Chapter 507
The village woman said: "My family's surname is Gui, but my husband has just passed away and he lives in Huayin. If the hero is from a foreign country, I'm afraid my family won't be able to take on this job. I still have my parents-in-law and a daughter who is just one month old to take care of?" "

"Yes! Hero, you can't force others to do what is difficult for you."

The people around said in unison.

Xiao Xiaomo said with a smile: "I am a member of Datong Sect, and I am on Huashan Mountain."

"Ah! It turns out he is a friend of Head Huang, no wonder he is so chivalrous!"

"May I ask who the hero is, head Huang?"

The people around him asked in chatter.

Although the question was polite, it was obviously doubting Xiao Xiaomo's identity.

Xiao Xiaomo had no choice but to flick his hair and shoot a chivalrous arrow towards the sky.

But seeing the swordsman's arrow flying high into the sky, it exploded suddenly, forming two groups of purple flames, and the two groups of purple flames suddenly condensed into the word "Xiaker" in the size of a millstone, which lasted for a long time.

Xiao Xiaomo is summoning Huang Zhen to meet him.

He said lightly: "Wait for a while, the head of Huang Zhenhuang will come to see you immediately!"

"This man is so young, but he actually wants to be greeted by head Huang in person, what a grandeur?"

"I'm afraid this person is just trying to please the public, and he can't be trusted."

"Oh! Young people are so impetuous!"


There was a burst of discussion among the onlookers.

Aunt Gui looked at Xiao Xiaomo calmly, without any fear in her eyes, as if she had known him a long time ago.

After about one stick of incense, the sound of horseshoes came from the south gate.

The crowd looked forward, only to hear the camel bells ringing, a red horse and a white horse came driving side by side, and then eight warriors carrying a golden sedan chair followed closely behind the horse, never falling behind.

Two riders and one sedan chair came so quickly, it seemed that everyone had already arrived in front of them in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Xiaomo could see clearly that the one riding the white horse was Huang Zhen, while the one riding the red horse was a young and beautiful young woman who looked very intimate to Huang Zhen, perhaps it was Huang Zhen's new wife.There is also a baby in his arms, which is smaller than the one in Xiao Xiaomo's arms!

Huang Zhen rolled off the saddle and fell to his knees on the ground with a plop. He said excitedly, "Disciple Huang Zhen, his wife Feng Yi and the little girl asked Master Jin An!"

Her wife's surname was Liang Siqi. At this moment, she also got off her horse and kowtowed to Xiao Xiaomo to say hello.

Everyone exclaimed!
I thought that, in terms of age, even though Xiao Xiaomo is a member of Datong Sect, at best he is an out-of-town disciple of Head Huang, but unexpectedly it was the master of Head Huang who arrived.

Xiao Xiaomo ordered the two of them to stand up and told the past. Both of them were overjoyed and went forward to thank Mrs. Gui.

Until now, everyone has no fear of Xiao Xiaomo.

Sister-in-law Gui has no objection. She accepted Xiao Xiaomo's hundred taels of silver, and said that there is a baby named Osmanthus in the family. Mother and daughter are inseparable. .

Xiao Xiaomo readily agreed, and Huang Zhen and his wife agreed wholeheartedly.

Then Huang Zhen went to hire a sedan chair for two people, which was going to be used to carry Sister-in-law Gui's mother and daughter.

When Huang Zhen hired bearers, Mrs. Gui had already taken care of the housework and rushed to meet them.

Then Sister-in-Law Gui's mother and daughter boarded a sedan chair for two people, Xiao Xiaomo was invited to board a sedan chair for eight people, Huang Zhen and his wife followed behind with their horses, Xiao Xiaomo's horse was escorted behind, and they all headed for Huashan Mountain, the top of Huashan North Peak. Go away.

Dahuashan other courtyard, temporarily resting in the lobby.

Xiao Xiaomo asked Huang Zhen to report on the current situation of Datong Sect.

It turned out that after Huang Zhen arrived in Huayin Town under his order, he didn't dare to neglect, so he planned to follow his master's order to establish Datongjiao on the top of Huashan North Peak.

But establishing a sect is not as easy as imagined, nor is it just a matter of building a few houses. The most important thing is martial arts and talents. Only with these two can the sect flourish and develop, and Huang Zhen is also rich in money.

Huang Zhen is a money fanatic!
Huang Zhen was summoned by Xiao Xiaomo from the Nether Sect of Juxia Qi to the time and space world of Xiaoao Jianghu. He also practiced both good and evil martial arts. .

More importantly, he was influenced by Juxiaqi, and he became more chivalrous than before.

Huang Zhen's resourcefulness is quite profound, and he has no omissions. He does everything with a plan and then moves.

He first wanted people around Huashan to understand his chivalry and martial arts, so getting rid of evil was the best way.

After he arrived in Huayin Town, the first thing he did was to inquire about the villains around Huashan.

After some investigations and unannounced visits, it was confirmed that within a hundred miles around Huashan Mountain, the eight bears on Huayue Mountain that entrenched on the top of the North Peak of Huashan Mountain were the most abominable. It has been more than ten years since Huashan.

They neither steal nor rob. They only ask the residents of Huayin town to pay a certain amount of "filial piety" money every month. The most unbearable thing for the people is that they also ask them to donate eight beautiful women for their enjoyment every month until they get tired of it. There is another one that depends on the acquisition of virgins. Whenever a girl in Huayin Town marries, Baxiong will come uninvited and enjoy the bride's body before the groom.

Of course, the government of Huayin Town can't sit idly by such an evil thing. Governor Ruan Dazhong ordered the fast Qin Hao to lead a team to encircle and suppress the Huayue Eight Bears. As a result, the eight bears' fur was not injured, but all the officers and soldiers including Qin Hao were killed by the Huayue Eight Bears. Under the butcher's knife, no one was spared.

In order to punish Ruan Dazhong who is ignorant of current affairs, Huayue Baxiong went to the Yamen to snatch Ruan Dazhong's ten-year-old son as a hostage to threaten Ruan Dazhong, and Ruan Dazhong dared not act rashly again.

There are also some local hooligans in the town who voluntarily become the wings of the eight bears of Huayue for the sake of comfort. Because they have the eight bears of Huayue as their backing, they blindly do all kinds of evil, and their relatives do not recognize them. The shadows left on him can never be erased.

In the past ten years, Huayue Baxiong and others can be said to have enjoyed all the glory and wealth.

After Huang Zhen learned of this situation, he was really filled with righteous indignation. He also did bad things before, and had a lust for An Xiaohui, but compared with Huayue Baxiong, it was really nothing.

When he went up to Huashan Mountain alone, he heard the sound of fighting coming from inside. After peeping, he found that eight black, thin and burly men who looked exactly the same were surrounding a beautiful and flowery red man. Shirt Girls Fighting.

Although the red shirt girl's swordsmanship is superb, she is outnumbered after all. Seeing that she is about to be captured and humiliated, Huang Zhen shows up, and with just three punches and two kicks, she abolishes the Huayue Eight Bears' martial arts, and forces them to drink the secret poison, and from then on they act as Huang Zhen. As a punishment, the bearers carried Xiao Xiaomo up the mountain and those eight people.

Huang Zhen also used thunder to execute the local ruffians who helped the tyrants, outraged by the common people, which of course aroused the hatred of those local ruffians.

Huang Zhen releases the woman captured by Huayue Baxiong, and distributes part of the wealth to the elders of Huayin Town...

(End of this chapter)

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