(End of this chapter)

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